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My doctor wants me to start taking medication for glaucoma to control

pressure in the eye. I have already lost some vision in one eye, and

once vision is lost to glaucoma you don't get it back. Does anyone

know of an alternative to medication, other than surgery? Any


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Smoke pot. It's been proven to remedy glaucoma.




" rawdays " <rawdays

<RawSeattle >

Friday, June 24, 2005 1:14 PM

[RawSeattle] Glaucoma



> My doctor wants me to start taking medication for glaucoma to control

> pressure in the eye. I have already lost some vision in one eye, and

> once vision is lost to glaucoma you don't get it back. Does anyone

> know of an alternative to medication, other than surgery? Any

> thoughts?



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If you use marijuana for glaucoma, be careful about managing your diet to manage

your blood sugar levels.


In some types of glaucoma blood sugar issues are a complicating factor.

Marijuana itself tends to accentuate blood sugar issues, and if you increase the

amount of sweets you eat when using marijuana, this will significantly increase

risks of increased blood sugar issues. This in turn could lead to increased

complications with the glaucoma.


Since whole raw food can help stabilize blood sugar levels more so than the

exact same foods after they are processed and cooked, being on this list is a

start in the right direction.


may your day be filled with clarity, grace, progress, and warm laughter,




" Shari Viger " <shavig

<RawSeattle >

Friday, June 24, 2005 8:00 PM

Re: [RawSeattle] Glaucoma



> Smoke pot. It's been proven to remedy glaucoma.


> Shari

> -

> " rawdays " <rawdays

> <RawSeattle >

> Friday, June 24, 2005 1:14 PM

> [RawSeattle] Glaucoma



> > My doctor wants me to start taking medication for glaucoma to control

> > pressure in the eye. I have already lost some vision in one eye, and

> > once vision is lost to glaucoma you don't get it back. Does anyone

> > know of an alternative to medication, other than surgery? Any

> > thoughts?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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If I were in a position of having glaucoma, I would immediately eat

only raw foods, preferably organic, then would do a supervised

extended water fast after giving my body some time to recuperate on

the raw foods.


Loren Lockman, from Tanglewood Wellness Center, has talked about

fasting improving glaucoma. That doesn't surprise me, as fasting

gives the body a chance to " clean house " . He spoke of one man who

wasn't even able to read a newspaper. At the end of the first day of

fasting, he was reading the paper.






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> My doctor wants me to start taking medication for

> glaucoma to control

> pressure in the eye. I have already lost some

> vision in one eye, and

> once vision is lost to glaucoma you don't get it

> back. Does anyone

> know of an alternative to medication, other than

> surgery? Any

> thoughts?



i have been a glaucoma-suspect all my

life, with unusual high pressure in my eyes,

as " they " tell you ... so i needed to go back

for a check-up every six-month , because

there was a chance that the " unusual "

above average pressure in MY eyes could

have been normal to ME ...


until i changed my diet to raw,

fasted three weeks, etc ...

and voila, at the next

check-up the pressure in my eyes

became unusually low ... this was

many years ago ... never been back to

any doctor since ... no check-ups ... no

suspicions ... even my vision improved a


from - 4.5 it is - 3.0 ... and i am sure,

if i was a good boy, and i used the bates

method, i could take off my glasses, too-

but, well, why would i want that ?

i am so used to it, i even like


vanitatum vanitas ... adios




















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And here are some comments from Bob Wynman, an ex-dentist who now makes a

living selling Nikken multilevel products. Whether they work for this

problem I have no personal knowledge, but from the testimonials below

apparently some people think they do.




















Without consulting with this person, which I'd be glad to do if you think it

appropriate or helpful, I'd not make any recommendations.




However, if it were MY body suffering from glaucoma, I'd certainly never opt

for drugs nor surgery.




My current BS (Belief System ... based only on 30 years of study & practice)

is that the body will do what's necessary to

create and maintain Optimal Health & we can help it do that by avoiding as

many of the poisons in our environment as possible & providing as many of

the requisites of health as possible.


If it were MY body suffering from glaucoma, I'd first drink nothing but

Optimized PiMag Living Water 'til the symptoms resolved .... & continue to

do that for the rest of my life. Our cells function optimally only if

they're fully hydrated and this is the most effective way I know to ensure

their full hydration. Complete hydration is a great first step to allow the

body to correct the ocular fluid pressure balance involved with glaucoma.


(I'd also not eat any food & I'd remain horizontal in our Sleep System 'til

the healing was well under way, but that doesn't often fit into an

American's life-style or BS).


Second, I'd wear MagSteps full time (including in my far-infrared golf sox

at nite) -- there's something magic about those magnetic insoles; the body

seems able to use the energy of the rest of the technologies 2-3 times

better when they're worn!


Third, I'd sleep beneath a Dream Comforter & FIR/magnetic sleep mask atop

an Ultra Kenko Deluxe Mattress & Pillow.


