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*disdainer of all things marmitey*


" jojo " <tofujojo wrote:


>HOW DARE YOU?!!!!!!!!!!


>Take that back right now, mister!


>-- jojo

>  -

>  EBbrewpunx


>  Sunday, July 14, 2002 11:32 AM

>  Re: Sigh



>  marmite

>  *shudder*


>  can i interest you in some coffee grounds that have been fermeting in my

compost as well??

>  i'll even send them to you fer free!!!

>  :)

>  fraggle


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" Werner " <mejda6 wrote:

its this dark yeastie spread...like vegimite....


an aquired taste



>Hi Peter,


>I've never heard of Marmite.  What is it?






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Hi Fraggle


> i hear they use enslaved dyslexic myopic children to make it, by roasting crickets slowly together with wombat pineal glands and

> ostrich tongues, then blending it all together with spoiled bottles of coors beer


It certainly tastes like that :-)


Anyway, I'm glad you mentioned that, 'cos it means I can now claim an ethical reason for not eating it!!! :-)





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always willing to help peter

also..they are children from the ivory coast who can no longer work picking

cocoa, so they ship them in crates to cornwall where they have to produce

marmite..and are then used to summon cthulhu...

see, so, you really shouldn't eat it...



" Peter " <Snowbow wrote:


>Hi Fraggle


>> i hear they use enslaved dyslexic myopic children to make it, by roasting

crickets slowly together with wombat pineal glands and

>>  ostrich tongues, then blending it all together with spoiled bottles of coors



>It certainly tastes like that :-)


>Anyway, I'm glad you mentioned that, 'cos it means I can now claim an ethical

reason for not eating it!!! :-)







>Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

>Version: 6.0.375 / Virus Database: 210 - Release 10/07/02


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  • 6 months later...

Let em explain, carefully, why your statements are

fallacious at best and facist at worst. I use the term

facist not in a nazi-like sense, but rather in a

totalitarian enforcement of your particular view.


The basis of your argument is that we must follow your

definition of vegetarian because you refer to the time

when the word was created. This is kind of humourous,

because people have been living vegetarian lifestyles

since far before the 1830's does this mean that

Pythagoras wasn't a vegetarian? He definately couldn't

speak english.


But the mainstay of protein in his diet was from

plants, and never from meat. He was a vegetarian.


Buddhists and other religious/ philosophical groups,

have been living in the vegetarian ideal for centuries

before the Great and Holy White Man came and handed

down his term vegetarian to us po' unwashed masses of

non meat eaters. Obviously though, none of us were

vegetarians. We 'actually' didn't even exist, until

the word vegetarian was given to us, then we realized

that, coincidentally, we never ate meat and had never

noticed it or lived the lifestyle as a tradition

passed down for generations before the word vegetarian

was used.


Incidentally, its almost like when Hegel coined the

term 'dialectic' as a method of engaging and

exchanging information. It's not like Plato hadn't

established the dialectic ages before, but simply was

too stupid to know how to speak english. I mean,

anyone who doesnt speak english.. myst be stupid, and

quite obviously can't be a vegetarian, right?


And it's not like buddhist academics in tibet had been

using the dialectic method as a form of philosophical

exchange in monastaries since the advent of their



But, then, they never called it 'dialectic' so it must

not have been. How benevloent of us, to forgive them

too for being so ignorant, and allowing them the

'buddhist dialectic' and 'platonic dialectic'. We

truly are enlightened, even though nobody that was

around before the 1830's was a vegetarian.



> For me, vegetarian has only one meaning, " a person

> who does not eat meat. "


>>...my definition of vegetarian is 'someone who

recieves the majority of their protein directly

from a plant based diet'.<<


In 1839 or thereabouts, when the word vegetarian was

first recorded as being

used, the word protein had not yet been invented. So,

it appears that your

" redefinition " is predated by a considerable amount of

" prior usage. "

Sorry...that's not how the world of words works.


Your saying it just don't make it so.



