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OT: Gold and Glaciers (Project PASCUA LAMA)

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Dear friends who care about our earth,


Judge for yourself if you want to take action.


In the Valle de San Felix, the purest water in Chile runs from two rivers, fed

by two glaciers. Water is a most precious resource, and wars will be fought for

it. Indigenous farmers use the water, there is no unemployment, and they provide

the second largest source of income for the area. A huge deposit of gold, silver

and other minerals has been found under the glaciers. To get at these, it would

be necessary to break and destroy the glaciers (something never conceived of

in the history of the world). They would have to make two huge holes, each

as big as a whole mountain, one for extraction and one for the mine's

rubbish tip. The project is called PASCUA LAMA.


The company is Barrick Gold. The operation is planned by a multi-national

company, one of whose members is George Bush, Sr. (surprised?). The Chilean

Government has approved the project to

start sometime in 2006. The only reason it hasn't started yet is because the

farmers have a temporary stay of execution. If they destroy the glaciers, they

will not just destroy the source of specially pure water, but they will

permanently contaminate the two rivers which will then never be fit for human or

animal consumption because of the use of cyanide and sulfuric acid in

the extraction process.


Every last gram of gold will go abroad to the multi-national company and not one

will be left with the people whose land it is. They will only be left with the

poisoned water and the resulting illnesses. The farmers have been fighting a

long time for their land, but have been forbidden to make a TV appeal due to a

ban from the Ministry of the Interior.


Their only hope now of putting brakes on this project is to get help from

international justice.?The world must know what is happening in Chile. The only

place to start changing the world is from here.


We ask that you please circulate this message among your friends. Copy this

text, paste it into a new email, add your signature, and send it to everyone you

know. The 100th person to

receive and sign the petition, please send it to:


to be forwarded to the Chilean government.


NO to Pascua Lama Open-cast mine in the Andean Cordillera on the

Chilean-Argentine border. We ask the Chilean Government not to authorize the

Pascua Lama project to protect the whole of 3 glaciers the purity of the water

of the San Felix Valley and El Transito, the quality of the agricultural land of

the region of Atacama, the quality of life of the Diaguita people and of the

whole population of the region.


Signature, City, Country


1) Katharine Proudfoot, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

2) Laura Cole, London, UK

3) David Platt, London, UK

4) Diane Platt, Manchester, UK

5) Tanya Corker, Manchester, UK

6) Shelley Ford, Dunedin, New Zealand

7) Christopher Wilson, Dunedin, New Zealand

8) Lisa Johnston, Dunedin, New Zealand

9) Carolyn Timms

10) Piripi Taylor, Aotearoa

11) Chanon McPherson, Auckland, New Zealand

12)Justin Traynor, Auckland New Zealand

13) Keith Stubbs, London UK

14) Minette Williams, London UK

15) hannahmi van der merwe, London UK

16) Filipa Domingues (Cape Town, South Africa)

17) Jess Reynolds, Cape Town, South Africa

18) Alexander Wilson, Cape Town, South Africa

19) Olivia Jurgens, London, UK

20) Dee Pinto, Johannesburg, South Africa

21) Errol and Imogen Weiner, Scotland, UK.

22) Barbara Abbot, Richmond, Virginia, USA

23) Gabriella Kapfer, Wantage, UK

24) Amshatar (Ololodi) Monroe, North Carolina, USA

25) Michele (Eaglewoman) Tuatagaloa San Diego, CA, USA

26)Jennifer Schauffler-Vircsik Clarkdale, AZ. USA

27)Andrew Schauffler-Vircsik Clarkdale, AZ. USA

28) Heidi Benson, Monterey, CA?USA

29) Jaguar Kukulcan, Auckland, NZ

30) Ramu Re, Honolulu, HI. USA

31)Laura Frisbie, North Carolina, USA

32) Kay Dresnok, Tennessee, USA

33) Lori Bilbrey, Georgia, USA

34) Elizabeth Vickers, Tennessee, USA

35) Fay Campbell, Tennessee, USA

36) Cailen Campbell, North Carolina, USA

37) Candice Carr Kelman, California, USA

38) Jonathan Hayes Carr Kelman, California, USA

39) Adrienne Stork, Maryland, USA

40) Kelli Fowler, Buffalo, NY USA

41) Patricia Barnard, WA, USA

42) Sheree Walters, WA, USA


ps. I googled Pascua Lama and found the following

articles on


I especially like how the last name of Barrick's spokesman is Borg.



