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Arnold's Way <arnoldsway wrote: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 17:17:19 -0400 (EDT)Arnold's Way <arnoldswayshortydempSubject: Arnold's Way Events and Newsletter Welcome to the Arnolds Way newsletter, we are trying out some new formats here so let us know what you think. ok here goes!! Movie Night Every Friday

is movie night. We have not picked this weeks film out yet. It should be a little less gruesome and a little more uplifting then last weeks. Free whips and smoothies to all that attend!!! FRIDAY NIGHTS 6 oclock till 8 PM Free Breakfast Lecture with Arnold Arnolds weekly lecture on how to rock and roll to the day you die. class is free! Every Saturday 8:15AM-9:45AM Arnolds Way Monthly Potluck Our potluck is the best deal around, where can you get 10 course dinner, meet new interesting people, and get a lecture. All for 10 dollars or you could bring a raw dish to share with everyone (must feed at least 8 people) This months guest will be Joe Weaver who lives above Arnolds, he will be sharing his story about blood pressure and general health. Last time he had everyone in the whole room cracking up. Saturday the 21st 6:30 pm Raw Vegan and Living Foods 101 with Michelle Pierson This is for the individual who is looking to have some of their basic questions answered about the raw & living diet. You will learn what a raw food diet is, the many foods you can enjoy, the importance of living enzymes, and much more. Watch me prepare a raw food dish and show you how simple and easy it really is. There will be other raw food goodies to taste, so make sure you come with an empty stomach. visit http://www.rawteacher.com/livingsunfoods/?p=home for more info Sunday April 22nd 2007 Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm Investment: $25 Dream Analysis With Carolyn Sunstrom - LPC-LP - class is free - please register in advance Sat April 28, 2007 10:30am Lecture on the Role of Consciousness By Dr. Judith Long - our new neighbor - Cost $15 please register followed by a meditation on world peace Sunday April 29, 2007 6pm Yoga at Synergy Studios (aross the hall from arnolds) with local resident Jim Tindall certified instructor. Classes include centering, chant, breath work, warm up, posture, flow , and relaxation. April Schedule: classes are offered for a free will donation: Tuesday 6:30-7:30 PM Wednesday 9:30-10:30 AM Thursday

6:30-7:30 PM Saturday 9-10 AM more info: Jim at 267-664-0748 or jim PAUL NISON plus ><>< be sure to check out all the other local raw/vegan events -- http://vegan.meetup.com/367 -- and resturants -- http://www.lunapastel.com/ in harrisburg -- http://www.lovinglifecafe.com/ in new oxford. Upcoming Guest Speakers:Angela StokesMay 20 6:30 Matt Goodman?????Matt Monarch july ???? Arnold's Newsletter It was one of those perfect moments ,when time stood still and I was alone with my thoughts When and where for whatever reason I was approached by a young woman who ask me to speak to me of raw food and why. I looked a her rather intense . I could se her eyes . I could feel her inquisiiteness I could ! She wanted to know why in the hell would anybody in their right mind eat only fruit and leafy greens all day. I tood k a deep breath and said Raw food is like love OUr body lives in that understanding That every moment is a perfect moment OUr bodies seek love and peace and harmony at all times When we wake up and when go to bed When we speak our words clearly . When we lye down at night When we see childreen walking when we hear the bel ringing OUr bodies have 75 trillion cells and 20 thousand life units in each cell Begiining from the toime of conception to the time of death ,OUr body never ever make a mistake Every action every

reactuin every thought every mistake every thing and I do mean everything is an act of love OUr body never ever makes a mistake OUr bodies need fuel in order for our body to be coninually moving and doing Just like filling a car with the right gas .OUr body needs the right fuelTHe secret my freind as I spoke to her sometime intense sometime slowly is that as soon as you eat food that is either cooked fried baked or steamed The life force of the food disappears Meaning all the vitamins and minerals a re destroyes All the water is lost all the protein destroyed THere are no enzymes or fiber in food that has been denatured and lifeless The body wants pure love pure fuel pure life factors that are alive not dead IN other words in order for the body to be continuing doing wehat it is supose to do It needs the best fuel MY friends in my opinion a mostly fruit and leafy green is the best source To round out the food selection some nuts some vegetabeles and a loving heart

knowing that you are doing the best for your body Our body are the temples of light OUr body want s love , pure love at all times It is my firm beleif if we treat our bodies with such respect there will be no more illness no more disease and no more war I thank you for your time Arnold Forward email This email was sent to shortydemp, by arnoldsway Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUn™ | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by Arnold's Way | 319 West Main Street | Lansdale | PA | 19446

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FYIArnold's Way <arnoldsway wrote: Wed, 16 May 2007 16:08:45 -0400 (EDT)Arnold's Way <arnoldswayshortydempSubject: Arnold's Way Events and Newsletter Movie Night Every Friday is movie night. Free whips and smoothies to all that attend!!! FRIDAY NIGHTS 6 oclock till 8 PM Free Breakfast Lecture with Arnold There is no class this saturday but it will continue next saturday! Arnolds weekly lecture on how to rock and roll to the day you die. class is free! Every

Saturday 8:15AM-9:45AM Arnolds Way Monthly Potluck Our potluck is the best deal around, where can you get 10 course dinner, meet new interesting people, and get a lecture. All for 10 dollars or you could bring a raw dish to share with everyone (must feed at least 8 people) This months guest speaker is Hazel, she will be sharing her story

about her cats, how completely healed by changing their diets to a raw food diet. Every 3rd Saturday 6:30 pm Yoga at Synergy Studios (aross the hall from arnolds) with local resident Jim Tindall certified instructor. Classes include centering, chant, breath work, warm up, posture, flow , and relaxation. April Schedule: classes are offered for a free will donation: Tuesday 6:30-7:30 PM Wednesday 9:30-10:30 AM Thursday 6:30-7:30 PM Saturday 9-10 AM more info: Jim at 267-664-0748 or jim Angela Stokes Half the size, twice

