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Monopoly on the TRUTH?!

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Hey ALL (and specifically Robert)


Just a quick reply to your attack:


It isn't me who claims to have a monopoly on the TRUTH and continues to attempt

to mislead people on this list:


It is the same people over and over again with their diatribes against the germ

theory, their fruitarian fanatacism, etc., etc. ad nauseum.


The fact of the matter of that each us IS biochemically different, DO have

different body types, etc. and must seek out a diet that works for us as

individuals...AND FOR THE PLANET!


To disregard the enviromental consequences of our choices and buy imported,

non-organic fruit when all kinds of local organic fruit is readily available

makes the people who do so part of THE PROBLEM for the rest of us.


Thanks for your clever reply, though. It was so ingenious!





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Hi Chief,




I didn't see an attack on you from anybody named Robert. Did he attack you

offline, perhaps? But then, I also missed the diatribes against the germ

theory, fruitarian fanatics, etc., maybe because they happened weeks or

months ago and I forgot them. 99% of what I see here is people trying to

help each other.




I eat a lot of bananas, grapes, and other fruit that is not grown around

here, so I guess that makes me part of the problem in your view. But

somehow I don't feel too guilty about it. Maybe I'm dense, but I don't see

that somebody eating bananas in Seattle is having much negative impact on

the environment.








RawSeattle [RawSeattle ] On

Behalf Of Chef Sprout

Monday, July 03, 2006 11:28 AM

rawseattle ; rustrobert

[RawSeattle] Monopoly on the TRUTH?!




Hey ALL (and specifically Robert)


Just a quick reply to your attack:


It isn't me who claims to have a monopoly on the TRUTH and continues to

attempt to mislead people on this list:


It is the same people over and over again with their diatribes against the

germ theory, their fruitarian fanatacism, etc., etc. ad nauseum.


The fact of the matter of that each us IS biochemically different, DO have

different body types, etc. and must seek out a diet that works for us as

individuals...AND FOR THE PLANET!


To disregard the enviromental consequences of our choices and buy imported,

non-organic fruit when all kinds of local organic fruit is readily available

makes the people who do so part of THE PROBLEM for the rest of us.


Thanks for your clever reply, though. It was so ingenious!





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Oops, Chef, not Chief.




Sorry about that, Chef!






Mark Hovila [hovila]

Monday, July 03, 2006 1:34 PM

'RawSeattle '

RE: [RawSeattle] Monopoly on the TRUTH?!




Hi Chief,




I didn't see an attack on you from anybody named Robert. Did he attack you

offline, perhaps? But then, I also missed the diatribes against the germ

theory, fruitarian fanatics, etc., maybe because they happened weeks or

months ago and I forgot them. 99% of what I see here is people trying to

help each other.




I eat a lot of bananas, grapes, and other fruit that is not grown around

here, so I guess that makes me part of the problem in your view. But

somehow I don't feel too guilty about it. Maybe I'm dense, but I don't see

that somebody eating bananas in Seattle is having much negative impact on

the environment.








RawSeattle [RawSeattle ] On

Behalf Of Chef Sprout

Monday, July 03, 2006 11:28 AM

rawseattle ; rustrobert

[RawSeattle] Monopoly on the TRUTH?!




Hey ALL (and specifically Robert)


Just a quick reply to your attack:


It isn't me who claims to have a monopoly on the TRUTH and continues to

attempt to mislead people on this list:


It is the same people over and over again with their diatribes against the

germ theory, their fruitarian fanatacism, etc., etc. ad nauseum.


The fact of the matter of that each us IS biochemically different, DO have

different body types, etc. and must seek out a diet that works for us as

individuals...AND FOR THE PLANET!


To disregard the enviromental consequences of our choices and buy imported,

non-organic fruit when all kinds of local organic fruit is readily available

makes the people who do so part of THE PROBLEM for the rest of us.


Thanks for your clever reply, though. It was so ingenious!





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Bruce (et al),


Thank you for your participation on our RawSeattle email list, however

we have guidelines set up and wish them to be honored. We (moderators)

send out guidelines periodically, so members can be reminded of what

behavior is expected on this list. This same information is now sent to

all new members. There is also information in the description on the

main page of our . Much of this would be considered standard

email etiquette (netiquette). These are fairly simple, straightforward

guidelines, which allow our members to share their ideas and ask their

questions in a welcoming and friendly environment. When the guidelines

are not honored the environment can be less then friendly and may seem

less than inviting to people. I suspect many hesitate to post when they

see attacks from some of our members on others. That is not the

environment we wish to maintain. is an extremely large

website for sharing ideas. If anyone does not like the guidelines we

set forth here, they are welcome to find other groups or create their



This email list is also a portal for the actual Seattle Raw Foods

Community, which includes potlucks, support groups, and classes, etc.

