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Co-ops (was Reasons to go raw)

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> or disguise your for-profit business as a " co-op " , then you're

> going to come off as an exploiter of fad dieters, giving the whole

> idea of not cooking food to death an aura of a fad diet rather than

> one based in reason and reality.


True co-ops are run by boards of directors, so it would be difficult to

actually be a personal business, especially when the co-op is compelled

by it's bylaws and subject to state and federal laws. While co-ops may

not be personal businesses, they do require the efforts of members,

often in paid positions. So, it is possible for people to earn a living

while supporting the co-op, even though it is not their own business.


As far as our local raw co-op goes, I appreciate the passion, planning,

and effort Tom has put into the NW Living Foods Co-op to provide raw

products to our community at discount prices.





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> As far as our local raw co-op goes, I appreciate the passion,

> planning,

> and effort Tom has put into the NW Living Foods Co-op to provide raw

> products to our community at discount prices.


If it's legit, why does the person running it refuse to answer

questions about where the high membership fees go?

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>As far as our local raw co-op goes, I appreciate the passion, planning,

>and effort Tom has put into the NW Living Foods Co-op to provide raw

>products to our community at discount prices.




I know nothing about food co-ops in Seattle but I can tell you on our

house hunting trip to Bellingham, the food co-op downtown WAS TO DIE

FOR!!!! The organic produce was spectacular, much greater variety,

far superior quality to what I'm presently finding & they had organic

asian pears...YUM. It sealed the deal on the move to Bellingham imo

:-) we should be there in 90 days :-) yeah!!



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>> As far as our local raw co-op goes, I appreciate the passion,

>> planning,

>> and effort Tom has put into the NW Living Foods Co-op to provide raw

>> products to our community at discount prices.


>> Jeff


> I know nothing about food co-ops in Seattle but I can tell you on our

> house hunting trip to Bellingham, the food co-op downtown WAS TO DIE

> FOR!!!! The organic produce was spectacular, much greater variety,

> far superior quality to what I'm presently finding & they had organic

> asian pears...YUM. It sealed the deal on the move to Bellingham imo

> :-) we should be there in 90 days :-) yeah!!


I shop at PCC all the time and have enjoyed the Skagit one in Mt.

Vernon too. They aren't what I was writing about.



> rookielynn




> Visit the Seattle Raw Foods Community: http://rawseattle.org


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I know that by dignifying your ranting and raving I'm putting myself at your

level but, for the sake of truth, the raw community and the co-op I'm going

to respond to you thusly:




It's impossible to refuse to answer a question if it's never been asked.

You've never asked me where the membership fees go (but then again you've

never been to any co-op meetings or read the by laws to find out either).

You've only, in your usual caustic and vitriolic way, made demands:




" Please stop calling your for-profit business a co-op " (personal email - Oct





and insinuations:




" If your only involvement in the community is to...disguise your for-profit

business as a " co-op " , then you're going to come off as an exploiter of fad

dieters, giving the whole idea of not cooking food to death an aura of a fad

diet rather than one based in reason and reality. " (Raw Seattle post, Nov 1)




Since you seem to be co-op " challenged " , here's some co-op 101:




According to Jill Stevenson of the National Co-op Business Association (of

which our co-op is a member), the vast majority of co-ops are either not for

profit (minimizing profit by charging less " at the check out counter " , such

as most credit union co-ops and electrical utility co-ops) or for profit

co-ops (maximizing profits for members and then returning a portion of those

profits at the end of the year in the form of dividends such as most food

and agricultural co-ops). It's basically a matter of semantics whichever way

you look at it - for profit, not for profit, non profit - they are all about

maximizing the benefits of being a member. NW Living Foods Co-op's board of

directors chose the not for profit model (and are still considering filing

for non profit status), choosing to charge only 10% over cost, basically

giving members their dividend (20% - 50% off retail) at the time of

purchase, as well as charging a membership fee to help cover the cost of

running a co-op. The costs of running a co-op (or any business for that

matter) are pretty much the same regardless of which model you choose to

follow. All co-ops tend to have some paid employees running the co-op and

sometimes volunteers helping support, sometimes in exchange for co-op

product or services. Co-ops have all the same business expenses to meet

(bookkeeping, legal, taxes, phone, etc) as non co-ops, including salaries

for employees. Literally, bottom line, if any business can't cover its

expenses it can't keep the doors open. End of lesson.