the life From Angela's website: Back in 2002, I was 23 years old, about 19 stone (266lbs/120kg), UK dress size 26-28 and lost in miserable cycles of a non-existent love-life, uncontrollable overeating and complete denial. My pride stopped me discussing my weight with even my closest friends and if anyone tried to broach the subject with me, I strongly resented them for 'interfering'. My weight had steadily increased since my thyroid gland went under-active aged 11. By 16, I was 16 stone (224lbs/101kg) and my weight increased with my age, a stone a

year, until by age 21, at my university graduation in 2000, I was 21 stone (294lbs/133kg). That was the heaviest I reached and when my health began to suffer so much that I thought I had diabetes, I knew this couldn't continue. Two summers later I was introduced to the idea that revolutionised my life. A friend lent me 'The Raw Family' by the Boutenkos - a testimonial book about eating mainly or only raw foods for optimum health. I was utterly absorbed - I'd never been interested in diets, health fads or slimming aids and suddenly it seemed the right answer was in my hands. I began the very next day and the improvements in my health over the next weeks were astonishing. You could almost see the weight burn off me - I'll never forget seeing my collar bone again for the first time in years; my skin and hair quality improved dramatically, my energy soared and I was filled with vitality

and a new hunger - for real life.Within just a month of going raw, I had my first boyfriend in over 5 years - I was thrilled and increasingly inspired and dedicated to my new lifestyle. I found that as I became less of myself physically, I became more of myself as a whole person. I began to open up in ways that I hadn't found possible before, allowing truth, honesty and trust to develop. I had been locked up in that body for so long and now the real me was appearing and generating much interest, especially from men. ;) It's been over four years since I started eating raw and I'm happier than I've ever been - I'm now UK dress size 10, can wear whatever clothes I like, eat delicious raw food daily and take great pleasure in treating myself well. I will always bear the scars of my experiences - physically, my skin is marked and emotionally and

spiritually I experienced great depths of loneliness, depression and insecurity that take time to heal. However, the process has been an extraordinary learning experience and I would not wish to change what I've been through to become the woman I am today. May 20th8:00AM-5:00PM Matt Goodman May 26th, 10:30am Cost $10 Join us for a morning of healing, inspiration and exploration... Matt suffered with multiple sclerosis for over 3 years. After 3 ½ years of a raw diet, a fasting schedule, and implementing a daily physical-spiritual practice, he maximized his physical fitness, and hiked 1600 miles of the Appalachian Trail at the front of the pack. Matt will also be signing his new and highly acclaimed book... "Holy Sh!t! how I did it" 215-361-0116 to reserve your spot! RAWPOWER.INFO myspace.com/mattgoodman99 plus ><>< be sure to check out all the other local raw/vegan events -- http://vegan.meetup.com/367 -- and resturants -- http://www.lunapastel.com/ in harrisburg -- http://www.lovinglifecafe.com/ in new

oxford. Arnold's Newsletter Greetings This months newsletter for whatever reason is one of those letter not suppose to be written mmm I began writing this newsletter a t 7 in the morning and for what reason everything I wrote got lost in the mail What does that mean Five times I began writing this newsletter and five time it got lost in the mail .After 2 and half h ours of writing and losing this newsletter You

would think I would become frustrated angry and like totally give up and move on You would think In fact just the opposite I became more determined more inspired that I had to do what ever it take s to finish this newsletter IN almost 7 years of writing my weekly newsletter this is the first time that something like this ever happened. In my seven years of writing this is the

first time I ever wrote an article that had nothing to do with a health issue As the bells toll and the river run wide there is magical potion of love and understanding that has to be blazingly focus on IN the seven years I have been writing I have never ever thought I would be writing on such an issue MY friends I write of family I write of poverty I

write of family I write of police brutality I write of so my new roommate ( Lorraine not her real name) of how she and her four kids with one on the way deal with life love and how a family works together in spite of the odds that it cant work. It is late Tuesday night when I begin my; writing about my new roommate Lorraine Lorraine why is all of 27

years and has been a customer of our store for almost three years She first came to our store on a blizzard day with two children in tow about three years a go She really had no intention of ever walkjug outside on this type of day. Especially with two children. Lorraine had no choice she had to do wear she had to do she just got into serious altercation with her boyfriend There were fists flying, children screaming and

there was blood on Lorraine's face Lorraine did what any other woman with children would do She left her house and began searching for answers for shelter for clarity of what to do and more important what not to do She never said a word never complained when we first met. She had to do what she had to do in order t o not only protect her children but them the most loving caring

environment possible Lorraine was a mother first. period Every ounce of her life force was devoted to her children from the time the sun n rose until it set She would not go anywhere without her children It is under these circumstances we met week after week month after month Lorraine would come to my store sometimes with two

children and sometimes with three We talked but never really talked I only knew of her from a distance and that in essence was not very much I sit in silent meditation to give this story justice ,hope and the love of what Lorraine has to do day in day out to keep her family together Lorraine is essentially the major bread winner Lorraine is

essentially not only the sole supporter of her children but also their only caretaker with very little help from anyone else In my three years of knowing her I never heard her complain not even once I never ever heard one word of anger resentment or a thousand other words that could be used under the circumstances of raising four kids by yourself In fact it was almost the opposite...Lorraine's every every word, every

statement was saturated about love of her children and each of their unique qualities Our story begins and it is our story about a month ago when for whatever reason she asked me to take her to church. I was somewhat flattered she being 27 an d me being almost 60 , somewhat curious and more than somewhat interested in going to this nondenominational church and most of all I was surprised she would even ask me / It is under these circumstances that I picked Lorraine up at her 1000 month apartment She was 7 months pregnant and anxious to experience attending a church she wanted to attend for a long time. . Our conversation was basically chit chat in the car and really nothing of importance I took her out to eat to supermarket where I splurged

on fruit Only I could do such a thing and to my surprised Lorraine bypass all that cook food possibilities and ate fruit also It was at he supermarket where our bond slowly began to form . Our real story begins atchurch. I looked at her and knew deep within my soul that Lorraine was in serious trouble The very core of her existence was in serious need of guidance as well as outright support I instinctively knew She never said why She never asked for help She only said " I have to get bye the next twelve weeks . These were going to be the most important 12 weeks of my life" I stated somewhat naively

