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for your friends still dragging their heels

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Guest guest

I appreciate the info. & will use it. I just delete posts I don't care

about. It's up to the moderator whether it's acceptable.

Tina Murray wrote:

I don't care to see this. I don't this that

this is what this thread should be used for.

Tina - Calif

louise2326 wrote:



you might want to see an online video and audio of animals

being slaughtered


right hand column.. meet your meat








BEING SLAUGHTERED (right hand column.. click on

meet your meat


(see photos)




.. THE BLOOD one drinks is called juice

.. THE PRE URINE is uric acid or trixoypurine..

more addictive than caffein and is the

primary cause of arthritis as it crystallizes

into needles jabbing the joints

.. THE FECES poured out by frightened terrorized

animals has traces

in the ecoli or colon bacteria.. not only their

own waste but

that of other cows on which they often slip

as they are being skinned alive at Iowa Beef

Processors or other sites. Dr John Harvey

Kellogg, MD, affiliated

in the last century with Kellogg cereals, found

that after

a few hours ecoli can multiply into the billions.

FLY DUNG (the dung of the cows is not the only

waste which

splatters onto the carcass

.. THE FEMALE HORMONES given the cows

become prostate, breast, and uterine cancer

as well as nonreproductive cancers. Gynecomastia

is male breast

swelling from such hormones, which increase

sexual pressure

and are correlated also to rape. In Puerto Rico 2

year old children

have developed sexually

from these hormones. IMPOTENCE is also a

byproduct as

male testosterone level is reduced. A 2nd cause

of impotence

is animal fat blockage in prostate arteries.

.. THE ADRENALIN (TEARS) secreted by terrorized

animals survives

cooking.. since it is a protein enzyme.. only some

of whose links are

broken.. it is the ingestion of anger, terror, and

agony. Such

meat adrenalin has been correlated to violence.


.. THE ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE in the animal's flesh

is passed onto the humans devouring them

.. THE ANIMAL FAT clogs the arteries causing heart

attacks, which are

the single major cause of death in the world. Meat

deaths per year outdo

alcohol, tobacco, and accidents combined.

strokes, SENILITY from cerebral artery blockage.

.. THE MAD COW* proteins can incubate for 50

years says the World Health Organization's

communicable disease

division. (Gelatin containing Mad Cow is found in

jello, gelcaps,

soaps, toothpastes, soups etc.

THE BENZOPYRENE, a carcinogen,

applies only when meat

is burned on the grill

.. in addition to the WASTE secreted by the cow is

the waste fed to

the cow..

it is legal to give up to 50% waste in cattle

food.. this is



.. THE PRIONS cause cancer (recent Nobel Prize

given to SF researcher re prions)

.. AIDS Dr Anthony Fauci, animal abuser at NIH,

stated at a press

conference that monkey meat consumption was one

cause of AIDS.

While cows' meat is not monkey meat, it does

contain BLV

or bovine leukemia virus, the same disease as the


with only a name change.

.. THE SODIUM NITRATE.. red dye no. 2.. forms

nitrosamines in contact with animal protein.

These nitrosamines are carcinogenic. In addition

are many

other carcinogenic FOOD COLORING AGENTS

.. PRESERVATIVES which keep meat from rotting.. also

turn your body into a wax mummy

.. MEAT TENDERIZERS which break down animal flesh..

also break

down your brain's necessary cellular proteins



created by heating animal flesh and fat above 300


while the ecoli is caused by just the opposite:


.. MERCURY at toxic levels is in much of the world's

water. Fish

are at the top of the ocean food chain, while meat

is at the

top of the land food chain. Mercury harms brain


.. POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENOLS are found even in the

livers of

polar bears. They are a byproduct of the lumber


industry as well as of GE and other transformers.

They harm

brain function.

.. ARSENIC a poison

.. CHROMIUM a poison expelled by some steel



.. MONONUCLEOSIS Like AIDS whose meat eating origins

have been

obscured, mononucleosis was called the kissing

disease when

it reality this immune depression disease was more


caused by rare meat.

.. INSECTICIDES in the grain such as Roundup by


are concentrated in the milk and the meat of the


Each avg. weight 1000 lb. cow ate 21,000 lbs.

average before

being forced to the slaughterhouse. As fish are at

the top

of the ocean food chain, animal products are at the

top of

the Mother Earth food chain, concentrating many

times more

insecticides than non organic fruits and vegetables.


.. brucellosis, ptomaine, salmonella,

toxoplasmosis, and many other food poisoning

viruses, bacteriae

WORMS (in the bacon) are called trichinella and lead



(* NIH is finally

after decades readying to put meat on the list of


.. What's creiophilic bacteria? What's thermophilic

bacteria? Creiophilic bacteria survives

freezing in the pieces of animal called meat.

Thermophilic bacteria survives 300 degrees.

http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.pcrm.org

http://www.meatstinks.com http://www.ivu.org






http://www.hacres.com http://www.jesusveg.com



.. the sounds of trees being felled The cattle

industry is one

of the 3 greatest pressures on the world's


.. the cries of hungry children Meat yields 100 to

1000 lbs an

acre, while fruit and nut tree products can yield

450,000 lbs

or more if the trees are allowed to grow.

.. the pain of cancer, heart disease, food

poisoning, arthritis,

kidney disease, and all the other diseases

associated with

the consumption of animal flesh

(Ironically, while the adrenalin enzymes

make people angry, the female hormones make

the men nicer)



Mastitis or infections of the udders of cows subjected to

cruel milking machines which give them blood encrustations.. often

drop those encrustations into the milk. These coagulations

are stirred into the milk in general.


Not all the blood etc is in the meat. Wendy's slaughterhouses

dump feces, urine (ammonia), blood, and infectious pus

into the waterways, contaminating drinking for all.


.. BULK OR FIBER Meat with no fiber is the leading

cause of

intestinal cancer. The countries with the most

animal flesh

consumption have the highest rates of intestinal


.. VITAMIN C Dr Linus Pauling, only man to win 2

Nobel prizes,

one for the discovery of several elements and for


neural biochemistry work, the other for peace,

worked on

vitamin C as a speeder of brain signals through




Brain destroying chemicals in Wendy's and other

meats include

mercury, pcb's, cerebral artery clogging animal fat,

meat tenderizers

which break down brain tissue,

the absence of vitamin C and other neural


Wm Shakespeare in 12th Night: He is a heavy eater of

beef. Methinks

it doth harm to his wit.

Albert Einstein, Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Ramanujan and


were vegetarian. Da Vinci was a fruitarian.

* Kuru, a disease contracted by cannibals' brain

consumptionwhich has

an incubation

period of 50 years, is closely linked to Mad Cow

** (for 30 years. this Nobel prion

researcher found his work suppressed at Harvard


is invested heavily in the meat industry as are

Univ of Texas

and Stanford

*** some items on this list are intrinsic to all


**** There is no such thing as organic meat.. for


are in all the waters of the world.

***** DES, one female hormone, has been banned. We

cannot say

on any given day that all these items are in

Wendy's meat.

THE FILM at http://www.wickedwendys.com


animals being

branded (castration not included in this video),


hung upside down by 1 hoof, struggling to pull away,


in fright, urinating in terror, being stunned with a

stun gun,

squealing, shrieking screaming


Sara Lee just recalled many thousand lbs. of


--- End forwarded message ---

--- End forwarded message ---

--- End forwarded message ---




contact owner: -owner

Mail list:

Delivered-mailing list

List-Un: -

no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowed

contact owner with complaints regarding posting/list

or anything else. Thank you.

please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list




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Guest guest


you might want to see an online video and audio of animals

being slaughtered

http://www.wickedwendys.com right hand column.. meet your meat





http://www.wickedwendys.com HAS A VIDEO WITH AUDIO


BEING SLAUGHTERED (right hand column.. click on

meet your meat


http://clubs./clubs/ohioanimalrightsnetwork (see photos)






. THE BLOOD one drinks is called juice

. THE PRE URINE is uric acid or trixoypurine..

more addictive than caffein and is the

primary cause of arthritis as it crystallizes

into needles jabbing the joints

. THE FECES poured out by frightened terrorized

animals has traces

in the ecoli or colon bacteria.. not only their

own waste but

that of other cows on which they often slip

as they are being skinned alive at Iowa Beef

Processors or other sites. Dr John Harvey

Kellogg, MD, affiliated

in the last century with Kellogg cereals, found

that after

a few hours ecoli can multiply into the billions.