Yeah, sure. hey, read my intro. I particularly enjoy

the part about black people only being 3/5ths of a

human being, because thats how they were defined by

the masses. Or the part about how women were lessers

because they were created from adam's rib. I mean,

it's not like the majority of the world held that to

be a true definition at any one given time. Or even

one aspect of a culture.


>>...Now, again, my point is, we can do the chicken

dance all we want

providing sources to back our beliefs and prove how

'our' defintion is



NOT!!! You can do whatever chicken dance you want to

make your " whatever " point, but the historical usage

of the word " vegetarian " speaks for itself.


Yes, and your consistent need to turn every fair and

even discussion into another attempt at ego

masturbation and proving you can be 'most right' in

front of everyone, rather than try to share new ideas

and ways of looking at things, speaks for itself.


>>I'd rather follow my heart, because I know I'm not

forcing people to adhere to my view of things...<<


Let me be clear here...you can hold " whatever " view

your heart chooses. However, if your view is to

" redefine " something that's already well understood by

many generations of vegetarians, then a more tactful

approach is kindly suggested (for your benefit and






Actually- the term vegetarian is an attempt at

redifing a tradition that dates back throughout

history. Your desire to be caught up in that term is

rather totalitarian, and again, centered more on

sounding smarter than other people than exchanging new

and different ways of thinking about things.


Vegetarians were around a long time before the term

vegetarian, and the term was simply adopted- probably

in laziness- by the tradition, and that tradtion has a

wide variety of paths, of individuals who think for

themselves and choose to work towards the goal of

abstaining from meat entirely. But, in order to clear

this up, and be fair to you and your defintion, I will

no longer 'force' you to be part of my defintion of

vegetarian. Instead, I shall furthermore refer to you

as the 'impure and unenlightened vegan in training'.


If your holy word is so immuteable and unchanging,

what the hell are you doing speaking in gutteral

american english anyways?


Ye should know, good sir, that thee has no right to

stray from thy native tongue, thee King's true

English, for all thy present language is merely the

gutteral tongue of thee impurity and ignorance.


Language is a living thing; one word today will mean

something completely different in one hundred years-

time has proven that over and over again. So referring

to the 1800's definition of a term, is ludacris (haha)

at best, and a feeble grasp at once again attempting

to sound more right, rather than sharing new ideas and

ways of thinking.


Society changes the meanings of words constantly, it

happens over and over, and no one can stop it, no

matter how much they cry about it or force others to

obey their narrow minded views. So your view of

vegetarianism, isn't mine, and I'm probably more of a

vegetarian than you, by your defintion...


... I mean, how long did you eat the inside of a calf's

stomach lining, loving it, without knowing it? Maybe

not every day, maybe even most of your cheese was made

without it, but even if it got in once a month, my

dear inquisitor, by your own defintion, you ARE NOT a

vegetarian. That mucous membrane was indeed meat.



Not to even get on the subject of someone who maybe

ate meat and didnt know it. Ive seen it happen; half

veggie barbecues where there were mix ups and later on

people found out.. I guess all those years of being a

vegetarian, should be thrown out of the window, they

no longer have the right to call themselves

vegetarians, by your standard, because they picked the

wrong chili.


Oh, and not to mention, anyone that lives with

animals, by your definition, can't be a vegetarian.

'Anyone who does not eat meat' right?

Animals give off dander and dry skin, which is flesh,

and it gets in the air- when you talk it goes into

your mouth, and when you swallow, you are quite

literally eating meat, in small amounts.. but any

amount to you is unholy and impure, right?


So, how anal do you want to get about 'your' holy

definition of what vegetarians are? In the end, I can

come up with a dozen examples to prove you wrong, but

steadfastly, you'll pound your fist and assert that

your definition is the right one. that's why I can

only make light of the situation.. people who demand

to be taken seriously are the most humourous.


But, thats just my defintion.








Where is this beauty?


I search and search and then find,


We are the lotus.




Om Mani Padme Hum





Send Flowers for Valentine's Day


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