Doubts rise over Pascua Lama


10th January 2006


Chile: Presidential Candidates Voice Doubts about

Pascua-Lama Project




by Wanda Praamsma (editor)


The future looks uncertain for the controversial

Pascua Lama gold mine project in Chile's northern Region III. Environmental

advisors to both

presidential candidates now vying for office say their new, incoming government

will not support the gold mine.


The US$1.5 billion project, which straddles the Chilean/Argentine border, is

proposed by Canada's Barrick Gold, one of the world's most important gold mining



In the run-off vote on Sunday, Chileans will choose between the centre-left

candidate, Michelle Bachelet of the governing Concertación coalition, and

billionaire businessman Sebastián Piñera, the

conservative leader of the National Renovation (RN) party. Both candidates have

voiced strong

reservations about Pascua Lama because of the environmental risks it poses.


The Pascua Lama project contemplates moving three glaciers in order to access

vast reserves (17.6 million ounces) of gold and silver deposits. But

environmentalists and some community leaders say the project risks contaminating

the water supply and livelihoods of the farming

communities in the Huasco Valley, directly beneath the proposed mine


In December, Bachelet explicitly said her intention is to " protect the glaciers

and not approve their removal and/or destruction. " In a recent interview with

Diario Siete, Bachelet's environmental advisor, Manuel Baquedano, added that,

" In Bachelet's administration,

this project will be completely reviewed. Therefore, the future for (Pascua

Lama) is uncertain. In my view, it will be very difficult for the project to go

on as originally planned by the company. "


Although less aggressively, Piñera's camp also expressed opposition to the mine,

with his environmental advisor saying that the project will only move forward

" in the event that the glaciers remain untouched and that contamination of all

the water in the Huasco Valley basin is completely avoided. "


Advisors in both camps said the project will only be viable if the local

ecosystem is taken into account. " In the area of the glaciers where they want to

intervene, they will have to make an

underground mine " (rather than an open pit mine), said Antonio Horvath, an

environmental advisor to Piñera. " They'll have to re-adapt the project and

extract the minerals underground. "

Bachelet's advisor agreed.


The risks associated with Pascua Lama have outraged environmentalists and

demonstrations have been held continuously since the project first came to the

public's attention in August, 2004. On Jan. 6 dozens of protesters rallied

outside the Canadian Embassy in Santiago's upscale Las Condes

neighbourhood, holding flags that read " Stop, Arrêt Pascua Lama " and " No a

Barrick, No a Pascua Lama. "


Marcel Claude, the executive director of Oceana, the environmental NGO which

organized the protest, said the protesters wanted Canadian authorities to hear

their rage, especially because the mine will produce up to US$10 billion in

profits for the Canadian company, and " do

nothing for Chile except destroy its environment. "


" Pascua Lama will probably not pay much in taxes (in Chile) and its impact in

terms of jobs is insignificant, " Claude said in a press release. " Therefore, we

can say with conviction that (Pascua

Lama) will contribute absolutely nothing to Chile's development. "


Aside from the political debate, the project has encountered numerous technical

roadblocks, and cannot move ahead without the approval of the Regional

Environmental Commission (COREMA). Barrick has submitted several versions of an

environmental report to COREMA, addressing the risks the mine poses. Each time,

however, COREMA has asked for revisions of the report.


Most recently, on Dec. 30, COREMA asked Barrick, for the third time in the past

year, to revise its 5,000-page environmental report and explain certain aspects

of its plan to move the three glaciers.


In the report, submitted in November, Barrick stated that the company will not

move three glaciers to access the mine. Rather, the company asserted that the

glaciers are really just " reserves of ice " and that five hectares, instead of

the initial 10, will be intercepted by the

company. The other five hectares, the company said, will diminish over time


natural melting processes, allowing the company access to the gold reserves (ST,

Nov. 14).