FLY DUNG (the dung of the cows is not the only

waste which

splatters onto the carcass

. THE FEMALE HORMONES given the cows

become prostate, breast, and uterine cancer

as well as nonreproductive cancers. Gynecomastia

is male breast

swelling from such hormones, which increase

sexual pressure

and are correlated also to rape. In Puerto Rico 2

year old children

have developed sexually

from these hormones. IMPOTENCE is also a

byproduct as

male testosterone level is reduced. A 2nd cause

of impotence

is animal fat blockage in prostate arteries.

. THE ADRENALIN (TEARS) secreted by terrorized

animals survives

cooking.. since it is a protein enzyme.. only some

of whose links are

broken.. it is the ingestion of anger, terror, and

agony. Such

meat adrenalin has been correlated to violence.


. THE ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE in the animal's flesh

is passed onto the humans devouring them

. THE ANIMAL FAT clogs the arteries causing heart

attacks, which are

the single major cause of death in the world. Meat

deaths per year outdo

alcohol, tobacco, and accidents combined.

strokes, SENILITY from cerebral artery blockage.

. THE MAD COW* proteins can incubate for 50

years says the World Health Organization's

communicable disease

division. (Gelatin containing Mad Cow is found in

jello, gelcaps,

soaps, toothpastes, soups etc.

THE BENZOPYRENE, a carcinogen,

applies only when meat

is burned on the grill

. in addition to the WASTE secreted by the cow is

the waste fed to

the cow..

it is legal to give up to 50% waste in cattle

food.. this is



. THE PRIONS cause cancer (recent Nobel Prize

given to SF researcher re prions)

. AIDS Dr Anthony Fauci, animal abuser at NIH,

stated at a press

conference that monkey meat consumption was one

cause of AIDS.

While cows' meat is not monkey meat, it does

contain BLV

or bovine leukemia virus, the same disease as the


with only a name change.

. THE SODIUM NITRATE.. red dye no. 2.. forms

nitrosamines in contact with animal protein.

These nitrosamines are carcinogenic. In addition

are many

other carcinogenic FOOD COLORING AGENTS

. PRESERVATIVES which keep meat from rotting.. also

turn your body into a wax mummy

. MEAT TENDERIZERS which break down animal flesh..

also break

down your brain's necessary cellular proteins



created by heating animal flesh and fat above 300


while the ecoli is caused by just the opposite:


. MERCURY at toxic levels is in much of the world's

water. Fish

are at the top of the ocean food chain, while meat

is at the

top of the land food chain. Mercury harms brain


. POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENOLS are found even in the

livers of

polar bears. They are a byproduct of the lumber


industry as well as of GE and other transformers.

They harm

brain function.

. ARSENIC a poison

. CHROMIUM a poison expelled by some steel



. MONONUCLEOSIS Like AIDS whose meat eating origins

have been

obscured, mononucleosis was called the kissing

disease when

it reality this immune depression disease was more


caused by rare meat.

. INSECTICIDES in the grain such as Roundup by


are concentrated in the milk and the meat of the


Each avg. weight 1000 lb. cow ate 21,000 lbs.

average before

being forced to the slaughterhouse. As fish are at

the top

of the ocean food chain, animal products are at the

top of

the Mother Earth food chain, concentrating many

times more

insecticides than non organic fruits and vegetables.


. brucellosis, ptomaine, salmonella,

toxoplasmosis, and many other food poisoning

viruses, bacteriae

WORMS (in the bacon) are called trichinella and lead




(* NIH is finally

after decades readying to put meat on the list of


. What's creiophilic bacteria? What's thermophilic

bacteria? Creiophilic bacteria survives

freezing in the pieces of animal called meat.

Thermophilic bacteria survives 300 degrees.

http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.pcrm.org

http://www.meatstinks.com http://www.ivu.org






http://www.hacres.com http://www.jesusveg.com



. the sounds of trees being felled The cattle

industry is one

of the 3 greatest pressures on the world's


. the cries of hungry children Meat yields 100 to

1000 lbs an

acre, while fruit and nut tree products can yield

450,000 lbs

or more if the trees are allowed to grow.

. the pain of cancer, heart disease, food

poisoning, arthritis,

kidney disease, and all the other diseases

associated with

the consumption of animal flesh

(Ironically, while the adrenalin enzymes

make people angry, the female hormones make

the men nicer)



Mastitis or infections of the udders of cows subjected to

cruel milking machines which give them blood encrustations.. often

drop those encrustations into the milk. These coagulations

are stirred into the milk in general.


Not all the blood etc is in the meat. Wendy's slaughterhouses

dump feces, urine (ammonia), blood, and infectious pus

into the waterways, contaminating drinking for all.



. BULK OR FIBER Meat with no fiber is the leading

cause of

intestinal cancer. The countries with the most

animal flesh

consumption have the highest rates of intestinal


. VITAMIN C Dr Linus Pauling, only man to win 2

Nobel prizes,

one for the discovery of several elements and for


neural biochemistry work, the other for peace,

worked on

vitamin C as a speeder of brain signals through




Brain destroying chemicals in Wendy's and other

meats include

mercury, pcb's, cerebral artery clogging animal fat,

meat tenderizers

which break down brain tissue,

the absence of vitamin C and other neural


Wm Shakespeare in 12th Night: He is a heavy eater of

beef. Methinks

it doth harm to his wit.

Albert Einstein, Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Ramanujan and


were vegetarian. Da Vinci was a fruitarian.

* Kuru, a disease contracted by cannibals' brain

consumptionwhich has

an incubation

period of 50 years, is closely linked to Mad Cow

** (for 30 years. this Nobel prion

researcher found his work suppressed at Harvard


is invested heavily in the meat industry as are

Univ of Texas

and Stanford

*** some items on this list are intrinsic to all


**** There is no such thing as organic meat.. for


are in all the waters of the world.

***** DES, one female hormone, has been banned. We

cannot say

on any given day that all these items are in

Wendy's meat.

THE FILM at http://www.wickedwendys.com shows

animals being

branded (castration not included in this video),


hung upside down by 1 hoof, struggling to pull away,


in fright, urinating in terror, being stunned with a

stun gun,

squealing, shrieking screaming


Sara Lee just recalled many thousand lbs. of


--- End forwarded message ---

--- End forwarded message ---

--- End forwarded message ---

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Guest guest

I don't care to see this. I don't this that this is what this thread

should be used for.

Tina - Calif

louise2326 wrote:



you might want to see an online video and audio of animals

being slaughtered


right hand column.. meet your meat








BEING SLAUGHTERED (right hand column.. click on

meet your meat


(see photos)




.. THE BLOOD one drinks is called juice

.. THE PRE URINE is uric acid or trixoypurine..

more addictive than caffein and is the

primary cause of arthritis as it crystallizes

into needles jabbing the joints

.. THE FECES poured out by frightened terrorized

animals has traces

in the ecoli or colon bacteria.. not only their

own waste but

that of other cows on which they often slip

as they are being skinned alive at Iowa Beef

Processors or other sites. Dr John Harvey

Kellogg, MD, affiliated

in the last century with Kellogg cereals, found

that after

a few hours ecoli can multiply into the billions.

FLY DUNG (the dung of the cows is not the only

waste which

splatters onto the carcass

.. THE FEMALE HORMONES given the cows

become prostate, breast, and uterine cancer

as well as nonreproductive cancers. Gynecomastia

is male breast

swelling from such hormones, which increase

sexual pressure

and are correlated also to rape. In Puerto Rico 2

year old children

have developed sexually

from these hormones. IMPOTENCE is also a

byproduct as

male testosterone level is reduced. A 2nd cause

of impotence

is animal fat blockage in prostate arteries.

.. THE ADRENALIN (TEARS) secreted by terrorized

animals survives

cooking.. since it is a protein enzyme.. only some

of whose links are

broken.. it is the ingestion of anger, terror, and

agony. Such

meat adrenalin has been correlated to violence.