With the wrong impression from this list, members may choose to avoid

joining our activities, when they likely joined this list for needed



Now, for some specifics -

Spam Warning: Please do not include this eGroup on any other

email lists. Do not " Cc " this list. We do not accept bulk emails.

To prevent Spam, ALL new members are moderated as a precaution.


We, of course, do not allow spam. On occasion people have

signed up for the list for the purpose of spamming, so some

spam has gotten through. Your moderators quickly and swiftly (if

we are paying attention) remove such " members " and have

enacted policies to minimize these occurrences. Emails to this

list should be individually sent to the list and not just included in

a " Cc " or " Bcc " list of recipients.


One form of spam is to " Cc " this list when sending and email to another

recipient. We request in our guidelines and on our main page, that we

not be included as a " Cc " . In other words, we should only be receiving

original emails sent to this group. An email was replied to and " Cc'd "

to this group today that was apparently sent privately to you (Bruce).

That is inappropriate. This list is not here for people to drag issues

to and condescend, attack or bash people. I have seen this technique

used on this list before and it is not welcome here.


Like any list or group of people, we have a diverse/eclectic group

and have a variety of backgrounds and opinions. Please share

your feelings and opinions while honoring and respecting those

of others. Please do not attack the character of others when they

believe differently. Please also keep language appropriate for a

family list, so we may continue appealing to a broader audience.

Please, no condescending or name-calling. Our members should

feel welcome to post here.


This is pretty straightforward. Some emails recently do not fit into

the category of making people feel welcome and comfortable to post.


We will do our best to keep the list an enjoyable environment to

share questions and ideas about raw foods. We appreciate your

doing your best, as well!


We do this in a variety of ways. One is to moderate all new member and

change the group settings as necessary to match our guidelines. Those

who do not honor the guidelines of this list are moderated. When

members continue to disregard the guidelines of this list, they will be

banned. This list should be a positive place to learn about raw foods.

That includes different opinions and beliefs. No members should be

touting their view as the only way. Similarly, no members should be

putting others down as wrong or liars. No hostility is necessary. If

everyone simply shares their own beliefs and insights, the rest of the

members can take what they wish from the information.


Thank you,


Jeff (for the Raw Seattle Moderators)

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Thanks for the reminder. On a related note, I seem to not be receiving all

messages, and I saw that Mark mentioned he didn't get Robert's post. Perhaps

Robert sent his mail privately, thinking it was going to the group. It's easy

to do. If he cc'd the group by mistake, would you have deleted it? That would

explain why the rest of us didn't get it. Thanks so much for your help and work

on the list.





Jeff Rogers

Raw Seattle

Monday, July 03, 2006 7:31 PM

[RawSeattle] Re: Monopoly on the TRUTH?!



Bruce (et al),


Thank you for your participation on our RawSeattle email list, however

we have guidelines set up and wish them to be honored. We (moderators)

send out guidelines periodically, so members can be reminded of what

behavior is expected on this list. This same information is now sent to

all new members. There is also information in the description on the

main page of our . Much of this would be considered standard

email etiquette (netiquette). These are fairly simple, straightforward

guidelines, which allow our members to share their ideas and ask their

questions in a welcoming and friendly environment. When the guidelines

are not honored the environment can be less then friendly and may seem

less than inviting to people. I suspect many hesitate to post when they

see attacks from some of our members on others. That is not the

environment we wish to maintain. is an extremely large

website for sharing ideas. If anyone does not like the guidelines we

set forth here, they are welcome to find other groups or create their



This email list is also a portal for the actual Seattle Raw Foods

Community, which includes potlucks, support groups, and classes, etc.

With the wrong impression from this list, members may choose to avoid

joining our activities, when they likely joined this list for needed



Now, for some specifics -

Spam Warning: Please do not include this eGroup on any other

email lists. Do not " Cc " this list. We do not accept bulk emails.

To prevent Spam, ALL new members are moderated as a precaution.


We, of course, do not allow spam. On occasion people have

signed up for the list for the purpose of spamming, so some

spam has gotten through. Your moderators quickly and swiftly (if

we are paying attention) remove such " members " and have

enacted policies to minimize these occurrences. Emails to this

list should be individually sent to the list and not just included in

a " Cc " or " Bcc " list of recipients.