I explained in my off line reply to you after your first " attack " , but you

apparently couldn't understand the " reason and reality " of the math, so I'll

try again.


In the 19 months that the co-op has been in existence, I've put in

(conservatively) 40 hours a month (760 hours) and have been paid a total of

$1000. That works out to $1.32/hr.


When you factor out the (very conservatively) $500 in cell phone usage

overages, printer cartridges, phone calls not charged for, uncharged

shipping, gas for delivery, etc paid for personally, that brings it down to

$.66/hr. Then you consider that minimum wage is $8.25/hr (?) and the board

authorized a $20/hr wage (a dramatic reduction from my " day job " ). Then you

factor in the cost of incorporating, data entry done in exchange for a

VitaMix, product sorting done in exchange for product, invoicing done in

exchange for product cost, bookkeeping expenses, web site development fees,

the list goes on and on, it's not hard to see how the approximately $1000 in

membership fees and the 10% over cost collected disappears in a hurry. This

doesn't even consider the phone and computer hook ups provided free from our

house, the use of 400 sq ft of our house for most of the month, wear and

tear on my vehicle, etc. As a matter of speculation, it's probably fair to

say that I personally have been subsidizing co-op member's raw purchases.

Make what you will of that, maybe because of wanting to give back to the

community that helped my wife heal her cancer, maybe because of my personal

finances I was fortunate enough to not have to be worried about earning a

fair salary while helping get the co-op " off the ground " , maybe it's just my

crazy passionate nature, maybe I'm just a bad business person, whatever, I

find it hard to fathom how anyone could call this a for profit business. And

I asked you before and I'll ask you again, what is your problem with people

saving 20% - 50% off retail and having a local place to get raw product?





You mention this as my only involvement in the community (as if this wasn't

enough in itself)? Maybe you should up your Ginko Biloba intake so you get

your memory back. Aside from running the co-op basically for free, you must

have forgotten about the almost monthly pot lucks we (my wife, Susan and I)

have been holding for 40 - 60 people for the last year and a half (many of

which you attended) to create a safe environment (unlike the one you create

when you 'crucify' a newcomer for asking questions on the website) for

people to get together and share the raw experience or the speakers the

co-op has brought in to share real information instead of the sarcastic, and

many times offensive version you dispense from behind the safe anonymity of

your computer screen instead of coming out from the sidelines and actually

contributing something other than destructive diatribes to the community

website (your treatment of " Reasons to Go Raw " the other day was shameful

and a discredit to the raw website as are a lot of your attacks. People come

to the site for help and support, not to be castigated.)




Anyway, hopes this all helps with your understanding of the nature of co-op

and the actual status of NW Living Foods Co-op. Have a great day!




Yours Truly,




Tom Armstrong




NW Living Foods Co-op










RawSeattle [RawSeattle ] On

Behalf Of Anthony D'Atri

Friday, November 03, 2006 10:36 AM


Re: [RawSeattle] Co-ops (was Reasons to go raw)





> As far as our local raw co-op goes, I appreciate the passion,

> planning,

> and effort Tom has put into the NW Living Foods Co-op to provide raw

> products to our community at discount prices.


If it's legit, why does the person running it refuse to answer

questions about where the high membership fees go?







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Thanks Tom for setting things into perspective. I, personally, do not

have the time to read even a tenth of what is posted here and even less

time to respond. However I like to think that I am still pretty involved

in the raw/living/lifefood community, by helping people get thru their

health challenges with the assistance of live nutrition - and

supplements and weeding thru research on many levels. And it may look

from my rates that I make a lot of profit, however, the things involved

that needs to be done that does not produce revenue is vast. So I fully

understand the effort you, Tom, have put into getting this co-op off the

ground and save people a lot from what I would need to charge people -

you are doing a big service.


Where Anthony gets the time to be so " involved " in this community is a

mystery to me, and frankly I could care less how he spends his time. It

irks me though when anyone's time is spent in efforts to disturb peace

in ANY community, even a virtual one as this.