.. THE ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE in the animal's flesh

is passed onto the humans devouring them

.. THE ANIMAL FAT clogs the arteries causing heart

attacks, which are

the single major cause of death in the world. Meat

deaths per year outdo

alcohol, tobacco, and accidents combined.

strokes, SENILITY from cerebral artery blockage.

.. THE MAD COW* proteins can incubate for 50

years says the World Health Organization's

communicable disease

division. (Gelatin containing Mad Cow is found in

jello, gelcaps,

soaps, toothpastes, soups etc.

THE BENZOPYRENE, a carcinogen,

applies only when meat

is burned on the grill

.. in addition to the WASTE secreted by the cow is

the waste fed to

the cow..

it is legal to give up to 50% waste in cattle

food.. this is



.. THE PRIONS cause cancer (recent Nobel Prize

given to SF researcher re prions)

.. AIDS Dr Anthony Fauci, animal abuser at NIH,

stated at a press

conference that monkey meat consumption was one

cause of AIDS.

While cows' meat is not monkey meat, it does

contain BLV

or bovine leukemia virus, the same disease as the


with only a name change.

.. THE SODIUM NITRATE.. red dye no. 2.. forms

nitrosamines in contact with animal protein.

These nitrosamines are carcinogenic. In addition

are many

other carcinogenic FOOD COLORING AGENTS

.. PRESERVATIVES which keep meat from rotting.. also

turn your body into a wax mummy

.. MEAT TENDERIZERS which break down animal flesh..

also break

down your brain's necessary cellular proteins



created by heating animal flesh and fat above 300


while the ecoli is caused by just the opposite:


.. MERCURY at toxic levels is in much of the world's

water. Fish

are at the top of the ocean food chain, while meat

is at the

top of the land food chain. Mercury harms brain


.. POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENOLS are found even in the

livers of

polar bears. They are a byproduct of the lumber


industry as well as of GE and other transformers.

They harm

brain function.

.. ARSENIC a poison

.. CHROMIUM a poison expelled by some steel



.. MONONUCLEOSIS Like AIDS whose meat eating origins

have been

obscured, mononucleosis was called the kissing

disease when

it reality this immune depression disease was more


caused by rare meat.

.. INSECTICIDES in the grain such as Roundup by


are concentrated in the milk and the meat of the


Each avg. weight 1000 lb. cow ate 21,000 lbs.

average before

being forced to the slaughterhouse. As fish are at

the top

of the ocean food chain, animal products are at the

top of

the Mother Earth food chain, concentrating many

times more

insecticides than non organic fruits and vegetables.


.. brucellosis, ptomaine, salmonella,

toxoplasmosis, and many other food poisoning

viruses, bacteriae

WORMS (in the bacon) are called trichinella and lead



(* NIH is finally

after decades readying to put meat on the list of


.. What's creiophilic bacteria? What's thermophilic

bacteria? Creiophilic bacteria survives

freezing in the pieces of animal called meat.

Thermophilic bacteria survives 300 degrees.

http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.pcrm.org

http://www.meatstinks.com http://www.ivu.org






http://www.hacres.com http://www.jesusveg.com



.. the sounds of trees being felled The cattle

industry is one

of the 3 greatest pressures on the world's


.. the cries of hungry children Meat yields 100 to

1000 lbs an

acre, while fruit and nut tree products can yield

450,000 lbs

or more if the trees are allowed to grow.

.. the pain of cancer, heart disease, food

poisoning, arthritis,

kidney disease, and all the other diseases

associated with

the consumption of animal flesh

(Ironically, while the adrenalin enzymes

make people angry, the female hormones make

the men nicer)



Mastitis or infections of the udders of cows subjected to

cruel milking machines which give them blood encrustations.. often

drop those encrustations into the milk. These coagulations

are stirred into the milk in general.


Not all the blood etc is in the meat. Wendy's slaughterhouses

dump feces, urine (ammonia), blood, and infectious pus

into the waterways, contaminating drinking for all.


.. BULK OR FIBER Meat with no fiber is the leading

cause of

intestinal cancer. The countries with the most

animal flesh

consumption have the highest rates of intestinal


.. VITAMIN C Dr Linus Pauling, only man to win 2

Nobel prizes,

one for the discovery of several elements and for


neural biochemistry work, the other for peace,

worked on

vitamin C as a speeder of brain signals through




Brain destroying chemicals in Wendy's and other

meats include

mercury, pcb's, cerebral artery clogging animal fat,

meat tenderizers

which break down brain tissue,

the absence of vitamin C and other neural


Wm Shakespeare in 12th Night: He is a heavy eater of

beef. Methinks

it doth harm to his wit.

Albert Einstein, Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Ramanujan and


were vegetarian. Da Vinci was a fruitarian.

* Kuru, a disease contracted by cannibals' brain

consumptionwhich has

an incubation

period of 50 years, is closely linked to Mad Cow

** (for 30 years. this Nobel prion

researcher found his work suppressed at Harvard


is invested heavily in the meat industry as are

Univ of Texas

and Stanford

*** some items on this list are intrinsic to all


**** There is no such thing as organic meat.. for


are in all the waters of the world.

***** DES, one female hormone, has been banned. We

cannot say

on any given day that all these items are in

Wendy's meat.

THE FILM at http://www.wickedwendys.com


animals being

branded (castration not included in this video),


hung upside down by 1 hoof, struggling to pull away,


in fright, urinating in terror, being stunned with a

stun gun,

squealing, shrieking screaming


Sara Lee just recalled many thousand lbs. of


--- End forwarded message ---

--- End forwarded message ---

--- End forwarded message ---




contact owner: -owner

Mail list:

Delivered-mailing list

List-Un: -

no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowed

contact owner with complaints regarding posting/list

or anything else. Thank you.

please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list




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Guest guest

why not?

I'm glad to have the information. Glad to pass it on to my less compasionate friends

Just hit the delete button.


It's easy, really :)


-------------------------------~*Mary*~Founder of "The Nuzzled Network"www.nuzzled.net