One form of spam is to " Cc " this list when sending and email to another

recipient. We request in our guidelines and on our main page, that we

not be included as a " Cc " . In other words, we should only be receiving

original emails sent to this group. An email was replied to and " Cc'd "

to this group today that was apparently sent privately to you (Bruce).

That is inappropriate. This list is not here for people to drag issues

to and condescend, attack or bash people. I have seen this technique

used on this list before and it is not welcome here.


Like any list or group of people, we have a diverse/eclectic group

and have a variety of backgrounds and opinions. Please share

your feelings and opinions while honoring and respecting those

of others. Please do not attack the character of others when they

believe differently. Please also keep language appropriate for a

family list, so we may continue appealing to a broader audience.

Please, no condescending or name-calling. Our members should

feel welcome to post here.


This is pretty straightforward. Some emails recently do not fit into

the category of making people feel welcome and comfortable to post.


We will do our best to keep the list an enjoyable environment to

share questions and ideas about raw foods. We appreciate your

doing your best, as well!


We do this in a variety of ways. One is to moderate all new member and

change the group settings as necessary to match our guidelines. Those

who do not honor the guidelines of this list are moderated. When

members continue to disregard the guidelines of this list, they will be

banned. This list should be a positive place to learn about raw foods.

That includes different opinions and beliefs. No members should be

touting their view as the only way. Similarly, no members should be

putting others down as wrong or liars. No hostility is necessary. If

everyone simply shares their own beliefs and insights, the rest of the

members can take what they wish from the information.


Thank you,


Jeff (for the Raw Seattle Moderators)







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> Thanks for the reminder. On a related note, I seem to not be

> receiving all messages, and I saw that Mark mentioned he didn't get

> Robert's post. Perhaps Robert sent his mail privately, thinking it was

> going to the group. It's easy to do. If he cc'd the group by mistake,

> would you have deleted it? That would explain why the rest of us

> didn't get it. Thanks so much for your help and work on the list.


No email went to this list from Robert prior to Chef Sprout's post. I

checked my own archives, as well as those on our pages. I see

that Robert did re-send his original email to the list for those

interested. Sometimes, for some reason, does delay some emails,

but it does look like Robert's original post went directly to Chef








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Since Robert has now sent his message to Chef Sprout to the whole

list, I understand Chef Sprout's appropriate response in context.

Robert's message does not belong on this list, and I'm wondering how

we all received it given the reminders we recently received from you,

Jeff, and which I'm now even more grateful for.



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Chef Sprout (Bruce),


I don't " attack " as you like to describe things in your self

defensiveness, I make clear, straightforward, precise, well directed,

honest comments to those who's manner of expression calls for

commenting upon and correction.


You state:


> It isn't me who claims to have a monopoly on the TRUTH and

> continues to attempt to mislead people on this list


Point out specifically that person or persons on this list who claims

to have a monopoly on the truth and attempts to mislead people on

this list. I would like names and quotes of their words in which they

state they have a monopoly on the truth and other writings of theirs

that verify your claims that they have a monopoly on the truth.


> It is the same people over and over again with their diatribes

> against the germ theory, their fruitarian fanatacism, etc., etc.

> ad nauseum.


Please point out these people's names and provide evidence that they

are making diatribes against the germ theory, for fruitarian

fanatacism, etc.


While you are doing this, provide for me a definition accurately

describing what fruitarian fanatacism is, not just according to what

you believe it is. Define fruitarianism. Define fanatacism. Please

do not use your opinion of what it is. What is Hygiene, as well?


You mention the germ theory. Are you interested in evaluating the

veracity of the germ theory, or are you only interested in going

along with it and following it, unquestioned? You've only made a

statement against diatribes against the germ theory. Does that mean

you are in agreement with the theory, or not? The theory is false.

Does your disliking discussion on the theory make the evidence that

contradicts the theory undiscussable or non-existent? Doe it make the

germ theory true, just because you believe in it, and you dislike

criticism of it? Is it the fault of the germ-theory debunkers that

endless individuals have swallowed the germ-theory hook, line, and

sinker and unquestionably promote their beliefs in the theory in so

many words and actions of theirs, including on this board?


> The fact of the matter is that each us IS biochemically

> different, DO have different body types, etc. and must seek

> out a diet that works for us as individuals...AND FOR THE PLANET!


We are biochemically different from each other almost to the same

degree that the blood that feeds your foot is biochemically different

than the blood that feeds your ears. Humans are so remotely

biochemically different from each other that to use the idea of

biochemical difference when discussing diet is to add confusion,

misrepresentation, and irrelevancy to health discussion.

