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More Cholesterol Stuff

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On Monday, November 4, 2002, at 06:16 AM,



> Hi Sherri,


> They said my good cholesterol is fine, but my bad cholesterol is too

> high.


> , Sherri <sherria@o...> wrote:

>> It could be an anomaly due to something particularly

>> high in cholesterol that you ate recently.


> That was one of my first questions, but the nurse said no, it's more

> of an overall/general picture, not based on something I'd eaten

> recently. I thought that was strange, as blood is dynamic, always

> changing -- right?


Actually, recent findings, as reported by Dr. John Cook of Stanford,

indicate that in fact even a single fast-food meal has a high impact on

one's cardio-vascular health. Not only will the high sat-fat in such a

meal tend to raise your cholesterol at once, but it also makes the

lining of your arteries stickier to platelets, which allows for quicker

clogging. Cook advises avoiding fast food entirely, and empthasized

that even one meal there can have consequences that last months, even

years. And they're cumulative, they build up.


>> Also, I'd suggest consulting a registered dietician - many

> insurance plans cover this service,


> Thank you. I can look into that.


>> I have a hard time understanding how carbs can increase your

> cholesterol count, unless its " hidden " , in ingredients you don't

> really think about.


Carbs cannot raise cholesterol. Cholesterol is from meat and dairy

products, period.


> I'm in the dark, too... I have never worried about cholesterol

> because mine has always been low, so this is all new to me.


>> cholesterol, according to my understanding, only occurs in animal

>> products, not plant sources.


> That's true -- and I questioned that, too. She said you can get

> cholesterol from animal products you eat but also that you can

> manufacture it from eating other foods that don't contain it. That

> was news to me.


Yes, your liver makes cholesterol no matter what you eat -- it's a

natural aspect of the body. However, it's eating cholesterol in the

form of meat and dairy that makes it go sky-high in most folks. Barring

some rare condition, it's best to avoid meats and cheeses.


> There is some basic information at

>> http://www.vegsoc.org/info/fats.html


> Thank you. This goes along with what I already knew except for this

> statement: " The body can make its own cholesterol and so a dietary

> source is not required. " That is news to me -- and Pat demonstrated

> that too, when she said she went vegan and still had high

> cholesterol levels. Seems unfair! lol! Gee, we ought to get low

> cholesterol as a perk for being vegetarian, doncha' think? When I

> get to be Queen.... haha!


>> there are ways to increase your good cholesterol to bring it

>> more in line.


Yes, fish oil helps raise good cholesterol, as does Benecol or other

vegetable oil spread. Tastes like butter or margarine, and is healthy

for you. Regular exercise also helps. Nuts, such as peanuts, help too;

any polyunsaturated oil is good for you. Garlic, especially fresh, is

another one that both lowers bad and can help bump up good chosterol,

(bad = LDL and good = HDL, which are the Low and High Density Lipids)


> Mine's good, apparently, but others here might want to learn that.


>> There are very effective drugs to help lower your cholesterol

> levels.


I'm on a couple of these drugs, and you must have your blood checked to

make sure they're not damaging your liver, but they do help. Diet and

exercise are still the key, though.


> They want to re-test in 6 months and if it's still high then,

> they'll consider drugs. They said it wasn't high enough at this

> point to do drugs now, but high enough to be concerned about doing

> something about it.


Eat three quarters of a cup of oatmeal each morning, walk 30 minutes 5

days a week, eat no meat, no cheese or milk, (skim if you must), and

otherwise just enjoy a good vegetarian diet employing lots of whole

grains, extra virgin olive oil, peanuts and other nuts and seeds, fresh

vegetables and fruits, and lots of water.


> Thanks, Sherri.



" My experence has been that if any of them are conscious of

non-teresteral races at all, they are concerned only with UFOs, and the

races we're encountering, without realising it, in the sky. That's what

I would call intolerance, even prejudice. "

Philip K. Dick, Confessions of a Crap Artist.

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, The Stewarts <stews9@c...> wrote:

> Cook advises avoiding fast food entirely, and empthasized

> that even one meal there can have consequences that last months,

even years. And they're cumulative, they build up.


Well, there's a rosy picture. ;) Again, this is something I almost

never do, and if I have to, I have a fish sandwich (fried in God

knows what)... and no fries.


> Carbs cannot raise cholesterol.


I wasn't suggesting that carbs can raise cholesterol; but that

possibly not having enough enzymes in the body (because of ingesting

enzyme inhibitors) might play into the picture somehow.


> Cholesterol is from meat and dairy

> products, period.


Yes, I understand -- and I so seldom eat any of that, that's why I'm

baffled -- but then Pat said she went vegan and it didn't fix her



> Yes, your liver makes cholesterol no matter what you eat -- it's a

> natural aspect of the body. However, it's eating cholesterol in

the form of meat and dairy that makes it go sky-high in most folks.


Well, maybe the key word here is " most " because I haven't eaten one

single bite of beef, chicken or pork in 15 years; I quit drinking

milk over a year ago; and I have a few bites of turkey maybe once or

twice a month -- about the same for fish. I'm also not a heavy

cheese eater, though I do have some. Eggs, maybe 1-2 a week. So

that's why I was so surprised. Doctors always tell me, " I'd kill

for blood tests like yours! " -- seriously. Now this, and I can't

figure out why.


> Regular exercise also helps.


That was the first thing I vowed -- to get more exercise. I'm

working on it. BTW, I discovered a delightful web site:

www.iskp.com -- fun for those of you with kids or grandkids, or who

just need a lift of spirit.


> Nuts, such as peanuts, help too;


I love peanut butter <--- true confessions. So maybe that's why my

good cholesterol was fine.


> Garlic, especially fresh, is another one that both lowers bad and

can help bump up good chosterol,


Garlic is just so doggoned good in so many ways for us. Bring on

that garlic! :)


> I'm on a couple of these drugs, and you must have your blood

checked to make sure they're not damaging your liver, but they do

help. Diet and exercise are still the key, though.


I don't want to take drugs if I can help it, which is why I'm here

asking about diet to control this.


> Eat three quarters of a cup of oatmeal each morning, walk 30

minutes 5 days a week, eat no meat, no cheese or milk, (skim if you

must), and otherwise just enjoy a good vegetarian diet employing

lots of whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, peanuts and other nuts

and seeds, fresh vegetables and fruits, and lots of water.


Thanks. Another thing I'm going to do is up my intake of RAW

veggies. Also, I have some good sprouters on the way to me in the

mail and I want to add a bunch of sprouts to my diet. Are any of

you big sprout eaters?


Thanks to all of you for your input on this, and I hope you are all

blessed with good health! Pat, I'm glad you're feeling better, too.


Bring on those nice, veggie salad recipes!! (the ones topped with

olive oil and lemon juice) <G>



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