Tina Murray

Sunday, July 29, 2001 2:25 PM

Re: for your friends still dragging their heels

I don't care to see this. I don't this that this is what this thread should be used for. Tina - Calif louise2326 wrote: -ONLINE VIDEO AND AUDIO you might want to see an online video and audio of animals being slaughtered http://www.wickedwendys.com right hand column.. meet your meat http://www.meatstinks.com ACTOR JAMES CROMWELL, STAR OF BABE, PERFORMS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AND IS ARRESTED AT WENDY'S http://www.meatstinks.com http://www.wickedwendys.com HAS A VIDEO WITH AUDIO OF ANIMALS BEING SLAUGHTERED (right hand column.. click on meet your meat http://clubs./clubs/ohioanimalrightsnetwork (see photos) /messages/boycottwendys WHAT'S IN YOUR WENDY'S BURGER? BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS . THE BLOOD one drinks is called juice . THE PRE URINE is uric acid or trixoypurine.. more addictive than caffein and is the primary cause of arthritis as it crystallizes into needles jabbing the joints . THE FECES poured out by frightened terrorized animals has traces in the ecoli or colon bacteria.. not only their own waste but that of other cows on which they often slip as they are being skinned alive at Iowa Beef Processors or other sites. Dr John Harvey Kellogg, MD, affiliated in the last century with Kellogg cereals, found that after a few hours ecoli can multiply into the billions. FLY DUNG (the dung of the cows is not the only waste which splatters onto the carcass . THE FEMALE HORMONES given the cows become prostate, breast, and uterine cancer as well as nonreproductive cancers. Gynecomastia is male breast swelling from such hormones, which increase sexual pressure and are correlated also to rape. In Puerto Rico 2 year old children have developed sexually from these hormones. IMPOTENCE is also a byproduct as male testosterone level is reduced. A 2nd cause of impotence is animal fat blockage in prostate arteries. . THE ADRENALIN (TEARS) secreted by terrorized animals survives cooking.. since it is a protein enzyme.. only some of whose links are broken.. it is the ingestion of anger, terror, and agony. Such meat adrenalin has been correlated to violence. /messages/teachnonviolence . THE ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE in the animal's flesh is passed onto the humans devouring them . THE ANIMAL FAT clogs the arteries causing heart attacks, which are the single major cause of death in the world. Meat deaths per year outdo alcohol, tobacco, and accidents combined. strokes, SENILITY from cerebral artery blockage. . THE MAD COW* proteins can incubate for 50 years says the World Health Organization's communicable disease division. (Gelatin containing Mad Cow is found in jello, gelcaps, soaps, toothpastes, soups etc. THE BENZOPYRENE, a carcinogen, applies only when meat is burned on the grill . in addition to the WASTE secreted by the cow is the waste fed to the cow.. it is legal to give up to 50% waste in cattle food.. this is called wastelage . THE PRIONS cause cancer (recent Nobel Prize given to SF researcher re prions) . AIDS Dr Anthony Fauci, animal abuser at NIH, stated at a press conference that monkey meat consumption was one cause of AIDS. While cows' meat is not monkey meat, it does contain BLV or bovine leukemia virus, the same disease as the HTLV with only a name change. . THE SODIUM NITRATE.. red dye no. 2.. forms nitrosamines in contact with animal protein. These nitrosamines are carcinogenic. In addition are many other carcinogenic FOOD COLORING AGENTS . PRESERVATIVES which keep meat from rotting.. also turn your body into a wax mummy . MEAT TENDERIZERS which break down animal flesh.. also break down your brain's necessary cellular proteins . THE METHYLCHOLANTHRENE AND MALANALDEHYDE are 2 carcinogens created by heating animal flesh and fat above 300 degrees while the ecoli is caused by just the opposite: undercooking. . MERCURY at toxic levels is in much of the world's water. Fish are at the top of the ocean food chain, while meat is at the top of the land food chain. Mercury harms brain function. . POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENOLS are found even in the livers of polar bears. They are a byproduct of the lumber (treekilling) industry as well as of GE and other transformers. They harm brain function. . ARSENIC a poison . CHROMIUM a poison expelled by some steel manufacturers http://www.cec.org . MONONUCLEOSIS Like AIDS whose meat eating origins have been obscured, mononucleosis was called the kissing disease when it reality this immune depression disease was more frequently caused by rare meat. . INSECTICIDES in the grain such as Roundup by Monsanto are concentrated in the milk and the meat of the animals. Each avg. weight 1000 lb. cow ate 21,000 lbs. average before being forced to the slaughterhouse. As fish are at the top of the ocean food chain, animal products are at the top of the Mother Earth food chain, concentrating many times more insecticides than non organic fruits and vegetables. NAMES OF FOOD POISONING DISEASES . brucellosis, ptomaine, salmonella, toxoplasmosis, and many other food poisoning viruses, bacteriae WORMS (in the bacon) are called trichinella and lead to trichinosis. (* NIH is finally after decades readying to put meat on the list of carcinogens) . What's creiophilic bacteria? What's thermophilic bacteria? Creiophilic bacteria survives freezing in the pieces of animal called meat. Thermophilic bacteria survives 300 degrees. http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.pcrm.org http://www.meatstinks.com http://www.ivu.org http://www.vrg.org http://www.mcspotlight.org http://www.murderking.com http://www.acorn.net/fruitarian http://www.veganoutreach.org http://www.hacres.com http://www.jesusveg.com http://www.islamveg.com WHAT ELSE? . the sounds of trees being felled The cattle industry is one of the 3 greatest pressures on the world's forests. . the cries of hungry children Meat yields 100 to 1000 lbs an acre, while fruit and nut tree products can yield 450,000 lbs or more if the trees are allowed to grow. . the pain of cancer, heart disease, food poisoning, arthritis, kidney disease, and all the other diseases associated with the consumption of animal flesh (Ironically, while the adrenalin enzymes make people angry, the female hormones make the men nicer) WHAT'S IN CHEESE http://www.notmilk.com Mastitis or infections of the udders of cows subjected to cruel milking machines which give them blood encrustations.. often drop those encrustations into the milk. These coagulations are stirred into the milk in general. WHAT'S IN WATER Not all the blood etc is in the meat. Wendy's slaughterhouses dump feces, urine (ammonia), blood, and infectious pus into the waterways, contaminating drinking for all. WHAT'S NOT IN A WENDY'S BURGER? . BULK OR FIBER Meat with no fiber is the leading cause of intestinal cancer. The countries with the most animal flesh consumption have the highest rates of intestinal cancer. . VITAMIN C Dr Linus Pauling, only man to win 2 Nobel prizes, one for the discovery of several elements and for his neural biochemistry work, the other for peace, worked on vitamin C as a speeder of brain signals through neurotransmitter synapses. THE BRAIN Brain destroying chemicals in Wendy's and other meats include mercury, pcb's, cerebral artery clogging animal fat, meat tenderizers which break down brain tissue, the absence of vitamin C and other neural transmitters Wm Shakespeare in 12th Night: He is a heavy eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to his wit. Albert Einstein, Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Ramanujan and others were vegetarian. Da Vinci was a fruitarian. * Kuru, a disease contracted by cannibals' brain consumptionwhich has an incubation period of 50 years, is closely linked to Mad Cow ** (for 30 years. this Nobel prion researcher found his work suppressed at Harvard which is invested heavily in the meat industry as are Univ of Texas and Stanford *** some items on this list are intrinsic to all meat.. **** There is no such thing as organic meat.. for insecticides are in all the waters of the world. ***** DES, one female hormone, has been banned. We cannot say on any given day that all these items are in Wendy's meat. THE FILM at http://www.wickedwendys.com shows animals being branded (castration not included in this video), debeaked, hung upside down by 1 hoof, struggling to pull away, defecating in fright, urinating in terror, being stunned with a stun gun, squealing, shrieking screaming FOOD RECALLS Sara Lee just recalled many thousand lbs. of meat --- End forwarded message --- --- End forwarded message --- --- End forwarded message --- contact owner: -owner Mail list: Delivered-mailing list List-Un: - no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowed contact owner with complaints regarding posting/list or anything else. Thank you. please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list

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Just my 2 cents, but I have to agree with Tina. Someone said it's easy to just delete it, but I joined this list over the countless other veg lists because I enjoy getting quick recipes with no lectures for those of us who are still new to vegetarianism. Also, my computer is slow and the time it takes to load and delete each email takes away from the point of being on a "QUICK" vegetarian list-- I have limited spare time! Again, just my 2 cents, but I think this information (as informative as it may be) is better saved for a group dedicated to veg-talk rather than veg-recipes. Would anyone care to share how to join one of those lists for anyone interested?? Thanks! ~Tammi

