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nuts wont make you fat

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quote from: http://www.drgreger.org/october2003.html


The latest data suggests that you may be able to cut your risk of

sudden cardiac death in half, just by eating nuts twice a week.[11] And

studying 25,000 Seventh Day Adventists, those that ate just a handful

of nuts (1 oz.) five or more times a week lived two years longer! Years

onto your life and delicious--that's what vegetarianism should be all

about. So surround yourself with nuts (which shouldn't be hard in the

vegetarian community--just kidding! :)


Yeah, but aren't nuts fatty, though? Yes, but they're packed with good

fats (especially almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias and pecans). There is

not a single study in the entire medical literature that I'm aware of

that failed to show health benefits from nut consumption. Nuts are one

of the healthiest foods on the planet. So why doesn't everyone eat them

every day? Perhaps because there is this persistent myth that nuts make

you gain weight.


Last month, the chairperson of one of the most prestigious nutrition

departments in the world, Loma Linda University, reviewed all the

available data on nut consumption and body weight[12]. He found that

nut-eaters on average were leaner or the same weight as non-nut-eaters.

For example, we all know that the average American is overweight. But

that's only for non-nut-eating Americans--nut-eaters on average are not

overweight. According to the USDA, those who eat nuts in this country

are significantly leaner than those that don't.[13]


Wait a second. Aren't nuts like 80% fat, though? Don't they have as

many calories as like potato chips? Am I telling you that you can add a

whole handful of nuts to your diet every day and you probably won't

gain weight? No, I'm telling you you can add four handfuls of nuts to

your daily diet and you probably won't gain weight! That's what these

Loma Linda researchers did. Had people eat four extra handfuls of

almonds every day for 6 months, and not only was there basically no

average weight gain, the heaviest study participants actually lost



But four handfuls of nuts is almost 600 calories; that's like a few

scoops of ice cream every day--how could they not gain weight? Good

question. We're actually not sure. There's some evidence that nuts may

increase the speed at which you burn calories[15]. Or maybe it's

because nuts are so nutrient rich (trace minerals, fiber, arginine,

vitamin E, etc.) that they quell hunger pangs better than other foods,

decreasing one's appetite[16]. Who knows; who cares. The bottomline is

that nuts probably won't make you fat.


Barring allergies, everyone should eat a handful of nuts every day.

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On Dec 18, 2004, at 2:31 PM, rawveganrecipes wrote:




> anything will make you fat if you eat too much of it. especially nuts

> and dried fruit.


I think you are missing my point.


By the way this may sound ridiculous, but not anything will make you

fat if you eat to much. Celery takes more calories to eat than it

provides. Many foods fill you up so much that even if

you eat too much to the point of discomfort you would not get a lot of



I disagree with the 'especially nuts' part of what you say. Why do you

think nuts are especially fattening? Because they are high in fat?

Too many calories make you store fat, not fat itself. I know fat has

more calories than other nutrients. In my opinion that is a myth.

According to this article people lost weight on nuts. Do you believe

the author of this article is lying about people losing weight on a

high raw nut diet? It's not like they are trying to sell something.



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