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Herbs are plants that are used as flavoring agents. The common herbs

used in cooking are referred to as culinary herbs. Mild or savory herbs

impart a delicate flavor to food while the stronger or pungent herbs add

zest to foods. These herbs are attractive and varied so their ornamental

value is also important.


The ornamental value of herbs enables them to be used in flower beds,

borders, rock gardens, or corner plantings. Some herbs are annuals while

others are perennial or come up year after year. You can locate annual

herbs in your annual flower garden or vegetable garden. The perennial

herbs should be located at the side of the garden where they won't

interfere with next year's soil preparation.

Care for the herb garden will be similar to your vegetable or flower

garden. Select a sunny, well-drained location. Apply a slow-release

fertilizer at the rate of 2 pounds per 100 square feet.


Water as necessary during dry periods. Generally, you need about one

inch of water per week, if not supplied by natural rainfall. A mulch

will help conserve soil moisture and reduce weed growth as well. The

mints prefer moist soil so they will require more frequent watering.

Annual and biennial herbs can be established by planting the seed

directly in the garden or starting seeds indoors for later transplanting

to the garden. You can save seed produced by the herb plants for next

year's crop or obtain seed from your local garden center or seed



To save your own seed, harvest the entire seed head after it has dried

on the plant. The seeds should then be allowed to dry in a protected

location that is cool and dry. After the seeds are thoroughly dry,

thresh the seed from the seed heads and discard the trash. Store in

labeled jars in a dark, cool, dry location.

Some herb seeds such as dill, anise, caraway, or coriander can be used

for flavorings.


Perennial herbs can be propagated by cuttings or by division. Divide

plants every 3 to 4 years in the early spring. The plants should be dug

up and cut into several sections. You can also cut 4 to 6 inch sections

of the stem and root these by placing the cuttings in moist sand in a

shady area. In 4 to 8 weeks, roots should form on these cuttings. Herbs

such as sage, winter savory, and thyme can be propagated by cuttings.

Chives, lovage, and tarragon can be propagated by division of the roots

or crowns.

Leaves of many herbs such as parsley and chives can be harvested for

fresh seasonings. On these plants you can gradually remove some of the

leaves as you need them. Don't remove all the foliage at one time. These

plants will produce over a long period of time if they are cared for



On rosemary and thyme, clip the tops when the plants are in full bloom.

Usually, leaves and flowers are harvested together. Basil, fennel, mint,

sage, summer savory, sweet marjoram, tarragon, and winter savory are

harvested just before the plant starts to bloom.

Chervil and parsley leaves can be cut and dried anytime. Lovage leaves

should be harvested early during the first flush of growth.

After harvesting, hang the herbs in loosely tied bundles in a

well-ventilated room. You can also spread the branches on a screen,

cheesecloth, or hardware cloth. For herbs where leaves only are needed,

the leaves can be spread on flat trays. Keep dust off the herbs by a

cloth or similar protective cover that will allow moisture to pass


Many of the herbs we grow today are from the Mediterranean region of the

world and thus hot, dry summer weather suits them perfectly. All too

often gardeners lose herbs because they don't have good enough drainage

(they really do best in a raised bed) or because they don't have them in

the right exposure. Most require sun. The mints and a few other herbs

will grow well in shade or partial shade.

Following is a list and description of some commonly used, adapted herbs

for this area:


BASIL - This is one of the easiest of all herbs to grow. It is a rather

strong herb, but one that is delightful when chopped fine and mixed with

butter. In addition to the standard green forms, there's a purple-leafed

basil and a lemon-scented basil. Basil is quite tender so at the first

sign of frost you can expect to lose it.


CAMOMILE - This herb makes one of the best of all herbal teas. There are

two varieties. English and German camomile. The dried blossoms of either

can be used to make tea. You'll need to experiment with the amount you

want to use, but try pouring boiling water over about one tablespoon for

each cup desired and then filter this through a tea strainer after it

has steeped for about 10 to 15 minutes.


CATNIP - Is an interesting herb to grow, especially if you have cats.

The cats like to roll all over the catnip as well as any surrounding

plants, so you'll probably find it's best to grow this herb in a hanging

basket. Although it is sometimes used to make a hot tea, catnip's main

attribute seems to be known only by cats.


