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Nora's class yesterday

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Hi everyone,


I took Nora's (for those of you who don't know her, Nora Lenz at

www.rawschool.com) " Raw Foods 101 " yesterday at Discover U and just

wanted to say that it was excellent. I don't know anywhere else where

that kind of information is available in such a condensed, easy to

understand format--and in person, where you can ask questions, too. I

was familiar with many of the ideas, from reading her web site,

participating in her , and other sources, but that was

pieced together over a year or so. The class gave me a more in-depth

understanding of certain concepts, and it was invaluable to have it all

laid out in 3 hrs.


She also showed a really easy way to open a young coconut I hadn't seen

before, and we got to try durian!


I think she said she's teaching it again in May--I would highly

recommend it if you can make it.



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Thanks, Laurie. It was really nice seeing your smiling face in the front row.



The next Discover U class is May 12, although I may be having some small classes

in my home before then as well. If I do, I'll announce it here.


Best wishes,





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Do you know for sure that it won't? I know Nora personally, but regardless of

personalities and what you think of them there is a way for you to heal and I

suspect that's what you want most and it would be self-defeating to dismiss a

message because you didn't like the messenger. Please be aware that your

judgment may be compromised by your health and guiding you to self-destructive

behavior, such as focusing on personalities rather than solutions.


Please spend a few moments reading (and thinking about) this recent science




Although the article only makes reference to using chemical drugs (antibiotics

and antipsychotics) to eliminate the mind-altering parasite, only your natural

immune system can defeat the parasite as it mutates. It seems reasonable to me

that eating a chemical-free, natural and raw diet will give the immune system

the strength it needs to do so. Although I'm not an expert in the field (except

for things I've experienced) and everyone I've presented this info to has

disputed it, no one has offered a better explanation or solution. If you wish

to discuss this further please contact me off-list.


May God bless you with peace and perfect health.






michael anthony


Monday, February 05, 2007 10:15 AM

[RawSeattle] Re:Nora's class yesterday




I am on the list. Briefly, I met with Nora on 3 different occasions several

weeks ago.

I was trying to go raw. I was having a modicum of success. Note: I, as a

result of my Military experience in the 60's, I get a disability for Post

Traumatic Stress Syndrome or PTSD, clinical depression, and anxiety

disorder. I am 62 years old. (I became homeless and destitute as a result).

Nora proceeded to tell me that my illness, that put me in the Veterans

hospital several times since 911, was due to my S.A.D. (Standard American

Diet) and nothing more. She also treated me like I was a moron and said as

much because I have spiritual beliefs because according to her the only

rational philosophical position is Atheism. In fact going raw will " save the

world. " Etc. etc.




Search for grocery stores. Find gratitude. Turn a simple search into

something more.


atitude & FORM=WLMTAG







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Hi Mike,




It may be interesting to debate the original cause of your problems, but

whatever their cause, the important thing now is to eliminate the problems,

wouldn’t you agree? I have heard from many people over the years who have

said that eating raw food and making other positive lifestyle changes has

helped or eliminated their depression and anxiety and other mental problems.

I just read a long testimony from a guy who eliminated his longstanding

diagnosed schizophrenia (which conventional medicine regards as incurable)

by giving up gluten containing foods. (He is now following Doug Graham’s

low fat raw vegan program.) The regular docs never even asked him about his

diet. In fact, whenever he was in the hospital they kept feeding him the

same crappy food that was causing his problems. I suspect you are familiar

with this mindset at the VA.




Obviously Nora’s style or opinions or whatever didn’t appeal to you, but

there are plenty of other sources of information out there. Why get bent

out of shape over one person’s opinions?




See ya,










RawSeattle [RawSeattle ] On

Behalf Of michael anthony

Monday, February 05, 2007 7:16 AM


[RawSeattle] Re:Nora's class yesterday





I am on the list. Briefly, I met with Nora on 3 different occasions several

weeks ago.

I was trying to go raw. I was having a modicum of success. Note: I, as a

result of my Military experience in the 60's, I get a disability for Post

Traumatic Stress Syndrome or PTSD, clinical depression, and anxiety

disorder. I am 62 years old. (I became homeless and destitute as a result).

Nora proceeded to tell me that my illness, that put me in the Veterans

hospital several times since 911, was due to my S.A.D. (Standard American

Diet) and nothing more. She also treated me like I was a moron and said as

much because I have spiritual beliefs because according to her the only

rational philosophical position is Atheism. In fact going raw will " save the


world. " Etc. etc.









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I was not going to reply to this but since it has been brought back to the



While most " what you would considder " mental disorders are most likely

imbalances in nutrition some incidences are not. I saw a speaker at the

Well Mind Assosiation that wrote a book and how nutritional supplementation

for imballance corrected mental illnesses , different supplements needed for

different diagnoses and the patient were cured, . . However - when someone

is traumatized such as PTSS this is something different. Not diet related.

Yes diet can help cope and when I feel good my attitude is good, but

further work and coping mechanisms need to be addressed (if it makes

difficult for the person to live a full happy life). Untill one can " be and

experience " what the other has ( and we cant) let judging pass. We only see

what we know and experience. PTSD( post tramatic stress disorder) in my

" experience " has nothing to do with diet.. So all the raw food in the world

wont make PTSD go away , however it is one of the many important tools

nesasary for the best life possible. My experience is minor comparative to

what may be experienced in war . I just met a Gulf War vet working at Whole

Foods that was having problems with PTSD , young nice man all " they " do is

give them antidepressants and no other help, just another insult to the

existing problems....medication asside.


This is just MY experience.



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PTSD, I thought was a chemical imbalance within the brain. Wouldn't that be

affected (or is it effected?) by diet?


I'm only asking, not critizing. I know nothing about PTSD, but I was in a

meeting Tuesday afternoon and a woman said she had PTSD and it was a chemical

change in her brain.





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