somewhat braggadocio somewhat foolhardily that I will make these twelve weeks the best twelve weeks of you life My friends when you go on a raw food lifestyle your word is your word You will do anything to keep it You will do whatever it takes to make it happen Even if means moving the stars the sun to make it happen As I spoke As Lorraine spoke We each had our battles We each had our victories We each knew the other was serious with no messing around As a Raw foodist I am determined to have every waking moment a moment of peace and love Lorraine as a mother of four with one child on the way was bound and determined to make every moment of her children's lives filled with love and harmony and peace a s any other mother would do. In Lorraine case the ideal The of having a fifth child with no visible signs of support was not a big deal In Lorraine's case the ideal of her boyfriend not only leaving her but almost running her down was not a big deal I speak of power I speak of strength I speak of a woman whose core existence is raising four kids no matter what happen around her .All these sign to a much weaker woman would have been a big deal but not to Lorraine She was strong , vibrant and knew that in the end what she felt what she thought really didn't matter She had to think of the well being of her children Which my fiend is why she took the job as an exotic dancer It not only paid the bills It paid very well for few hours of work and would not interfere with raising her kids This my friends is where our story begins Lorraine worked at a local dance joint

and wanted to earn extra money for her children during the Christmas season What she decided to do was to take a job in a different bar in a different t township where the rules and regulations and the lifestyle approaches to the dancers were on a level which Lorraine never would fully comprehend until it was almost over. It was in her own words the biggest screw-up of her life It was only just these few hours that would forever changed not only her life but those of her children and all her other love ones This particular place was a known drug infested hangout This particular place was a rift -raft place and considered as an a embarrass dent to the community What Lorraine did not

know that the place she decided to work for only one night to have a little extra money for her children would be on the exact same night chosen by the forces of township and the police as a place that had to be closed down at any cost on the first night of her new one day job It was on such a night these forces came together almost simultaneuoslyu7 almost t miraculously almost destined that the forces of good of evil purity of love of family of wanting to do the right thing came clashing at break neck speed .Lorraine went to work n her not knowing that all these forces were about to explode in her very existence as a woman a s a mother and as a mother to be. What Lorraine thought she knew she didn't know The ropes of strangulation were in the process of being set and she was going to be the victim

thru no fault of her own other than making the wrong choices of what is important and what is not important. She thought she knew how to handle the customer knowing she could never take her duties beyond the scope of doing her job. She was primarily family woman who wanted to raise her children in a loving peaceful environment without drugs without support from anybody Lorraine did her job that night n She did her exotic dance eccentrically well knowing the customers would pay her well She was not there to fraternize with the patrons She had a ride waiting for her to take her directly home It would have happened so smoothly so non interrupted if it hadn't been for just one customer He repeatedly asked Lorraine for a dance He repeatedly asked her over and over for Lorraine to dance with him . Lorraine always said no In the end he asked her if she wanted to smoke a joint Lorraine admitted to me after awhile this is what happened she really wanted a joint to share with her driver All choices all at the time seemed like a good idea All choices that in the end almost destroyed her. This is what she thought at the time was to take a joint and be gone Outside of the bar the customer waited He waited not

with a joint as originally stated but with a bag of white milk powder He waited for Lorraine with a bag of white powder with four of his friends They were waiting for that magical moment when Lorraine would reach her hand out for the suppose weed as promised What happened next Lorraine who just got out of the passenger seat to receive the joint was instead thrown into the walls of injustice , corruption, defecation (better word) lies and a a loss of her dignity as a woman as a mother as person who only wants the best for

herself and her children. She did not think of her harm she did not think of violence she did not think of police brutality She was a mother of four children with one child inside her She just wanted to be with her family She asked her driver to wait as she wanted to get that joint as promised She would forever be reminded of consequences of life choices The customer was not only a customer but a drunk undercover detective who was at the bar literally hours wanted that place close He wanted the township to be rid of that place no matter what it cost He had to use every trick possible including tricking Lorraine As she reached for the joint it became a bag of milk powder an reported as cocaine

The customer who was a burly big man and backed by three other detectives closed in on Lorraine for the arrest Lorraine was scared out of her mind She was for all intentional purposes a stripper She represented the dirt of society who will never ever put up a fight never ever lodge a complaint and will do whatever it takes in ordered not to go to jail or be arrested even if it meant being an undercover exotic dancer naming all the drug dealers in the bar. What they didn't count on was Lorraine fighting back She thought she was going to be raped She could not believe in her wildest imagination that the four man who surrounded her was not going to do anything but harm her Lorraine fought with every ounce of

strength she had against the four mean who outweighed Lorraine 5ft 2 inches frame and weighing only 120 pounds by almost 800 pounds My friend the four burly detectives who outweigh her by almost seven times then tasered her in the back three time , to add insult to injury they pummeled her against the car and threw her to the ground scared the driver out of his mind and arrested

Lorraine in all in the name of the Police just doing their job and protecting the citizens They then striped search her with the door open so all can see MY friends this was one night in Lorraine's life that would forever changed her every thought her every action and worse of all her children in how they view life whether consciously or not . The local police kept her for, five hours

and released her they never finger printed her they never took her profile picture yet took pictures of her naked back. MY friends am I missing something here They could never convince her to be an informant against the other patrons in the bar What the police did then was basically let her go It was that simple yet that cynical on what happened next could only

be called unbelievable beyond all human dignity Lorraine who literally had to go thru all that police brutality and my friend it was police brutality with force, with a taseor gun on a woman who was three months pregnant three times in the back. All this happened over a clear misunderstanding misinterpretation by four detectives who did not know the correct procedure for her arrest

It would of not happened in any other place to any other person in my opinion other than a strip bar or places of that nature. Lorraine one month later was charged with possession of cocaine resisting arrest disorderly conduct and faces house arrest if not jail time. Lorraine lost her job as an exotic dancer because of her

being 7 months pregnant She lost her home because every penny she saved had to be paid to the lawyer and she lost her freedom as a mother as and supporter of her children It is under these circumstances that I too had no choice in the matter but to help my customer friend of there years If there is anyone out there who can undo the wrong that was cause to Lorraine please email me . Her trial is in month I thank you for your time, Arnold Forward email This email was sent to shortydemp, by arnoldsway Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUn™ | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by Arnold's Way | 319 West Main Street | Lansdale | PA | 19446