Peace be with you all - I look forward to meeting many of you at the

potluck this weekend,




Christopher Yashpal Jayne, ND

Naturopathic & Homeopathic Physician

1044 Water St #206

Port Townsend, Wash 98368


Office: 360-385-3551

Fax/Msg: 877-860-5110



RawSeattle [RawSeattle ] On

Behalf Of Tom Armstrong

Friday, November 03, 2006 10:02 PM


[Norton AntiSpam] RE: [RawSeattle] Co-ops (was Reasons to go







I know that by dignifying your ranting and raving I'm putting myself at


level but, for the sake of truth, the raw community and the co-op I'm


to respond to you thusly:


It's impossible to refuse to answer a question if it's never been asked.

You've never asked me where the membership fees go (but then again


never been to any co-op meetings or read the by laws to find out


You've only, in your usual caustic and vitriolic way, made demands:


" Please stop calling your for-profit business a co-op " (personal email -




and insinuations:


" If your only involvement in the community is to...disguise your


business as a " co-op " , then you're going to come off as an exploiter of


dieters, giving the whole idea of not cooking food to death an aura of a


diet rather than one based in reason and reality. " (Raw Seattle post,

Nov 1)


Since you seem to be co-op " challenged " , here's some co-op 101:


According to Jill Stevenson of the National Co-op Business Association


which our co-op is a member), the vast majority of co-ops are either not


profit (minimizing profit by charging less " at the check out counter " ,


as most credit union co-ops and electrical utility co-ops) or for profit

co-ops (maximizing profits for members and then returning a portion of


profits at the end of the year in the form of dividends such as most


and agricultural co-ops). It's basically a matter of semantics whichever


you look at it - for profit, not for profit, non profit - they are all


maximizing the benefits of being a member. NW Living Foods Co-op's board


directors chose the not for profit model (and are still considering


for non profit status), choosing to charge only 10% over cost, basically

giving members their dividend (20% - 50% off retail) at the time of

purchase, as well as charging a membership fee to help cover the cost of

running a co-op. The costs of running a co-op (or any business for that

matter) are pretty much the same regardless of which model you choose to

follow. All co-ops tend to have some paid employees running the co-op


sometimes volunteers helping support, sometimes in exchange for co-op

product or services. Co-ops have all the same business expenses to meet

(bookkeeping, legal, taxes, phone, etc) as non co-ops, including


for employees. Literally, bottom line, if any business can't cover its

expenses it can't keep the doors open. End of lesson.


I explained in my off line reply to you after your first " attack " , but


apparently couldn't understand the " reason and reality " of the math, so


try again.


In the 19 months that the co-op has been in existence, I've put in

(conservatively) 40 hours a month (760 hours) and have been paid a total


$1000. That works out to $1.32/hr.


When you factor out the (very conservatively) $500 in cell phone usage

overages, printer cartridges, phone calls not charged for, uncharged

shipping, gas for delivery, etc paid for personally, that brings it down


$.66/hr. Then you consider that minimum wage is $8.25/hr (?) and the


authorized a $20/hr wage (a dramatic reduction from my " day job " ). Then


factor in the cost of incorporating, data entry done in exchange for a

VitaMix, product sorting done in exchange for product, invoicing done in

exchange for product cost, bookkeeping expenses, web site development


the list goes on and on, it's not hard to see how the approximately

$1000 in

membership fees and the 10% over cost collected disappears in a hurry.


doesn't even consider the phone and computer hook ups provided free from


house, the use of 400 sq ft of our house for most of the month, wear and

tear on my vehicle, etc. As a matter of speculation, it's probably fair


say that I personally have been subsidizing co-op member's raw


Make what you will of that, maybe because of wanting to give back to the

community that helped my wife heal her cancer, maybe because of my


finances I was fortunate enough to not have to be worried about earning


fair salary while helping get the co-op " off the ground " , maybe it's

just my

crazy passionate nature, maybe I'm just a bad business person, whatever,


find it hard to fathom how anyone could call this a for profit business.


I asked you before and I'll ask you again, what is your problem with


saving 20% - 50% off retail and having a local place to get raw product?


You mention this as my only involvement in the community (as if this


enough in itself)? Maybe you should up your Ginko Biloba intake so you


your memory back. Aside from running the co-op basically for free, you


have forgotten about the almost monthly pot lucks we (my wife, Susan and


have been holding for 40 - 60 people for the last year and a half (many


which you attended) to create a safe environment (unlike the one you


when you 'crucify' a newcomer for asking questions on the website) for

people to get together and share the raw experience or the speakers the

co-op has brought in to share real information instead of the sarcastic,


many times offensive version you dispense from behind the safe anonymity


your computer screen instead of coming out from the sidelines and


contributing something other than destructive diatribes to the community

website (your treatment of " Reasons to Go Raw " the other day was


and a discredit to the raw website as are a lot of your attacks. People


to the site for help and support, not to be castigated.)