dognut wrote: I appreciate the info. & will use it. I just delete posts I don't care about. It's up to the moderator whether it's acceptable. Tina Murray wrote: I don't care to see this. I don't this that this is what this thread should be used for. Tina - Calif louise2326 wrote: -ONLINE VIDEO AND AUDIO you might want to see an online video and audio of animals being slaughtered http://www.wickedwendys.com right hand column.. meet your meat http://www.meatstinks.com ACTOR JAMES CROMWELL, STAR OF BABE, PERFORMS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AND IS ARRESTED AT WENDY'S http://www.meatstinks.com http://www.wickedwendys.com HAS A VIDEO WITH AUDIO OF ANIMALS BEING SLAUGHTERED (right hand column.. click on meet your meat http://clubs./clubs/ohioanimalrightsnetwork (see photos) /messages/boycottwendys WHAT'S IN YOUR WENDY'S BURGER? BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS . THE BLOOD one drinks is called juice . THE PRE URINE is uric acid or trixoypurine.. more addictive than caffein and is the primary cause of arthritis as it crystallizes into needles jabbing the joints . THE FECES poured out by frightened terrorized animals has traces in the ecoli or colon bacteria.. not only their own waste but that of other cows on which they often slip as they are being skinned alive at Iowa Beef Processors or other sites. Dr John Harvey Kellogg, MD, affiliated in the last century with Kellogg cereals, found that after a few hours ecoli can multiply into the billions. FLY DUNG (the dung of the cows is not the only waste which splatters onto the carcass . THE FEMALE HORMONES given the cows become prostate, breast, and uterine cancer as well as nonreproductive cancers. Gynecomastia is male breast swelling from such hormones, which increase sexual pressure and are correlated also to rape. In Puerto Rico 2 year old children have developed sexually from these hormones. IMPOTENCE is also a byproduct as male testosterone level is reduced. A 2nd cause of impotence is animal fat blockage in prostate arteries. . THE ADRENALIN (TEARS) secreted by terrorized animals survives cooking.. since it is a protein enzyme.. only some of whose links are broken.. it is the ingestion of anger, terror, and agony. Such meat adrenalin has been correlated to violence. /messages/teachnonviolence . THE ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE in the animal's flesh is passed onto the humans devouring them . THE ANIMAL FAT clogs the arteries causing heart attacks, which are the single major cause of death in the world. Meat deaths per year outdo alcohol, tobacco, and accidents combined. strokes, SENILITY from cerebral artery blockage. . THE MAD COW* proteins can incubate for 50 years says the World Health Organization's communicable disease division. (Gelatin containing Mad Cow is found in jello, gelcaps, soaps, toothpastes, soups etc. THE BENZOPYRENE, a carcinogen, applies only when meat is burned on the grill . in addition to the WASTE secreted by the cow is the waste fed to the cow.. it is legal to give up to 50% waste in cattle food.. this is called wastelage . THE PRIONS cause cancer (recent Nobel Prize given to SF researcher re prions) . AIDS Dr Anthony Fauci, animal abuser at NIH, stated at a press conference that monkey meat consumption was one cause of AIDS. While cows' meat is not monkey meat, it does contain BLV or bovine leukemia virus, the same disease as the HTLV with only a name change. . THE SODIUM NITRATE.. red dye no. 2.. forms nitrosamines in contact with animal protein. These nitrosamines are carcinogenic. In addition are many other carcinogenic FOOD COLORING AGENTS . PRESERVATIVES which keep meat from rotting.. also turn your body into a wax mummy . MEAT TENDERIZERS which break down animal flesh.. also break down your brain's necessary cellular proteins . THE METHYLCHOLANTHRENE AND MALANALDEHYDE are 2 carcinogens created by heating animal flesh and fat above 300 degrees while the ecoli is caused by just the opposite: undercooking. . MERCURY at toxic levels is in much of the world's water. Fish are at the top of the ocean food chain, while meat is at the top of the land food chain. Mercury harms brain function. . POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENOLS are found even in the livers of polar bears. They are a byproduct of the lumber (treekilling) industry as well as of GE and other transformers. They harm brain function. . ARSENIC a poison . CHROMIUM a poison expelled by some steel manufacturers http://www.cec.org . MONONUCLEOSIS Like AIDS whose meat eating origins have been obscured, mononucleosis was called the kissing disease when it reality this immune depression disease was more frequently caused by rare meat. . INSECTICIDES in the grain such as Roundup by Monsanto are concentrated in the milk and the meat of the animals. Each avg. weight 1000 lb. cow ate 21,000 lbs. average before being forced to the slaughterhouse. As fish are at the top of the ocean food chain, animal products are at the top of the Mother Earth food chain, concentrating many times more insecticides than non organic fruits and vegetables. NAMES OF FOOD POISONING DISEASES . brucellosis, ptomaine, salmonella, toxoplasmosis, and many other food poisoning viruses, bacteriae WORMS (in the bacon) are called trichinella and lead to trichinosis. (* NIH is finally after decades readying to put meat on the list of carcinogens) . What's creiophilic bacteria? What's thermophilic bacteria? Creiophilic bacteria survives freezing in the pieces of animal called meat. Thermophilic bacteria survives 300 degrees. http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.pcrm.org http://www.meatstinks.com http://www.ivu.org http://www.vrg.org http://www.mcspotlight.org http://www.murderking.com http://www.acorn.net/fruitarian http://www.veganoutreach.org http://www.hacres.com http://www.jesusveg.com http://www.islamveg.com WHAT ELSE? . the sounds of trees being felled The cattle industry is one of the 3 greatest pressures on the world's forests. . the cries of hungry children Meat yields 100 to 1000 lbs an acre, while fruit and nut tree products can yield 450,000 lbs or more if the trees are allowed to grow. . the pain of cancer, heart disease, food poisoning, arthritis, kidney disease, and all the other diseases associated with the consumption of animal flesh (Ironically, while the adrenalin enzymes make people angry, the female hormones make the men nicer) WHAT'S IN CHEESE http://www.notmilk.com Mastitis or infections of the udders of cows subjected to cruel milking machines which give them blood encrustations.. often drop those encrustations into the milk. These coagulations are stirred into the milk in general. WHAT'S IN WATER Not all the blood etc is in the meat. Wendy's slaughterhouses dump feces, urine (ammonia), blood, and infectious pus into the waterways, contaminating drinking for all. WHAT'S NOT IN A WENDY'S BURGER? . BULK OR FIBER Meat with no fiber is the leading cause of intestinal cancer. The countries with the most animal flesh consumption have the highest rates of intestinal cancer. . VITAMIN C Dr Linus Pauling, only man to win 2 Nobel prizes, one for the discovery of several elements and for his neural biochemistry work, the other for peace, worked on vitamin C as a speeder of brain signals through neurotransmitter synapses. THE BRAIN Brain destroying chemicals in Wendy's and other meats include mercury, pcb's, cerebral artery clogging animal fat, meat tenderizers which break down brain tissue, the absence of vitamin C and other neural transmitters Wm Shakespeare in 12th Night: He is a heavy eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to his wit. Albert Einstein, Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Ramanujan and others were vegetarian. Da Vinci was a fruitarian. * Kuru, a disease contracted by cannibals' brain consumptionwhich has an incubation period of 50 years, is closely linked to Mad Cow ** (for 30 years. this Nobel prion researcher found his work suppressed at Harvard which is invested heavily in the meat industry as are Univ of Texas and Stanford *** some items on this list are intrinsic to all meat.. **** There is no such thing as organic meat.. for insecticides are in all the waters of the world. ***** DES, one female hormone, has been banned. We cannot say on any given day that all these items are in Wendy's meat. THE FILM at http://www.wickedwendys.com shows animals being branded (castration not included in this video), debeaked, hung upside down by 1 hoof, struggling to pull away, defecating in fright, urinating in terror, being stunned with a stun gun, squealing, shrieking screaming FOOD RECALLS Sara Lee just recalled many thousand lbs. of meat --- End forwarded message --- --- End forwarded message --- --- End forwarded message --- contact owner: -owner Mail list: Delivered-mailing list List-Un: - no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowed contact owner with complaints regarding posting/list or anything else. Thank you. please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list

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Okay, just like to point out that if you didn't want discussion.. why are you talking?!?!?!?!

YOU are discussing this. Doesn't make much sense to gripe about something when you are doing it.


Just my 2 cents :)


-------------------------------~*Mary*~Co-Founder of "The Nuzzled Network"www.nuzzled.net


