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, " lavynder1 " <lavynder_@h...> wrote:

> I'm new here! But not new to vegetarianism! I look forward to

> meeting everyone and swapping recipes, ideas, etc.

> Teresa



Nice to meet you, Teresa. Warm welcome.


What type of vegetarian are you? I am lacto-ovo, but have meat-eating family

members here. Anyway, I look forward to reading your posts. *s*


~ P_T ~



One reason the dog has so many friends: He wags his tail instead of his



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Well, I don't think I fall into any handy category...

I don't drink dairy, I am pretty good at avoiding eggs, but then

cheese........... it is my downfall. The fake cheese is ok, but

nothing beats a delicious Gouda. I have fish once in awhile, and

that's about it for " flesh " .





, " ~ P_T ~ " <patchouli_troll>


> , " lavynder1 " <lavynder_@h...>


> > I'm new here! But not new to vegetarianism! I look forward to

> > meeting everyone and swapping recipes, ideas, etc.

> > Teresa

> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


> Nice to meet you, Teresa. Warm welcome.


> What type of vegetarian are you? I am lacto-ovo, but have

meat-eating family

> members here. Anyway, I look forward to reading your posts.



> ~ P_T ~

> /


> One reason the dog has so many friends: He wags his tail

instead of his

> tongue.

> --Unknown

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 1/12/04 1:17:52 AM,





> My name is Pam, and I am a new member to the group. I've just been

> reading posts, but I now have a question. What do you guys do when

> people challenge your vegetarianism by asking why you do it, or

> making fun of it? I also have a lot of people telling me that we as

> humans need to eat protein from meat sources. I get tired of hearing

> these comments, and wanted to know if anybody had similar experiences.



hi, pam--


well, i get a lot of those comments. it gets worse when you're a vegan as

opposed to a vegetarian. usually, if the person is genuinely curious, i just

explain to them the things that made me go veg (witnessing a slaughterhouse

and the supplemental readings/research i did after that). i don't do it in a

way in which they'd think i'm trying to convert them, but simply state the

facts. usually it opens their eyes a lot without feeling like they're getting


high-pressure " sales pitch. "


if the person is just looking to start an argument or try to " stump the

vegan " -- " are those leather shoes you're wearing? no? how about your

jacket? "

etc., i usually just say something like " there was this nasty carrot incident

several years back, and let's just say that now i have it in for all the

vegetables of the world. " it usually makes them smile and leave me alone about


at subject... :)









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Welcome to the group, Pam.


For me, how I respond to people who question my food

choices depends on what they're looking for. If

they're just trying to bait me, I usually just ignore



If a person just wants information, I've educated

myself on the subject pretty well, and can

intelligently talk about most topics related to

Vegetarianism/Veganism and the AR movement.


I've learned the hard way that I brought a lot of the

flack on myself by initiating conversations about

being Veg. I don't do that anymore, and my most

common response to the wrinked-nose,

point-at-my-plate, " What is THAT? " question is to

answer, " Lunch. "


Kind of cynical, I suppose, but if I hear, " If we

weren't meant to eat animals, why are they made out of

meat? " one more time from someone who thinks they're

being witty, original and amusing, I might have to

punch someone.


--- shaisister <p_doodles wrote:

> My name is Pam, and I am a new member to the group.

> I've just been

> reading posts, but I now have a question. What do

> you guys do when

> people challenge your vegetarianism by asking why

> you do it, or

> making fun of it? I also have a lot of people

> telling me that we as

> humans need to eat protein from meat sources. I get

> tired of hearing

> these comments, and wanted to know if anybody had

> similar experiences.







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  • 2 years later...
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I just joined as well My name is Lisa i live in Reno nevada and Have

diabetes, So when i found the group i thought it would be great a new way of


that i have not tried and might work out for me and control my diabetes. I am

a mother of 2 and one on the way Karissa is 11 and Jaren is 11 months almost

i am 5 months pregnant as well.

Look forward to being a part of the group.





_A Place To Relax N Be Yourslef._

(http://APlacetoRelaxNBeYourself- /)




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-Welcome Duygu,

Congratulations you are on the right track. I wish I had been as wise

when I was 15. Lots of good information here and wonderful recipes.

What an exciting adventure lies ahead for you.