Anyway, hopes this all helps with your understanding of the nature of


and the actual status of NW Living Foods Co-op. Have a great day!


Yours Truly,


Tom Armstrong




NW Living Foods Co-op




RawSeattle@gro <RawSeattle%40> ups.com

[RawSeattle@gro <RawSeattle%40>

ups.com] On

Behalf Of Anthony D'Atri

Friday, November 03, 2006 10:36 AM

RawSeattle@gro <RawSeattle%40> ups.com

Re: [RawSeattle] Co-ops (was Reasons to go raw)


> As far as our local raw co-op goes, I appreciate the passion,

> planning,

> and effort Tom has put into the NW Living Foods Co-op to provide raw

> products to our community at discount prices.


If it's legit, why does the person running it refuse to answer

questions about where the high membership fees go?



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Thank you Tom.


To Jeff, moderator:

I'd like to know why a person like this Anthony is still allowed on

this list. I am, frankly, tired of reading his sarcastic replies to

member postings. It is a complete turn-off and he obviously has way

too much time on his hands. His remarks do not serve anyone.


Regards -C

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Thank you Tom & Yashpal. What always baffles me is why does it bother folks so

much for anyone to " make " money or make a living off raw foods?! We don't

complain to our plumbers, mechanics, teachers, salesclerks, massage therapists,

etc... Why is it considered a negative thing to make a living from

selling/teaching living foods? It's a job just like any other, just very



Tom - does the co-op have a website for membership and/or product information?

Or do you have something you can send me? I would appreciate it. I have not

been very consistent about buying and I did not even know a membership fee

existed, but would be more than happy to join. I belong to PCC, Sno-Isle,

Skagit and Bellingham co-ops. And yes, I PAID for every membership, I do not

use just one card for all co-ops. I believe in supporting these endeavors.


And thank you Yashpal for contributing here. While I have not met you

personally I have heard wonderful things about you and your methods of helping

people achieve their health goals.


" Infinite love is the only truth, the rest is illusion. " -- David Icke


Peacefully - Shari Viger





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> To Jeff, moderator:

> I'd like to know why a person like this Anthony is still allowed on

> this list. I am, frankly, tired of reading his sarcastic replies to

> member postings. It is a complete turn-off and he obviously has way

> too much time on his hands. His remarks do not serve anyone.




Thank you for your note. Many of us are not fond of sarcasm and

condescending comments. There are far better ways of communication,

IMO. It is even mentioned in the posting etiquette guidelines for this

(RawSeattle) list:


Please share your feelings and opinions while honoring and respecting

those of others. Please do not attack the character of others when they

believe differently. Please also keep language appropriate for a

family list, so we may continue appealing to a broader audience.

Please, no condescending, sarcasm, or name-calling. Our members

should feel welcome to post here.


Unfortunately, sarcasm and condescension continue to creep into our

discussions, including your own post, as well as Tom's, etc. (although

not to the same extent as others.) I would much rather have the

" truth " , unclouded by sarcasm, condescension, and name-calling, etc.

I'm sure many of our members feel the same way.


Re: Anthony's posts - he does, occasionally, make good points (and,

yes, may serve some people), though his methods may not be appreciated

by everyone. His recent post " Reasons to go raw " was probably

inappropriate. His points could have been made in a different way. I

believe points should be made in a way that they are welcomed. In that

way, they are received better and more likely to make a difference. If

there is condescending language, etc. they seem (IMO) to come from

personal issues, anger, etc. (or simply an individual's preference of

communicating?) and are more likely to be ignored by readers. What is

the point, then, of making such posts? It may be that some people

actually receive the information better that way. I just know I do not

and such posts are not welcome here.


Everyone: (including Anthony) Please honor the guidelines of this list

(RawSeattle, then click on

" Posting Etiquette.txt " ) We may all have individual methods and

preferences of communicating, but in a community setting, such as this

list, where there are hundreds of different personalities, let's use

some standard methods of communication and keep things civil.


BTW, I do appreciate the humor that sometimes shows up within sarcasm.

Everyone: your humor is welcome here, just please keep the

condescending attitudes and sarcasm out please!


