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The Hallelujah Health Tip #112: The Hallelujah Diet--Why Barleygreen?

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>The Hallelujah Health Tip

>Issue #112: The Hallelujah Diet--Why Barleygreen?

>January 14, 2000


>Please find below the most recent edition of the Hallelujah

>Health Tip, an electronic publication you requested by e-

>mail. To , see the instructions at the bottom of

>this message.





>In this issue of the Hallelujah Health Tip:


>1. Schedule of upcoming seminars and media events

>2. Hallelujah Acres ministry update by Rev. Malkmus

>3. Recent letters from people who have been helped

>4. Health Tip: The Hallelujah Diet--Why Barleygreen?

>5. Recipes for Life: Barleygreen






>GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, Tuesday, January 18, 8:00 to

>9:30 P.M., Dr. Malkmus will appear live on Nite Line on

>WGGS-TV, channel 16.


>JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, Thursday, January 20, 7:00 P.M., New

>Life Christian Fellowship, 2701 Hodges Boulevard. Contact

>Jack and Beverley Grondin, (904) 246-9540.


>CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, Friday, January 21, 2:00 P.M., TV

>interview on the " Home Keepers " show. Check local listings

>for details.


>TAMPA, FLORIDA, Friday, January 21, 7:00 P.M., Without Walls

>International Church, 2511 North Grady. Contact George and

>Sharon Hebert (727) 521-4022 or Don and Judi Hurst (727)



>FT. MYERS, FLORIDA, Saturday, January 22, 6:00 P.M.,

>Southwest Regional Medical Center (Community Health Care

>Center), 3945 Fowler Street. Contact Mathew and Chris DeRose

>(941) 495-3430.


>BOCA RATON, FLORIDA, Sunday, January 23, 6:30 P.M., St. Paul

>Lutheran Church, 701 West Palmetto Park Road. Contact Pattie

>Downing (954) 434-2070, or Eleanor Dawson (305) 226-1367, or

>Phil Friedrichs (561) 367-9347.


>NATIONWIDE: Rev. Malkmus' television interview with Sid

>Roth's Messianic Vision begins broadcast on Monday, January

>24. See <http://www.sidroth.org/schedule> for schedules in

>your area.


>PALM BAY, FLORIDA, Monday, January 24, 7:00 P.M., Truth

>Revealed Ministries, 2838 Palm Bay Road NE. Contact Kathy

>Dean (407) 724-8482.


>TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA, January 25, 6:30 P.M., Northwoods

>Baptist Church, 3762 Capital Circle NW. Contact Kim Plath

>(850) 342-1045


>SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA, Saturday, February 5, 10:00 A.M.

>Rev. Malkmus will be giving his world-famous " How to

>Eliminate Sickness " seminar at Hallelujah Acres

>International Headquarters, 900 South Post Road. For more

>information, call (704) 481-1700.


>* Rev. Malkmus does not charge for any of his regular

>seminars. They are FREE!


>* See <http://www.hacres.com/html/schedule.html> for Dr.

>Malkmus' complete schedule.





>This past week has been a very busy but rewarding one. Last

>Saturday, January 8, we held our first " How to Eliminate

>Sickness " seminar in 2000, right here at Hallelujah Acres in

>Shelby, North Carolina, and what a great start it was for

>the New Year. We had over 200 in attendance, and they came

>from many different states; one man came all the way from

>Montana to attend.


>And the testimonies were outstanding as usual: one lady

>shared how she had suffered with Lyme disease for the past

>eleven years, been treated by the medical community the

>entire time while going steadily down hill, and had almost

>died on several occasions. Then she shared how after just

>eight weeks on the Hallelujah Diet most of the symptoms were

>gone. As you can imagine, she was ecstatic.


>Another woman told how she had been diagnosed with breast

>cancer over a year ago, refused medical treatments, opted

>for the Hallelujah Diet, and recent medical exams showed she

>was cancer free. There were many, many other testimonies,

>such as being able to go off insulin, weight loss, high

>blood pressure and cholesterol problems gone, etc.


