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Spiced Cherry Tomato Chutney

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I adapted this one.


Spiced Cherry Tomato Chutney Recipe


courtesy Jamie Oliver

Show:  The Naked Chef

Episode:  Christmas Comes Early 


1 onion, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

2 to 4 small red chilies, crumbled

Large pinch coriander seeds, pounded

2 cloves, pounded

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, pounded

Small pinch cumin, pounded

Olive oil

1 tablespoon mashed capers

3 ounces ripe red cherry tomatoes, washed, whole

1 pound 4 ounces brown sugar

8 good lugs vinegar (preferably red wine)

Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Slowly fry the onions, garlic and spices in a little

olive oil soft and translucent. Add the capers and

cherry tomatoes (which you can blanch and remove the

skins first if you like.) Shake around and add the

sugar, vinegar and salt and pepper at this point.

Bring to the boil, stir and simmer gently for 30

minutes before seasoning well to taste and transfer to

a few small, sterilized airtight jars, rather than a

large one, and seal. If unopened, the chutney will

improve in flavor and last up to a year in your

cupboard. Once opened, keep in your refrigerator for 1

to 2 months.






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