As to why Anthony is still on this list - He, like many of us, is (IMO)

searching for truth like the rest of us. He is vegan and is interested

in raw foods. He is part of this community, goes to potlucks, offers

his insights in discussions (at potlucks and on this list), etc. etc.

He occasionally makes me think! He also, occasionally, makes me smile!

A gift I admire.






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Hi Shari,




Yes, the website for product info & ordering (and membership fees - $25.00)

is www.nwlivingfoodscoop.org/products. Also, I know you're an " early to

bedder " , but you should make an exception and try to make it down for the

Grand Opening at the pot luck tonight, it'll be fun. Take care.














RawSeattle [RawSeattle ] On

Behalf Of SV

Saturday, November 04, 2006 6:20 AM


Re: RE: [RawSeattle] Co-ops (was Reasons to go raw)




Thank you Tom & Yashpal. What always baffles me is why does it bother folks

so much for anyone to " make " money or make a living off raw foods?! We don't

complain to our plumbers, mechanics, teachers, salesclerks, massage

therapists, etc... Why is it considered a negative thing to make a living

from selling/teaching living foods? It's a job just like any other, just

very specialized.


Tom - does the co-op have a website for membership and/or product

information? Or do you have something you can send me? I would appreciate

it. I have not been very consistent about buying and I did not even know a

membership fee existed, but would be more than happy to join. I belong to

PCC, Sno-Isle, Skagit and Bellingham co-ops. And yes, I PAID for every

membership, I do not use just one card for all co-ops. I believe in

supporting these endeavors.


And thank you Yashpal for contributing here. While I have not met you

personally I have heard wonderful things about you and your methods of

helping people achieve their health goals.


" Infinite love is the only truth, the rest is illusion. " -- David Icke


Peacefully - Shari Viger



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Thanks Tom. I will check out the website. I have a standing engagement the

first Saturday of November & the same in May with my girl cousins in Ballard.

They are probably the FARTHEST people I know from raw!


Hope you have a great turnout!!





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Bravo, Tom! I have been silently looking on and biting my tongue, but such

responses/remarks as the one you are addressing make me cringe, and also sad

that new raw foodists may be subjected to such negative diatribe. Let's be kind,

compassionate, grateful and at the least, civil. Asya


Tom Armstrong <tom.armstrong wrote:



I know that by dignifying your ranting and raving I'm putting myself at your

level but, for the sake of truth, the raw community and the co-op I'm going

to respond to you thusly:


It's impossible to refuse to answer a question if it's never been asked.

You've never asked me where the membership fees go (but then again you've

never been to any co-op meetings or read the by laws to find out either).

You've only, in your usual caustic and vitriolic way, made demands:


" Please stop calling your for-profit business a co-op " (personal email - Oct



and insinuations:


" If your only involvement in the community is to...disguise your for-profit

business as a " co-op " , then you're going to come off as an exploiter of fad

dieters, giving the whole idea of not cooking food to death an aura of a fad

diet rather than one based in reason and reality. " (Raw Seattle post, Nov 1)


Since you seem to be co-op " challenged " , here's some co-op 101:


According to Jill Stevenson of the National Co-op Business Association (of

which our co-op is a member), the vast majority of co-ops are either not for

profit (minimizing profit by charging less " at the check out counter " , such

as most credit union co-ops and electrical utility co-ops) or for profit

co-ops (maximizing profits for members and then returning a portion of those

profits at the end of the year in the form of dividends such as most food

and agricultural co-ops). It's basically a matter of semantics whichever way

you look at it - for profit, not for profit, non profit - they are all about

maximizing the benefits of being a member. NW Living Foods Co-op's board of

directors chose the not for profit model (and are still considering filing

for non profit status), choosing to charge only 10% over cost, basically

giving members their dividend (20% - 50% off retail) at the time of

purchase, as well as charging a membership fee to help cover the cost of

running a co-op. The costs of running a co-op (or any business for that

matter) are pretty much the same regardless of which model you choose to

follow. All co-ops tend to have some paid employees running the co-op and

sometimes volunteers helping support, sometimes in exchange for co-op

product or services. Co-ops have all the same business expenses to meet

(bookkeeping, legal, taxes, phone, etc) as non co-ops, including salaries

for employees. Literally, bottom line, if any business can't cover its

expenses it can't keep the doors open. End of lesson.