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FYI:Arnold's Way <arnoldsway wrote: Fri, 25 May 2007 16:07:15 -0400 (EDT)Arnold's Way <arnoldswayshortydempSubject: Arnold's Way Events and Newsletter We will be opened Memorial Day! Movie Night Every Friday is movie night. Free whips and smoothies to all that

attend!!! This weeks film is , HOLY SH!T! featuring Matt Goodman FRIDAY NIGHTS 6 oclock till 8 PM Arnolds Food Prep Class arnolds famous food prep class, learn to make salads, smoothies, soup, bread, burgerz and so much more. all things in less then 5mins!!! please register seats fill up fast Every Saturday 8:15AM-9:45AM Yoga at Synergy Studios (aross the hall from arnolds) with local resident Jim Tindall certified instructor. Classes include centering, chant, breath work, warm up, posture, flow , and relaxation. April Schedule: classes are offered for a free will donation: Tuesday 6:30-7:30 PM Wednesday 9:30-10:30 AM Thursday 6:30-7:30 PM Saturday 9-10 AM more info: Jim at 267-664-0748 or jim Matt Goodman May 26th, 10:30am Cost $10 Join us for a morning of healing, inspiration and exploration... Matt suffered with multiple sclerosis for over 3 years. After 3 ½ years of a raw diet, a fasting schedule, and implementing a daily physical-spiritual practice, he maximized his physical fitness, and hiked 1600 miles of the Appalachian Trail at the

front of the pack. Matt will also be signing his new and highly acclaimed book... "Holy Sh!t! how I did it" 215-361-0116 to reserve your spot! RAWPOWER.INFO myspace.com/mattgoodman99 plus ><>< be sure to check out all the other local raw/vegan events -- http://vegan.meetup.com/367 -- and resturants -- http://www.lunapastel.com/ in harrisburg -- http://www.lovinglifecafe.com/ in new oxford. Michele Pierson details to come sunday june

24th Concert with Francesco BaroneFrancesco Barone, a native of Ambler, Pennsylvania, began to study the guitar at age 13. Three years later, he began to study classical guitar and quickly became a serious student performing locally at such venues as The Point in Bryn Mywr, Pa as well as opening a private studio based in the Philadelphia area. At age 18 he began to study under Allen Krantz.

Francesco is now a sophomore at Temple University's Ester Boyer College of Music where he is pursuing a B.M. in Classical Guitar Performance. He has performed in numerous masterclasses including those with Jason Vieaux, Ana Vidovic and David Leisner. In addition, Francesco has performed with the Temple University Opera. Currently he teaches all genres and levels of guitar privately in Ambler, Pa. friday june 22nd Greetings! It is a Monday evening, and I just had the most amazing experience. I met a woman who was just like me. I could not believe it. Everything she did, every word she spoke, every action she consciously took was for the benefit of not only for her self, but was for a better world. Not that I am amazing, but she was definitely on my list of women that I greatly admire. Her name is Angela Stokes. This Newsletter is dedicated to her. Angela, who was our featured quest speaker at my store last night, spoke eloquently, truthfully, and most importantly, she spoke from her heart with great passion, with all of her soul, and with every ounce of true vulnerability to get her message across how raw food helped her lose 160 pounds. The story of this newsletter takes on many sides, many views, and many insights of what Angela

said and what she didn't say. Angela spoke last night in front of approximately 25 people. In the audience were mostly women, mostly young, and most there to see Angela whose major claim to fame was losing 160 pounds of which 105 were lost during the first year. Angela also went on a 92-day juice feast which she chronicled through her blog and had written up in book form as an inspiration to millions of others who want guidance and wisdom to give hope and understanding that losing weight is not only possible, but doable, for all to achieve on a permanent basis. Angela, in five short years, has gone from a greatly obese young woman of almost 300 lbs to a Hollywood starlet of incomparable beauty. In five short years she went from a woman who had no idea what to do from one day to the next to a woman with a life long mission to share the truth of what raw food did for her life. She

went from a 300 lb woman who lived off of potato chips, chocolate bars, orange soda and on a constant carbohydrate binge to a dazzling 135 lbs. (I'm guessing) well built woman with gorgeous skin who lives on a 100 percent raw diet. Five years ago, Angela was a volunteer at an Eco village in Iceland when, for whatever reason, she began reading Raw Family, a story about Victoria Boutenko who also weighed about 260 lbs, and who went on a raw food diet and lost 135 pounds. It was from that moment on that Angela decided not only to dedicate her life to not only eating a mostly raw diet, but dedicated her life to sharing with the world the benefits of a raw lifestyle. It was under these circumstances that I met Angela at the train station. She was carrying one of those huge knapsacks that gave the impression that this person has been on the

road for a long time. In Angela's case, the humongous backpack she was trudging behind her was just for that reason. It was literally her home. When I picked up Angela at the train station, I was also picking up her home. Everything she owned, everything she needed, every worldly possession was in that bag. Angela lives a sparse and frugal life with the utmost joy of being in harmony with life and nature. She flowed with the wind. She allowed time and situations to determine her course. Angela has been doing this lifestyle approach for five years. For five years, she has been living out of her suitcase; for five years, she has been going from town to town and is going from country to country, doing whatever it takes to spread the word of the benefits of raw food. Angela stayed at my house that night. She unfolded her suitcase. Everything was in perfect order. Everything

was folded neatly. By appearances, it seems that, according to today's standards, whenever we see one's total life's belongings contained in one suitcase, we look at this state as being of extreme poverty, extreme sadness, and that it is such a shame that a grown woman has to live like that. But what it appeared to be, and what actually became apparent to me could only be called miraculously incongruent to what we could assume to be the case. Angela was living a life of being joyously happy. I watched her every moment from talking about her life to being so ridiculously happy just eating a banana whip. I watched her reaction when my two young roommates ages 6 and three woke her up in the morning. Angela was in total ecstasy enjoying the experience of sleeping on a small couch with barely room for her legs to be extended. She was in total ecstasy knowing she was the focus of two young children watching her getting