COMFREY - Comfrey is a rank-growing herb with large " donkey-ear " leaves

that remind one of green sandpaper. It has been promoted as being high

in protein and an excellent foodstuff, but unfortunately, it's hard to

find a suitable way to eat it. It is widely used as a tea made either

from the leaves or from the roots.


LEMON BALM - Is a member of the mint family and it can be a very rank

growing plant. The leaves have a strong lemon odor and make a delightful

tea or they can be used to flavor regular teas. Because of its extreme

vigor, it's probably best to grow this plant in a confined bed area or

in containers.


MARJORAM and OREGANO - These herbs are quite similar, although marjoram

is considered the milder of the two. They're both easy to grow and can

be used year round. Except in an extreme winter, they look better in the

fall and winter than in mid-summer when the growth begins to slow.

Oregano is the familiar herb in pizzas and one plant would make a lot of



MINTS - There are many mints. Spearmint is

one of the most popular and the easiest to grow. Peppermint is more

difficult to grow. There's a pineapple mint, an apple mint, an orange

mint (this is so vigorous it soon becomes a weed) and many variations of

these basic fragrances. All mints appreciate moisture and do best where

they get afternoon shade. A good place to plant spearmint is at the base

of a downspout.


ROSEMARY - Rosemary comes in many forms from a bush that grows up to

four feet tall to a low-growing groundcover variety. The fragrance is

rather strong but rosemary is typically used with many meat dishes,

especially chicken. One good idea is to use a cut sprig of rosemary to

dip into barbecue sauce and then brush it on chicken.

This is a sampling of the many herbs that can be grown in this area.

Parsley, chervil and chives are best planted in the fall for winter



Basil - Many varieties and flavors available. Most common in Sweet Green

Basil. More unusual varieties are Lemon, Cinnamon, Licorice, Globe,

Purple Ruffled, Japanese Sawtooth, Holy, Cuban, and Thai. Not all are

used in cooking. Basil is the herb to use in all tomato dishes. Add

fresh chopped leaves to vinegar, crushed garlic and olive oil to make an

excellent dressing for sliced tomatoes. Add to pork, roast chicken,

scrambled eggs, eggplant and squash dishes. Easy to grow from seed.


Chamomile - Available as dried flowers known as Manzanila from Fiesta

Spices. Makes an effective tea to calm the nerves. Add lemon and sweeten

with honey to hide the bitter taste. Easy plant to grow from seed

available at nurseries. Tea can be used as a hair rinse. Roman Chamomile

is a low growing ground cover.


Catnip - One of the mints, it can affect cats many ways, some love it,

some hate it, few ignore it. Makes a calming tea for humans. Best grown

from transplants. Grow in hanging baskets to keep curious felines out.



Chives - Smallest member of the onion family. Chives are easily grown

from seed or transplants. Use any way you would onions. Perfect topping

with sour cream for baked potatoes. Add to cottage cheese, omelets,

sauces, and garnish for almost any dish.


Coriander - Also known as Cilantro or Chinese Parsley. Well known in

this area for the use of the leaves in Mexican cooking. Always available

in the produce section. Leaves have a very strong " clean " flavor. Use

only young leaves, the older ones are too strong. The seeds have a

flavor similar to orange and are used in pastries, sausage, cooked

fruit, and are an important ingredient in pickling spice and curry

powder. Easily grown from seed and can sometimes be found growing wild

in this area. Sow seeds every few weeks to have a steady supply of young




Dill - One of the easiest herbs to grow from seed. Will easily become a

weed if seed heads are allowed to dry on the plant. Use in pickling, add

to cottage or cream cheese, most vegetables, fish, and the dried seed

can be added to bread dough for a caraway-like flavor. Add to vinegar

used to make salad dressings. The large green caterpillars that love to

eat dill will turn into swallowtail butterflies, so plant enough for you

and them.


Lemon Balm - A member of the mint family.

Can be started from seeds, cuttings or roots. Once established, it will

spread and self-sow, so give it plenty of room. Use the fresh or dried

leaves to make cold or hot teas. A good addition to fish dishes.


Marjoram - A woody cousin of Oregano with a more delicate, sweet flavor.

There are several varieties and forms such as Sweet marjoram, Winter

marjoram, Pot Marjoram, and Creeping Golden Marjoram. All forms can be

used in cooking. Use marjoram in any dish you would use oregano or sage.

Add to roasts, stews, stuffing, gravies, and spaghetti sauces. Great for

roast pork and chicken. Best grown from transplants or root cuttings.