Fourth, I'd live in a Wellness Home, complete with Air Wellness Power5,

CardioStrides & all the rest. My body deserves it, especially if suffering

from that condition.


Sixth, I'd wear a QLink Pendant & put Harmonizing Chips on our cell

phones, cordless phones, computers, vehicles, etc. 'cause it's possible that


they really do as claimed, protecting us from harmful electro-magnetic

pollution and helping the body maintain it's energy field in a healthy state


(this one remains quite a stretch for my still-expanding mind!).


& I never recommend that anyone else do any of those things, I just share

that those things are what I do.


For info on all the Energy Technology mentioned above, visit

www.Wellness-Forever.com, for the Coral Calcium, www.htn.com? & for the

QLink pendants & Harmonizing Chips, www.Energy4Health.com.


Mark, we could probably arrange for your friend to purchase any of the

energy technologies at our wholesale cost if you think the person is worthy

of such generosity.



If Lou & I ever need further help with some medical concern, we contact Dr.


Alan Goldhamer and his associates at http://www.healthpromoting.com. That

happens about once every 6-8 years.


There are few doctors who understand Natural Hygiene (the weird concept

that the body is self-healing, self-regenerating and self-repairing and that

drugs and therapies interfere with the healing process) so those at

TrueNorth Health Education Center are usually very busy. It may be

helpful to use our names as a referral source if you or your people contact

Alan's Center.


The whole concept of " therapies " and " treating diseases " (as I was taught,

and practiced, for many years) rather than supporting the body & providing

the requisites of health (as Nikken teaches & as their products do) is



Let us know, Mark, if we can be of any help to your friend.




" Those are my principals, if you don't like them...... I have others. " --

Groucho Marx




Since the energy techology is generaly unfamiliar to most people, here are a

few notes from friends regarding the energy technologies:




FROM: drmoffat




I had borderline glaucoma. Bought the sleep system and the mask.


Six months later I went back for a checkup and the doctor said


the last one had made a mistake, that there could not possibly


been that diagnosis! My blood father is now blind from glaucoma


so I hear.






Dr. Moffat









My mother, now 91, has glaucoma. When I started with Nikken in

around 1998, (I guess) she was using 3 different drops, 3 times

a day in her eye. She is sleeping on a mattress pad, and the

pillow and also wears the necklace. She is now only using one

medication and just one drop a day. We believe that the

magnetics have helped.






SUBJECT: Glaucoma


FROM: duanewm

At a Wellness Preview, I met a man who had been able to quit

using his glaucoma medication with the permission of his eye

doctor after using the sleep mask and pillow. I'm not sure how

long he'd been using the products before he was completely off

the medications.





FROM: gahbah

My husband has had glaucoma (also diabetes) and before Nikken

he had surgery to relieve the pressure in one eye. For years he

has been wearing two minis in an eye mask for about a half hour

a day and although he still has the disease he no longer has to

take drops that used to constrict his pupils so that things

always looked dark to him. He does use another medication in

one eye but his eye sight is pretty good for an 80 year old

and he reads a lot. If it were I, I would wear the magnetic

eye mask at night but he feels he can't sleep with anything on

his face. But undoubtedly the minis have helped his eyes.





SUBJECT: Graves disease w/ mask + Immunity

FROM: greendolphin


I developed Graves disease in 2000. I had 7 major life

changing stresses that hit my immune system within a 3 month

period. Within 6 weeks of being diagnosed I also developed

thyroid eye disease (the big bulging eyes with internal globe

pressures on the way to glaucoma). My vision was so poor I

didn't know how much longer I could safely work. I spent $300

a month on over the counter eye drops to lubricate my eyes. In

exasperation I ordered a sleep mask. It was HEAVEN!. The

swelling was reduced. The redness went away, and gradually

over the past 9 months my eyes have receded back into the

sockets. My vision is improved 20/100 to 20/25 on the left

and 20/70 to 20/20 on the right. The internal globe pressure

is down out of glaucoma range, and I rarely use the lubricating



I did a quasi-scientific experiment on myself, anything to

avoid spending the $110/month for anti-thyroid drug. I used

the Immunity daily. At the end of the month, I had my blood

levels drawn and they were PERFECT. I did not get another

bottle of Immunity and the next month my levels were back to

bizarre. I purchased the Immunity very late (18 months) into

the whole medical treatment plan, and subsequently had surgery

to have the thyroid removed. I really wish I had pursued the

Immunity formula. I did feel better on it. Some physicians

do not care to retain you as a patient if you go off on your

own plans. Bottom line - USE IMMUNITY!





SUBJECT: Glaucoma


FROM: gahbah

My husband has had that condition for about 20 years, and was

using prescription eye drops which constricted his pupils so

that things always looked dark to him. About 6 years ago he

started using two minis in a cotton eyemask from Magbags. He

would only use them for about a half hour each afternoon because

he doesn't think he can sleep with them. Then when his doctor

had him discontinue the drops for some reason (I don't remember

why) he discovered that the pressure stayed down even without

the drops. So my husband's world became much brighter. He

still has the condition and has since been given other drops

for one eye only, but the eye pressure is much better and he

reads, drives the car etc. at age 80.