up. She looked at them with such love and peace. The spectacle of her happiness kept repeating itself over and over. I thought her body would explode when she was eating a durian, and with every mouthful, Angela purred and yummed, and her face reached such an extreme proportion of gladness that I felt I was watching the Olympic version of someone skiing on a downhill slope in total exhilaration. I could not believe the joy and love that Angela exuded on every single action. Angela was a woman in love with her every sight with her every movement with her every thought. This, my friends, is what raw foods is ultimately about. Every single moment is a moment of joy, of love, and of experiencing life to the fullest. When one eats food in a pure unadulterated state, it creates a transitional change within us. When one changes to a mostly raw dietary lifestyle, the clarity of

what is important and of what is not important comes more into focus. Our bodies are genetically designed for peace, for happiness, for love, and for experiencing that every moment is a gift from above. I thank Angela for sharing her life's story, and for bringing it to the world.I thank you for your time.Arnold Forward

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Arnold's Way | 319 West Main Street | Lansdale | PA | 19446

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FYI:Arnold's Way <arnoldsway wrote: Wed, 30 May 2007 17:05:52 -0400 (EDT)Arnold's Way <arnoldswayshortydempSubject: Arnold's Way Events and Newsletter Filming for youtube: thursday the 31st 2:30 Arnold will be filming a short video about vaccsonations, if you want to be part of it please let him know. Movie Night Every Friday is movie night. Free whips and smoothies to all that attend!!! Here is the schedule for the next four movie nights: - HOLY SH!T! Matt Goodmans film on how he healed M.S. - Taking Responsibility Dean Martin - Eating - The Secret FRIDAY NIGHTS 6 oclock till 8 PM Arnolds FREE breakfast lecture arnolds famous lectures - focus on raw food and healing Every Saturday 8:15AM-9:45AM Yoga at Synergy Studios (aross the hall from arnolds) with local resident Jim Tindall certified instructor. Classes include centering, chant, breath work, warm up, posture, flow , and relaxation. April Schedule: classes are offered for a free will donation: Tuesday 6:30-7:30 PM Wednesday

9:30-10:30 AM Thursday 6:30-7:30 PM Saturday 9-10 AM more info: Jim at 267-664-0748 or jim June 16th is Potluck: speaker still TBA - you may bring a raw vegan dish that serves atleast 10 people or pay ten dollars. Raw Harmony Potluck: Our new friend, Elizabeth and her beautiful children, are really looking forward to hosting June's Raw Harmony Potluck. The date will be JUNE 30th and it will start at 5 pm. She and her

children are going to be making delicious banana whips for us all. We all need to bring a whip topping/addition to contribute IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR DISH. If this is not possible for you, you can still have a banana whip! J Here are the directions: We live at 1904 General Nash Drive in Upper Gwynedd. From the intersection of Sumneytown Pike-63 and Valley Forge Road-363 (Corner landmarks are North Penn High School and Rite Aid Pharmacy northwest, Weis Market and McDonalds northeast, Commerce Bank southwest, Wawa and a gas station southeast). Turn "south" (between Commerce and Wawa). Proceed about ½ mile past roads on the left: Jacks Drive, Anders Road, and General Nash Drive. Turn left at the fourth road on the left: Garfield Avenue. Proceed ¼ mile to the first crossroad: General Nash Drive. Turn RIGHT. We are the middle house on the

right side. There is no number posted, but our street is only three houses long. We have a stonefront colonial with green trim and garage doors, stone pier lamps at the end of the driveway, and a big maple tree in the front yard. The May potluck at the Stein's was really wonderful. There were so many new faces and tons of children. The food was beautiful and delicious, as always. There were NO desserts this time. It took me a few minutes to get over it! Here are a few of the recipes from that night: You need to RSVP for this event, as Elizabeth and her children are whipping up something very special for us all. Raw Transformation Talk A unique opportunity. Hear an experienced raw food eater share his guidance for a sustainable and enjoyable raw lifestyle. Matt Monarch Friday, July 6th 6:00pm - 8:00pm

$10 Registration Fee Matt Monarch, author of 'Raw Spirit' and Raw Food Educator has been eating 100% raw for 6 years now. You can learn more about him at www.rawspirit.org. In this talk he discusses: How To go Raw? Overcoming Health Challenges Why some diets work and some don't Long Term Success Benefits of eating Raw Foods, juicing and colonics Matt will answer all your questions! Michele Pierson sunday june 24th Discover the magic of organic, raw, living foods for radiant health.Learn how to create delicious, gourmet, raw, vegan food for yourself and others.Teach people how to become healthy and vibrant by eating a raw food diet. for more details visit: http://www.rawteacher.com/livingsunfoods/ or email: livingsunfoods

Concert with Francesco BaroneFrancesco Barone, a native of Ambler, Pennsylvania, began to study the guitar at age 13. Three years later, he began to

study classical guitar and quickly became a serious student performing locally at such venues as The Point in Bryn Mywr, Pa as well as opening a private studio based in the Philadelphia area. At age 18 he began to study under Allen Krantz. Francesco is now a sophomore at Temple University's Ester Boyer College of Music where he is pursuing a B.M. in Classical Guitar Performance. He has performed in numerous masterclasses including those with Jason Vieaux, Ana Vidovic and David Leisner. In addition, Francesco has performed with the Temple University Opera. Currently he teaches all genres and levels of guitar privately in Ambler, Pa. friday june 22nd plus ><>< be sure to check out all the other local raw/vegan events -- http://vegan.meetup.com/367 -- and resturants -- http://www.lunapastel.com/ in harrisburg -- http://www.lovinglifecafe.com/ in new oxford. Greetings! It is a Sunday night, and I am almost transfixed on getting these words down on paper, getting these words out to somebody--anybody on how life is so important, so necessary, and so unbelievably perfect. We, as people, have no choice in the matter but to live as perfectly as possible so that we can experience every single second and every perfect moment. It is on this note that I begin this week's newsletter. It was one of those crazy days when I took a break from working, a break from spending long hours at the store, and