An individual seeking health needs to find a diet that works, and

what works is that diet that suits the human organism in general, not

a random diet that fits each individual according to their appetite,

particular belief system, or past unhealthy habits. A general,

optimal diet can be ascertained for the human species and it is up to

individuals who seek health to move towards that diet, making gradual

improvements as they learn more, make corrections, become wiser, and

gain experience in the many years that follow their initial pursuit

of health.


By the way, you made a claim humans are biochemically different than

each other. Provide evidence or logic that supports your claim. The

fact of the matter is that all evidence and logic supports the fact

that humans are practically identical to each other biochemically and

that there differences are extremely minute (requiring scanning

electron microscopes and decades of research to reveal).


The correct solution that is required for humans is also the solution

that works for the planet. Humans must eat the foods they are evolved

to eat in order to return to a harmonious existence on the planet.

Fruit eating is a major component of the dietary aspect of that,

regarding human contribution to life on earth. Eating inappropriate

foods just because one person falsely believes it is good for the

planet does not mean those foods are suddenly good for the human to



> To disregard the enviromental consequences of our choices and

> buy imported, non-organic fruit when all kinds of local organic

> fruit is readily available makes the people who do so part of

> THE PROBLEM for the rest of us.


As part of the overall problem, humans are eating the wrong type of

foods. In fact, it can be argued quite convincingly that the human

specie's problems on earth began with its adopting a dietary program

that deviated significantly from a frugivorous diet based principally

on fresh, ripe, tropical fruits, with very small amounts of other



No modern civilized human gets away with causing no environmental

problems. Eating a few imported fruits is the extreme least of the

worries. Just in our over-population we are, as individuals, a



> Thanks for your clever reply, though. It was so ingenious!


As is your habit, you are using condescending ways and disingenuous

talk, evidenced by this last spiteful remark of yours.


Please adopt a peaceful, mature attitude that facilitates thoughtful,

intelligent discovery and implementation of truth.



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I originally sent my message (not to mention other messages I sent) to

the whole group. Only Chef Sprout recieved it, apparently. Many

oddities are happening in the delivery/receiving of emails.


I responded strongly to Chef Sprout's careless use of language, a

carelessness which leads to propagation of nonsense and that is good to

avoid. I do appreciate and admire sensical, logical discussion, be it

critical or approving.


For those interested in discussing concepts and ideas in a legitimate

pursuit for truth, instead of throwing inuendos and backhanded comments

around, I'm all ears.


Sincerely, Robert

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Chef Sprout (Bruce, I think),


I don't " attack " as you describe it, I make clear, straightforward,

precise, well directed, honest comments to those who's manner of

expression calls for commenting upon and correction.


You state:


> It isn't me who claims to have a monopoly on the TRUTH and

> continues to attempt to mislead people on this list


Point out specifically that person or persons on this list who claims

to have a monopoly on the truth and attempts to mislead people on

this list. I want names, and I want quotes of their words that they

have written that verify your claims.


> It is the same people over and over again with their diatribes

> against the germ theory, their fruitarian fanatacism, etc., etc.

> ad nauseum.


Please point out these people's names and provide evidence that they

are making diatribes against the germ theory, for fruitarian

fanatacism, etc.


While you are doing this, provide for me a definition accurately

describing what fruitarian fanatacism is, not just according to what

you believe it is. Define fruitarianism. Define fanatacism. Please

do not use your opinion of what it is.


You mention the germ theory. Are you interested in evaluating the

veracity of the germ theory, or are you only interested in going

along with it and following it, unquestioned? You've only made a

statement against diatribes against the germ theory. Does that mean

you are in agreement with the theory, or not? The theory is false.

Does your disliking discussion on the theory make the evidence that

contradicts the theory undiscussable or non-existent? Doe it make the

germ theory true, just because you believe in it, and you dislike

criticism of it? Is it the fault of the germ-theory debunkers that

endless individuals have swallowed the germ-theory hook, line, and

sinker and unquestionably promote their beliefs in the theory in so

many words and actions of theirs, including on this board?


> The fact of the matter is that each us IS biochemically

> different, DO have different body types, etc. and must seek

> out a diet that works for us as individuals...AND FOR THE PLANET!


We are biochemically different from each other almost to the same

degree that the blood that feeds your foot is biochemically different

than the blood that feeds your ears. Humans are so remotely

biochemically different from each other that to use the idea of

biochemical difference when discussing diet is to add confusion,

misrepresentation, and irrelevancy to health discussion.

An individual seeking health needs to find a diet that works, and

what works is that diet that suits the human organism in general, not

a random diet that fits each individual according to their appetite,

particular belief system, or past unhealthy habits. A general,

optimal diet can be ascertained for the human species and it is up to

individuals who seek health to move towards that diet, making gradual

improvements as they learn more, make corrections, become wiser, and

gain experience in the many years that follow their initial pursuit

of health.