The environmental commission only gave Barrick one week to address COREMA's

questions, leading the company to seek a five-day extension that ends today,

Tuesday [January 10]. COREMA will most likely officially give a " yes " or " no "

response to the project in February.


In the whole of this long, drawn-out process, Barrick can only take credit for

one success: the acceptance of the mine by the Huasco Valley's " Junta de

Vigilancia, " a group representing 2,000 of the area's farmers. The Junta agreed

to a protocol agreement with Barrick Gold that

gives local farmers US$60 million in compensation, to be doled out over the

course of 20


The money, a fraction of what Barrick stands to make if the mine goes forward,

is meant to safeguard farmers' interests in the event that their water supplies

are contaminated. Environmentalists called the arrangement a bribe.


Still, COREMA director Plácido Ávila said the agreement between Barrick and the

farmers will not have any weight in the evaluation of the project. " In the

evaluation, only technical aspects will be taken into account. The agreement

with the Junta is not environmental, therefore, it won't be

considered. "





Barrick Gold Faces Determined Opposition at Pascua Lama and Veladero


21st December 2005




Community groups on both side of the Argentina-Chile border are increasing their

opposition to Barrick Gold's proposed Pascua Lama project in Chile, while

criticism of its Veladero project already under way on the Argentinean side of

the border is also mounting. There have been protests in both countries and even

a blockade on the Argentinean side.


Environmental Assessment Delayed Again


On December 5, 2005, the Chilean National Environmental Commission (CONAMA)

extended the deadline for review of Barrick's Environmental Impact Statement

(EIS) for the Pascua Lama project to February 16, 2006. The regional

environmental commission, COREMA, must review

additional information filed by Barrick and submit a summary of its findings to

CONAMA for a final

decision. Barrick submitted the EIS on December 9, 2004, but has repeatedly

asked for the 120-working-day deadline to be suspended to allow it time to

respond to COREMA's questions. If COREMA has further questions after reviewing

Barrick's recently-filed second addendum, the company could ask to suspend the

process again. See the actual files at



Long-standing Opposition


The Pascua Lama project has been categorically opposed by a broad cross-section

of environmental groups in Chile as well as by many of the 70,000 irrigation

farmers and small farmers whose livelihoods depend on the water originating in

the glaciers at the mine site.


Barrick had been working on the project since 1996, pushing for a " mining

integration and complementation treaty " between Chile and Argentina that would

make the project more lucrative by exempting it - and any other mines in the

" border zone " sacrifice area along the spine of the Andes - from all tariffs and

taxes, streamlining the acquisition of mineral rights, and

allowing free transport of goods and material (including ore and wastes) across

the border. The treaty was signed in December 1997, and in 1999 a " complementary

protocol " was signed setting out the area covered by the treaty and allowing

mining companied free access to water resources within the zone. Minera Nevada,

Barrick's Chilean subsidiary, submitted the first EIS in 2000, neglecting to

mention the three glaciers standing in the way of the projected open pit mine.


The EIS had already been approved before the farmers of Huasco Valley discovered

the details of what was being proposed, and they were alarmed by environmental

and social risks posed by the project. The project was put on ice for four years

due to low gold prices. When the project was

resubmitted in 2004, the farmers began to organize against it, supported by

church groups and environmental organisations, and backed by affected groups on

the Argentinean side of the border - residents of the towns of Calingasta and

Iglesia, as well as the wine producers in the province of San Juan.


According to its latest information, Barrick is still planning to build an open

pit mine, breaking up and moving the Esperanza and Toro 1 and 2 glaciers (or

" ice reserves " as the company calls them

to avoid acknowledging that they are glaciers). The only difference is that they

will leave

the Guanaco glacier, 2 kilometres to the south, alone rather than dumping the

pieces of the other " ice reserves " on top of it.


