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Hi Everyone & happy to have came across this group.


My name is Helen, I live in Everett and I am quite new to the raw

life. I am looking forward to embracing 100% raw in the future. In

the short period of time I have noticed some positive changes as a

result. I would love to learn more and become a part of this

wonderful community of folks.


My only main concern is the detoxing period I hear about and that

going 100% raw would make the detox harder on the body...even

dangerous. I have just gotten over a rather nasty cold (I do not get

colds usually) since Tuesday and am wondering after being almost 80%

raw for two weeks has it kick in a harder detox. Though I am and will

embracing healing my body, I am hoping not to end up in the hospital.


Also, I am quite overweight. I have heard that for folks like me I

should not eat alot of the nuts and seeds called for in raw recipes,

but just stay on veggies & fruits. I am not one to eat handfuls of

nuts and seeds but am concerned about keeping warm (nuts, etc are

warming and getting protein. It seems that there are many schools of

thought when it come to raw life.


Finally, I would love to join Raw SEattle on a potluck & hike, but I

am not sure what to make or bring.


Have a wonderful day.



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>My only main concern is the detoxing period I hear about and that

>going 100% raw would make the detox harder on the body...even



I believe the body will only create symptoms that we can handle, at

least when we are optimizing our diet and cleansing our body. Detox

happens to varying degrees for different people. I basically had no

major detoxing when I went raw. The only symptoms I have had

resembling detox in the last 4 years were food related (I'd call it

food poisoning). I wouldn't worry about it. I would, however, focus

on what your body is trying to do. If you have symptoms that suggest

your body is trying to flush something out, then you might consider

making sure you drink enough fluids (purified water.)


>I have just gotten over a rather nasty cold (I do not get

>colds usually) since Tuesday and am wondering after being almost 80%

>raw for two weeks has it kick in a harder detox. Though I am and will

>embracing healing my body, I am hoping not to end up in the hospital.


I, personally, would not take my detoxing to the hospital. Doctors

are not trained well in nutrition. It is rare for them to understand

the effect of a raw food diet on the body (some don't seem to

understand the effect of any food on the body.) Many people

reccommend water fasting to relieve symptoms the body creates. The

fast allows us to get out of the way and let the body do its

cleansing/healing. It is recommended that someone fasting just stay

in bed, not work, and not be active at all. It is also recommended

that people fast under supervision, especially if they are

inexperienced at fasting. Note that fasting may actually encourage

the body to detox more. It may or may not get more severe but, again,

I believe the body will only give us what we can handle.


>Also, I am quite overweight. I have heard that for folks like me I

>should not eat alot of the nuts and seeds called for in raw recipes,

>but just stay on veggies & fruits. I am not one to eat handfuls of

>nuts and seeds but am concerned about keeping warm (nuts, etc are

>warming and getting protein. It seems that there are many schools of

>thought when it come to raw life.


One theory is that the ideal diet (for any of us) is a low-fat raw

mono diet. Another belief is that we should eat what we need to, to

stay raw. That is something Victoria Boutenko has stressed. I would

suggest eating what feels right (raw, that is). If you can avoid the

nuts and seeds and enjoy what you are eating, great! I wouldn't worry

about warmth. Try to eat intuitively, then see how warm/cold you are.

If you get cold, you can always put on a sweater! Remember, intuition

can go a long way. It can help us know if we should do more greens,

fruits, or nuts, etc. Be open to it. Sometimes at the market a fruit

or vegetable can just jump out at me, as though there is a spotlight

on it. I usually honor that!


>Finally, I would love to join Raw SEattle on a potluck & hike, but I

>am not sure what to make or bring.


Again, not to worry!. You can always bring some fruit or a bowl of

greens (organic is always preferred.) That could be a bunch of

bananas, a fruit salad, some romaine lettuce or a fancy salad (note:

most bottled dressings are not raw.) The main thing is that you stop







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Welcome Helen. I would suggest that you document your weight and

experiences going to a raw diet. You have a testimony in the making

that could help many others who are overweight. It will take time to

take off the weight. If you lose just a few pounds each month, you

will eventually get to where you would like to be. Be prepared to

hang in there as you notice changes.