"Our day will come if we just wait awhile"-Ruby and the Romantics




Sunday, July 29, 2001 6:38 PM

Re: for your friends still dragging their heels


Just my 2 cents, but I have to agree with Tina. Someone said it's easy to just delete it, but I joined this list over the countless other veg lists because I enjoy getting quick recipes with no lectures for those of us who are still new to vegetarianism. Also, my computer is slow and the time it takes to load and delete each email takes away from the point of being on a "QUICK" vegetarian list-- I have limited spare time! Again, just my 2 cents, but I think this information (as informative as it may be) is better saved for a group dedicated to veg-talk rather than veg-recipes. Would anyone care to share how to join one of those lists for anyone interested?? Thanks! ~Tammi dognut wrote: I appreciate the info. & will use it. I just delete posts I don't care about. It's up to the moderator whether it's acceptable. Tina Murray wrote: I don't care to see this. I don't this that this is what this thread should be used for. Tina - Calif louise2326 wrote: -ONLINE VIDEO AND AUDIO you might want to see an online video and audio of animals being slaughtered http://www.wickedwendys.com right hand column.. meet your meat http://www.meatstinks.com ACTOR JAMES CROMWELL, STAR OF BABE, PERFORMS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AND IS ARRESTED AT WENDY'S http://www.meatstinks.com http://www.wickedwendys.com HAS A VIDEO WITH AUDIO OF ANIMALS BEING SLAUGHTERED (right hand column.. click on meet your meat http://clubs./clubs/ohioanimalrightsnetwork (see photos) /messages/boycottwendys WHAT'S IN YOUR WENDY'S BURGER? BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS . THE BLOOD one drinks is called juice . THE PRE URINE is uric acid or trixoypurine.. more addictive than caffein and is the primary cause of arthritis as it crystallizes into needles jabbing the joints . THE FECES poured out by frightened terrorized animals has traces in the ecoli or colon bacteria.. not only their own waste but that of other cows on which they often slip as they are being skinned alive at Iowa Beef Processors or other sites. Dr John Harvey Kellogg, MD, affiliated in the last century with Kellogg cereals, found that after a few hours ecoli can multiply into the billions. FLY DUNG (the dung of the cows is not the only waste which splatters onto the carcass . THE FEMALE HORMONES given the cows become prostate, breast, and uterine cancer as well as nonreproductive cancers. Gynecomastia is male breast swelling from such hormones, which increase sexual pressure and are correlated also to rape. In Puerto Rico 2 year old children have developed sexually from these hormones. IMPOTENCE is also a byproduct as male testosterone level is reduced. A 2nd cause of impotence is animal fat blockage in prostate arteries. . THE ADRENALIN (TEARS) secreted by terrorized animals survives cooking.. since it is a protein enzyme.. only some of whose links are broken.. it is the ingestion of anger, terror, and agony. Such meat adrenalin has been correlated to violence. /messages/teachnonviolence . THE ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE in the animal's flesh is passed onto the humans devouring them . THE ANIMAL FAT clogs the arteries causing heart attacks, which are the single major cause of death in the world. Meat deaths per year outdo alcohol, tobacco, and accidents combined. strokes, SENILITY from cerebral artery blockage. . THE MAD COW* proteins can incubate for 50 years says the World Health Organization's communicable disease division. (Gelatin containing Mad Cow is found in jello, gelcaps, soaps, toothpastes, soups etc. THE BENZOPYRENE, a carcinogen, applies only when meat is burned on the grill . in addition to the WASTE secreted by the cow is the waste fed to the cow.. it is legal to give up to 50% waste in cattle food.. this is called wastelage . THE PRIONS cause cancer (recent Nobel Prize given to SF researcher re prions) . AIDS Dr Anthony Fauci, animal abuser at NIH, stated at a press conference that monkey meat consumption was one cause of AIDS. While cows' meat is not monkey meat, it does contain BLV or bovine leukemia virus, the same disease as the HTLV with only a name change. . THE SODIUM NITRATE.. red dye no. 2.. forms nitrosamines in contact with animal protein. These nitrosamines are carcinogenic. In addition are many other carcinogenic FOOD COLORING AGENTS . PRESERVATIVES which keep meat from rotting.. also turn your body into a wax mummy . MEAT TENDERIZERS which break down animal flesh.. also break down your brain's necessary cellular proteins . THE METHYLCHOLANTHRENE AND MALANALDEHYDE are 2 carcinogens created by heating animal flesh and fat above 300 degrees while the ecoli is caused by just the opposite: undercooking. . MERCURY at toxic levels is in much of the world's water. Fish are at the top of the ocean food chain, while meat is at the top of the land food chain. Mercury harms brain function. . POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENOLS are found even in the livers of polar bears. They are a byproduct of the lumber (treekilling) industry as well as of GE and other transformers. They harm brain function. . ARSENIC a poison . CHROMIUM a poison expelled by some steel manufacturers http://www.cec.org . MONONUCLEOSIS Like AIDS whose meat eating origins have been obscured, mononucleosis was called the kissing disease when it reality this immune depression disease was more frequently caused by rare meat. . INSECTICIDES in the grain such as Roundup by Monsanto are concentrated in the milk and the meat of the animals. Each avg. weight 1000 lb. cow ate 21,000 lbs. average before being forced to the slaughterhouse. As fish are at the top of the ocean food chain, animal products are at the top of the Mother Earth food chain, concentrating many times more insecticides than non organic fruits and vegetables. NAMES OF FOOD POISONING DISEASES . brucellosis, ptomaine, salmonella, toxoplasmosis, and many other food poisoning viruses, bacteriae WORMS (in the bacon) are called trichinella and lead to trichinosis. (* NIH is finally after decades readying to put meat on the list of carcinogens) . What's creiophilic bacteria? What's thermophilic bacteria? Creiophilic bacteria survives freezing in the pieces of animal called meat. Thermophilic bacteria survives 300 degrees. http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.pcrm.org http://www.meatstinks.com http://www.ivu.org http://www.vrg.org http://www.mcspotlight.org http://www.murderking.com http://www.acorn.net/fruitarian http://www.veganoutreach.org http://www.hacres.com http://www.jesusveg.com http://www.islamveg.com WHAT ELSE? . the sounds of trees being felled The cattle industry is one of the 3 greatest pressures on the world's forests. . the cries of hungry children Meat yields 100 to 1000 lbs an acre, while fruit and nut tree products can yield 450,000 lbs or more if the trees are allowed to grow. . the pain of cancer, heart disease, food poisoning, arthritis, kidney disease, and all the other diseases associated with the consumption of animal flesh (Ironically, while the adrenalin enzymes make people angry, the female hormones make the men nicer) WHAT'S IN CHEESE http://www.notmilk.com Mastitis or infections of the udders of cows subjected to cruel milking machines which give them blood encrustations.. often drop those encrustations into the milk. These coagulations are stirred into the milk in general. WHAT'S IN WATER Not all the blood etc is in the meat. Wendy's slaughterhouses dump feces, urine (ammonia), blood, and infectious pus into the waterways, contaminating drinking for all. WHAT'S NOT IN A WENDY'S BURGER? . BULK OR FIBER Meat with no fiber is the leading cause of intestinal cancer. The countries with the most animal flesh consumption have the highest rates of intestinal cancer. . VITAMIN C Dr Linus Pauling, only man to win 2 Nobel prizes, one for the discovery of several elements and for his neural biochemistry work, the other for peace, worked on vitamin C as a speeder of brain signals through neurotransmitter synapses. THE BRAIN Brain destroying chemicals in Wendy's and other meats include mercury, pcb's, cerebral artery clogging animal fat, meat tenderizers which break down brain tissue, the absence of vitamin C and other neural transmitters Wm Shakespeare in 12th Night: He is a heavy eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to his wit. Albert Einstein, Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Ramanujan and others were vegetarian. Da Vinci was a fruitarian. * Kuru, a disease contracted by cannibals' brain consumptionwhich has an incubation period of 50 years, is closely linked to Mad Cow ** (for 30 years. this Nobel prion researcher found his work suppressed at Harvard which is invested heavily in the meat industry as are Univ of Texas and Stanford *** some items on this list are intrinsic to all meat.. **** There is no such thing as organic meat.. for insecticides are in all the waters of the world. ***** DES, one female hormone, has been banned. We cannot say on any given day that all these items are in Wendy's meat. THE FILM at http://www.wickedwendys.com shows animals being branded (castration not included in this video), debeaked, hung upside down by 1 hoof, struggling to pull away, defecating in fright, urinating in terror, being stunned with a stun gun, squealing, shrieking screaming FOOD RECALLS Sara Lee just recalled many thousand lbs. of meat --- End forwarded message --- --- End forwarded message --- --- End forwarded message --- contact owner: -owner Mail list: Delivered-mailing list List-Un: - no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowed contact owner with complaints regarding posting/list or anything else. Thank you. please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list

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If I could ask a favor of everyone in this group - please send back only the

relevant parts of the post you are responding to when you send back messages

to the group. I didn't want to read this post in the first place but after

4 messages from people talking about it and leaving the whole post attached,

I ended up reading it or skimming past it 5 times. I get the digest format

each day so I don't get 500 emails in my email box each day as I belong to 5

different . So for us who are getting the digest and for those

who are paying for their download times, please edit your replies.


These type of scare tactics towards meat, IMHO, don't help us in changing

people's ideas towards eating meat. It only makes them tune our message out

and then they really won't listen to our messages any more.


True and total dialog only happens when two or more people are talking about

something, not when one person talks and the other person only listens, so

when you don't like something, speak up or we won't know that you didn't

like it or not!



