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Fwd: [News] Urgent!!! Help save the Tanglewood Wellness Center

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Greetings:Sorry for the delay in forwarding this letter. It may not be too late to make a contribution. Contact Loren direct for details.Tanglewood <info wrote: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:38:24 -0700 (PDT)"Tanglewood" <infonewsSubject: [News] Urgent!!! Help save the Tanglewood Wellness Center Greetings,Tanglewood's future is in jeopardy and you can help save it right now.Over the years, we have helped more than 1500 people from 25 countriesachieve amazing levels of health and vitality. If you believe in whatwe're doing, please read this letter completely (only 3 minutes) and help-- today.As you probably know, Tanglewood moved from Maryland, USA, to

Panamanearly 2 years ago. We signed a very attractive lease-option on aproperty that had been vacant and neglected for 7.5 years and turned itinto a gem, investing a significant amount of money in the property tomake it as attractive, comfortable, and functional as possible. If you'veever been here or to either of our previous locations, you know that webelieve in a high quality and aesthetic standard.The president of the association that owns our site is a 70-somethingretired nurse who always seemed very sweet. When we discussed our intentto purchase this property in December, and I pointed out that the Marylandsite remained unsold, she assured me that the association would extend ourlease-option for six more months, through the end of 2007. When nothingin writing materialized as of early February, I met with her again andreceived the same assurance, and a promise that the same would be providedto me in

writing as soon as the board could be convened in March.Though I'm now very embarrassed about my gullibility, they continued tostring me along, always telling me that the board hadn't been able to meetyet, but that the written extension was in the bag. Just recently, on theeve of the expiration of our option, their lawyer delivered a letter toour lawyer stating that no such extension would be forthcoming. It seemsI'd been snookered by a "sweet" little old lady.You may be wondering why I didn't have a back-up plan. Actually, I did. Iwas contacted roughly 4 months ago by a wealthy man who was familiar withour work, and wanted to support the creation of the intentional community,the longer-term project we are planning. When he understood our situationhere, he agreed to put up the money to secure this site as a necessaryfirst step to creating the bigger project.In the last couple days, he's made it clear that

his wife does not supportthis project, and that the money ($140,000) - due by the end of this week- is not going to be coming. Curses. Foiled again.If you have access to any capital, you can help save the center, and thereare several possible ways to do it:1) If you know that you would like to fast with us in the future - one ormore times - you can pre-purchase fasting time at a significant discountfrom our already very reasonable prices.2) If you already have fasting time coming, or are not interested infasting at this point but would like to help us while helping yourself,you can make a loan to the center and be handsomely rewarded for doing so. We're happy to pay 15% on any loan amount from $1000 on up. If that'sall that you can do, don't think it won't help. If each client doeswhatever he/she can, we'll likely be fine. These smaller amounts wouldneed to be unsecured. Don't consider this unless you

trust me/Tanglewood.3) If you are in a position to make a more substantial loan, we'll pay 18%on anything from $25,000 up. If you have $100,000 or more to lend, youcan be secured by a first lien on the property. Smaller amounts (over$25,000) can be secured by junior liens.4) If you are so inclined, donations would also be gratefully accepted.As you may know, Panama is experiencing a huge boom. AARP, ModernMaturity, and the Sovereign Society have all named Panama "the best placein the world to retire to" several years running. Property rights here arejust as secure as they are in North America or Europe. Anyone can ownproperty, and as long as it's titled (this one is) ownership is clear andeverything is recorded. The property - 5 acres in one of the hottest realestate markets in panama - is improved by a very functional 4500 squarefoot building, three beautiful one-bedroom cottages, and a 300-foot longmasonry

wall along the property line at the road (for privacy and noiseprotection) with a nearly-completed gate house.The property is estimated to be worth between $4-5 hundred thousand. Nowyou can see why the association purposely misled me. Now that this marketis hot and we've improved their property substantially, the originaloption price is no longer attractive to them. Frankly, it never occurredto me that they would do this, and I'm more than a little embarrassed bynaivete.I've spoken with several banks, each of which has said that making such aconservative loan (roughly 28-35% loan-to-value) should be relativelyeasy. The catch? They all say commercial loans take about 2 months toprocess - roughly 7.5 weeks longer than we have now.Unable to continue carrying the site in Maryland and with that marketdepressed, it seemed that giving it back to the bank was the only sensibleoption. The good news is that

we're no longer making enormous payments onthe Maryland property, and carrying the financing on this site will beeasy. (Even at 18%, the payments are only a few hundred more than ourrent).All loan terms would be for 6 months. Smaller amounts would be paidinterest when the loan is paid off. Interest on larger amounts could bepaid monthly, if preferred. Larger loans can also be rolled into thelarger project, with significant built-in appreciation, if you desire. Wecan discuss this further by phone if you're in a position to make a largerloan.Your funds must be received by this Friday -- at the latest -- to help. Iknow it's not much time, and I wish I could make a more reasonablerequest, but the situation is what it is.If you want to help - and I hope you do - there are several ways to makethat happen. If you want to pre-purchase fasting time, you can click

herehttp://www.tanglewoodwellnesscenter.com/new-discount.php to go to ourwebsite. You can use your credit card or existing pay pal account if youchoose to, though we would appreciate it if you would fed-ex (at ourexpense) or wire us the funds instead. Please contact us atinfo for instructions.If you would prefer to make a loan or a donation instead, again, pleasecontact us at the above e-mail address with times/phone numbers where youcan be reached (if we need to talk.)Thank you in advance for your consideration and your assistance. We havehelped many people over the years and want to be there to help you andmany more in the future.Namaste,Loren-- Center Coordinatorwww.TanglewoodWellnessCenter.com... the natural way to perfect health.301-637-4657507-6671-9965_____________To Contact

Us:Call 301-637-4657 or e-mail infoTo Un:http://www.TanglewoodWellnessCenter.com/mailman/listinfo/newsGo to the very bottom of the website, enter your email address, and then edit your options, or email us at infoFor more information: http://www.TanglewoodWellnessCenter.com

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