Ron Koenig


RawSeattle , " Little Red Riding Hood ;) "

<email@h...> wrote:



> Hi Everyone & happy to have came across this group.


> My name is Helen, I live in Everett and I am quite new to the raw

> life. I am looking forward to embracing 100% raw in the future. In

> the short period of time I have noticed some positive changes as a

> result. I would love to learn more and become a part of this

> wonderful community of folks.


> Have a wonderful day.


> ~Helen

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Thanks Jeff for responding :)


It's indeed amazing that the body will tell you what it wants/needs.

During this cold , a day or two prior, was craving onions and garlic

like crazy (thank goodness I have understanding friends...LOL). As I

got into the cold I could no longer taste the onions/garlic, but

still had a mad craving for them.


As this cold got worse I started to get fever (I do not know how to

rid this naturally..water only helps so much), so I had to get

accupuncture to bring the fever down. My entire theromostat was

backwords (my accupunctist told me) and the heat was no longer in the

trunk area but centered in my face and head...maybe needing to clear

something there...I surely need it.


I will try moderating the nuts and seeds thing...I do love almonds.


Great! I am looking forward to meeting everyone on the next





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Thank Ron,


I think the a journal is in the making...great idea! It will also

help me when things " get tough " .


I am alo looking into juice fasts and how to do them on my own. I

would love to got to a center that does it, but time right at the

moment (with school, etc) isn't allowing. I really love fresh juices.







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>was craving onions and garlic

>like crazy (thank goodness I have understanding friends...LOL). As I

>got into the cold I could no longer taste the onions/garlic, but

>still had a mad craving for them.


Sometimes, deciphering between cravings and intuition can be tricky.

While garlic is known as a " natural antibiotic " , it is not

necessarily good for colds or flues. Like pharmaceuticals, garlic can

wipe out the good bacteria in our bodies, along with the bad stuff.

Many see garlic as a toxin to the body and not something we should

eat. The body may have to purge the garlic in addition to whatever

else it is purging. Also, it is possible for the body to focus on the

garlic, which may seem to reduce or remove other symptoms. So, it can

appear to help the situation, when it may just delay the body from

doing its work.


That's just something else to think about. There are many theories

around and schools of thought. When we are armed with the various

theories, we can try them out in our own lives. They help us narrow

in on the truth. Of course there is always the theory that every body

is different (and blood types, etc.!)


>As this cold got worse I started to get fever (I do not know how to

>rid this naturally..water only helps so much), so I had to get

>accupuncture to bring the fever down. My entire theromostat was

>backwords (my accupunctist told me) and the heat was no longer in the

>trunk area but centered in my face and head...maybe needing to clear

>something there...I surely need it.


Sounds like your body is definitely trying to burn something off, or

stimulate something. I suspect your body knows what it is doing and

will adjust your temperature as necessary. As Victoria Boutenko would

say: " Congratulations! " Basically, if your body is producing such

symptoms, it is working! (That's a good sign!)


>I will try moderating the nuts and seeds thing...I do love almonds.


Do you eat them after soaking them, or just dry? They tend to be

easier to digest after soaking, and (another theory) soaking removes

the enzyme inhibitors, which we don't need (and may prevent optimal

nutrition and health.) Fresh raw almonds can be put in a jar and

soaked overnight (about 8 hours). I usually start out with a little

water, shaking vigorously, draining, then filling to a level about

double that of the almonds (or more). The shaking is just something I

do, certainly not necessary. I believe it gives the nuts a

kick-start. It can also shorten the soaking process if I don't have

enough time for a full soak. After soaking the nuts, drain, rinse,

then drain again. Then enjoy!






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Hmmm...indeed there's alot of stuff to ponder and consider.


I am happy my body seems to be working though at first I was going to

panick. I wish I would have been able to go to Victoria's class. I

hope she has another one soon.