Mint - One of the hardiest and easiest herbs to grow. Grow from

cuttings, roots or transplants. Can be grown from seed, but sometimes

difficult. Mint comes in an almost endless variety of types --

Peppermint, Spearmint, " Mint-the-Best " , Applemint, Grapemint, Watermint,

Orange Bergamont Mint, Pennyroyal Curly Mint, Pineapple Mint, and on and

on. Mint plants cross pollinate easily, so hybrids abound. Spearmint and

peppermint are most commonly used as culinary herbs. Use to make teas --

both hot and cold -- add to green peas, make a sauce of mint leaves,

vinegar and sugar to serve with roast lamb. Most mints are tough, hardy

plants for this area.


Oregano - The name oregano is given to several unrelated plants that

share the same or similar flavor. The most common two in this area is

the Oregano used in Italian or Greek cooking which is a low spreading

plant, Origanum vulgare. The other is a bushy shrub we call Mexican

Oregano, Lippia graveolens, or Lippia palmeri. Both are available in

local nurseries. Even the native common Doveweed is an excellent

substitute for oregano. Oregano is a basic ingredient in Italian and

Mexican cooking. It an be used to season all meats, stuffing, stews,

soups, spaghetti sauce, and pizza. Leaves are best used dried.


Rosemary - A hearty, tough plant that thrives in our hot dry climate.

Available as a landscape plant in nurseries. One of the oldest herbs

known to man and has a long history of uses. There are many varieties

and forms, all of which can be used in cooking. Rosemary is a natural

for pork and poultry dishes. Use a branch of Rosemary as a basting brush

for barbecued chicken. Place a few leaves on top of roasts or baked

chicken. Rosemary is a strong herb.


Parsley - Without a doubt the most used and least eaten herb in the

world. Millions of pounds are used to garnish everything and promptly

thrown away. A shame because parsley is loaded with vitamins and

minerals. Parsley comes in two forms, the flat leaved or Italian

parsley, and the curled or French parsley. There are many hybrids of

each available as seeds or transplants. Seed is slow to germinate, but

worth the wait. Parsley can have problems with root maggots in this

area. Parsley is a biennial, producing leaves the first year and flowers

the next. Not only is parsley a garnish for any dish, it is excellent

dipped in a batter and deep fried. Brown with butter and garlic for a

sauce to baste grilled meats.


Sage - This is another herb that doubles as a durable landscape plant in

this area. Very drought resistant; it can be killed by overwatering.

Sage is best started from transplants or cuttings, but can be started

from seed. There are many varieties of sage available, including Garden,

Golden, Blue, Pineapple, Tri-color, and Clary. All can be used in

cooking. Sage leaves should always be dried before using. Sage is a must

in stuffing for poultry. Roast it with pork, add to butter and saute

chicken in it. Goes well in egg and cheese dishes. Try a little crumbled

dry sage over a bowl of blackeyed peas. Dried leaves will keep their

flavor for years.


Thyme - With over 400 species available, this herb is another valuable

plant to use in beds, rock gardens and as landscape accents. Varieties

available locally include Common, Woolly, " Mother-of-Thyme " , Lemon,

English, Silver, and Golden. Thyme goes well in most meat dishes,

poultry, fish, soups and vegetable dishes. Add a pinch of thyme to a

tablespoon of honey and add to drained cooked carrots and onions. Thyme

is a key herb used to make Cajun gumbo. Thyme, along with Sage,

Rosemary, Marjoram, and Oregano should be considered the basics of every

herb garden.

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Cool info...:-) Did you write this Punkin, or is it from a book or





, PunkinPie68@w... wrote:



> Herbs are plants that are used as flavoring agents. The common herbs

> used in cooking are referred to as culinary herbs. Mild or savory herbs

> impart a delicate flavor to food while the stronger or pungent herbs add

> zest to foods. These herbs are attractive and varied so their ornamental

> value is also important.


> The ornamental value of herbs enables them to be used in flower beds,

> borders, rock gardens, or corner plantings. Some herbs are annuals while

> others are perennial or come up year after year. You can locate annual

> herbs in your annual flower garden or vegetable garden. The perennial

> herbs should be located at the side of the garden where they won't

> interfere with next year's soil preparation.

> Care for the herb garden will be similar to your vegetable or flower

> garden. Select a sunny, well-drained location. Apply a slow-release

> fertilizer at the rate of 2 pounds per 100 square feet.


