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Chanda?? eggs??

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careful Chanda.... the more you read.. the more you know.. the more you

change! =)

not that I don't totally agree... it's just once you know things, you

can no longer NOT know them! =)


The " food' industry is disgusting... it's cruel and unusual beyond

reason. One of the reasons we started on the path toward veganism

rather than ovo/lacto was an innocent discussiong I was having with my

son.. (then 4 1/2 years old)

I had read something about cows, and well.. basically it was a question

someone poised to a veg site.. she asked if the others would drink milk

or eat the eggs of chickens if they were raising them, insuring that

the animals were properly treated, even loved...


it got into a discussion (as these things often do) about how the milk

industry really is, and well.. my son said " if you were a cow, mommy,

I'd tell that farmer to leave you alone! " having nursed my two the

comment hit home... we all decided to switch to soy..


eggs were out shortly after... the debeaking , the crowded cages, all

that stuff...


if you need any help with your transition, or if you have questions et

cetera.. I'm here for ya!






On Thursday, September 15, 2005, at 09:13 AM, PuterWitch wrote:


> debeaking, killing of male chicks etc.

> PLEASE READ:  http://www.thevegetariansite.com/ed_eggs.htm

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thanks so much Jenni,

the truth is, if I had my own chickens, yes I would eat the eggs, lickity split!

I was under the guise of the "free range thing" till yesterday.

until I get chickens of my own there will be no eggs for me, and I live in Philadelphia, so looks like that will be a while, LOL, and I can't drink cows milk anymore anyway. That started about last January or so I think it was, just one day I got disgusted with the idea. I think it was when I thought of the fact that if we are to drink milk at all it should be human milk, and then I was disgusted, LOL. I drink soy and rice milk now.




PS what do you use for egg substitute in recipes and where can I get it, LOL




Jenni Billings

Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:45 AM

Chanda?? eggs??

careful Chanda.... the more you read.. the more you know.. the more you change! =) not that I don't totally agree... it's just once you know things, you can no longer NOT know them! =)The "food' industry is disgusting... it's cruel and unusual beyond reason. One of the reasons we started on the path toward veganism rather than ovo/lacto was an innocent discussiong I was having with my son.. (then 4 1/2 years old) I had read something about cows, and well.. basically it was a question someone poised to a veg site.. she asked if the others would drink milk or eat the eggs of chickens if they were raising them, insuring that the animals were properly treated, even loved... it got into a discussion (as these things often do) about how the milk industry really is, and well.. my son said "if you were a cow, mommy, I'd tell that farmer to leave you alone!" having nursed my two the comment hit home... we all decided to switch to soy..eggs were out shortly after... the debeaking , the crowded cages, all that stuff...if you need any help with your transition, or if you have questions et cetera.. I'm here for ya!=)jenniOn Thursday, September 15, 2005, at 09:13 AM, PuterWitch wrote:

debeaking, killing of male chicks etc.PLEASE READ: http://www.thevegetariansite.com/ed_eggs.htm

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, " PuterWitch "

<puterwitch@c...> wrote:

> debeaking, killing of male chicks etc.

> PLEASE READ: http://www.thevegetariansite.com/ed_eggs.htm


Ya know what Chanda? I *really* thought I was avoiding this by paying

twice as much for eggs and getting organic ones... I knew " free range "

and " cage free " had no legal definitions... but after searching many

sites, and the national organic standards... well, here is a quote

from one site among many:


" Did you know that organic only means that the hens are feed food that

is not treated with chemical pesticides and all remedies for health

and living problems must be made without man made chemicals or

medicines? It does not say anything about the hens living condition.

Eggs from big producers could be from hens could be packed in cages

and still be labeled " organic " . "


How awful is that?? I am so disillusioned right now...


Amy, who may also have give up eggs unless she can find someone here

like the folks the above quote is from (Breychak's Blue Egg Farm in

Ohio, http://www.breychak.com/index.html)

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I know not everyone has the option, but that is why we buy our eggs

from a lady down the road from us. I've also heard of people having

their own chickens just for eggs in urban and suburban areas. Most

neighborhoods allow you to have a certain number of any type of

animal. If you have any kind of backyard, keeping a few chickens as

pets and for eggs is quite doable.


I am hoping by next spring I will have a nice little hen house and a

few hen chicks for us to raise.


Eggs found in most grocery stores are from over crowded farms with

barely any humane treatment, even if the packages say no hormones,

cage-free, free range etc. This is a very good article.


