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Atkins Must Diet (OT)

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One other thought on this. Just because you put something into your body and

you don't have sudden ill effects doesn't mean it's OK or good for you. You

may not feel badly or show signs for a long time but sooner or later it

usually catches up. People fill their bodies with all kinds of things and

then wonder why when they start getting a little older they aren't as healthy

or don't feel as good as they once did. What about all those health problems

people have at younger ages? Sure we can't stay young forever but I think

what you put into your body now counts for a big part of your health later.




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Hi there,


To the person who said this: " For the record I am

convinced the Atkins low carb diet is dangerous,

stupid, and probably immoral. " ......


Atkins Controlled-carb programme is working for me and

I feel terrific. And, just in case you didn't know,

Dr. Robert Atkins is a cardiologist and has been

following his own eating programme for over 40 years.


This is not to say that this way of eating is for

everyone. We are all different and some have no

problem handling lots of refined carbs, but for those

of us whose bodies can't handle them, this programme

is amazing!


Leslie of the North in freezing and icy Calgary



We are all part of the tapestry of life. Weave your threads with the colors of

peace, love, and compassion my friends.~Ishaah




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I think you've said a mouthful! LOL, Excuse the pun! We have some very

educated and well versed people on the list with good points on both sides of

the issues but those who like me know nothing other than plain and simple

reasoning and nothing about Adkins, Sears or other diets are not at liberty

to elaborate much.

Robin in NC




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Hi, Robin,


I agree with what you've said about " what we eat, " but I'm not quite sure

what it's saying about Atkins.







rwhitt1212 [rwhitt1212]

Monday, January 20, 2003 8:06 AM


Re: Atkins Must Diet (OT)


One other thought on this. Just because you put something into your body and


you don't have sudden ill effects doesn't mean it's OK or good for you. You

may not feel badly or show signs for a long time but sooner or later it

usually catches up. People fill their bodies with all kinds of things and

then wonder why when they start getting a little older they aren't as


or don't feel as good as they once did. What about all those health problems


people have at younger ages? Sure we can't stay young forever but I think

what you put into your body now counts for a big part of your health later.

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I thought that the Atkins diet put your body into

Ketosis... like being poisoned.. or very ill.. so you

reject digesting things.. and lose weight...




damn, you could do that alot faster with a steady diet

of ecstacy and crystal meth... that'll only take you a

couple weeks to lose all that weight, and at least

you'll feel beautiful instead of fat and lonely :P




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****Keith wrote....

>>I thought that the Atkins diet put your body into

Ketosis... like being poisoned.. or very ill.. so you

reject digesting things.. and lose weight...<<


Ketosis is a natural state of the human body. Here's how it works. When

your body normally gets 3,000 calories a day like most men in the US, and

you decide to cut down to 2,000 calories a day until you lose 20 lbs, then

your body will go into ketosis every day to get the necessary energy from

your stored " fat deposits " to burn for the energy that you are failing to

provide in those 1,000 cals you decided not to eat.


So, the short answer is that **every** diet that reduces calories, induces a

state of ketosis.


Diet (eat less calories) equals ketosis--always has, always will!!!


Ketosis is the basis for the CR (Calorie Reduction) Society and their plan

for human life extension (see, crsociety).

Atkins and his diet program is one of the few diet gurus who tell you the

truth about what's happening in your body, namely ketosis, to get the

desired weight loss.


I don't personally practice the Atkins diet because it seeks goals that I

don't seek for myself. However, trashing Atkins only for the ketosis aspect

of his program is totally inaccurate.


What do you mean by " ...being poisoned " and " ...reject digesting things? "



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Oy, a request: I respectfully suggest (request) we stop the high-protein

diet debate--at least for a while. More recipes instead!!!! :) People

pro-Atkins and pro-Sears can't seem to be convinced of any dangers in their

diets--and vice versa of the low-fat high carb people. I could (and can,

but won't) pull up a multitude of scientifically researched, referenced, and

documented articles debunking high-protein plans and that explain the

dangers of ketosis. These articles are obtained from a vast variety of

unrelated sources, and written by well-respected, credentialed individuals

with a whole buncha acronyms after their names.


BUT I doubt I'd change anyone's mind on this issue, and I completely admit

no one is really going to change mine. Maybe if a person on this list

requests specific advice regarding whatever diet they are trying to follow,

a list member knowledgeable about that particular kind of diet could respond

to them. I get irked about the pro-ketosis posts and I'm sure the protein

people feel exactly the same way about the anti-ketosis posts. We are two

halves of the same coin. Let's all admit we are stubborn on this issue and

both sides have research to back up their opinions.





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Looks to me like this thread is DEAD!!


