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OT Jeff Rense

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Our gov't certainly is not new to using questionable methods to enter

us into war. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his staff apparently knew of

the plans of the Japanese to bomb pearl harbor on 12/6/1941. They had

broken the Japanese code and learned of the plan. They chose to allow

the bombing to take place to enter us into WWII, instead of prepare

for the attack and risk preventing the attack altogether and not

entering the war. As a result, many lives were lost. I first read of

this in an article. There is also information on the internet. I once

overheard someone working for the military, apparently with a

security clearance, after a discussion about the event, saying " I

didn't realize that was declassified " (the information.)



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I do agree that the government has used questionable methods for entering

war. The Gulf of Tonkin

incident that led to involvement in Vietnam is a good example. However, the

theory about Roosevelt

has been around a long time and there isn't sufficient evidence to prove

that he knew of the attack

beforehand. It's possible, but not proven. Anyone can come up with any

number of possible scenarios

and many of these do find their way into books and on the internet but

unless they are backed up with

hard evidence they're just theories and nothing more. And, even if there

seems to be good evidence,

we need to accept the fact that the truth may never be know since the people

involved are gone.


I've observed that there are generally two types of people who tend to be

rather vocal in these matters.

The first type are the folks who willingly swallow what everything the

government tells them. Like children,

the want to be led and don't want to question. For example, these are the

people who believe that, as

the president said, " they hate us for our freedom " when it's clearly obvious

that " they " really hate us

for supporting their enemy, Israel. Our government doesn't tell us that

each time Israel allows an

illegal settlement in Palestinian land that this is just one more

justification for retaliation against the



The other types of people are those who are willing to go along with and

believe any conspiracy theory

that comes down the pike whether there's sufficient evidence or not. I

remember a very popular

theory during Reagan's term that he was the antichrist. This theory was

based on the fact that his

three names, Ronald Wilson Reagan each had six letters and would transpose

into the number 666

which is the sign of the antichrist. Do I need to discuss the absurdity of

this particular, and once popular,



It's true that we don't often hear the truth from our government and that we

must be watchful

for lies and propaganda but this doesn't mean that we need to swallow every

conspiracy theory

that comes down the pike. Let's keep a close watch on our leaders, look for

evidence and proof,

write to our congressional leaders and vote wisely.







Our gov't certainly is not new to using questionable methods to enter

us into war. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his staff apparently knew of

the plans of the Japanese to bomb pearl harbor on 12/6/1941. They had

broken the Japanese code and learned of the plan. They chose to allow

the bombing to take place to enter us into WWII, instead of prepare

for the attack and risk preventing the attack altogether and not

entering the war. As a result, many lives were lost. I first read of

this in an article. There is also information on the internet. I once

overheard someone working for the military, apparently with a

security clearance, after a discussion about the event, saying " I

didn't realize that was declassified " (the information.)







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While we're on the topic of the Middle East and our government, I'd like to

recommend two good books.


" Sleeping With the Devil, How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude " by

Robert Baer - Former Case Officer for the CIA




" Hatred's Kingdom, How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism " by

Dore Gold - Former Ambassador to the United Nations











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> I've observed that there are generally two types of people who tend to

> be rather vocal in these matters.


> The first type are the folks who willingly swallow what everything the

> government tells them.


> The other types of people are those who are willing to go along with

> and believe any conspiracy theory

> that comes down the pike whether there's sufficient evidence or not.


I'm not sure if you were trying to place me in one of those two types or

not. I don't fit into either of the two categories. I'm of another group

who tries not to judge things without fully knowing the facts. That is

why I would not call some of these theories " absurd " . They may be, but

maybe not. I'm in no position to decide. I do know I do not fully trust

my government to share the truth with me. Some theories, to me, do sound

more plausible than the " official " story. Some true facts leak out. Some

" facts " may be fictitious. I am not able to say with 100% accuracy which

are true and which are not, so it is just another possible theory.

Keeping in mind some of these theories and leaked " facts " sometimes

fall together over time, so I'd rather have some of the information

(taken with a grain of salt) and save it to my flopy. When more and

more information supports a theory it may seem more and more possible,

especially when I trust the sources. Regarding Roosevelt, that too may

be true... or not.


> Let's keep a close watch on our leaders, look for evidence and proof,

> write to our congressional leaders and vote wisely.


Good point! And when writing congressional leaders, feel free to copy

various organizations, federal and otherwise!



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Jeff, That is incredible!


And didn't Hitler set fire to the German equivalent to the White House and

blame the Jews?!


But, Bin Ladin finally took responsibility in his speech sent

right before elections.


Why would he admit to it if he didn't do it?


If you haven't had time to read the entire transcript, I recommend it, it's

a very good read.






Jeff Rogers [jeff]

Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:17 PM


[RawSeattle] Re: OT Jeff Rense



Our gov't certainly is not new to using questionable methods to enter

us into war. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his staff apparently knew of

the plans of the Japanese to bomb pearl harbor on 12/6/1941. They had

broken the Japanese code and learned of the plan. They chose to allow

the bombing to take place to enter us into WWII, instead of prepare

for the attack and risk preventing the attack altogether and not

entering the war. As a result, many lives were lost. I first read of

this in an article. There is also information on the internet. I once

overheard someone working for the military, apparently with a

security clearance, after a discussion about the event, saying " I

didn't realize that was declassified " (the information.)



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Yeah, I had the same question. I have read that Osama once worked or

maybe still works for the CIA. (He has brothers who live here in the

US.) Which could mean he was instructed to say that to have the

effect on the American people as reverse psychology to get them to

vote for Bush. All speculation, of course. There has been lots of

talk on the internet about how the US could of captured him in the

past but were thwarted by those higher up, so in that sense it does

fit in. We'll never know the entirety of what is really going on and

the motives behind it.




RawSeattle , " seattleponyrides "

<seattleponyrides@c...> wrote:


> Jeff, That is incredible!


> And didn't Hitler set fire to the German equivalent to the White

House and

> blame the Jews?!


> But, Bin Ladin finally took responsibility in his speech sent

> right before elections.


> Why would he admit to it if he didn't do it?


> If you haven't had time to read the entire transcript, I recommend

it, it's

> a very good read.


> Trish



> http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/79C6AF22-98FB-4A1C-B21F-



> Jeff Rogers [jeff@t...]

> Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:17 PM

> RawSeattle

> [RawSeattle] Re: OT Jeff Rense



> Our gov't certainly is not new to using questionable methods to


> us into war. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his staff apparently knew


> the plans of the Japanese to bomb pearl harbor on 12/6/1941. They


> broken the Japanese code and learned of the plan. They chose to


> the bombing to take place to enter us into WWII, instead of


> for the attack and risk preventing the attack altogether and not

> entering the war. As a result, many lives were lost. I first read


> this in an article. There is also information on the internet. I


> overheard someone working for the military, apparently with a

> security clearance, after a discussion about the event, saying " I

> didn't realize that was declassified " (the information.)


> Jeff

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