I explained in my off line reply to you after your first " attack " , but you

apparently couldn't understand the " reason and reality " of the math, so I'll

try again.


In the 19 months that the co-op has been in existence, I've put in

(conservatively) 40 hours a month (760 hours) and have been paid a total of

$1000. That works out to $1.32/hr.


When you factor out the (very conservatively) $500 in cell phone usage

overages, printer cartridges, phone calls not charged for, uncharged

shipping, gas for delivery, etc paid for personally, that brings it down to

$.66/hr. Then you consider that minimum wage is $8.25/hr (?) and the board

authorized a $20/hr wage (a dramatic reduction from my " day job " ). Then you

factor in the cost of incorporating, data entry done in exchange for a

VitaMix, product sorting done in exchange for product, invoicing done in

exchange for product cost, bookkeeping expenses, web site development fees,

the list goes on and on, it's not hard to see how the approximately $1000 in

membership fees and the 10% over cost collected disappears in a hurry. This

doesn't even consider the phone and computer hook ups provided free from our

house, the use of 400 sq ft of our house for most of the month, wear and

tear on my vehicle, etc. As a matter of speculation, it's probably fair to

say that I personally have been subsidizing co-op member's raw purchases.

Make what you will of that, maybe because of wanting to give back to the

community that helped my wife heal her cancer, maybe because of my personal

finances I was fortunate enough to not have to be worried about earning a

fair salary while helping get the co-op " off the ground " , maybe it's just my

crazy passionate nature, maybe I'm just a bad business person, whatever, I

find it hard to fathom how anyone could call this a for profit business. And

I asked you before and I'll ask you again, what is your problem with people

saving 20% - 50% off retail and having a local place to get raw product?


You mention this as my only involvement in the community (as if this wasn't

enough in itself)? Maybe you should up your Ginko Biloba intake so you get

your memory back. Aside from running the co-op basically for free, you must

have forgotten about the almost monthly pot lucks we (my wife, Susan and I)

have been holding for 40 - 60 people for the last year and a half (many of

which you attended) to create a safe environment (unlike the one you create

when you 'crucify' a newcomer for asking questions on the website) for

people to get together and share the raw experience or the speakers the

co-op has brought in to share real information instead of the sarcastic, and

many times offensive version you dispense from behind the safe anonymity of

your computer screen instead of coming out from the sidelines and actually

contributing something other than destructive diatribes to the community

website (your treatment of " Reasons to Go Raw " the other day was shameful

and a discredit to the raw website as are a lot of your attacks. People come

to the site for help and support, not to be castigated.)


Anyway, hopes this all helps with your understanding of the nature of co-op

and the actual status of NW Living Foods Co-op. Have a great day!


Yours Truly,


Tom Armstrong




NW Living Foods Co-op




RawSeattle [RawSeattle ] On

Behalf Of Anthony D'Atri

Friday, November 03, 2006 10:36 AM


Re: [RawSeattle] Co-ops (was Reasons to go raw)


> As far as our local raw co-op goes, I appreciate the passion,

> planning,

> and effort Tom has put into the NW Living Foods Co-op to provide raw

> products to our community at discount prices.


If it's legit, why does the person running it refuse to answer

questions about where the high membership fees go?


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I wonder if this should have been a personal email

instead of a list email?


--- Tom Armstrong <tom.armstrong wrote:


> Anthony,




> I know that by dignifying your ranting and raving

> I'm putting myself at your

> level but, for the sake of truth, the raw community

> and the co-op I'm going

> to respond to you thusly:




> It's impossible to refuse to answer a question if

> it's never been asked.

> You've never asked me where the membership fees go

> (but then again you've

> never been to any co-op meetings or read the by laws

> to find out either).

> You've only, in your usual caustic and vitriolic

> way, made demands:




> " Please stop calling your for-profit business a

> co-op " (personal email - Oct

> 11)




> and insinuations:




> " If your only involvement in the community is

> to...disguise your for-profit

> business as a " co-op " , then you're going to come off

> as an exploiter of fad

> dieters, giving the whole idea of not cooking food

> to death an aura of a fad

> diet rather than one based in reason and reality. "

> (Raw Seattle post, Nov 1)




> Since you seem to be co-op " challenged " , here's some

> co-op 101:




