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Skin Cancer

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Hi Karen,


I know someone who had skin cancer. Once he knew he had it he decided to

sunbathe every day for 8 hours a day. This is in NYC. I'm not sure how

long it took, but the skin cancer simply fell off. He was also eating a

raw food diet at the time.


From what I've read and heard, most skin cancers aren't even claimed by

the medical profession to be caused by the sunlight. I'd say the sun is

good as long as you aren't getting burned. But each case should be taken

on an individual basis.


To Your Radiant Health, Happiness and Fitness, Roger Haeske


P.S. Are you having trouble staying 100% raw? Are you afraid of eating

fruit? Are you sick of the time consuming effort of having to juice,

sprout, dehydrate and ferment your foods? Discover the simple secrets to

raw food success from Radiant Health and Peak Performance Coach, Roger

Haeske. http://www.HowToGoRaw.com for more info.

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I don't do any of these things. Just pick it up and eat it, peel it

if necessary, maybe use a knife to cut it into edible portions.


rawfood , " Roger Haeske " <roger2@m...> wrote:

> Are you sick of the time consuming effort of having to juice,

> sprout, dehydrate and ferment your foods?

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My husband had localized melanoma skin cancer, which is the deadliest kind of

skin cancer. My kids are also covered with moles. The only way to find out if

a mole is cancerous is to biopsy it. Unfortunately with HMO's the doc does not

want to refer you to a dermatologist because he loses part of his doctor welfare

payment. He gets paid monthly for each patient, whether he sees you or not.

So, it took us ten years to get the mole off because we believed the doctors who

said it was not cancerous. They were looking after their pocket books and not

our health. sadly, it is more costly if you let it spread.


Anyways, I have studied alot about cancer in the last several years. What I

have learned is that the people who seem to get skin cancer are the ones who

have office jobs all week and are weekend sun worshipers. They burn easily.

The gardeners and outdoor workers are ok. Also, I read that sun glasses are not

good because they trick your eyes into thinking that there is no sun out and

then you can burn easily. Of course, you may want to take that with caution if

you think you have melanoma of the eye.


What kind of skin cancer do you have? Also, I read a few quarts of carrot juice

a day is very good for cancer. The natural betacaroten is great. Red bell

peppers are also a good source of that. I am not a doctor and can not give

medical advice. I have studies nutrition most of my life and believe that the

more raw fruits and vegetables you eat, the healthier you will be. If you are

not 100% raw, steamed veggies or even stir fried ones are better than nothing.

The more veggies and fruits you can eat, the better. Fresh fruit smoothies,

salads, romaine lettuce salads and a great variety of fruits and veggies and

especially the green ones are best for me.


Good luck on your journey.



lane lynn <lanie wrote:

thank you I will check it out when I can wear glasses again. Lane


Bill Schoolcraft


Friday, December 24, 2004 11:48 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Skin Cancer



At Fri, 24 Dec 2004 it looks like Karen Eck composed:



> Question from Lane:

> Re: [Raw Food] High fruit/low fat vs. High fat/low fruit


> I wonder about this idea of going out in the sun. Because I have developed

> skin cancer, I have been told to stay out of the sun. Could some of you more

> experienced folks enlighten me. Thanks , Lane


I may be a bit biased, being an avid Naturist and seeing how much

natural sunlight has helped my skin but I suggest you first read

the book:


" The Healing Sun " by Richard Hobday.


It's the equivilent of reading " Fast Food Nation " if you

determined to find motivation to change your diet.


It's a rite of passage ;)


Also, for some it's humorous reading, for some lifesaving reading,

but find how close you are to an established resort.





Bill Schoolcraft

PO Box 210076

San Francisco,CA 94121

United States of America



" We can find no wealth above a healthy body and a happy heart. "





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Maureen I was sad to hear about your father.My cancer was basil colliding with

squamous. I have been almost all raw for three months. (I still eat fresh ground

peanut butter and oil based salad dressings sometimes). I feel better. I've lost

25 pounds this year, 15 since going raw three months ago. I am glad to hear your

opinion of the sun. I do not use sunscreen or glasses, Basically I have a lot of

sun dammage from childhood, and have the complexion that is bad for this,

freckles etc. Looks like I'm doing the right thing. I drind fruit smoothies

every morning, fruit in the afternoon, and usually a salad at the end of the

day. Thanks again for your thoughts. Lane


maureen smith


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 1:33 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Skin Cancer




My husband had localized melanoma skin cancer, which is the deadliest kind of

skin cancer. My kids are also covered with moles. The only way to find out if

a mole is cancerous is to biopsy it. Unfortunately with HMO's the doc does not

want to refer you to a dermatologist because he loses part of his doctor welfare

payment. He gets paid monthly for each patient, whether he sees you or not.

So, it took us ten years to get the mole off because we believed the doctors who

said it was not cancerous. They were looking after their pocket books and not

our health. sadly, it is more costly if you let it spread.


Anyways, I have studied alot about cancer in the last several years. What I

have learned is that the people who seem to get skin cancer are the ones who

have office jobs all week and are weekend sun worshipers. They burn easily.

The gardeners and outdoor workers are ok. Also, I read that sun glasses are not

good because they trick your eyes into thinking that there is no sun out and

then you can burn easily. Of course, you may want to take that with caution if

you think you have melanoma of the eye.


What kind of skin cancer do you have? Also, I read a few quarts of carrot

juice a day is very good for cancer. The natural betacaroten is great. Red

bell peppers are also a good source of that. I am not a doctor and can not give

medical advice. I have studies nutrition most of my life and believe that the

more raw fruits and vegetables you eat, the healthier you will be. If you are

not 100% raw, steamed veggies or even stir fried ones are better than nothing.

The more veggies and fruits you can eat, the better. Fresh fruit smoothies,

salads, romaine lettuce salads and a great variety of fruits and veggies and

especially the green ones are best for me.


Good luck on your journey.



lane lynn <lanie wrote:

thank you I will check it out when I can wear glasses again. Lane


Bill Schoolcraft


Friday, December 24, 2004 11:48 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Skin Cancer



At Fri, 24 Dec 2004 it looks like Karen Eck composed:



> Question from Lane:

> Re: [Raw Food] High fruit/low fat vs. High fat/low fruit


> I wonder about this idea of going out in the sun. Because I have developed

> skin cancer, I have been told to stay out of the sun. Could some of you


> experienced folks enlighten me. Thanks , Lane


I may be a bit biased, being an avid Naturist and seeing how much

natural sunlight has helped my skin but I suggest you first read

the book:


" The Healing Sun " by Richard Hobday.


It's the equivilent of reading " Fast Food Nation " if you

determined to find motivation to change your diet.


It's a rite of passage ;)


Also, for some it's humorous reading, for some lifesaving reading,

but find how close you are to an established resort.





Bill Schoolcraft

PO Box 210076

San Francisco,CA 94121

United States of America



" We can find no wealth above a healthy body and a happy heart. "





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