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yellow skin

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Does anyone know anything about why my skin might be yellow? I notice it most

on the

bottoms of my hands and feet. It was pointed out to me last May. Some days

it's worse

than others but it doesn't seem to be going away. I don't know when it started.


I have been mostly raw (75-90% depending on the time period) for over a year and


currently eating all raw since January 1. My diet consists mostly of green


(greens, bananas, ground flax, and sometimes maca, cacao, and/or coconut), and

whatever produce looks good at the store (often cucumbers, avocados, citrus


berries). I also tend to make one fancy raw dish a week that might contain all

kinds of

nuts or dates or whatever, but I wasn't doing that when I first noticed the

yellow. I eat

probably a durian or two a month. I almost never eat carrots. I hope this

isn't too much

detail, I'm just trying to help people get a feel for my lifestyle in case it is



I don't feel at all sick when I look yellow. The only other symptoms I have,

that I wouldn't

think are related, are constant sinus congestion and frequently feeling thirsty


because I don't drink enough water).


I've searched google but haven't found anything that sounds right. Any

suggestions at all

are appreciated.




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I am not a doctor but the " thirst " could be a few things, some foods I think

make me very thirsty maybe if you eat a lot of dehydrated things. Diabetes,

Hypo.hyperglycemic?...cause accessive thirst also.

" .Yellow " , Liver/digestion or?...I heard of eating something other than carrots

that turned a person that color just cant remember what it is. Mine sometimes

seem that way too. Any amount of Durian is to much for me LOL but that may

cause it , not sure...if you obstained and it went away you would know.

If you have a ND doc you might get a little testing just to make sure what is

going on if it would make you more comfortable to know .

As for sinus conjestion if it has been consistant without being sick it could

be gut related ( ie, parasite, candidas/fungal, ) or if purly sinus related

there are lots of things you can do...it used to be that bacteria was thought to

be the cause of conjestion by 95% and fungal infection 5%, now they have done a

180 and testing proved fungal 95% and bacterial 5% that is why antibiotics never

work for most. Try a liquid diet for a day or two and see if it lightens up,

then you know to start working to get ballance in the gut. Maybe less highly

concentrated sweets for a couple weeks and restore good flora.


Just throwing out ideas. good luck







Friday, February 09, 2007 8:38 PM

[RawSeattle] yellow skin



Does anyone know anything about why my skin might be yellow? I notice it most

on the

bottoms of my hands and feet. It was pointed out to me last May. Some days

it's worse

than others but it doesn't seem to be going away. I don't know when it



I have been mostly raw (75-90% depending on the time period) for over a year

and am

currently eating all raw since January 1. My diet consists mostly of green


(greens, bananas, ground flax, and sometimes maca, cacao, and/or coconut), and

whatever produce looks good at the store (often cucumbers, avocados, citrus


berries). I also tend to make one fancy raw dish a week that might contain all

kinds of

nuts or dates or whatever, but I wasn't doing that when I first noticed the

yellow. I eat

probably a durian or two a month. I almost never eat carrots. I hope this

isn't too much

detail, I'm just trying to help people get a feel for my lifestyle in case it

is relevant.


I don't feel at all sick when I look yellow. The only other symptoms I have,

that I wouldn't

think are related, are constant sinus congestion and frequently feeling

thirsty (probably

because I don't drink enough water).


I've searched google but haven't found anything that sounds right. Any

suggestions at all

are appreciated.













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Hi Diana,

A skin color change could be caused by something you ingested years ago

(medication, herb or even a food you used to eat) that is now re-entering your

bloodstream and being cleansed from your body, owing to your recent change in

diet, especially since going 100%. The purer your diet, the more the body is

able to cleanse deeply stored wastes. Once the substance is eliminated from

your bloodstream, the symptom should clear up. I've heard lots of stories about

these kinds of symptoms happening in transition.


It is often said that thirst is indicative of diabetes or other serious sugar

metabolism problems but in your situation there is no reason to suspect this

because these are degenerative conditions that are caused by flagrant abuse over

a long period of time. Since you're not practicing the habits that create

disease, you need not fear disease. Even if so-called 'precursors' are already

in place when a person goes raw, degenerative disease does not proceed when its

causes are removed.


It is true that dehydrated or powdered foods (maca, etc.) can cause thirst, in

addition to eating too many fats (nuts, seeds, durian) or just simply

overeating. If you're thirsty without expending a lot of fluids on

perspiration, that can mean that your body is needing extra water to dilute the

waste products in your diet. " Dilution is the solution to pollution " , as they

say. Without knowing much about your diet, I'd say the major culprits are most

likely the 'non foods' you're eating, like flax, maca, cacao, and anything else

that you consume either to 'supplement' your diet or that you add to foods for

flavor (like salt or spices). The problem is two-fold: 1) These foods are very

low in water so the body must use its fluid reserves to process them, and 2)

They are or contain harmful substances, and suspending them in water is the way

the body keeps them from making direct contact with organs, tissues and



Constant sinus congestion is related to excess waste as well. Among its other

functions, mucus is a transport medium for toxins to exit the body. If a

person's body is creating a lot of it, such that his/her airways are always

clogged, that means the primary eliminative channels can't handle all the waste

that is being generated by the person's food choices. Again, it seems likely

that the non-foods you're eating are the cause, in addition to other

possibilities, like overeating generally. I always note an increase in mucus

when I eat fats of any kind, including frozen durian (fresh durian doesn't have

nearly the same effect).


Of course you will need to take into consideration that these transitional foods

may be serving the useful purpose of keeping you entertained by raw food so you

can avoid eating cooked. There are lots of options available to you besides

giving them up cold turkey, such as experimenting with eating less of them,

eating less overall, eating less variety during the day, eating fewer combined

foods (i.e., just fruit or just greens), getting more exercise (this assists

with the movement of lymph and facilitates the removal of waste from the body),

using more real foods as flavorants (i.e., lemon, etc.), etc. Or, you may just

decide to put up with the symptoms, particularly if there's a chance you'd eat

worse things if you weren't indulging in the 'non-foods'. This is a compromise

I often had to make in my own transition. As I often say, it wasn't the second

or third time I felt awful after eating a borderline food that I decided I'd had

enough, but after the 100th or 200th time. :) Once I was able to start tossing

them out, though, I felt much better. There are others here on the list who

have reported similar experiences.


Just some ideas to consider, from a " remove the cause " perspective. :)

Continued success with your transition.


Warm wishes,






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Diana,


I'm new to the group and I'm not yet a raw vegan, so you might

discount my response.


I've seen yellow skin on some members of " Overeaters Anonymous " who

ate lots of beta carotene (yams, carrots, squash, etc.) I don't kow

if it is problematic or not!






-- In RawSeattle , " dianakantor " <mail wrote:


> Does anyone know anything about why my skin might be yellow?

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