FROM: barnwellhealth

My husband has glaucoma and has been wearing a mini at both

temples (uses double sided tape to hold in place) and his

eye pressure has been in the low normal range for the past

two years. The minis have done much more for him than the


medications which the ophthalmologist had him on.








SUBJECT: Glaucoma




FROM: Bevcmagnetlady


My husband sleeps on the mattress and the pillow and wears the


magsteps. When he added the sleep mask his eye pressure went


down 3 points between his last two eye doctor visits.








FROM: cgrandt


My mother has glaucoma and has used the drops for several years


without good results. Her pressure has gotten quite high to


the point of them suggesting surgery. She has had good results


bringing the pressure down by using the sleep system, but we've


also had feedback that the eye mask is great for this. The only


other thing her doctor told her to do was to increase her


walking program. This always puzzled me, but at the


convention I was speaking to an MD and he said that it's the


increased oxygenation that walking provides which is so good


for her vision. Needless to say, she's buying an Optimizer!






SUBJECT: Glaucoma

FROM: duanewm


I haven't had experience with glaucoma personally, but I have

visited with 2 different people with the problems who are now

distributors. Both of them had results from using the sleep

mask. Both of them checked with their optometrist before

discontinuing the glaucoma meds.

Pat Morrison





I have glacoma and went off of my drops 2 years ago. My eye doctor is amazed

that my pressure stays so low and my optic nerve


looks so good. I have heard similar stories from at least 6 others. I

believe the sleep system is the basis, and keeping your body in a


magnetic field in the day time too. I rarely wear the mask, but I'm sure it

would get better quicker.


Kathie Jackson-Zier




FROM: judy.sterling


For Macular Degeneration in a woman, its important to be on the Women's

nutritional for the Lutein in it. Lutein comes from the


Marigold plant and is known to help macular degeneration. I would also try

the sleep mask, it has been used for cataract's, poor


eyesight and Glaucoma with great results.


Judy Sterling




FROM: cgrandt


My mother's been taking meds for glaucoma for about four years, but the

pressure reading continued to climb upward. In her last


checkup in spring, her reading was 34 and her doctor discussed surgery with

her. Wanting to pursue natural measures, the only thing


she could find offered in readings was to walk every day. She was already

walking every other day, so she increased it to every day.


The only other thing she did differently was to start sleeping on the sleep

system (pillow, pad and comforter). Within a month of


introducing the Nikken products, she had another appointment and her

glaucoma reading decreased from 34 to 17! She is delighted!!




FROM: beverlym66


My mother (89) has glaucoma in one eye. Her eye pressure kept getting worse,

and she was using 3 different eye drops, some of them


two to three times a day. About 2 1/2 years ago I became a Nikken Wellness

Consultant. I put mom on the sleep system (even though


she thinks the summer comforter is too hot and too heavy, and on top of a

water bed), and she uses the intelli-rest pillow and always


wears the necklace. Her eye pressure (after time) started getting better.

She went down to two different eye drops, still three times a


day. From there she went to one drop three times a day and about six months

ago she went down to one medication, one drop a day.


So far so good. We are positive it is the magnets. COULDN'T BE ANYTHING









" It is our duty to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not

exist. " - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Priest and Scientist




lou & dr. bob wynman, lake tahoe


Why did we graduate beyond dentistry to our even more rewarding additional

profession, Wellness Consultant? Why might YOU want a " Plan B " too? In one

word, " freedom " . Info at http://www.wellness-forever.com.




For details about Lou & Dr. Bob & ideas about dental health, total wellness,

politically incorrect philosophy, etc, visit http://www.wynman.com.











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Here is what my buddy Bob Avery says about glaucoma.






I think you know the answer to that as well as I do -- raw foods and





After my 21-day fast, my glaucoma pressure was measured at 10 in one eye and

11 in the other. I don't know what it was immediately before,

unfortunately, but it's usually a few points higher, I think.




What s/he needs to do is stop eating foods that clog up blood vessels and

raise blood pressure.




Maybe some eye exercises and sungazing would help too.




Then there are foods that have a reputation for feeding the eyes -- carrots,

blueberries, bilberries, flaxseeds.




Or he could spend lots of money and buy the supplement Paul Harvey touts --

Ocular Nutrition by Hi-Health. Whether it works or not, I don't know, but

it's an extract of herbs with vitamins.




Is this person diabetic? He needs to get that under control. Losing

umpty-zillion pounds is usually a good idea. Psyllium husk seeds can help

if the person doesn't have control over cooked food cravings.







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Sheesh! Do you know how many thousands of $$$$$ it would take to do what

this man suggests? No wonder he can make a living selling this stuff.


You health shouldn't be that expensive, especially if you choose the raw




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