>This past Wednesday I had the privilege of speaking to the

>student body at the Sherman College of Chiropractic, as well

>as those outside the college that came in just for the

>lecture. Though it was not a required class, over 200

>students attended and there was a lot of interest.


>In addition to this past week's seminars I had the privilege

>of doing three remote radio broadcasts. One was in

>Tallahassee, Florida, another in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, as

>well as one in Anderson, South Carolina.


>Next Tuesday I will appear live on Nite Line, channel 16 out

>of Greenville, South Carolina. The interview is scheduled to

>last an hour and a half. If you live in the upstate area of

>South Carolina, you might like to tune in, as well as

>encourage others to do the same.


>Next Wednesday I leave for Florida, with seminars scheduled

>in six different Florida cities (see listing above). Last

>January, on my Florida tour, we averaged over 400 per

>meeting. I would appreciate your prayers for the many, many

>speaking opportunities I have coming up. I am sure glad I am

>on the Hallelujah Diet, or I could never keep up this pace.


>We have now completed the mailing of our latest 24-page

>health publication, " Back to the Garden " #19, to our 140,000

>plus rs. If you are on our mailing list and have

>not yet received it, call (704) 481-1700. In Canada, call

>(519) 935-9999. If you are not on our mailing list, call

>these same numbers to request a free subscription, or sign

>up at <http://www.hacres.com/mailform/bttg_sub.html>. We are

>currently receiving approximately 1000 new requests for

> " Back to the Garden " each week.


>In " Back to the Garden " #19 we are featuring on the front


>SCLEROSIS. In this new issue of " Back to the Garden " you

>will read in her own words how she went from barely being

>able to walk with a cane to wonderful health in less than a

>year on the Hallelujah Diet. But not only did her MS go

>away; she was also able to reduce her dress size from 22 to

>12 in that same time period on the Hallelujah Diet.


>Before we move on to the testimonies, Health Tip, and recipe

>for this week, I want to express a hearty 'WELCOME' to all

>the new rs who joined our Hallelujah Health Tip

>family this past week. WELCOME ABOARD! You have joined nearly

>21,000 others who have requested and are receiving this FREE

>weekly Health Tip. We also want to wish each of you and

>yours a very happy and blessed New Year.





>Each week we receive hundreds of new testimonies from people

>who have experienced dramatic improvements in their health

>since adopting the Hallelujah Diet. Following are just a few

>of these testimonies:


>This first letter is from John Taylor, senior pastor,

>Lafayette Alliance Church in New York: " This is another note

>of praise to add to your files of thanks for your unusual

>ministry of health to the Body [of Christ]. A friend sent me

>a copy of 'Why Christians Get Sick.' After reading it, I

>realized what a great set of truths it contained. I then

>sent for the book 'God's Way to Ultimate Health,' that was

>even a greater blessing. I have been on the veggie

>[Hallelujah] diet for about a month now, and have already

>seen dramatic results.


>Pastor Taylor continues: " I'm a diabetic, had high blood

>sugar counts, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and

>high poundage. [since going on the Hallelujah Diet], I have

>lost about fifteen lbs., lowered my [blood] sugar count from

>237 to 115 in seven days, and lowered my blood pressure from

>175/87 to 129/64 in about two weeks. I walk a couple of

>miles every morning and then work out on my health rider for

>a half-hour.


>In conclusion, Pastor Taylor writes: " I have been a pastor

>for over forty years, and have always battled the results of

>a bad diet. My mother died of a heart condition, my father

>died of complications from diabetes and cancer, my older

>brother died of lung cancer, and I decided enough was

>enough. I am so thankful for your ministry and the help that

>it is giving to so many. I would like information on your

>Health Ministry. There are so many folks in my church that

>need help with their health and I would like to help them. "


>In an e-mail, Jeff Feeser writes: " I first learned of the

>Hallelujah Diet ten months ago, and what a change it has

>made in my life. I was one of those people you talked about

>in your video on a TUMS diet. In your video, you said that

>almost anyone on a TUMS diet could be off them in three to

>five days if they would stop eating animal products. So I

>figured I could do anything for five days. To my amazement,

>it worked! Ten years ago, the doctors told me my body

>produced too much acid and I could do nothing about it but

>take an antacid. Surprise, surprise, they were wrong! I have

>been off TUMS ever since starting the Hallelujah Diet.

