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Beyond Raw: The Divine Diet

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Beyond Raw: The Divine Diet


Below I've included what I believe to be a truly

inspiring article. I was inspired while writing it.

The ideas in this article have transformed my life.

I hope it helps you in some way.


After the article I have some powerful special

offers that I think you'll want to take advantage of.




Beyond Raw: The Divine Diet


Did you know that you're always focusing on what

you want?


You are actually always focused on what you want.

The question is, is are you focusing on your

highest and best wants.


When you get angry, frustrated and unhappy it is

because you want to experience those states. At

some level you get some satisfaction out of it. Why

else would you think these negative thoughts, if

you didn't get some kind of satisfaction out of it?


So when you are getting angry at a friend, it is

because, in that moment you want to feel anger.

Some people really like getting angry, some people

thrive on revenge or beating people up

intellectually and even physically.


I remember I used to like these negative

attitudes. I thought I was being cool by expressing

anger, revenge etc. I never knew about the self-

destructive nature of anger. I didn't know I was

attracting bad experiences into my life because of

my negative attitudes.


What we must master is focusing on our higher

wants. Our higher wants bring us happiness, freedom

and a sense of fulfillment. Our lower wants bring

us fear, anger, unhappiness and failure. But they

are still wants, even if it is on an unconscious



So here's a concept that goes hand in hand with

eating a raw diet. What kind of mental diet do you

consume? Do you eat what I call a Divine Mental

Diet, or do you eat an Anti-Divine Mental Diet?


Every time you feel fear, anger, disappointment,

hatred, anxiety or any other kind of negative

feeling, you are eating the Anti-Divine Mental

Diet. A raw diet is great because it is the

physical equivalent of the Divine Mental Diet. It's

a diet that naturally leads you to a more

spiritually focused life. It increases the

spiritual conductivity of your cells and the light

in your awareness.


But if you counteract the Raw Food Diet with the

Anti-Divine Mental Diet then you will be killing

your progress.


If however you eat an Optimal Raw Food Diet and

the Divine Mental Diet you'll literally be soaring

in the heavens. You'll escape the bounds of the

very limited and tight feeling negative

consciousness. You'll feel an incredible sense of

love and a spiritual sense of expansion that is

unbelievable. You'll want to give love and just

GIVE in general, because it makes you feel great.

And by giving you attract abundance in all areas of

your life from the Inner Internet that we are all

hooked up to.


You'll start attracting all the things in life

that you want because you are focused only on the

positive things you want out of life. Any time you

feel the fear and limitation kicking in, you know

that you have just switched to the Anti-Divine

Diet. You have literally started focusing on the

things you don't want.


Yet remember that a small and fearful part of you

actually wants you to experience negative emotions.

Your own attraction to negativity can create an

instant hell for you. If you didn't have the desire

for these things at some level then you'd never

experience these emotions at all.


You must admit that you get a certain level of

satisfaction out of getting angry. On a certain

level, anger feels good. To be angry you have to be

a victim. So this puts you into a less than

powerful spiritual state.


Can you imagine someone who has complete control

of their lives ever getting angry at someone? An

all powerful being has no reason to get angry

because they have everything they want.


That is the state that you must live from. Assume

and trust that God supplies all your needs now. You

can even say to yourself throughout the day, " God

supplies all my needs now. " Or , " I am a Divine

Being and a miracle, everything in my life is

working perfectly. " Worry doesn't help you solve

problems it only perpetuates them. Focus on the

solution and not on the problem.


This is the Divine Diet in action and it requires

trust in a higher power. It can take many years of

experimentation to develop this trust. You can

speed this process up by doing the technique below.


Pretend you are Divine:


Why don't you just make an experiment and trust

God, no matter what, for a whole week. It couldn't

hurt you could it? All you have to do is to switch

to the Divine Diet as much as possible. You must of

course believe that there is some kind of Divine

Higher Power or God. But you don't have to have

that belief to start with, you can just pretend you

believe in a higher power and " act as if " it is

really there. If you truly allow yourself to do

this, I bet you will feel the awesome Divine Power

flowing through your life within one week.


By the way, I realize that some people can access

the Divine Consciousness without eating a 100% raw

food diet. I used to be able to do that, but my

body no longer allows it. My food and my thoughts

have to be aligned for me to feel my best and to be

able to easily access my Divine Self Awareness.

From my experience with hundreds of raw foodists,

most of them claim that the raw diet makes them

more spiritually attuned as well.


So if you want the best out of life, I encourage

you to eat an Optimal Raw Food Diet and the Divine

Mental Diet as much as possible.


