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agar agar instructions and vegan cheesecakes

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Later on I will post my lemon vegan cheesecake using agar agar flakes. Did you ever get the recipe for the Native Foods vegan cheesecake? I can't tell the difference from one made with cream cheese, sour cream and eggs. My sister and I make it all the time. Best part is I can have as much as I want and no stomach problems to worry about. If anyone wants me to post it I will, I better check to see if it's in the files first....LOL DonnaJenni Billings <jenni wrote:

YIKES>>> ugh. 2 day old krispy kreme!! sounds like he's experimenting!I just told Jacob (my nine year old) about this dessert you posted (the one with agar agar!) and he said " WOW< great! let's try it!!!"=)jenniOn Tuesday, September 13, 2005, at 11:32 PM, purplepassion wrote:> Chanda try this. I don't care for Asian desserts myself but I'm sure > you will like this. Use chopped up fresh fruit or canned (drained) > . Here's what you do. Get a packet of the agar agar flakes. Place 1 > cup of juice (try apple juice at first) and 1 tablespoon of agar > flakes. Bring to a boil, stir and simmer for 10 minsutes. If using > agar powder simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, pour into a bowl, > cool slightly and add fruit and spices

(cinnamon, cardamom, etc.) > Chill to set. This really is good. The Asian fruits might not be to > your liking.> Experiment with it. You can also simmer soy milk with the agar and > add vanilla, cinnamon and it will set. Reminds me of a pudding or > custard with no dairy or egg. > It's worth a try. That's the nice thing about being a vegetarian, we > are more likely to experiment in the kicthen.> Now I have a recipe I won't post..LOL I just got off the phone with > my junk food nephew from out of state. He was trying to explain how > to make a killer bread pudding out of 2 day old Krispy Kreme > donuts........hahahahahahahaha Donna"In the present position of the planets, it's impossible to say;Just when I'll find my course again, with the boulders in my way.I should be rolling down the skyway on my cosmic

wheels;Instead of stumbling down this highway on my boots of steel"Source: Cosmic Wheels by Donovan

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yes please post, after today I have given up eggs.






Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:40 AM

Re: agar agar instructions and vegan cheesecakes


Later on I will post my lemon vegan cheesecake using agar agar flakes. Did you ever get the recipe for the Native Foods vegan cheesecake? I can't tell the difference from one made with cream cheese, sour cream and eggs. My sister and I make it all the time. Best part is I can have as much as I want and no stomach problems to worry about. If anyone wants me to post it I will, I better check to see if it's in the files first....LOL DonnaJenni Billings <jenni wrote: YIKES>>> ugh. 2 day old krispy kreme!! sounds like he's experimenting!I just told Jacob (my nine year old) about this dessert you posted (the one with agar agar!) and he said " WOW< great! let's try it!!!"=)jenniOn Tuesday, September 13, 2005, at 11:32 PM, purplepassion wrote:> Chanda try this. I don't care for Asian desserts myself but I'm sure > you will like this. Use chopped up fresh fruit or canned (drained) > . Here's what you do. Get a packet of the agar agar flakes. Place 1 > cup of juice (try apple juice at first) and 1 tablespoon of agar > flakes. Bring to a boil, stir and simmer for 10 minsutes. If using > agar powder simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, pour into a bowl, > cool slightly and add fruit and spices (cinnamon, cardamom, etc.) > Chill to set. This really is good. The Asian fruits might not be to > your liking.> Experiment with it. You can also simmer soy milk with the agar and > add vanilla, cinnamon and it will set. Reminds me of a pudding or > custard with no dairy or egg. > It's worth a try. That's the nice thing about being a vegetarian, we > are more likely to experiment in the kicthen.> Now I have a recipe I won't post..LOL I just got off the phone with > my junk food nephew from out of state. He was trying to explain how > to make a killer bread pudding out of 2 day old Krispy Kreme > donuts........hahahahahahahaha Donna"In the present position of the planets, it's impossible to say;Just when I'll find my course again, with the boulders in my way.I should be rolling down the skyway on my cosmic wheels;Instead of stumbling down this highway on my boots of steel"Source: Cosmic Wheels by Donovan


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