>Thanks for your help. I tell anyone who will listen about

>the diet and then let them watch your video. "


>John Shin, a missionary from Korea, writes: " I am so thankful

>for your wonderful Hallelujah Diet. I learned of your diet

>in an article in the Charlotte News & Observer last April.

>Since going on the diet, most of my chronic diseases are

>gone: a twenty year duodenal ulcer, gone; constipation

>problems, gone; chronic headaches, gone; severe allergies,

>gone. I still have some low back pain, but hope it will

>improve someday. I share this wonderful Hallelujah Diet with

>everyone I meet. "


>Nancie Phillips writes: " How exciting [that] Dr. Malkmus had

>the opportunity to share the health message with the Georgia

>State Legislature. It would be WONDERFUL if they would write

>a bill to add provisions for alternative health care to the

>HMOs and PPOs. It puzzles me to see them waste so much money

>on trying to 'fix what's broken' instead of trying to

>'prevent the breakdown.' And it is true that if you put

>garbage into the body you will get garbage out--you are

>going to reap what you sow! How we can expect to be healthy

>when we eat so much junk is beyond me. "


>This final letter comes from Dr. Lively, a chiropractor in

>Oklahoma: " We just want to thank you for your ministry that

>is helping so many people. I have been nutritionally

>oriented for thirty years. Your program is by far the best,

>and I believe it is God's way! Thank you for persevering

>when it wasn't popular! God bless you! "


>Every day in the e-mail, by fax, by phone, by postal mail,

>and at every seminar I conduct, people are constantly

>telling how the Hallelujah Diet has improved their health

>and quality of life or even saved their life. These

>testimonies are what keep me encouraged and help me to keep

>on keeping on. So please keep sending me those testimonies--

>I never tire of them.


>After seven years (getting very close to eight years), so

>many people from around the world are on the Hallelujah

>Diet, each day, there are probably thousands of new people

>hearing about us. If the Lord tarries, perhaps we WILL

>realize our dream 'that someday, in some way, all the people

>of the world will know that they 'DON'T HAVE TO BE SICK.'





>My first exposure to Barleygreen was in 1988 when a friend

>brought me a jar and started telling me how wonderful it

>was. At the time I was growing my own wheatgrass and juicing

>it daily. In fact, I had been juicing wheatgrass for

>approximately two years before being introduced to

>Barleygreen, and had been consuming it along with my carrot

>juice each and every day.


>When first introduced to Barleygreen I was very skeptical

>that a green POWDER could do for me what freshly extracted

>wheatgrass JUICE had been doing, so gave it little attention

>until after my friend departed. She left behind a book,

>along with that jar of Barleygreen. It was only after

>reading the book 'Green Leaves of Barley' by Dr. Mary Ruth

>Swope that I became interested. And the thing that perked my

>interest was not all the good things the book had to say

>about Barleygreen, but the TESTIMONIES from so many people

>experiencing improvements in their health after starting to

>use it.


>So I decided to personally give it a try. The only way I

>knew to give it a fair trial was to stop taking my daily

>wheatgrass juice and switch to the Barleygreen. Well, within

>a matter of days after starting the Barleygreen, I noticed I

>could jog longer, with more energy and less fatigue. I

>couldn't believe that this green POWDER could do more for me

>than the fresh wheatgrass JUICE had been doing, but it did,

>and so conveniently. So I switched to Barleygreen right then

>and there, and I have been consuming it ever since with

>absolutely fabulous results. In fact, I consider it the

>single most important food I have put into my body each and

>every day, as does Rhonda also.