I do soak that nuts at time; especially, when the recipe calls for




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RawSeattle , " Helen " <email@h...> wrote:



> Thanks Jeff for responding :)


> It's indeed amazing that the body will tell you what it


> During this cold , a day or two prior, was craving onions and


> like crazy (thank goodness I have understanding friends...LOL). As


> got into the cold I could no longer taste the onions/garlic, but

> still had a mad craving for them.


Onions work on the homeopathic principle, that like cures like. If

you have a runny nose, eating an onion also causes a runny nose, thus

helping to cure the runny nose. Both onions and garlic have

antiviral properties to them, which can help with a cold.

Personally, I think that garlic has wonderful medicinal properties

and should only be used in this way. I have used it to kill the

Candida yeast in my colon brought on by overuse of antibiotics as a



> As this cold got worse I started to get fever (I do not know how to

> rid this naturally..water only helps so much), so I had to get

> accupuncture to bring the fever down. My entire theromostat was

> backwords (my accupunctist told me) and the heat was no longer in


> trunk area but centered in my face and head...maybe needing to


> something there...I surely need it.


Fever is a good thing, not a symptom to get rid of. When the body

senses impurities in the body, it raises the temperature in order to

kill them and return the body back to health. Your only worry is if

the temperature goes too high for too long. Soaking your feet in

alternating hot and ice cold water will draw the blood away from the

head and help equalize the circulation and body heat.


> I will try moderating the nuts and seeds thing...I do love almonds.


> Great! I am looking forward to meeting everyone on the next

> Potluck/hike.


> Peace,

> ~Helen

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Hello Hellen (Everett!) :)


My name is Heather (or Starrrie) and I was in much the same boat as you last

January. I am still working on losing my weight, but have lost 70 pounds so

far, and am still moving.


At first my diet was really simple. I ate a lot of near mono meals and salads

and smoothies. My detox was not horribly difficult, however. I had a few days

of cold like symptoms, and still have days where I feel depression over events

that happened long ago. I relate this to detox as well.


Later I discovered my love for making delicious, complicated raw dishes. I

continued to lose weight, even while eating a silly amount of nuts and seeds and

avocado. About 6 months into eating the complicated recipes I stopped losing

weight. To be fair, at the time, I also stopped exercizing and started piling

on a lot of stress, due to a death in the family and changing work requirements.


I have recently changed my diet again, eating more salads and juice and ramping

up my exercize. I am again losing weight! :)


There are a couple of websites that I've found particularly inspiring for weight

loss. http://www.FromSadtoRaw.com is my favorite, as it has a LOT of recipes,

and Michelle, the owner of the site, started out at about my weight and has lost

a lot. She even runs for exercize now! I'm very inspired by her.


Feel free to contact me off-list if you have any questions about my progress, or

just want to talk. I'm also available on various messenger services (see below

for my contact info) if you'd like to chat!


Best of everything,




starrrie333 (for e-mail and messenger)

starrrie (for msn messenger)





" Little Red Riding Hood ;) " <email wrote:



Hi Everyone & happy to have came across this group.


My name is Helen, I live in Everett and I am quite new to the raw

life. I am looking forward to embracing 100% raw in the future. In

the short period of time I have noticed some positive changes as a

result. I would love to learn more and become a part of this

wonderful community of folks.


My only main concern is the detoxing period I hear about and that

going 100% raw would make the detox harder on the body...even

dangerous. I have just gotten over a rather nasty cold (I do not get

colds usually) since Tuesday and am wondering after being almost 80%

raw for two weeks has it kick in a harder detox. Though I am and will

embracing healing my body, I am hoping not to end up in the hospital.


Also, I am quite overweight. I have heard that for folks like me I

should not eat alot of the nuts and seeds called for in raw recipes,

but just stay on veggies & fruits. I am not one to eat handfuls of

nuts and seeds but am concerned about keeping warm (nuts, etc are

warming and getting protein. It seems that there are many schools of

thought when it come to raw life.


Finally, I would love to join Raw SEattle on a potluck & hike, but I

am not sure what to make or bring.


Have a wonderful day.






Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'



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