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I couldn't agree with your more! I also get the digest form, and had

to wade through that post many times to see if there were any



Shortening the message you are replying to will help greatly those of

us who are on digest. It would be much appreciated.


As a wife and mother of meat eaters, I can tell you that kind of post

would not change their minds; it would only make them mad.


What has, and is working better for our family is looking at material

written objectively on health issues caused or contributed to by

eating meat products.


An excellent series of books I would recommend is by Dr. Dean

Ornish. I'm sure there are others; this is just the ones I'm more

familiar with.


I can only change the minds of my family members with love and

acceptance; not with judgement or trying to create fear.



Karla B.

(not planning on leaving this great loop)


, cjdragon@e... wrote:

> If I could ask a favor of everyone in this group - please send back

only the

> relevant parts of the post you are responding to when you send back


> to the group. >

> Christy

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I agree too. I am trying to be vegetarian because my husband is and it's easier to cook for both of us at once. But, I also don't want to have to feel bad if I can't convert overnight. Some of us are doing the best we can and shouldn't have to feel guilty about it. I also believe that some people would be discouraged from trying something new if they feel that it has to be an " all or nothing " thing right away. That's just my 2 cents too.




Tammi <jatafox Sunday, July 29, 2001 7:38 PMRe: for your friends still dragging their heels

Just my 2 cents, but I have to agree with Tina. Someone said it's easy to just delete it, but I joined this list over the countless other veg lists because I enjoy getting quick recipes with no lectures for those of us who are still new to vegetarianism. Also, my computer is slow and the time it takes to load and delete each email takes away from the point of being on a " QUICK " vegetarian list-- I have limited spare time! Again, just my 2 cents, but I think this information (as informative as it may be) is better saved for a group dedicated to veg-talk rather than veg-recipes. Would anyone care to share how to join one of those lists for anyone interested?? Thanks! ~Tammi dognut wrote: I appreciate the info. & will use it. I just delete posts I don't care about. It's up to the moderator whether it's acceptable. Tina Murray wrote: I don't care to see this. I don't this that this is what this thread should be used for. Tina - Calif

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Like I said to someone else. If the posting of animal deaths to feed human tummys makes you feel bad then that speaks VOLUMES.

You can always delete it.. you don't HAVE to read it. some people here still have meat eaters in their family and are happy to have information that they can give out.

If you don't like something.. ignore it.

I mean really, this is a veggie list... don't be so shocked that that kind of stuff came through and will continue to. I am shocked at the number of people who don't want to read it.

Nobody is making you feel bad but yourself... so instead of trying to say "hey it's your fault I feel bad and I don't ever want to be put in a position where I have to look at my lifestyle choices" try thinking of WHY it makes you feel bad.








The Andersons

Monday, July 30, 2001 8:56 AM

Re: for your friends still dragging their heels


I agree too. I am trying to be vegetarian because my husband is and it's easier to cook for both of us at once. But, I also don't want to have to feel bad if I can't convert overnight. Some of us are doing the best we can and shouldn't have to feel guilty about it. I also believe that some people would be discouraged from trying something new if they feel that it has to be an "all or nothing" thing right away. That's just my 2 cents too.



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I think it your attitude that most would have the problem with Mary.




Mary [vanoravanora]Monday, July 30, 2001 3:01 PM Subject: Re: for your friends still dragging their heels

Like I said to someone else. If the posting of animal deaths to feed human tummys makes you feel bad then that speaks VOLUMES.

You can always delete it.. you don't HAVE to read it. some people here still have meat eaters in their family and are happy to have information that they can give out.

If you don't like something.. ignore it.

I mean really, this is a veggie list... don't be so shocked that that kind of stuff came through and will continue to. I am shocked at the number of people who don't want to read it.

Nobody is making you feel bad but yourself... so instead of trying to say "hey it's your fault I feel bad and I don't ever want to be put in a position where I have to look at my lifestyle choices" try thinking of WHY it makes you feel bad.


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It's not what you are saying, it's your "tone", if you will. It's harsh.





Mary [vanoravanora]Monday, July 30, 2001 5:13 PM Subject: Re: for your friends still dragging their heels

Hm, okay.

I didn't think I said anything off color.

Oh well.

Sorry :)

Like I said before, feel free to use the delete key :)))


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Thank you Mary,


You see, you can be understood much better when you take the time to explain yourself as you've done here.


I'm still new enough at this new lifestyle that I try not to be noticed. We had a birthday dinner with my MIL yesterday. She is a jewel of a person and cooks these huge meals with meat as the centerpiece. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle it. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt another person. So when she said she was cooking some pieces of the roast more for me because she knows I don't like rare meat, I had to tell her. She took it rather well actually. She asked alot of polite questions during dinner and I tried to be as kind and as honest as I could be. Some of what I said she agreed with, some of it difinately not. I got the impression that she thought I should be very skinny by now if I'm not eating any meat. I think because of the era she comes from, she associates vegetarianism with people that are starved and anemic; only the meat eaters are healthy. At any rate, we had a lovely time. I think my approach has opened a door and only time will tell.



Karla B.

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Then I'll take you at your word. No offense meant, none taken.



Karla B.


Mary [vanoravanora]Monday, July 30, 2001 5:26 PM Subject: Re: for your friends still dragging their heelsTone?I don't know how you can determine my tone since I am typing not talking. :)I assure you I have meant no offense and hadn't thought my tone was harsh

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Yes, this is a vegetarian list, but I believe that it's a vegetarian " recipe " list, and most people know why people choose to be eat that way - I don't think we need to hear the gruesome details. And for the record, I didn't read all of that posting, I just agree with the opinion that it's out of place here. And I really don't think that showing that to the meat eaters would want to make them run out and become vegetarian - it doesn't do it for me. I would much rather be shown new ways of cooking and eating food that doesn't include meat.


I'm not the one that's making myself feel bad, in fact, it's quite the opposite. I'm quite proud of myself for trying to make a change in my eating habits. I strongly feel that we all make our choices for our own reasons, and I don't think that it's fair to assume that just because we feel a certain way that we are automatically " right " . I believe that there are a lot of choices (not related to food) in my personal life that are better than other people's choices, but I would never dream of walking around telling them that. I do what I believe is right, as I'm sure they do.



Mary <vanoravanora Monday, July 30, 2001 11:12 AMRe: for your friends still dragging their heels

Like I said to someone else. If the posting of animal deaths to feed human tummys makes you feel bad then that speaks VOLUMES.

You can always delete it.. you don't HAVE to read it. some people here still have meat eaters in their family and are happy to have information that they can give out.

If you don't like something.. ignore it.

I mean really, this is a veggie list... don't be so shocked that that kind of stuff came through and will continue to. I am shocked at the number of people who don't want to read it.

Nobody is making you feel bad but yourself... so instead of trying to say " hey it's your fault I feel bad and I don't ever want to be put in a position where I have to look at my lifestyle choices " try thinking of WHY it makes you feel bad.








The Andersons

Monday, July 30, 2001 8:56 AM

Re: for your friends still dragging their heels


I agree too. I am trying to be vegetarian because my husband is and it's easier to cook for both of us at once. But, I also don't want to have to feel bad if I can't convert overnight. Some of us are doing the best we can and shouldn't have to feel guilty about it. I also believe that some people would be discouraged from trying something new if they feel that it has to be an " all or nothing " thing right away. That's just my 2 cents too.


Patcontact owner: -owner Mail list: Delivered-mailing list List-Un: - no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowedcontact owner with complaints regarding posting/list or anything else. Thank you.please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list

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Hm, okay.

I didn't think I said anything off color.

Oh well.

Sorry :)

Like I said before, feel free to use the delete key :)))





Monday, July 30, 2001 12:08 PM

RE: for your friends still dragging their heels


I think it your attitude that most would have the problem with Mary.