> Water as necessary during dry periods. Generally, you need about one

> inch of water per week, if not supplied by natural rainfall. A mulch

> will help conserve soil moisture and reduce weed growth as well. The

> mints prefer moist soil so they will require more frequent watering.

> Annual and biennial herbs can be established by planting the seed

> directly in the garden or starting seeds indoors for later transplanting

> to the garden. You can save seed produced by the herb plants for next

> year's crop or obtain seed from your local garden center or seed

> catalog.


> To save your own seed, harvest the entire seed head after it has dried

> on the plant. The seeds should then be allowed to dry in a protected

> location that is cool and dry. After the seeds are thoroughly dry,

> thresh the seed from the seed heads and discard the trash. Store in

> labeled jars in a dark, cool, dry location.

> Some herb seeds such as dill, anise, caraway, or coriander can be used

> for flavorings.


> Perennial herbs can be propagated by cuttings or by division. Divide

> plants every 3 to 4 years in the early spring. The plants should be dug

> up and cut into several sections. You can also cut 4 to 6 inch sections

> of the stem and root these by placing the cuttings in moist sand in a

> shady area. In 4 to 8 weeks, roots should form on these cuttings. Herbs

> such as sage, winter savory, and thyme can be propagated by cuttings.

> Chives, lovage, and tarragon can be propagated by division of the roots

> or crowns.

> Leaves of many herbs such as parsley and chives can be harvested for

> fresh seasonings. On these plants you can gradually remove some of the

> leaves as you need them. Don't remove all the foliage at one time. These

> plants will produce over a long period of time if they are cared for

> well.


> On rosemary and thyme, clip the tops when the plants are in full bloom.

> Usually, leaves and flowers are harvested together. Basil, fennel, mint,

> sage, summer savory, sweet marjoram, tarragon, and winter savory are

> harvested just before the plant starts to bloom.

> Chervil and parsley leaves can be cut and dried anytime. Lovage leaves

> should be harvested early during the first flush of growth.

> After harvesting, hang the herbs in loosely tied bundles in a

> well-ventilated room. You can also spread the branches on a screen,

> cheesecloth, or hardware cloth. For herbs where leaves only are needed,

> the leaves can be spread on flat trays. Keep dust off the herbs by a

> cloth or similar protective cover that will allow moisture to pass

> through.

> Many of the herbs we grow today are from the Mediterranean region of the

> world and thus hot, dry summer weather suits them perfectly. All too

> often gardeners lose herbs because they don't have good enough drainage

> (they really do best in a raised bed) or because they don't have them in

> the right exposure. Most require sun. The mints and a few other herbs

> will grow well in shade or partial shade.

> Following is a list and description of some commonly used, adapted herbs

> for this area:


> BASIL - This is one of the easiest of all herbs to grow. It is a rather

> strong herb, but one that is delightful when chopped fine and mixed with

> butter. In addition to the standard green forms, there's a purple-leafed

> basil and a lemon-scented basil. Basil is quite tender so at the first

> sign of frost you can expect to lose it.


> CAMOMILE - This herb makes one of the best of all herbal teas. There are

> two varieties. English and German camomile. The dried blossoms of either

> can be used to make tea. You'll need to experiment with the amount you

> want to use, but try pouring boiling water over about one tablespoon for

> each cup desired and then filter this through a tea strainer after it

> has steeped for about 10 to 15 minutes.


> CATNIP - Is an interesting herb to grow, especially if you have cats.

> The cats like to roll all over the catnip as well as any surrounding

> plants, so you'll probably find it's best to grow this herb in a hanging

> basket. Although it is sometimes used to make a hot tea, catnip's main

> attribute seems to be known only by cats.


> COMFREY - Comfrey is a rank-growing herb with large " donkey-ear " leaves

> that remind one of green sandpaper. It has been promoted as being high

> in protein and an excellent foodstuff, but unfortunately, it's hard to

> find a suitable way to eat it. It is widely used as a tea made either

> from the leaves or from the roots.


> LEMON BALM - Is a member of the mint family and it can be a very rank

> growing plant. The leaves have a strong lemon odor and make a delightful

> tea or they can be used to flavor regular teas. Because of its extreme

> vigor, it's probably best to grow this plant in a confined bed area or

> in containers.