> According to Jill Stevenson of the National Co-op

> Business Association (of

> which our co-op is a member), the vast majority of

> co-ops are either not for

> profit (minimizing profit by charging less " at the

> check out counter " , such

> as most credit union co-ops and electrical utility

> co-ops) or for profit

> co-ops (maximizing profits for members and then

> returning a portion of those

> profits at the end of the year in the form of

> dividends such as most food

> and agricultural co-ops). It's basically a matter of

> semantics whichever way

> you look at it - for profit, not for profit, non

> profit - they are all about

> maximizing the benefits of being a member. NW Living

> Foods Co-op's board of

> directors chose the not for profit model (and are

> still considering filing

> for non profit status), choosing to charge only 10%

> over cost, basically

> giving members their dividend (20% - 50% off retail)

> at the time of

> purchase, as well as charging a membership fee to

> help cover the cost of

> running a co-op. The costs of running a co-op (or

> any business for that

> matter) are pretty much the same regardless of which

> model you choose to

> follow. All co-ops tend to have some paid employees

> running the co-op and

> sometimes volunteers helping support, sometimes in

> exchange for co-op

> product or services. Co-ops have all the same

> business expenses to meet

> (bookkeeping, legal, taxes, phone, etc) as non

> co-ops, including salaries

> for employees. Literally, bottom line, if any

> business can't cover its

> expenses it can't keep the doors open. End of

> lesson.




> I explained in my off line reply to you after your

> first " attack " , but you

> apparently couldn't understand the " reason and

> reality " of the math, so I'll

> try again.


> In the 19 months that the co-op has been in

> existence, I've put in

> (conservatively) 40 hours a month (760 hours) and

> have been paid a total of

> $1000. That works out to $1.32/hr.


> When you factor out the (very conservatively) $500

> in cell phone usage

> overages, printer cartridges, phone calls not

> charged for, uncharged

> shipping, gas for delivery, etc paid for personally,

> that brings it down to

> $.66/hr. Then you consider that minimum wage is

> $8.25/hr (?) and the board

> authorized a $20/hr wage (a dramatic reduction from

> my " day job " ). Then you

> factor in the cost of incorporating, data entry done

> in exchange for a

> VitaMix, product sorting done in exchange for

> product, invoicing done in

> exchange for product cost, bookkeeping expenses, web

> site development fees,

> the list goes on and on, it's not hard to see how

> the approximately $1000 in

> membership fees and the 10% over cost collected

> disappears in a hurry. This

> doesn't even consider the phone and computer hook

> ups provided free from our

> house, the use of 400 sq ft of our house for most of

> the month, wear and

> tear on my vehicle, etc. As a matter of speculation,

> it's probably fair to

> say that I personally have been subsidizing co-op

> member's raw purchases.

> Make what you will of that, maybe because of wanting

> to give back to the

> community that helped my wife heal her cancer, maybe

> because of my personal

> finances I was fortunate enough to not have to be

> worried about earning a

> fair salary while helping get the co-op " off the

> ground " , maybe it's just my

> crazy passionate nature, maybe I'm just a bad

> business person, whatever, I

> find it hard to fathom how anyone could call this a

> for profit business. And

> I asked you before and I'll ask you again, what is

> your problem with people

> saving 20% - 50% off retail and having a local place

> to get raw product?





> You mention this as my only involvement in the

> community (as if this wasn't

> enough in itself)? Maybe you should up your Ginko

> Biloba intake so you get

> your memory back. Aside from running the co-op

> basically for free, you must

> have forgotten about the almost monthly pot lucks we

> (my wife, Susan and I)

> have been holding for 40 - 60 people for the last

> year and a half (many of

> which you attended) to create a safe environment

> (unlike the one you create

> when you 'crucify' a newcomer for asking questions

> on the website) for

> people to get together and share the raw experience

> or the speakers the

> co-op has brought in to share real information

> instead of the sarcastic, and

> many times offensive version you dispense from

> behind the safe anonymity of

> your computer screen instead of coming out from the

> sidelines and actually

> contributing something other than destructive

> diatribes to the community

> website (your treatment of " Reasons to Go Raw " the

> other day was shameful

> and a discredit to the raw website as are a lot of

> your attacks. People come

> to the site for help and support, not to be

> castigated.)




> Anyway, hopes this all helps with your understanding

> of the nature of co-op

> and the actual status of NW Living Foods Co-op. Have

> a great day!




> Yours Truly,




> Tom Armstrong


> President


=== message truncated ===









Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail.