Mary [vanoravanora]Monday, July 30, 2001 3:01 PM Subject: Re: for your friends still dragging their heels

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Hello to all,

I have just joined, all I have done is read , so I can get a feel of

what this group is like. I have to say is, I like getting the recipes,

and that is why I joined in the group, and not to be e-mail stuff like

that. I am the only one in my family that does not eat red meat, but I

do believe that some people like my husband and my son, need to eat

meat, My daughter does not like it too much, and I do not make her, she

is the picky one. I do not because of my health. My body just can not

have it. But, like I said, I joined for the recipes, and what other

people have been doing to make the meals more enjoyable, and fun and new


Just my 2 cents, so I as while agree with Tina - Calif




Tammi wrote:




> Just my 2 cents, but I have to agree with Tina. Someone said it's

> easy to just delete it, but I joined this list over the countless

> other veg lists because I enjoy getting quick recipes with

> no lectures for those of us who are still new to vegetarianism. Also,

> my computer is slow and the time it takes to load and delete each

> email takes away from the point of being on a " QUICK " vegetarian

> list-- I have limited spare time! Again, just my 2 cents, but I think

> this information (as informative as it may be) is better saved for a

> group dedicated to veg-talk rather than veg-recipes. Would anyone care

> to share how to join one of those lists for anyone interested??

> Thanks! ~Tammi


> dognut wrote:


> I appreciate the info. & will use it. I just delete posts I

> don't care about. It's up to the moderator whether it's

> acceptable.


> Tina Murray wrote:


> > I don't care to see this. I don't this that this is what

> > this thread should be used for.

> >

> > Tina - Calif

> >

> > louise2326 wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

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Opps, I wanted to point out one thing about that article that was posted.

I *believe* it was posted for individuals who *aren't* making the change to a more compassionate lifestyle. (if you have a friend who insists on eating a big ol steak at every meal )

Not those who are in the conversion process.

those who are doing their best shouldn't feel bad at all!

The process to meat free is TOUGH, but don't push away the facts.

It makes you prepared. Trust me you're going to be asked questions "why'd you stop eating meat?who cares about animals anyway?" It's always good to have an arsenal of comebacks.. that takes some education.

I know I was in a resturant early last week and had to take back my baked potato because even after saying "no bacon" they added bacon.

Some meanie at the next table retorted "oh Gawd it's one of those veggie fanatics"...

"better to be a veggie vanatic than a dead flesh fanatic" I replied .. I got a thumbs up from his female companion.

Anyway, try not to take such offense to things posted... I'm sure it's not directed AT you. And you'll learn a lot of reading the info.


Hope no one thinks my attitude it still off color as it was never meant to be.


touchy touchy..hehe






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I got it. I'm a realist. I welcome all the info. I can get because I want

to be prepared & educated. People have not gotten it by anyone soft

pedaling info. That's been the problem for hundreds of years. It has

taken in the face info. & activists to wake them ( & the gov. but

I won't get into THAT) up because otherwise they find excuses to stick

their heads in the sand & "pretend" that animals are humanely killed

& happily grazing or whatever. I know that from my experience with

my own parents. It took my in the face facts to finally get them (well

at least my mother) out of lala land. No they never became veggie but my

sister & I woke them up to a lot.

And good for you for that comeback! The guy at the next table was a

loser & she could do better. :)

Mary wrote:


Opps, I wanted to point out one thing

about that article that was posted.I *believe* it was posted for individuals

who *aren't* making the change to a more compassionate lifestyle. (if you

have a friend who insists on eating a big ol steak at every meal )Not those

who are in the conversion process.those who are doing their best shouldn't

feel bad at all!The process to meat free is TOUGH, but don't push away

the facts.It makes you prepared. Trust me you're going to be asked questions

"why'd you stop eating meat?who cares about animals anyway?" It's always

good to have an arsenal of comebacks.. that takes some education.I know

I was in a resturant early last week and had to take back my baked potato

because even after saying "no bacon" they added bacon.Some meanie at the

next table retorted "oh Gawd it's one of those veggie fanatics"..."better

to be a veggie vanatic than a dead flesh fanatic" I replied .. I got a

thumbs up from his female companion.Anyway, try not to take such offense

to things posted... I'm sure it's not directed AT you. And you'll learn

a lot of reading the info. Hope no one thinks my attitude it still off

color as it was never meant to be. touchy touchy..hehe :)



contact owner: -owner

Mail list:

Delivered-mailing list

List-Un: -

no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowed

contact owner with complaints regarding posting/list

or anything else. Thank you.

please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list




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Just in case you are intrested in getting off caffine; have you tried some of the herbal "coffees"? I was a coffee drinker; my husband drinks coffee all day long at work.


The herbal coffees don't taste like coffee; at least not to me, but they are good. The one I'm trying now has a hint of carob taste to it. I like having a hot cup of coffee in the morning, and this has been a good substitute for me.


I hope this post doesn't offend anyone; it isn't meant to and I apologize if it does.



Karla B.




Megan Milligan [yasminduran]Monday, July 30, 2001 5:12 PM Subject: Re: for your friends still dragging their

i'm rambling because I had about 2 pots of coffee today already. :-)



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I don't know how you can determine my tone since I am typing not talking. :)


I assure you I have meant no offense and hadn't thought my tone was harsh.








Monday, July 30, 2001 12:24 PM

RE: for your friends still dragging their heels



It's not what you are saying, it's your " tone " , if you will. It's harsh.




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You had it much easier than what I have with my MIL. They still ask "but you eat Chicken right?"

If I have to say "Chicken is meat" one more time, I might cry!

Usually, it's easiest to start off by saying "the health benefits of not eating meat are greater" and then slowly go into the other aspects.

Vegetarianism is a political statement one that says we will not tolerate the treatment of animals bred for food.

A few of my in laws have started eating free range meat, which is quite the change. they are more open to making me things without meat and without dairy (as I am vegan).

For Easter I asked to cook dinner myself and fixed a wonderful meal void of meat and dairy (however they didn't know it was dairy free till the dinner was finished) I also brought the recipie cards in case anyone wanted to make the food on their own.


It's a slow process, sounds like you are off on the right foot though! Good luck!




-------------------------------~*Mary*~Founder of "The Nuzzled Network"www.nuzzled.net


"Our day will come if we just wait awhile"-Ruby and the Romantics



I'm still new enough at this new lifestyle that I try not to be noticed. We had a birthday dinner with my MIL yesterday. She is a jewel of a person and cooks these huge meals with meat as the centerpiece. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle it. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt another person. So when she said she was cooking some pieces of the roast more for me because she knows I don't like rare meat, I had to tell her. She took it rather well actually. She asked alot of polite questions during dinner and I tried to be as kind and as honest as I could be.

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This is good info for people who can't have caffeine, like me. I have Meniere's Disease and it is severely aggravated by caffeine or too much salt.


I make coffee, cappuchino & iced cappuchino using Caf Lib. I buy it at the grocery store or at Walmart. It is an instant roasted grain beverage with chicory. It tastes great with maple syrup as a sweetener (so does coffee).



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Congrats for your switch! I hope it's going well for you!!

I initially made my way to being a veggie because of Health too.... Now I believe you truly are what you eat :)



-------------------------------~*Mary*~Founder of "The Nuzzled Network"www.nuzzled.net


"Our day will come if we just wait awhile"-Ruby and the Romantics



Megan Milligan

Monday, July 30, 2001 2:12 PM

Re: for your friends still dragging their heels


I agree. Meat is meat is meat is meat. I was offended by the initial post (not yours mary; the one advertising all the websites), but who's to say that red meat is the only meat out there. there's pork, chicken, seafood, etc. I made the switch to vegetarianism a few weeks ago mainly for health reasons, but there is a bit of ethics mixed in there, too.


i hope i made some sense there. i'm rambling because I had about 2 pots of coffee today already. :-)



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I wish I could find it at the grocery store; so far I've only found the kind I use at the healthfood grocery store and it is expensive ($5.99). I put fat free soy milk in mine.


Next time I'm in Wally World I'll look for the kind you mentioned.



Karla B.


Jacqueline [jacq]Monday, July 30, 2001 6:10 PM Subject: Re: for your friends still dragging their heels



This is good info for people who can't have caffeine, like me. I have Meniere's Disease and it is severely aggravated by caffeine or too much salt.


I make coffee, cappuchino & iced cappuchino using Caf Lib. I buy it at the grocery store or at Walmart. It is an instant roasted grain beverage with chicory. It tastes great with maple syrup as a sweetener (so does coffee).



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