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Why mucus? (WAS: On the nature of Natural Hygiene)

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You are welcome, RL! Now about that " cold " ... Perhaps it would help (give

you an ounce of comfort) to understand the function of mucus in our

physiology. The body produces mucus throughout the digestive and respiratory

systems as a self-protective response whenever foreign matter enters either

of those systems (give or take). The mucus is intended to wrap, hence

isolate, the foreign matter, to keep that foreign matter away from direct

contact with the lining of these systems.


Mucus is sufficiently thick to envelope most microscopic and very small

foreign matter, and sufficiently wet so that the body can move the foreign

matter, bound in the mucus, toward an exit pathway (orifice, such as the

nose, mouth, ears, vagina, etc.)


You express the question, is this " detox " , as people seem to say.

(Personally, I have dropped that term from my vocabulary, except with

respect to land fills. I prefer to speak of the body cleansing itself, which

is both more accurate and much more peaceful sounding, at least to me.)


Anyway, the underlying question is, whence comes the foreign matter to which

the body is responding (wrapping in mucus)? And only you can answer that. If

you have exposed your system to digestive and/or respiratory foreign matter,

then your body is likely secreting the mucus directly in response to that

material. Common examples include airborne pollutants (vessels, paints,

etc.) and foods (spices, many herbs, grains, stimulants such as cacao or the

like, etc.)


OTOH, if you have not recently exposed yourself in such a way, then perhaps

your system has reached a point where it possesses sufficient vitality

(energy and other resources) and is sufficiently rested to cleanse

something, such that your body wishes to move that something out via your

respiratory system, with overflow heading out through your digestive system

(post-nasal drip, for example). (Remember, the lungs are one of the 3

primary eliminative organs, along with the kidneys and the colon.) [sorry

for the very long sentence.]


Well, hope that's enough information for the moment. Feel better soon!



RawSeattle [RawSeattle ] On

Behalf Of welltrainedmonkey

Friday, December 08, 2006 5:36 PM


Re: [RawSeattle] On the nature of Natural Hygiene (WAS: Question???




>Thanks Elchanan....well said. I got into this as a health experiment,

>I guess and the side benefit is, I'm finding (if I stick with it long

>enough) would be coming face to face with myself, i.e., my natural self

>which I put more on the spiritual side of things. Actually I'm finding

>that we are not bits and pieces but one whole and that treating one

>virtual segment of our being ends up being all of our Being :-)

>Anyway, I'm hopeful that what you write about I'll experience soon.



RL sitting here with a kleenex, refusing decongestants, even herbal meds,

and nursing with warm water what appears to be a blossoming cold :-)

DETOX??, me thinks (hopes) :-)




>Greetings RL and all,

> indeed our entire being, creates health on its own. Our role is to

>live as we are designed to live, to the best of our present ability,

>and to give our system ALL that it needs to cleanse, repair, and

>restore itself.

>By " all that it needs " , I mean not only food, but also excellent rest,

>activity (what some call " exercise " ), sunshine, fresh air, sufficient

>hydration, laughter and play, work that one loves (and is therefore no

>longer work), and so forth. I know of two places on the Internet where

>one can fully explore this path:

>- Doug Graham's site at VegSource

>- the PathOfHealth group

>I have learned, not only with respect to health but with respect to

>many things, that almost everything I ever learned growing up was

>false. Not necessarily that every bit of information was false, but

>rather than the underlying premises, are fundamentally flawed. What I

>have come to comprehend, very deeply from within me, is that Nature has

>neither diagnoses nor treatments, but only actions and consequences. If

>we choose actions that create health, we shall eventually experience

>health. If we choose otherwise, we shall experience otherwise.

>Please note that the approach many of the NH folks describe, involving

>a diet high in fruits (AND with a base of SWEET fruits) and tender

>greens and low to nonexistent in most other things, is a diet that

>leads one into a place of high, steady, dependable energy, wellness,

>and awareness that are simply " off the map " of most people, even most

>RFs, to conceive. In this sense, what we describe really is living on the

cutting edge.

>If you are willing, this way of eating and living will bring you

>face-to-face with yourself: you will have the opportunity to know

>yourself and the world around you as never before. I realize this may

>be said of several approaches to RF, to a degree, but I assure that the

>extent to which this becomes so with this approach expands, eventually

>and over time, far beyond what most people may likely ever experience.

>That is what is available, to those who would embrace and receive it.

>I hope this explanation is helpful. Best to all, Elchanan



><RawSeattle%40>RawSeattle [

><RawSeattle >

>RawSeattle ] On Behalf Of


>Friday, December 08, 2006 11:01 AM


>[RawSeattle] Question???


>H Folks,


>Am surfing on raw food stuff and came up with this






>Don't know when this page was written but it's discussing the dangers

>of fruitarianism....oh, and some stuff about which NH group you should

>join....sorry not into politics, just information.


>Anyone know anything this? I googled " fruitarianism dangers " but got

>nothing helpful. To be specific (excerpt)


>Why not join HLI?

>Why don't we just join Healthful Living International? HLI is a

>relatively new natural hygiene group also originating from discontent

>with ANHS. There are of course many similarities, but there are also

substantial differences.

>HLI follows TC Fry's (fruitarian) ideas closely.


>But his ideas on the ideal diet are contradicted by the ideas of Dr.

>Cursio, Dr. Bass, Weston-Price and anthropological research. We want to

>take this contradiction seriously, look at all arguments and present

>the result to the public.

>Thank you,




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