Josh Billings (the pen name of Henry Wheeler Shaw): " It's not what we don't

know that gets us in trouble. It's what we know that just ain't so. "






Maija.Ray [Maija.Ray]

Monday, January 20, 2003 11:00 AM


RE: Atkins Must Diet (OT)


Oy, a request: I respectfully suggest (request) we stop the high-protein

diet debate--at least for a while. More recipes instead!!!! :) People

pro-Atkins and pro-Sears can't seem to be convinced of any dangers in their

diets--and vice versa of the low-fat high carb people. I could (and can,

but won't) pull up a multitude of scientifically researched, referenced, and

documented articles debunking high-protein plans and that explain the

dangers of ketosis. These articles are obtained from a vast variety of

unrelated sources, and written by well-respected, credentialed individuals

with a whole buncha acronyms after their names.


BUT I doubt I'd change anyone's mind on this issue, and I completely admit

no one is really going to change mine. Maybe if a person on this list

requests specific advice regarding whatever diet they are trying to follow,

a list member knowledgeable about that particular kind of diet could respond

to them. I get irked about the pro-ketosis posts and I'm sure the protein

people feel exactly the same way about the anti-ketosis posts. We are two

halves of the same coin. Let's all admit we are stubborn on this issue and

both sides have research to back up their opinions.





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hmm.. cancer is quite natural too. arent those fat

deposits that ketosis uses where a lot of nasty

byproducts from unhealthy living stay? im no expert,

but ive been fed the 'ketosis is very natural' line

before.. i mean, pretty much any bodily function is

natural, right down to your appendix exploding. but i

digress... from what ive heard the difference between

the ketosis incurred with such a diet is kinda like

the difference between knowing we are always in the

midst of geographical weather changes, and actually

being in the middle of an ice age... ketosis of that

consistency is not healthy.... it simple math.. if you

are always drawing on fatty reserves, and not

replenshing them, you aren't doing yourself a favour,

and when you stop that diet, and go back to sucking

greaseburgers, your butt will fall off your back



Not that I mean this of you personally, of course.


'ive been on this great diet for 34 years, it really

works' ;)


nyways, im a smartass jerk, i wont write anymore about

something i only know a little about; and others want

to stop this thread and get back to recipes, which im

sure we can all agree on... i think ive got a recipe

for coagulated lard and grits somewhere.....



--- daveo <daveo wrote:

> ****Keith wrote....

> >>I thought that the Atkins diet put your body into

> Ketosis... like being poisoned.. or very ill.. so

> you

> reject digesting things.. and lose weight...<<


> Ketosis is a natural state of the human body.

> Here's how it works. When

> your body normally gets 3,000 calories a day like

> most men in the US, and

> you decide to cut down to 2,000 calories a day until

> you lose 20 lbs, then

> your body will go into ketosis every day to get the

> necessary energy from

> your stored " fat deposits " to burn for the energy

> that you are failing to

> provide in those 1,000 cals you decided not to eat.



> So, the short answer is that **every** diet that

> reduces calories, induces a

> state of ketosis.


> Diet (eat less calories) equals ketosis--always has,

> always will!!!


> Ketosis is the basis for the CR (Calorie Reduction)

> Society and their plan

> for human life extension (see,

> crsociety).

> Atkins and his diet program is one of the few diet

> gurus who tell you the

> truth about what's happening in your body, namely

> ketosis, to get the

> desired weight loss.


> I don't personally practice the Atkins diet because

> it seeks goals that I

> don't seek for myself. However, trashing Atkins

> only for the ketosis aspect

> of his program is totally inaccurate.


> What do you mean by " ...being poisoned " and

> " ...reject digesting things? "


> Dave












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Sounds like a good idea. Request granted. :)


~ P_T ~


Be the change you want to see in the world.

~ Mahatma Gandhi


, Maija.Ray@W... wrote:

> Oy, a request: I respectfully suggest (request) we stop the


> diet debate--at least for a while. More recipes instead!!!! :)


Let's all admit we are stubborn on this issue and

> both sides have research to back up their opinions.


> Respectfully,


> Maija

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isnt a good, civil, debate, a great way to learn more

then? shouldnt we encourage discussion then, and not

fear the possibility of conflict, if we can all admit

our own hubris and laugh at ourselves? i for one, am

juggling babies as i type... not a bad typer, huh?



--- rwhitt1212 wrote:

> Maija

> I think you've said a mouthful! LOL, Excuse the pun!

> We have some very

> educated and well versed people on the list with

> good points on both sides of

> the issues but those who like me know nothing other

> than plain and simple

> reasoning and nothing about Adkins, Sears or other

> diets are not at liberty

> to elaborate much.

> Robin in NC



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 07:27:09 -0800 (PST), you wrote:



>Atkins Controlled-carb programme is working for me and

>I feel terrific. And, just in case you didn't know,

>Dr. Robert Atkins is a cardiologist and has been

>following his own eating programme for over 40 years.