Protesters Attacked by Police


A letter asking for the cancellation of the Pascua Lama project - with over

18,000 signatures - was presented to the President of Chile on November 11, 2005

but was met with police violence. Police charged protesters when they tried to

place chunks of ice, representing the

glaciers that the project will destroy, in the Plaza de la Constitución in front

of the La Moneda

government palace (see our web site for the text of the letter in English and

Spanish). More demonstrations were held in Vallenar and Santiago on November 12.


" Compensation " Deal Challenged


In July, Barrick signed a " protocol agreement " with the Huasco Valley Monitoring

Committee, representing irrigation farmers in the area. The agreement committed

the farmers to bring their

concerns about environmental issues like acid mine drainage and the effects of

relocating glaciers

before a technical committee the company would set up, rather than submitting


questions to the environmental assessment process - effectively promising to

withdraw from participation in the public process. In return, Barrick agreed to

fund projects worth $60 million - $3 million a year over the projected 20-year

life of the mine - if the project is actually

approved. The money would go to improve water supply, quality, and usage.

Committee board

member Mauricio Perelló is supported by a large group of Committee members in

opposing the agreement, which was approved without ratification by the



The agreement has come under fire from many quarters for putting undue pressure

on authorities to approve the project. Its critics included " the head of

CONAMA " , according to a November 17 report from BNamericas. However, the

previous day when MiningWatch Canada's Jamie Kneen asked Paulina Saball,

Executive Director of CONAMA, whether the " protocol "

undermines the environmental assessment process by removing key stakeholders

from it, she

replied that it is an agreement between third parties that the government had no

power over, but that it would not affect the process. Saball was in Ottawa for a

meeting of the Canada-Chile Commission for Environmental Cooperation,

established under the Canada-Chile Agreement on

Environmental Cooperation (CCAEC).


Diaguitas Claim Indigenous Rights, Ancestral Lands

On July 25, the Chilean Consumers' Organisation filed a complaint with the

Organisation of American States (OAS) alleging that the Pascua Lama project

poses a grave risk to the subsistence rights of the Diaguita indigenous

communities in the area, and that the Chilean

government would be breaking its international commitments if it approves the

project. Specifically, the United Nations' International Covenant on Economic,

Social and Cultural

Rights (ICESCR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

commit the Chilean government to give the Diaguitas water rights " special

protection. "


The Diaguita people have been waiting over a year for the bill recognizing their

aboriginal status to be passed by the Chilean Senate. The Diaguita also claim

that historical documents show that part of the Pascua Lama project is on

ancestral Diaguita lands " irregularly " acquired by Barrick.





Public hearing denounced as farce in Argentina

The government of the province of San Juan announced on November 29th the

opening of a new " time line for comments and questions " over the Pascua-Lama

mining project now that " Barrick has presented some fundamental technical

changes " , according to the provincial Subsecretary of Mining. See:



Differing from the process of mining project Veladero, where there was a public

hearing only after the official approval of the Environmental Impact Report of

the project, the Provincial government decided this time to do a public

consultation first. The responses by the public

need to be presented in written form to the Provincial government, which will be

in charge of

approving or rejecting the Pascua-Lama Environmental Impact Report. For mining

officials in the region of San Juan, this form of public participation is better

than a direct referendum: the

government prohibited a nonbinding referendum, open to the entire population,

which was to be carried out in Calingasta with the help of the county

superintendent. For many activists in Argentina, the Interdisciplinary

Evaluation Commission (in charge of evaluating Barrick´s informs) is a farce,

and the government is only waiting to see what happens in Chile before making

public their own official decision to carry out the project.


Veladero Mine Blockaded


Meanwhile, on the Argentinean side of the border, the inhabitants of Tudcum

blocked the road by-pass to the nearby Veladero mine on November 23, 2005.