Eating the Divine Mental Diet also makes going

100% raw much easier. You just focus on all of the

life enhancing benefits you expect to experience by

eating a raw food diet. If you focus on the

benefits of eating raw, at all times during your

transition to eating raw then your cravings for

cooked food will drop 90%. This is one of the

secrets to switching to a 100% raw food diet with

barely any cravings at all. All you have to do is

consume the Divine Diet.




How You Can Get the Raw Secrets Bonus Package:


I have some great news for you. I have three

special bonuses if you decide to join my membership

website www.HowToGoRaw.com with a yearly membership.


Have you heard about the book " Raw Secrets, " by

Frederic Patenaude? I sure have, I've been highly

recommending that book for the last couple of

years. The only problem is that I can't find my

copy anymore and the book is out of print.


My problems are solved, now I can read it on my

computer and I'll never lose it again. You can get

" Raw Secrets, " as an e-book in PDF format. It sells

for $12.95 at Frederic's site. Take a look for

yourself and you'll see how valuable his book will

be for you.



" Raw Secrets " is one of the only raw food books

that explains the benefits of a low fat raw food

diet. This book will save you a lot of trouble in

making beginner's mistakes with raw foods. Frederic

also has very interesting chapter on how low our

protein requirements actually are. There have been

studies of some native groups of people that get an

average of only 10 grams of protein per day and

they have excellent health. This is about 1500%

less protein than the average American male eats in

a day.


When you join the Raw Food Diet Success Society

and get a one-year membership, I'll send you a copy

of " Raw Secrets. " as a special bonus. Consider it

as a bonus to join up during the Christmas

Holidays. This offer is only valid until Christmas

or 12/25/04 after that the price of a one year

membership may go up.


Go to www.HowToGoRaw.com to learn more about all

the wonderful things you'll get by joining the Raw

Food Diet Success Society. This bonus offer is only

for my email rs right now. It's not listed

on my website yet. So you get the first chance to

take advantage of this offer.


Just email me at rh(at)Superbeing.com (just

replace the (at) with an @ sign.) after you have

made your purchase and just mention you want the:

Raw Secrets Bonus Package. I'll then email the

package to you. Remember that I'm also giving you

two one year memberships for the price of one. You

can give the second membership as a gift to someone

you love or split it with a friend and you only pay

half price for a full year.


But wait, there is still much more value to this

package. (I know this sounds like an infomercial

but I'm really excited about all of these bonuses.)

How would you like to get 5 more awesome books?

Well actually four of them are raw food magazines

and one of them is an e-booklet. But these

magazines are the equivalent of a book. The

information in them never gets old, it is timeless.


You'll get the last four issues of " Just Eat An

Apple " magazine that Frederic Patenaude published.

I remember reading that volume 3 issue. It just

blew me away. It was the perfect magazine to give

to raw food beginners. I just love that issue and

can't recommend it highly enough to you. I gained

so much clarity from reading that issue. You get

articles from the top raw food authorities in the

world. The four magazines are considered a year's

subscription. Back issues sell for $7.00 each. So

you're getting an extra $28 value. But the

information contained in these magazines is



For more info on these magazines please look at

this link. They'll be in PDF format so you can read

them on your computer at any time. Remember you'll

get all of these bonuses by joining my members only

website - The Raw Food Diet Success Society.

Frederic has been kind enough to allow me to share

his great information with you if you join

www.HowToGoRaw.com for a year's subscription.





There's one more bonus if you join with a one year

membership. You'll get " 36 Tips to Succeed on a Raw-

food or Vegan Diet " - a very enlightening booklet

filled with Frederic Patenaude's best tips and

pieces of advice that he's been gathering over the

years. This is a $12.95 value.


There are some really great tips in there. I

really liked his discussion on improving the health

of your teeth. He has a link to his new website

that discusses it in further detail. But suffice it

to say that if you don't do the raw diet correctly,

it can lead to some major teeth problems. Frederic

will show you how to do it right and what

precautions you should take. He has some great

information from a Raw Foodist Dentist he knows.


The total Raw Secrets Bonus Package is worth

$53.90. That's almost double what you'd have to pay

if you split your one year membership at

www.HowToGoRaw.com with a friend. These are extra

bonuses. You also get all the bonuses mentioned on

the site. So now is the best time to join. All the

bonuses totaled, come out to a $359.90 value.


Give yourself and a friend the gift of radiant

health, happiness, fitness, peak performance and

much more. Go to www.HowToGoRaw.com to learn all

that you'll get.


To Your Radiant Health, Happiness and Fitness,

Roger Haeske

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