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I thought it was list etiquette to take personal

discussions off the list. I wouldn't want two people

talking about me on the list! Perhaps you could post

the guidelines reminders and leave it at that and take

the personal discussions off the list? Please?


--- Jeff Rogers <jeff wrote:


> > To Jeff, moderator:

> > I'd like to know why a person like this Anthony

> is still allowed on

> > this list. I am, frankly, tired of reading his

> sarcastic replies to

> > member postings. It is a complete turn-off and he

> obviously has way

> > too much time on his hands. His remarks do not

> serve anyone.


> Christy,


> Thank you for your note. Many of us are not fond of

> sarcasm and

> condescending comments. There are far better ways of

> communication,

> IMO. It is even mentioned in the posting etiquette

> guidelines for this

> (RawSeattle) list:


> Please share your feelings and opinions while

> honoring and respecting

> those of others. Please do not attack the character

> of others when they

> believe differently. Please also keep language

> appropriate for a

> family list, so we may continue appealing to a

> broader audience.

> Please, no condescending, sarcasm, or name-calling.

> Our members

> should feel welcome to post here.


> Unfortunately, sarcasm and condescension continue to

> creep into our

> discussions, including your own post, as well as

> Tom's, etc. (although

> not to the same extent as others.) I would much

> rather have the

> " truth " , unclouded by sarcasm, condescension, and

> name-calling, etc.

> I'm sure many of our members feel the same way.


> Re: Anthony's posts - he does, occasionally, make

> good points (and,

> yes, may serve some people), though his methods may

> not be appreciated

> by everyone. His recent post " Reasons to go raw "

> was probably

> inappropriate. His points could have been made in a

> different way. I

> believe points should be made in a way that they are

> welcomed. In that

> way, they are received better and more likely to

> make a difference. If

> there is condescending language, etc. they seem

> (IMO) to come from

> personal issues, anger, etc. (or simply an

> individual's preference of

> communicating?) and are more likely to be ignored by

> readers. What is

> the point, then, of making such posts? It may be

> that some people

> actually receive the information better that way. I

> just know I do not

> and such posts are not welcome here.


> Everyone: (including Anthony) Please honor the

> guidelines of this list

> (RawSeattle,

> then click on

> " Posting Etiquette.txt " ) We may all have individual

> methods and

> preferences of communicating, but in a community

> setting, such as this

> list, where there are hundreds of different

> personalities, let's use

> some standard methods of communication and keep

> things civil.


> BTW, I do appreciate the humor that sometimes shows

> up within sarcasm.

> Everyone: your humor is welcome here, just please

> keep the

> condescending attitudes and sarcasm out please!


> As to why Anthony is still on this list - He, like

> many of us, is (IMO)

> searching for truth like the rest of us. He is vegan

> and is interested

> in raw foods. He is part of this community, goes to

> potlucks, offers

> his insights in discussions (at potlucks and on this

> list), etc. etc.

> He occasionally makes me think! He also,

> occasionally, makes me smile!

> A gift I admire.


> Jeff



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]










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Yes and no...


Anthony had made some comments that, IMO, were uncalled for and

inappropriate on this list. Tom responded to the comments to " clear "

his name and offer more background, etc. When people have issues with

someone they should not be dragged to this list. If and when they do,

others have a right (to some extent) to defend themselves and offer the

other side of the story. Those situations (which creep up occasionally

on this list) can become awkward and uncomfortable for others on the

list. We do have guidelines for posting on this list that, when

honored, should prevent many such problems, but apparently we have

humans on this list... so we deal with it and try to help each other

move forward. Anyway, I received many comments (some on this list, more

off the list) about moderating, or removing, such members. We do have

some members (who occasionally " snap " ) on moderation. New members are

always moderated. We " ban " members for different reasons, primarily for

trying to spam the list and/or blatantly disregarding our guidelines.

Regarding Anthony, he actually removed himself from the list.


I/we (moderators) try to keep this a friendly and family email list.

Our members should always feel welcome to post and should feel

comfortable doing so.




PS: By the way, remember to trim your posts! Anyone not knowing what I

mean can refer to our posting guidelines or contact me. Thanks!


On Nov 10, 2006, at 8:49 AM, Susan wrote:


> I wonder if this should have been a personal email

> instead of a list email?


> --- Tom Armstrong <tom.armstrong wrote:


> > Anthony,

> >



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