>Barleygreen is unique from all other products on the market

>today because of its PROCESSING! After Dr. Hagiwara's

>research some thirty years ago revealed that within the

>humble blade of barley grass was the greatest concentration

>of nutrients he could find on planet earth, his work had

>just begun. His next challenge was how to get the nutrients

>from the cells of the plant to the cells of the body without

>losing them, because all nutrients start to oxidize when

>exposed to air. (You can actually see this oxidation take

>place when an apple is cut in half and exposed to the air.)


>He would grow the barley organically and run the leaves

>through a juicing machine, but almost immediately oxidation

>would begin and the nutrients would start to be lost. It

>took him several years and involved two patented processes

>to stop the oxidation and develop a means of keeping the

>nutrients alive.


>The following will give you an idea of how he accomplished



>Barleygreen is a live, naturally potent, organically-grown

>food produced from the juice extracted from young barley

>leaves when they are ten to fourteen inches in height. But

>after the juice is released from the fiber it becomes very

>fragile and unstable, subject to oxidative decomposition

>threatening the enzymes, vitamins and chlorophyll. To

>stabilize and preserve the juice, it is spray-dried onto a

>water-soluble, complex carbohydrate (not a sugar), in this

>case, maltodextrin. Derived from corn, the maltodextrin

>replaces the role formerly held by the plant fiber and keeps

>the nutrients from oxidizing. The advantage is that

>maltodextrin dissolves in water, unlike plant fiber,

>allowing the nutrients to be absorbed directly into the

>bloodstream within minutes, without going through the

>digestive process.


>Using a patented spray-drying method, the juice is then

>dried at ROOM TEMPERATURE in approximately two seconds. This

>non-heating, non-freezing process captures the nutrients in

>the juice without damaging them, resulting in a bright green

>powder rich in vitamins, minerals, live enzymes, chlorophyll

>and protein. Small amounts of brown rice and kelp are then

>added to the BARLEYGREEN. The brown rice helps to stabilize

>the powder, while the kelp is an excellent source of trace

>minerals missing in the average diet. Because of this unique

>patented processing, Barleygreen remains a raw product, in

>powdered form, with enzymes still intact, for three to five



>Barleygreen has never healed anyone of anything--nor can it.

>In fact, there is not a drug, carrot juice, Barleygreen, or

>any other substance on planet earth that can heal anyone of

>anything. The only thing that can heal our bodies is our

>bodies themselves. And this happens only when we bring about

>conditions conducive to healing so that the body can do what

>God designed it to do.


>Drugs do not heal, they only mask symptoms, and usually

>create new problems, for which more drugs are often

>necessary. TRUE HEALING takes place only when we stop

>putting into our bodies that which created the problem in

>the first place, and start putting into the body the

>nutrients the body needs to heal itself. Barleygreen and

>carrot juice supply the body with materials for the

>rebuilding of the immune system and essential organs more

>rapidly than any other substances of which I am aware.


>Many other companies have tried to duplicate this

>Barleygreen product, but it cannot be duplicated because of

>its unique patented processing. I have never found another

>product that will give the same results as the Barleygreen

>marketed by the American Image Marketing (AIM) company.




>Barleygreen is concentrated nutrition; only the fiber has

>been removed. Then the juice has been reduced to a powder

>through a special process which keeps it alive. When liquid

>is added to the powder, the enzymes become activated and

>within minutes after consuming them these nutrients are in

>the bloodstream, feeding the cells while building the immune

>system and essential organs.


>Carrot juice and Barleygreen are the reason for the rapid

>results people experience on the Hallelujah Diet. And this

>is one of the primary reasons that within six months or

>less, from the time a person makes the diet change that we

>teach, over 90% of all physical and even emotional problems

>are gone. You see, the body has within it not only the

>ability to rebuild itself when given the proper building

>materials, but also the ability to heal itself of almost

>anything that ails it. This self-healing mechanism was

>placed there by God at creation and has been passed down to

>each one of us through our genetic coding.


>So, first, if we want to get well, or stay well, we stop

>putting into our bodies the toxic foods that have been

>causing harm (all animal products, sugar, salt, white flour,

>and caffeine). Then we start putting into our bodies the raw

>building materials the Lord designed our bodies to run on,

>especially in the form of concentrated raw vegetable juices,

>and the miracle usually follows.