According to local media reports, they were upset that Barrick was not living up

to its promises of employment, as over 20

local people had been laid off by a Zlato, a Barrick sub-contractor, with little

possibility of

further work for Barrick. More important the jobs, according to those reports,

were the threats made by the contractor against municipal officials the

prepotent arrogance displayed by the company, who had refused to deal with the

issue. The local authorities themselves said

they are equally concerned by the pollution produced by the mine, and were


that no more truckloads of cyanide should go to the mine. On November 30 the


arrested Alfredo Díaz, President of the Neighborhood Union of Tudcum, and his

sister Carolina, supposedly based on a complaint from a bus company,

Autotransportes San Juan-Mar del Plata, who has been prevented from transporting

workers to the mine due to the blockade.

However, local people was concerned that the complaint and the arrests were

spurious since

Díaz said that no buses belonging to the company were travelling in the area

while the blockade was in effect.


According to local news sources Barrick's site manager, Julio Claudeville,

maintains that cyanide is innocuous.


Irrigation Farmers and Small Agriculturists of Pinte, Huasco Valley, Under



A field team headed by Federico Mieres, representing the Huasco River Monitoring

Committee in Alto del Carmen - the area affected by the Pascua Lama project -

has been repeatedly pressuring members of the Diaguita/Huasco Altinos

Agricultural Community and residents of neighbouring Pinte demanding that they

cease supporting the administrative procedure currently underway

that would force the General Water Directorate to invalidate the protocol of

agreement signed between the Monitoring Committee and Barrick Gold. This

protocol endorses the operation of the controversial mining project in exchange

for $3 million annually over the 20 years of Barrick's

projected operations in the area.


This campaign of threats is a new strategy to weaken, to divide, and to

intimidate those who legitimately defend their productive activities, their

quality of life, and their ecological security. It is

proof of how far Barrick is willing to go in its desperate efforts to develop

this unsustainable mining project at any cost.


The Chilean Government has remained a mere observer of an endless number of

irregularities, instead of assuring that the social processes around the

environmental conflicts are transparent, just, and free of illegitimate




Sergio F. Campusano Villches, President, Diaguita

Huasco Altinos

Agricultural Community

Latin American Observatory of Environmental Conflicts


Village of El Tránsito, December 5, 2005





Barrick says to start building Pascua-Lama in '06

by Hilary Burke


10th January 2006


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - Canada's Barrick Gold Corp. said on Tuesday

it expects to begin building its $1.5 billion Pascua-Lama gold mine project on

the Chile-Argentina border this year, despite stiff environmental opposition and

with government approval still pending.


Barrick spokesman Vince Borg said construction would likely start after the

Southern Hemisphere winter, which ends in late September.

" We are counting on September as getting a full construction season in. That

would keep us on line for our 2009 production start-up, " Borg told Reuters

during a telephone interview, adding that 5,500 direct jobs would be created

during the construction phase.


Toronto-based Barrick (ABX.TO: Quote), slated after a pending merger to become

the world's top gold miner, has been trying to prove for more than a year that

the Pascua-Lama project in the Andes mountains is environmentally viable.


A regional environmental commission in Chile asked Barrick to redesign the

project and possibly turn part of it into an underground mine to avoid

disturbing glaciers that lie over the area that

Barrick wants to excavate.


Barrick planned to submit additional information to Chilean environmental

authorities before January 10 to further clarify how aspects of the mine plan

would respect the environment.


A final decision by authorities is expected by March. But Borg said even if a

decision came early in the second quarter, the company would still plan to start

building in 2006.


Barrick is confident the ruling will be in its favour.


" We think it's a very worthwhile project that will generate substantial economic

benefits to the region and to San Juan (province) in Argentina, and it'll be

done in an environmentally responsible

fashion, " Borg said.


The Pascua-Lama project, which plans to access 17.6 million ounces of gold

reserves through an open-pit mine design, has generated controversy in Chile

since Barrick opted to revive it over a year ago on a scale larger than a

previously approved plan.


Environmentalists fear the effects of moving glaciers and say the project will

contaminate water resources in northern Chile. Glaciologists cited by Barrick

recently redefined the glaciers as ice

reservoirs, but that only intensified opposition.


Barrick recently improved its takeover offer for Placer Dome Inc. (PDG.TO:

Quote) to $10.4 billion, winning Placer's approval for a deal that would turn

the two Canadian miners into the world's biggest gold producer.






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