> MARJORAM and OREGANO - These herbs are quite similar, although marjoram

> is considered the milder of the two. They're both easy to grow and can

> be used year round. Except in an extreme winter, they look better in the

> fall and winter than in mid-summer when the growth begins to slow.

> Oregano is the familiar herb in pizzas and one plant would make a lot of

> pizzas.


> MINTS - There are many mints. Spearmint is

> one of the most popular and the easiest to grow. Peppermint is more

> difficult to grow. There's a pineapple mint, an apple mint, an orange

> mint (this is so vigorous it soon becomes a weed) and many variations of

> these basic fragrances. All mints appreciate moisture and do best where

> they get afternoon shade. A good place to plant spearmint is at the base

> of a downspout.


> ROSEMARY - Rosemary comes in many forms from a bush that grows up to

> four feet tall to a low-growing groundcover variety. The fragrance is

> rather strong but rosemary is typically used with many meat dishes,

> especially chicken. One good idea is to use a cut sprig of rosemary to

> dip into barbecue sauce and then brush it on chicken.

> This is a sampling of the many herbs that can be grown in this area.

> Parsley, chervil and chives are best planted in the fall for winter

> growth.


> Basil - Many varieties and flavors available. Most common in Sweet Green

> Basil. More unusual varieties are Lemon, Cinnamon, Licorice, Globe,

> Purple Ruffled, Japanese Sawtooth, Holy, Cuban, and Thai. Not all are

> used in cooking. Basil is the herb to use in all tomato dishes. Add

> fresh chopped leaves to vinegar, crushed garlic and olive oil to make an

> excellent dressing for sliced tomatoes. Add to pork, roast chicken,

> scrambled eggs, eggplant and squash dishes. Easy to grow from seed.


> Chamomile - Available as dried flowers known as Manzanila from Fiesta

> Spices. Makes an effective tea to calm the nerves. Add lemon and sweeten

> with honey to hide the bitter taste. Easy plant to grow from seed

> available at nurseries. Tea can be used as a hair rinse. Roman Chamomile

> is a low growing ground cover.


> Catnip - One of the mints, it can affect cats many ways, some love it,

> some hate it, few ignore it. Makes a calming tea for humans. Best grown

> from transplants. Grow in hanging baskets to keep curious felines out.



> Chives - Smallest member of the onion family. Chives are easily grown

> from seed or transplants. Use any way you would onions. Perfect topping

> with sour cream for baked potatoes. Add to cottage cheese, omelets,

> sauces, and garnish for almost any dish.


> Coriander - Also known as Cilantro or Chinese Parsley. Well known in

> this area for the use of the leaves in Mexican cooking. Always available

> in the produce section. Leaves have a very strong " clean " flavor. Use

> only young leaves, the older ones are too strong. The seeds have a

> flavor similar to orange and are used in pastries, sausage, cooked

> fruit, and are an important ingredient in pickling spice and curry

> powder. Easily grown from seed and can sometimes be found growing wild

> in this area. Sow seeds every few weeks to have a steady supply of young

> leaves.



> Dill - One of the easiest herbs to grow from seed. Will easily become a

> weed if seed heads are allowed to dry on the plant. Use in pickling, add

> to cottage or cream cheese, most vegetables, fish, and the dried seed

> can be added to bread dough for a caraway-like flavor. Add to vinegar

> used to make salad dressings. The large green caterpillars that love to

> eat dill will turn into swallowtail butterflies, so plant enough for you

> and them.


> Lemon Balm - A member of the mint family.

> Can be started from seeds, cuttings or roots. Once established, it will

> spread and self-sow, so give it plenty of room. Use the fresh or dried

> leaves to make cold or hot teas. A good addition to fish dishes.


> Marjoram - A woody cousin of Oregano with a more delicate, sweet flavor.

> There are several varieties and forms such as Sweet marjoram, Winter

> marjoram, Pot Marjoram, and Creeping Golden Marjoram. All forms can be

> used in cooking. Use marjoram in any dish you would use oregano or sage.

> Add to roasts, stews, stuffing, gravies, and spaghetti sauces. Great for

> roast pork and chicken. Best grown from transplants or root cuttings.