The chicken chapter in Diet For a New America really turned me off of

chicken and that was my first step to being a vegetarian. Now, my

concentration goes on how much local food I can buy, to support the

small family farmers, instead of the corporations who are taking over.


Eating can be very political.




, " PuterWitch "

<puterwitch@c...> wrote:

> debeaking, killing of male chicks etc.

> PLEASE READ: http://www.thevegetariansite.com/ed_eggs.htm

> -

> Jenni Billings


> Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:52 PM

> Chanda?? eggs??



> any particular reason??



> On Wednesday, September 14, 2005, at 09:41 AM, PuterWitch wrote:



> yes please post, after today I have given up eggs.

> hugs,

> Chanda

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> PS what do you use for egg substitute in recipes and where can I get

> it, LOL


Not Jenni, but I use flax (ground flax & water) or Ener-G egg

replacer, or often if the recipe has only one egg, you can by without

it or use applesauce....


Some ideas anyway... Jenni would certainly know more about the

specifics as I've only just started trying this stuff...

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> I know not everyone has the option, but that is why we buy our eggs

> from a lady down the road from us. I've also heard of people having

> their own chickens just for eggs in urban and suburban areas. Most

> neighborhoods allow you to have a certain number of any type of

> animal. If you have any kind of backyard, keeping a few chickens as

> pets and for eggs is quite doable.


No yard at all here, but I hope to find a place for eggs where they

are treated humanely...


> I am hoping by next spring I will have a nice little hen house and a

> few hen chicks for us to raise.


Cool! How is that going? Kind of back burner with the baby?


> The chicken chapter in Diet For a New America really turned me off

> of chicken and that was my first step to being a vegetarian. Now, my

> concentration goes on how much local food I can buy, to support the

> small family farmers, instead of the corporations who are taking

> over.


Ya know, it's funny sometimes... my FIL will not eat chicken because

he grew up on a chicken farm... but he sure isn't vegetarian! OTOH,

he's older and kinda set in his ways, sure do love him though.


> Eating can be very political.



Denise, that statement has never been more true! In fact, just today

I saw an article about a place in Sweden near the UN summit, that was

going to sell hotdogs for $132, to show what it would be like if you

were as poor as most of the world that gets by one $1 a day...



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I know!

ya know, for real, maybe I could get a chicken.

I have a huge yard for roaming and in the winter I could keep it indoors???

that way I could have eggs? Am I nuts?


" Amy " <sandpiperhiker


Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:00 PM

Re: Chanda?? eggs??



> , " PuterWitch "

> <puterwitch@c...> wrote:

>> debeaking, killing of male chicks etc.

>> PLEASE READ: http://www.thevegetariansite.com/ed_eggs.htm


> Ya know what Chanda? I *really* thought I was avoiding this by paying

> twice as much for eggs and getting organic ones... I knew " free range "

> and " cage free " had no legal definitions... but after searching many

> sites, and the national organic standards... well, here is a quote

> from one site among many:


> " Did you know that organic only means that the hens are feed food that

> is not treated with chemical pesticides and all remedies for health

> and living problems must be made without man made chemicals or

> medicines? It does not say anything about the hens living condition.

> Eggs from big producers could be from hens could be packed in cages

> and still be labeled " organic " . "


> How awful is that?? I am so disillusioned right now...


> Amy, who may also have give up eggs unless she can find someone here

> like the folks the above quote is from (Breychak's Blue Egg Farm in

> Ohio, http://www.breychak.com/index.html)



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> I know!


I was so sure organic eggs meant the hens were treated better... *sigh*


> ya know, for real, maybe I could get a chicken.

> I have a huge yard for roaming and in the winter I could keep it

> indoors???

> that way I could have eggs? Am I nuts?


You're not nuts!!! Go for it!


When we visited Key West over July 4 2 years ago, there were may wild

chickens all around.. they were so beautiful.... lots of chickens are

pretty to look at too!


Anyway - check with Denise and see if she remembers the details about

having a chicken in the suburbs (there was a long series of posts on

another list we're on, where I first met her and she invited me to the

veg list)... I think I remember you have to call them pets or

something....anyway, GO FOR IT! Wish I were in a position to do so!

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Donna, can I get the Ener-G-egg at whole foods??




" Amy " <sandpiperhiker


Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:14 PM

Re: Chanda?? eggs??



>> PS what do you use for egg substitute in recipes and where can I get

>> it, LOL


> Not Jenni, but I use flax (ground flax & water) or Ener-G egg

> replacer, or often if the recipe has only one egg, you can by without

> it or use applesauce....


> Some ideas anyway... Jenni would certainly know more about the

> specifics as I've only just started trying this stuff...



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