with my best effort tried to relax. What a mistake that was. It all began when I took my daughter out for breakfast. It was one of those local diners where anybody who is anybody goes on a quiet Sunday looking for something to eat. I too was no exception. What I didn't realize was what in the world would I eat. I looked at the people. I looked at the children. I looked at the diner. I looked at the Formica tables. I looked at the rugs on the floor. I looked at the dozen waitresses, and I said to myself, what I was I thinking. I felt like I was in Middle America eating at a place where everyone, and I do mean everyone, was almost eating the same thing. I looked at the menu. It was one of those oversized menus which was designed to supposedly makes one's mouth savor over all of the choices. All of these loads of choices and loads of possibilities

of loads of foods that I could not eat or ever think of eating in my wildest imagination, or even think of eating on my worst days of food binging. I looked at each section carefully. I looked at the pancake section. I looked at the choices. I looked at what was in each one, from the chocolate choices, to blueberries, to just plain ones. I stared at the choices, and I think of a gentleman who I knew of from a distance, but not personally who would never ever come to my store. He would never ever eat any of the food that we served at my café or come to any of our lectures. This gentleman, at age 60, was dying. He had internal bleeding that would not stop. He had visit after visit to the doctors' office that in return, referred him to more tests, more hospital visits, and more medications. That was this gentleman's life for the past 18 months. He

was not only NOT getting any better, he was, IN fact, rapidly deteriorating very quickly. He had put his entire trust, his entire well being into the hands of the medical field. He put every ounce of trust thinking that a magic pill would be the cure. He put every ounce of trust into thinking that a quick surgical procedure would be the cure. He put every ounce of trust thinking that all of those tests would be able to find the cause and the cure. He was wrong, and unfortunately, he was paying it with his life. He was going from doctor to doctor, going from hospital emergency room to his home, then back to the doctor again to get more medication, and the results can only be listed as "none" on the mild side and barbarous on the worst side. My friends, my definition of insanity can be explained as doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. I think

about the pancake section. I think of how they are made from flour and water. I think that besides pancakes, they can also make glue which literally acts like glue to the human system, gumming up the whole body. It creates glue in the joints which eventually becomes arthritis. It becomes glue on the brain which causes one to make unwise dietary choices. I must also mention that it causes hemorrhoids, tumors and discombobulated globs in every part of the body, including the colon and stomach as well as fat cells. I think of the book, "Become Younger," by Norm Walker on page 24, the first two paragraphs which state that this pancake mixture can also be labeled as C6 H12 O6. This mixture, my friends, is insoluble in water. It cannot be broken down. This mixture, according to "How to Avoid Degenerative Diseases," page 70 by Don Bennet, is another ingredient that is found in all grain

products. This chemical compound is opiodes. This ingredient, as quoted, acts like a morphine-like drug that creates a subtle and temporary high. And, according to Bon Bennet, it is one of the most difficult things to eliminate from one's diet. All of these thoughts are coming into my head. I'm thinking about a man who is dying, and I'm thinking about all of those people waiting in line to eat pancakes which acts like glue on the brain and numbs one's thought processes and limiting one's ability to truly determine what is truth and what is false. This is the same grogginess that keeps that gentleman from ever coming to my place, and keeps that gentleman from ever taking personal responsibility for his health. This same thought process will keep this gentleman who is dying and the thousands and millions and billions like him from

ever changing their thought process. This, my friends, is why disease is rampant in this country. This, my friends, is why once a person passes to the brink of death, and once they pass their 40th birthday, their body begins a downhill slide into aches and pain. This, my friends, is why once they pass their 60 birthday, the chances of obesity are 65.4 %, their chances of their getting heart disease is 50%, and their chances of getting any cancer is 99% if the other diseases don't get them first. This, my friends, is why diners are so busy, the supermarkets continue to sell what they sell in fancy boxes and labels, and this is why they will never ever find a cure until the realization that the insanity of life is just that. In knowing what I know, I cannot sit in silence. In knowing what I know, I

know deep down that these words may not even create the tiniest dent in that cloud of smoke that hangs over most Americans, and more than that, most people in the world. Do I dare to go beyond the pancakes, to the eggs and the bacon which make almost 99.5% of the menu items? Do I dare say where does an egg come from? Do I dare say what part of the chicken's body is the egg found and what it represents? Do I dare say that the egg comes from the chicken's vagina, and it is her unborn child that so many people think is healthy for them? I sit in total astonishment thinking how in the world any mother would feel if somebody reached into them and took their unborn child, and ate it. Do I dare ask where the justice is? Do I dare ask where is the same consciousness that would literally go

ballistic if that would ever happen to a dog or cat? Where is the same public consciousness that would literally want to throw any offender in jail that would kill a cat or any other household pet? Do I dare say killing an animal, and then eating it in the same breath? Do I dare say how disgusting the thought would be to anybody knowing that this could happen to any household pet? I scan the menu, and there it is like black and white listed as culinary delight-- bacon. Oh my gosh! Do my eyes deceive me? I go into a diner filled with people all hungry, all wanting to be entertained with the culinary delights of the restaurant. All I could do was think that, potentially, that gentleman was dying inside of internal bleeding. In fact, according to "The China Study," by Colin Campbell, almost