> " BARLEYGREEN makes such a difference because it is a whole

>food. A food such as BARLEYGREEN should not be recognized by

>discussing only the amount of vitamins and minerals. The era

>of focusing on a single vitamin or mineral is gone in the

>field of the most vanguarded research, and much more

>attention is being focused on biological phenomena. "


>--Yoshihide Hagiwara, M.D., inventor of BARLEYGREEN





>Barleygreen is the most nutritionally dense food that has

>ever been found, providing one of the widest spectrums of

>naturally occurring nutrients available in a single source

>on the earth today! If I were stuck on a South Sea island

>and had nothing to eat but Barleygreen and pure water, I

>believe I could live a long, long time without any other

>source of nutrition.


>Barleygreen contains at least sixteen vitamins and twenty-

>three minerals along with enzymes. It also contains

>superoxide dismutase (SOD) which destroys damaging free

>radicals. Barleygreen contains all essential amino acids and

>has fifteen times as much protein as an equivalent amount of

>milk. It is 90% digestible protein, and because its protein

>molecules are small, it will not stress the body as do

>protein molecules from animals. Barleygreen is also

>alkaline, which helps neutralize the highly acidic diet of

>most people today.


>I could talk about this product for a long, long time, but

>no amount of technical information or anything I could say

>would accomplish what personally trying the product will

>reveal. May I challenge each of our readers to give it a

>try? It carries a money back guarantee if for any reason you

>are not satisfied.


>For free information, or to order Barleygreen, call (704)

>481-1700, see the catalog at

><http://www.hacres.com/html/onlinecat.html>, or contact your

>local Back to the Garden Health Minister (see



>Recommended Reading:


>GREEN BARLEY ESSENCE, the Ideal " Fast Food " by the discoverer of

>Barleygreen, Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara


>GREEN LEAVES OF BARLEY, Inspiring Secrets of Nature's Miracle

>Rejuvenator, by Dr. Mary Ruth Swope.



>I look forward to these opportunities to come into your home

>or business each week through the vehicle of this electronic

>Health Tip. These Health Tips come to you at no charge. This

>is a labor of love. Rhonda and I have dedicated our lives to

>eradicating physical problems from the world, and especially

>from the Christian community. We want to be a help, and

>blessing, to you and yours. Till next issue, Rhonda and I

>send our love and best wishes for a healthy and happy week!


>Rev. George H. Malkmus


>Editor, Hallelujah Health Tip



>We want everyone on earth to know about the benefits that

>can come from the Hallelujah Diet. If you know someone who

>needs to exchange chronic sickness for bounding health, why

>not share this newsletter with them? If they are online,

>please feel free to forward it to those who might either

>enjoy it or benefit from it.


>If a friend sent this newsletter to you and you enjoyed it,

>you can have your own free subscription. To get on our

>mailing list, simply send an e-mail to

><listmanager, with the subject of the

>message " hacres " (without quotes).

><listmanager?subject= "

>hacres " > We only send this publication to individuals who

>specifically request a free subscription, and we do not make

>this list available to anyone else for any reason.



>Learn God's Way to Ultimate Health at Hallelujah Acres

>Online, where we have over seventy hours of free nutritional

>information from a biblical perspective. You can access our

>Web site at <http://www.hacres.com>. For a helpful list of

>answers to frequently asked questions, be sure to visit

><http://www.hacres.com/html/faqmenu.html>. Back issues of

>the weekly Health Tips covering a range of issues are

>archived at <http://www.hacres.com/html/tiparchives.html>.

>Many more articles for understanding health can be found at




> " Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper

>and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. " (III John 2)



>Hallelujah Acres Online has provided this material for

>informational purposes only. We do not prescribe and we do

>not diagnose. If you use the information in this file

>without the approval of a health professional, you prescribe

>for yourself, which remains your constitutional right, but

>neither the author(s), nor Hallelujah Acres assume any





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