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Judge Naked Under Robes, Pictures at Eleven

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specious, bigoted nonsense, but then, they got the judge they paid for


truth is, sociologically speaking, we are indeed forced, coerced, and

otherwise forced to eat that shit, speaking demographically and



little libertarian toy party judge boy seems to think individuals are

actually responsible for their own actions, forgetting that this is true

only in the absence of brainwashing, marketing, social mores, cultural

imperatives, and other pressures


try just try speaking your mind in public about, oh, abortion, flag

burning, freedom of speech, vegetarianism, or even this bogus war


you'll soon realize you may indeed have no choice in some things


why do so many have no choice but to eat at McDonald's and such? a huge

segment of the population is impoverished, uneducated, and culturally

trained to prefer hot sweet salty grease. and so it goes. one from this

demographic gets hungry, smells the pervasive fast food hot grease smell,

goes into BK, and orders what he or she can afford, which is saturated fat

salted down after being soaked in sugar water


oh, they could go buy fresh veggies -- if they can find any in the bodega.


oh,t hey could learn to cook, if they had time from scrambling to make a



oh, they could take responsibility for their own health, sure, but hey,

they're tired, they're hungry, and it's so pervasively easy and

inexpensive to just stop at a fast food place...


in short, they do the human thing we'd all do in that situation


My wife and I are very conscious that it is only our middle class status

that allows us to afford decent food, and if the pay slips, so does what

we can afford to buy. There goes being Vegan. There goes fresh fruits

and veggies year round. There goes handy frozen foods made for veggies.

There goes any spare time at all, if we insist on keeping up the pretence.


I'm flatly stating that in this country right now being vegetarian in any

meaningful sense actually costs way more, and so ends up being the

province of spoiled teenagers and very dedicated adults.


All this because the corporate mind-set has made it so, and while it could

just as easily have promoted and marketed healthy stuff, their research

tells them that the LCD thing is sweet / salt / grease and that's the

whole deal to them, sort term profit and damn the consequences.


So this judge is shallow, or bought, or just maybe a typical American

dunce when it comes to the control we all live under, the box we all live



Can't blame the poor naked ape, can we?



On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 04:20 PM,



> " If consumers know...the potential ill health effect

> of eating at McDonald's, they cannot blame McDonald's

> if they, nonetheless, choose to satiate their appetite

> with a surfeit of supersized McDonald's products. "


" We are dark thoughts in shadow lost at night in a brain development gone

wild. "

--Diogenes Trannell, keyboards

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