> Mint - One of the hardiest and easiest herbs to grow. Grow from

> cuttings, roots or transplants. Can be grown from seed, but sometimes

> difficult. Mint comes in an almost endless variety of types --

> Peppermint, Spearmint, " Mint-the-Best " , Applemint, Grapemint, Watermint,

> Orange Bergamont Mint, Pennyroyal Curly Mint, Pineapple Mint, and on and

> on. Mint plants cross pollinate easily, so hybrids abound. Spearmint and

> peppermint are most commonly used as culinary herbs. Use to make teas --

> both hot and cold -- add to green peas, make a sauce of mint leaves,

> vinegar and sugar to serve with roast lamb. Most mints are tough, hardy

> plants for this area.


> Oregano - The name oregano is given to several unrelated plants that

> share the same or similar flavor. The most common two in this area is

> the Oregano used in Italian or Greek cooking which is a low spreading

> plant, Origanum vulgare. The other is a bushy shrub we call Mexican

> Oregano, Lippia graveolens, or Lippia palmeri. Both are available in

> local nurseries. Even the native common Doveweed is an excellent

> substitute for oregano. Oregano is a basic ingredient in Italian and

> Mexican cooking. It an be used to season all meats, stuffing, stews,

> soups, spaghetti sauce, and pizza. Leaves are best used dried.


> Rosemary - A hearty, tough plant that thrives in our hot dry climate.

> Available as a landscape plant in nurseries. One of the oldest herbs

> known to man and has a long history of uses. There are many varieties

> and forms, all of which can be used in cooking. Rosemary is a natural

> for pork and poultry dishes. Use a branch of Rosemary as a basting brush

> for barbecued chicken. Place a few leaves on top of roasts or baked

> chicken. Rosemary is a strong herb.


> Parsley - Without a doubt the most used and least eaten herb in the

> world. Millions of pounds are used to garnish everything and promptly

> thrown away. A shame because parsley is loaded with vitamins and

> minerals. Parsley comes in two forms, the flat leaved or Italian

> parsley, and the curled or French parsley. There are many hybrids of

> each available as seeds or transplants. Seed is slow to germinate, but

> worth the wait. Parsley can have problems with root maggots in this

> area. Parsley is a biennial, producing leaves the first year and flowers

> the next. Not only is parsley a garnish for any dish, it is excellent

> dipped in a batter and deep fried. Brown with butter and garlic for a

> sauce to baste grilled meats.


> Sage - This is another herb that doubles as a durable landscape plant in

> this area. Very drought resistant; it can be killed by overwatering.

> Sage is best started from transplants or cuttings, but can be started

> from seed. There are many varieties of sage available, including Garden,

> Golden, Blue, Pineapple, Tri-color, and Clary. All can be used in

> cooking. Sage leaves should always be dried before using. Sage is a must

> in stuffing for poultry. Roast it with pork, add to butter and saute

> chicken in it. Goes well in egg and cheese dishes. Try a little crumbled

> dry sage over a bowl of blackeyed peas. Dried leaves will keep their

> flavor for years.


> Thyme - With over 400 species available, this herb is another valuable

> plant to use in beds, rock gardens and as landscape accents. Varieties

> available locally include Common, Woolly, " Mother-of-Thyme " , Lemon,

> English, Silver, and Golden. Thyme goes well in most meat dishes,

> poultry, fish, soups and vegetable dishes. Add a pinch of thyme to a

> tablespoon of honey and add to drained cooked carrots and onions. Thyme

> is a key herb used to make Cajun gumbo. Thyme, along with Sage,

> Rosemary, Marjoram, and Oregano should be considered the basics of every

> herb garden.

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Lorri I printed it and saved. Very valuable herb info. Thanks, DonnaPunkinPie68 wrote:

A Friend gave it to me and I added some.... Glad you liked it.Lorri :)"In the present position of the planets, it's impossible to say;Just when I'll find my course again, with the boulders in my way.I should be rolling down the skyway on my cosmic wheels;Instead of stumbling down this highway on my boots of steel"Source: Cosmic Wheels by Donovan

for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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any time I try to grow an herb it dies.


<hangs head>




Saturday, September 17, 2005 9:55 AM



Lorri I printed it and saved. Very valuable herb info. Thanks, DonnaPunkinPie68 wrote: A Friend gave it to me and I added some.... Glad you liked it.Lorri :)"In the present position of the planets, it's impossible to say;Just when I'll find my course again, with the boulders in my way.I should be rolling down the skyway on my cosmic wheels;Instead of stumbling down this highway on my boots of steel"Source: Cosmic Wheels by Donovan



for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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