99% will eventually die of cancer because of their ignorance in thinking that eating anything that is dead will do the body no harm. I sit in quiet silence thinking of that gentleman. I think of his wife who did everything she could to change her diet to a mostly fruit and vegetable lifestyle. She began drinking green smoothies on a daily basis. I think of her thoughts as she slowly watches her husband wither away. I think of the gentleman's son's ex girl-friend. She, too, switched to a mostly raw Vegan diet. I think of both women knowing what to do, and of they're not being able to change this man's dietary lifestyle. I think of their pain and suffering as well as their children's pain and suffering as they watch their father, husband, and grandfather die. What the gentleman doesn't realize is that

he can no longer think for himself. He can no longer continue eating processed foods without suffering the consequences. He can no longer continue eating food that has once been free and alive and at one time was a father, brother, sister, brother, a grandparent, son or daughter, and not suffer the consequences of his choices. He cannot live one single extra minute without realizing the extreme pain and the emotional suffering that he is putting on all of those love ones around him. It is not a pretty picture watching someone die for no reason other than ignorance and insanity. It is not a pretty picture knowing that something can be done. It is too blatantly obvious to those in the know that the ignorance of doing the same thing over and over again will not have different results. I stand in quiet salute for

the wife as she watches her husband die for no reason at such a young age. I pray for her to find the words to find the information that will make a difference in her husband in helping him to make a more conscious decision to help himself by taking more responsibility in his dietary choices. It does not have to be that way. The basis of treatment of any disease begins with one word and only one word. LOVE! Our body lives on that continual state of love: Homeostasis. Every single minute, every single second, every action, and every reaction our body will use every bit of intelligence, every bit of strength, and every action to either neutralize, kill or store every toxin that enters into our body. One simply has to remove the cause and give the body a healthy condition of life, and the body will do whatever it possibly can to

restore one's vital energy. I thank you for your time. Arnold Forward email This email was sent to shortydemp, by arnoldsway Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUn™ | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by Arnold's Way | 319 West Main Street |

Lansdale | PA | 19446

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Arnold Kauffman <arnoldsway wrote: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 17:21:41 -0400 (EDT)Arnold Kauffman <arnoldswayshortydempSubject: Arnold's Way Events and Newsletter Arnold's Way 319 West Main Street Lansdale Pa 19446 215-361-0116 Lecture and gourmet dinner with Matt & Sandy Goodman Cost $25 Join us for an evening of healing, inspiration and exploration... Matt suffered with multiple sclerosis for over 3 years. After 3 ½ years of a raw diet, fasting, and a daily physical-spiritual practice, he maximized his physical fitness, and hiked 1600 miles of the Appalachian Trail at the front of the pack! Matt will also be signing his new and highly acclaimed book: "Holy Sh!t! how I did it" RAWPOWER.INFO myspace.com/mattgoodman99 319 West Main St. - Store # 4 Rear - Lansdale, PA EVENTS Saturdays 8:15 - 9:45 Arnold will give his weekly Free breakfast lecture on raw foods and healing. It's free, it's informative, and

best of all it gets results. Please pre-register. Every Monday and Thursday are produce ordering days. In season, plenty of fruit, all kinds from plums to watermelon to nectarines. Case prices are 15% above my cost. Call up and find out how low the prices can be. Every Tuesday and Friday are produce delivery days. After 2:30. Tuesday Night Meditation with Dr. Judith Long Come along and join in on Tuesdays at 7:15 pm. We will meditate with purpose, setting an intention of our own choosing each week. Dr. Long will give a mini-class on different metaphysical principals followed by meditation. This is a life-changing practice and will surely ad sparkle to your life. This week we will do the "Chakra Balancing Meditation" using essential oils, visualization and sound. The mini-class will be on the power of clear chakras. The cost is $10 each week or $35 for 4 weeks. Blessings as we navigate through these interesting times together. Judith

Every Friday (except the 20th) in July is Music Night. Our Music Director Francesco Barone will be lining up weekly entertainment. Seating is limited please register. If you would like to preform please call. Music starts at 6 and goes till 8. $5 cover charge July 13th Doug Wartman - still a year shy of the legal drinking age in Pennsylvania, creates his own high with rapid fire riffs, precise tone and a remarkably crafted style that sounds as though an improvisational set will break out at any moment. July 27th Shawna Morris - POP/FOLK Shawna Morris has had a passion for singing since childhood with her first performance at 6 years old. Her experience includes musical theater, opera, gospel and solo concert performances. She taught herself acoustic guitar at 19 and began writing her own songs a decade later. She has

used singing in her practice as an occupational therapist to reach people with neurological impairment, and her latest musical passion involves singing and playing music with her 19-month old son. Currently she is a member of Inchantations, a 6-woman a capella harmonizing ensemble. She also continues working on original acoustic and vocal pieces for her eventual album. In writing music, her inspiration comes from love, nature, spirit and her family. Arnold is now selling Shaklee green cleaners at his store - call for demo times. July 21st 6:30 pm Our POTLUCK - featuring Brian Melito M.D. This will be packed, save your seat today. We now have room for up to 60 people, thanks to Synergy Studios. Sunday July 30th Raw Foods 101-Come join Michelle for a fun and inspiring night. Learn how to approach eating raw in an exciting and simple way to fit your lifestyle. Michelle will be demonstrating three dishes such as an appetizer, entree, and dessert all with the use of a food processorand basic kitchen tools. Please come on an empty stomch nad be prepared to have lots of fun. For more information please visit: www.rawteacher.com/livingsunfoods or to contact: livingsunfoods Other Arnold happenings. Local produce is in.

It is yummy to the tummy. The strawberries are out of this world. If you are thinking of cleansing - think watermelon. Read and hear soon a remarkable story of a woman diagnosed with lyme disease that went on a mostly watermelon diet for 10 days and her symptoms disappeared. Call Arnold for further info. Earth shoes will be 15% off the month of July. Thank you for your time. Greetings! It is a Tuesday morning, and as always, I am ecstatic being alive, being free, being

blessed, and being able to share information on one of the greatest discoveries of mankind since the invention of the light bulb. It's true. It is absolutely true in my opinion that there is nothing, and I do mean nothing that can compare to knowing the secrets of how to live a fabulous lifestyle without fear of getting sick. I, Arnold, have not only experienced for myself, but I have seen the same occurrence in countless of others. MY friends, there is a secret so pure, so easy, so simple to do on how to see people who are sick with symptoms of degenerative diseases. Just by changing what one puts in one's mouth, a person's symptoms, for the most part, can simply disappear. It is on that note that I begin this week's newsletter. It is on that note that after typing for almost seven hours and realizing all that all that I typed disappeared. It is on that note that after three different attempts to write this, and after three

