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Spaced Out?

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I'm on my 6th day of raw and have been feeling very " spaced out! " For lack of a

better word. I'm used to doing various cleanses and detox programs, and

understand all about cleansing reactions...but this raw food diet has me really

spacey. Passing my exits, forgetting things, feeling depressed.


I've had IBS for years and would have to use a mini cleanse every few days to

get totally cleaned out...been trying not to do that but to let nature take it's

course. Even though I still " go " once a day I could tell I am not totally

voiding. Woke up with another migraine and been going to the bathroom off and on

all day, usual MO...had to take an OTC migraine med. Tried not taking them for

three months and the migraines would put me in bed for 2 days and vomit. Argh!

Hate to take drugs, vicious circle. Hope the raw foods will overcome this. Maybe

I need to do another 3-5 day Jensen bowel cleanse and THEN start over with all

raw foods. Everytime I would do a cleanse in the past, I would begin to eat

cooked foods and grains and some meats. So maybe there are some toxins trapped

in there and the raw food diet is stirring things up? OR will just staying on a

raw diet clean me out and heal me naturally and simply?


Diana of Dewberry Hill

P.S. Are you " raw-ies " gonna get on my case for using psyllium? An unsprouted

grain? Taken with the clay and apple juce cleanse it has worked wonders for me

in the past.





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Hi, Diana, sorry to hear about the migraines and all. I guess my vote would be

to just stick to the all raw diet and let your body heal slowly and gently.

According to some sources, cleanses are really not so helpful and can actually

delay healing or even cause some damage on their own. I've treated my body

fairly harshly over the years trying to get myself healthy or in better shape,

and I'm now finding that going slowly and gently works a whole lot better for

me. Just some thoughts....Here is a link to a website on colonics that I think

gives some good background on why it can be better to avoid some of these

cleanses: http://www.rawschool.com/colonics.htm . Dr. Doug Graham and Dr. Joel

Fuhrman also discourage the use of cleanses, and you might want to take a look

at their material before making a decision. I know some folks find them helpful,

but I guess I'm on the other side of this particular fence! Hope you feel better



Peace, Valerie


Diana of Dewberry Hill <cozad76078 wrote:

I'm on my 6th day of raw and have been feeling very " spaced out! " For lack of a

better word. I'm used to doing various cleanses and detox programs, and

understand all about cleansing reactions...but this raw food diet has me really

spacey. Passing my exits, forgetting things, feeling depressed.


I've had IBS for years and would have to use a mini cleanse every few days to

get totally cleaned out...been trying not to do that but to let nature take it's

course. Even though I still " go " once a day I could tell I am not totally

voiding. Woke up with another migraine and been going to the bathroom off and on

all day, usual MO...had to take an OTC migraine med. Tried not taking them for

three months and the migraines would put me in bed for 2 days and vomit. Argh!

Hate to take drugs, vicious circle. Hope the raw foods will overcome this. Maybe

I need to do another 3-5 day Jensen bowel cleanse and THEN start over with all

raw foods. Everytime I would do a cleanse in the past, I would begin to eat

cooked foods and grains and some meats. So maybe there are some toxins trapped

in there and the raw food diet is stirring things up? OR will just staying on a

raw diet clean me out and heal me naturally and simply?




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Thanks Valerie,

I have not done many clonics lately as I think I have a stricture and they don't

work very well with that anyway. But it's the psyllium/clay/ apple juice cleanse

that worked so well, but as long as I'm still having movements, I think I'll

just keep eating raw and let nature take it's course. I guess the spaced

out-ness is just part of the healing/ cleansing process.







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I've had spacey days, too, but more and more I'm experiencing times of more

energy and clarity, which is most encouraging! The spaciness still has its

moments, but it's becoming more rare.





Diana of Dewberry Hill <cozad76078 wrote:

Thanks Valerie,

I have not done many clonics lately as I think I have a stricture and they don't

work very well with that anyway. But it's the psyllium/clay/ apple juice cleanse

that worked so well, but as long as I'm still having movements, I think I'll

just keep eating raw and let nature take it's course. I guess the spaced

out-ness is just part of the healing/ cleansing process.