You do not back up your claim that humans are biochemically different

from each other with supportive evidence and logic. In fact, all

evidence reveals that humans are extremely bichemically similar, not

to mention physically similar to each other. To find biochemical

differences between humans has taken scanning electron microscopes

and other fancy technological gear, plus decades of research. We're

all practically and effecively siamese twins, when the evidence is

viewed in whole. We all have to breathe air to live, we have blood so

similar that we can exchange it with each other, we have the same

anatomical features, our brains are all the same size, we all think

and act similarly, we do the same things as babies, we relate to each

other as if the other person is a human like ourselves that can

understand us (try talking to a frog and getting it to relate to

you), etc, etc, etc. All those incredible similarities between humans

does not come about because we are all biochemically different.

Biochemicals are what we are 100% constructed of and what we are only

constructed of. There has to be a lot of similarities in human

biochemistry between humans for them to be behaving and looking so

incredibly similar to each other, despite some personal preferences

in behaviours and variabilites in features.


The correct solution that is required for humans is also the solution

that works for the planet. Humans must eat the foods they are evolved

to eat in order to return to a harmonious existence on the planet.

Fruit eating is a major component of the dietary aspect of that,

regarding human contribution to life on earth. Eating inappropriate

foods just because one person falsely believes it is good for the

planet does not mean those foods are suddenly good for the human to



> To disregard the enviromental consequences of our choices and

> buy imported, non-organic fruit when all kinds of local organic

> fruit is readily available makes the people who do so part of

> THE PROBLEM for the rest of us.


As part of the overall problem, humans are eating the wrong type of

foods. In fact, it can be argued quite convincingly that the human

specie's problems on earth began with its adopting a dietary program

that deviated significantly from a frugivorous diet based principally

on fresh, ripe, tropical fruits, with very small amounts of other



No modern civilized human gets away with causing no environmental

problems. Eating a few imported fruits is the extreme least of the

worries. Just in our over-population we are, as individuals, a



> Thanks for your clever reply, though. It was so ingenious!


Your condescending ways and disingenuous talk is evidenced by this

last spiteful remark of yours.


Please maintain a peaceful, mature attitude that facilitates

thoughtful, intelligent discovery and implementation of truth.



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Hi Anthony,


Perhaps this post might make it through.


It's true that most people don't like the smell of durian. I don't

like the odorous elements either. A person who goes to Vancouver to

get raw durian, obviously loves durian and doesn't mind the odorous

parts of durian's normally pleasant fragrances.


From my experience, raw, fresh durian, especially right on the tree

in the field, does not smell like frozen durian smells. Frozen, and

especially thawed, durian can smell horrible and usually does to most

people. I've picked raw durian from a durian tree, and it smelled

only sweet, though aromatic, like tropical fruit is inclined to be.

The sweet smell increased as the durian ripened, was dramatically

different than the frozen durian smell, and even different from the

smell that raw durian smells like here in the west. Westerners are

usually unfamiliar with the aromatic nature of tropical fruits, and

are accustomed to fruits with low aromas, like apples, cherries,

pears, berries, and so on. Unfamiliarity often leads westerners to

regard tropical fruits as odd or unpleasant, even in appearance.

Tropical fruit, when ripe, often have quite strong aromas or

fragrances. Think of a properly well ripened pineapple, a mango,

jackfruit, for starters.


Durian's name is undeservingly muddied somewhat due to the

freezing/thawing that it's put under. Humans would not smell too

good either if they were subjected to repeated freezing/thawing.


Those are just some points, and I do not mean to lecture you or



Your comment (question?):


> So humans normally should only be living in southeast Asia?


I find your question (humans living only in SE Asia) interesting

since I did not say anywhere in my post that humans should be living

only in southeast Asia. You appear to be trying to make some other

point with your question. If that is the case, please state your

point clearly and I will respond to it.


In one of my previous posts (that didn't post, I think, despite

various attempts) I explained the tropical nature of humans to a

small degree. It can be determined that humans are a tropical

creature. To be sure (and not saying you are making the following

claim) this does not mean they normally should only be living in

southeast Asia. There are many tropical locations on earth, and

these tropical locations have shifted greatly in the past 200,000

years and beyond. Perhaps this may help clear up any misunderstanding

around your comment and the topic being discussed, in general.


Perhaps you were trying to make a case for an argument that humans

should eat locally, etc. Please elucidate your argument if that is

the case.


Respectfully, Robert

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