unsuccessful failures due to a computer wipeout of my words due to a computer wipeout of my thoughts, I, Arnold, with more insight on how to prevent this email loss from happening again, I am joyously excited about beginning this week's newsletter on Candida and on what it takes for the symptoms to disappear. I speak of not only knowing, I speak of seeing, I speak of possibilities, I speak of a dynamic healing process which is simple, inexpensive and totally doable. I speak of Shikaya who I have recently met who has had symptoms of Epstein-bar / Candida for almost 10 years. She was at a point of doing almost anything to get rid of the symptoms. It is at this point in her life that I met her. She went from a standard American diet to a Vegan diet, and saw a lot of her symptoms disappear. Shikaya was not quite 30 years of age. She knew that life

had to be more than just feeling 'okay'. She knew that life had to be more than taking naps just to catch up on her rest. She wanted to experience being young and vivacious. She wanted to run in the sun, and grab the vim and vigor of what life is supposed to be. In other words, she was ready for the next step in her journey. It is on this note that I somewhat go backwards in my thought process and somewhat go forward in my thought process. Everyone has a theory about what constitutes exquisite health. I can only speak of what works for me. At age 60, I have barely aged in the past 15 years since I began my journey. I still have the same waistline as when I did when I was a 18-year old whipper snapper. I can still run in the sun, and feel the vitality of youth, not for moments, but for every single moment of my life. I am in a continual

state of bliss. So when I spoke to Shikaya, I spoke with that understanding of what works for me, and to everyone else who simply changed their lifestyle and, whatever symptoms they were having, simply disappeared. I spoke to her about what to eat for breakfast. I spoke to her of getting up in the morning and starting the day with lemon juice and water. I spoke to her that the symptoms of Candida and the symptoms of Epstein bar is the body's attempt to deal with the toxicity of the food that she was putting into her mouth. I spoke about the idea that when a food is cooked above 105 degrees, the life force of the food is destroyed. This essentially means that the food is carcinogenic. Oh my gosh-golly! Is there something wrong with this statement? Could this mean that that nearly everyone in America is eating in such a way as to cause disease to occur? Duhhhhh! Yes! I

knew that Shikaya was already aware that what she had been putting into her body were causing the symptoms. Shikaya began incorporating more raw foods into her diet, but she needed more direction. Shikaya, through her own innate wisdom of what is good and what is bad for her, began to eat more raw food. The next few lines are for those who are mostly raw, who are seeing results, but who want to accelerate the healing process. I want to share the secret of why I am so ecstatic and why I am so excited to write about it now. This is the reason why I am so deliriously youthful and why I know from my experience what works for me and for all those who have tried it. I recommended to Shikaya to go on a high blended-fruit diet and to drink juices with high water content. I told her to avoid all fat, including nuts and avocado, for 10 days. (I gave the same

recommendation to Marcia a week ago when she came down with Lyme disease. I gave the same recommendation of food choices which included as much rest and sleep as possible while incorporating rebounding exercises, a little sunshine, clean water with lemon juice, and as much as possible, being in the most restful state she can muster. This my friends, in my opinion, are the secrets and the only secrets for accelerating the healing and detoxification process and for reversing the aging process and for being young forever more. We filmed Marcia's successful attempt on ridding her body of the Lyme symptoms as well as filming Shikama's 10-day experience. What worked for Marcia worked for Shikaya. Both women were mostly raw before they started. This, my friends, has to be a given. Otherwise, the detoxification process can be too harsh. I recommend that one be mostly raw for at

least 3 to 6 months before embarking on this juice feast. Keep in mind, also, that once the ten days are finished, that one cannot go back to the standard American diet. It is a lifetime decision. It is a day in day out process, and not something you try for one month or for 3 months, but forever more. To me that is the secret is to make this a life style habit that is lived day in and day out. We are all on some kind of a journey. There will be ups and downs, hardships and sadness, triumphs and losses, as well as love won and love lost. In the end we have to love, cherish and be kind to ourselves unconditionally. We filmed Marcia's story for those who want to see and experience Marcia's journey, go to: youtube.com/arnoldsway. We also filmed Shikaya's story as she went on the mellow yellow 10-day high watermelon, high fruit juice/ high water fruit

lifestyle. We filmed the tiredness one experiences from Candida which affects almost 80% of all people. I empathized with her pain, and I understood why she was willing to do almost anything to get rid of her symptoms. According to Professor Rosiland Graham in "A Candid Look at Candida," she describes it as (quoted), "an over-production of yeast whether it is local or enters the blood stream. And as quoted again: the following conditions: "resulting in lethargy, joint pain loss of libido, headaches, poor concentration, and impaired vision. She further states as quoted: "where the reproductive organs are involved, this usually appears in woman as a thick vaginal discharge (with cottage cheese consistency) accompanied by severe itching, and there are other symptoms that are rarely discussed and not even in the most hushed tones, not even in the most secret of places. This is the reason that Shikaya wanted to change

her lifestyle, and she was willing to go on this drastic lifestyle approach. She was eager and willing. She ate watermelon after watermelon. She ate Almost 10 pounds a day. She had nothing to lose and everything to gain. By the fifth day she was still not getting any results. I was somewhat surprised, especially when we were filming her progress. She wanted so badly for it to work. I wanted so badly for it to work. The world was awaiting her results. Day 6 passes as well as day 7, 8, and then 9. On the 10th day Shikaya called me to tell me: "It worked! The Candida is over. Shikaya was free. I had my film, and I was going to share her story on how she healed on a mostly watermelon, cucumber, celery juicing blended/ high water fruit with no fat approach. Stay tuned to: youtube.com/Arnolds way. Arnold's Way is not going to stop on just two success stories. We have other excerpts on more healing success stories, including breast cancer and high blood pressure healing stories. We also challenged Michael Moore's new movie "Sicko" that there are inexpensive solutions to the health crises that greatly affects this country. I thank you for your time. Arnold Forward email This email was sent to shortydemp, by arnoldsway Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUn™ | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by Arnold's Way | 319 West Main Street | Lansdale | PA | 19446

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