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Diana, I am responding to your post and several others from the last few weeks.

I have noticed that many of the posts indicate very few on this list have been

to the files section of this group. There are a number of very good sites

referred to in the files that will answer almost all the questions I notice most

people new to raw have. Since there appear to be so many different orientations

to raw, not everything will be applicable, ie. fruitarians, vegan only, juicers

only, etc.


Personally, due to my belief in God and His infinite and trustworthy, know all

things character, I base my beliefs in the Biblical diet of Eden. God designed

the foods before He created the beings that would eat them. One of the files

sections contains a link to Halelluia Acres, a site based on the Biblical diet

with many explanations of the whys and wherefores of aspects of the diet. There

are many testimonies on the sight from many people with a background of various

maladies including migraines.


I also know a number of people including Nomi Shannon, a well know raw gourmet

chef and teacher, who spent a great deal of time with the Ann Wigmore program in

Florida for her healing.


There are many things that enter into the scope of good health. Diet is

important because that is the stuff we put into our bodies, but obviously, I

agree adequate exercise, sunlight, purified air and water are also contributors.


Cleansing is dealt with by H. Acres with the explanation that cooked foods just

don't always move through the intestines very well, and in fact the fecal matter

adheres to the intestinal walls blocking nutrients from getting into the blood

stream. As a former medical practicioner I can tell you that there are people in

his world that have had 26 feet of fecal matter escape after using Fibrecleanse.

These are people that only have (had) a bowel movement once every 6 months or

so...hard to believe! Once cleansed the raw diet provides sufficient fiber that

acts as a brush in the intestine (it is not harmful and doesn't compromise the

intestinal wall as some posts have suggested, otherwise you would not be able to

successfully consume any raw foods as they all contain fiber).


And finally, there is a very good book on water, titled " Your Body's Many Cries

For Water " , by Dr. Batmanghelidj. He explains how chronic and progressive

dehydration leads to migraines, osteoporosis, and many other human maladies.


Since none of us have the time to be experts in all things, it becomes important

to find knowledgeable people (experts even) that have the " credentials " to

support their claims. I have noticed a number of posts recently that are nothing

more than uneducated opinions about areas of knowledge that the author's

explanation show they don't have a clue about what they are talking about.

Unknowledgeable people buy into that without knowing that the writer really

knows nothing. It becomes the blind leading the blind. So one should not wonder

that the wall they may run into will hurt and couldn't be avoided.



Diana of Dewberry Hill <cozad76078 wrote:

I'm on my 6th day of raw and have been feeling very " spaced out! "



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I'm a bit confused. At the grocery store some nuts say raw some say roasted

and some don't say anything.


Are some assumed to be one way or the other?


I assume 'pecans' are typically raw.



also, I've read from rawfood.com that you can't trust raw cashews from

most places except them


It seems like they are just trying to make you buy their's. Is there any

truth to this? I mean if I see 'raw cashews' at the regular market should

assume they are raw?


I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, that heat processing for shell removal

will still leave them looking raw but they will be devitalized. Basically,

a raw fresh nut should be sproutable. If it is raw and wont sprout

it has been heated to the point of devitalizing it and wouldn't give you

the benefits of eating raw. Or would it?

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can you give details (very specific) on this psyllium/clay/apple

juice cleanse?


i too have had ibs for years and even tho i am better as i went

veggie now that i am raw i am still not sure i am getting all

cleaned out if ya know what i mean ;)


i would like to see about this....at least for this transition phase

of raw.





rawfood , Diana of Dewberry Hill

<cozad76078> wrote:

> Thanks Valerie,

> I have not done many clonics lately as I think I have a stricture

and they don't work very well with that anyway. But it's the

psyllium/clay/ apple juice cleanse that worked so well, but as long

as I'm still having movements, I think I'll just keep eating raw and

let nature take it's course. I guess the spaced out-ness is just

part of the healing/ cleansing process.


> Diana





> Take Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.



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