He was however recently hospitalized for a heart problem -

but I don't know what kind of heart problem or if it was

diet related.



>This is not to say that this way of eating is for

>everyone. We are all different and some have no

>problem handling lots of refined carbs, but for those

>of us whose bodies can't handle them, this programme

>is amazing!


It seems there's a vast territory between 'refined carbs'

and 'no or few carbs'. There are 'unrefined carbs' -

complex carbs such as found in fruits, vegetables, legumes,

and whole grains (brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread, etc.).


I wonder if quitting the *refined carbs* is what makes the



Dr. John McDougall has also had good results with

weight-loss for his patients - he advocates a vegan diet, no

refined carbs. Also, Dean Ornish basically does so as well,

although he allows non-fat dairy products and egg whites

(not vegan, in other words).




Pat Meadows



United States: http://www.stopthehunger.com/

International: http://www.thehungersite.com/

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On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 20:59:31 -0000, you wrote:


>Sounds like a good idea. Request granted. :)


Oh rats, I answered one of the posts BEFORE I saw postings

requesting that the discussion stop. Sorry.




Pat Meadows



United States: http://www.stopthehunger.com/

International: http://www.thehungersite.com/

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>>...Dr. Robert Atkins is a cardiologist...Dr. John McDougall has also had

good results...[Dr.] Dean Ornish basically does so as well...<<


All of these men (and many others) do much the same thing and all get

praiseworthy results from their followers. Also, this short list from Pat

is a very good example of saying " there's more than one way to skin a cat. "

Forgive this crude saying in a veggie list, but I didn't know if everyone

would understand the systemic " law of equifinality " in any other terms.


I suggest that we, as health conscious veggies, can take what works from

each of these physicans and make it work for us as individuals. Whether any

one of them is totally right or totally wrong is not the issue. At the same

time, neither of them is totally wrong. What should matter to us is our own




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It seems folks want to keep on with it. As of yet nobody has stomped

off the

list in a huff, nor have I received any offlist suggestions from the

membership asking me to end it. I guess if you all wish to discuss

it, I am

fine with it. I have actually been reading the discourse and enjoying

it. I don't

have anything to add, but I can post recipes... so in that way I am


the request.


Unless three or more people email me with complaints, I will not ask

to stop

the dialogue on the topic. It has been very civil, and at times

rather witty. (yes,

sleepingtao, some of us do get you) ;P


:::coffeemug salute::::


~ P_T ~


The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.

~ Geoffrey Chaucer ( in Middle English)


, Pat Meadows <pat@m...>


> On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 20:59:31 -0000, you wrote:


> >Sounds like a good idea. Request granted. :)

> >

> Oh rats, I answered one of the posts BEFORE I saw postings

> requesting that the discussion stop. Sorry.


> Pat

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On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Pat Meadows wrote:


> >Dr. Robert Atkins is a cardiologist and has been

> >following his own eating programme for over 40 years.


> He was however recently hospitalized for a heart problem -

> but I don't know what kind of heart problem or if it was

> diet related.


Heart attack actually... I'm sure a diet high in saturated animal fat had

nothing to do with it ;)


There is a great quote I heard about the Atkin's diet, unfortunately I

cannot remeber who said it but it was a dietician of some sort " Heptitis

can make you lose weight, it doesn't mean it's good for you. "


Common sense will tell you a diet that doesn't include large amounts of

fruit and vegetables is dangerous.


and that is all from me for now...


Regards to the fish,


ICQ#: 15562604

*** www.gu.uwa.edu.au/clubs/vegies ***


" I think---therefore I'm single... "

-Lizz Winstead

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*****LisA wrote.....

>>...[referring to Atkins] Common sense will tell you a diet that doesn't

include large amounts of fruit and vegetables is dangerous.<<


Common among many veggies, without a doubt! But, if in fact that belief is

" common sense " in a broader/global sense, I suggest the whole world would be




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On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, daveo wrote:


> Common among many veggies, without a doubt! But, if in fact that belief is

> " common sense " in a broader/global sense, I suggest the whole world would be

> veggie.


Not just among veg*ans, I know alot of people who eat meat who are

disturbed by the Atkins program and can't get over the fact people don't

eat a decent amount of fruit & veg.


Regards to the fish,


ICQ#: 15562604

*** www.gu.uwa.edu.au/clubs/vegies ***


" I think---therefore I'm single... "

-Lizz Winstead

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Thanks for sharing your opinion and those of your friends.






Lisa Green [moonbug]

Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:32 AM


RE: Atkins Must Diet (OT)


On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, daveo wrote:


> Common among many veggies, without a doubt! But, if in fact that

> belief is " common sense " in a broader/global sense, I suggest the

> whole world would be veggie.


Not just among veg*ans, I know alot of people who eat meat who are disturbed

by the Atkins program and can't get over the fact people don't eat a decent

amount of fruit & veg.

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