Sending smiles and hugs your way



-- In , " Duygu " <duyguataman17



> I've just joined the group. I'm 15 and it's been 2 weeks since I gave

> up eating meat. I'm open to any information which will help me


> I'm quite poor in knowledge of how to manage to live healthy without

> eating meat. I'd be grateful if anyone cares to guide me. Thanks.


> Duygu


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Hey there! I'm a teen vegetarian also! I'm 16 now but went veg in October of

'05, when I was still 15. I love it. I joined this group for the same

reason, to get recipes and to get more info on eating/living healthily without



One tip I can give is this: tofu. Most people think it's nasty, but when

prepared right, it's great. I don't like it plain, but you can make eggless egg

salads with the silken variety of tofu, scramble it like you would eggs, put

it in salads, etc. Tofu can really take care of the protein!!!


Welcome to the group! :-)





In a message dated 5/26/2006 9:42:09 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

duyguataman17 writes:


I've just joined the group. I'm 15 and it's been 2 weeks since I gave

up eating meat. I'm open to any information which will help me because

I'm quite poor in knowledge of how to manage to live healthy without

eating meat. I'd be grateful if anyone cares to guide me. Thanks.






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Welcome, and my advice would be to go to the files and look at all the

recipes. I think they would help you.


Marilyn Daub


Vanceburg, KY

My Cats Knead Me!!



Friday, May 26, 2006 9:34 AM




I've just joined the group. I'm 15 and it's been 2 weeks since I gave

up eating meat. I'm open to any information which will help me because

I'm quite poor in knowledge of how to manage to live healthy without

eating meat. I'd be grateful if anyone cares to guide me. Thanks.








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, RhymeMaster0313 wrote:


> Duygu,


> Hey there! I'm a teen vegetarian also! I'm 16 now but went veg in October of

> '05, when I was still 15. I love it. I joined this group for the same

> reason, to get recipes and to get more info on eating/living healthily

without meat.


> One tip I can give is this: tofu. Most people think it's nasty, but when

> prepared right, it's great. I don't like it plain, but you can make eggless


> salads with the silken variety of tofu, scramble it like you would eggs, put

> it in salads, etc. Tofu can really take care of the protein!!!


And some delicious desserts too! Check out my peanut butter cream pie

with chocolate granola crust and its complement, the chocolate cream pie

with peanut butter granola crust, at my blog: www.zenpawn.com/vegblog

Mmmm... mmmm...


Enjoy and welcome!




> Welcome to the group! :-)


> ***Sara***



> In a message dated 5/26/2006 9:42:09 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> duyguataman17 writes:


> I've just joined the group. I'm 15 and it's been 2 weeks since I gave

> up eating meat. I'm open to any information which will help me because

> I'm quite poor in knowledge of how to manage to live healthy without

> eating meat. I'd be grateful if anyone cares to guide me. Thanks.


> Duygu




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  • 2 months later...
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Welcome Buttercup,

It is never too late..Believe, me I am encouraging my 87 yr. old

mother to have better eating habits. She also has given up red meat

and is eating a more balanced meal with veggies and fruits. She

survived West Nile Virus two yrs. ago and we attribute that to her

new and healthier immune system.

Laugh?? Never ever. You are about to experience a healthier mind and

body. Keep up the good work.

Smiles and hugs





, " Sue " <kup wrote:


> I am not a vegetarian......yet!

> But, my husband and I are trying to eat healthy.

> We have not had beef for over a year.

> We have given up pork this week. Hopefully!

> We still are working on poultry and fish.

> I have decided that one day a week.....we will eat vegan.

> So...hope you don't laugh.

> It is a step in the right direction.

> BTW....I am 70 years old....(can you teach old dogs new tricks? Of


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Can't teach an old dog new tricks? That is balderdash!! who made up that

expression anyway, probably the same ones who thought the earth was flat! LOL

Congrats on a healthier way of life Sue,





Monday, July 31, 2006 4:51 PM




I am not a vegetarian......yet!

But, my husband and I are trying to eat healthy.

We have not had beef for over a year.

We have given up pork this week. Hopefully!

We still are working on poultry and fish.

I have decided that one day a week.....we will eat vegan.

So...hope you don't laugh.

It is a step in the right direction.

BTW....I am 70 years old....(can you teach old dogs new tricks? Of course!)

My name is Sue, but for 48 years I have been known as Butterkup or just BK.

We moved from the Detroit area to Florida in 1970. Lost our home to Charley

and am now a half back. In case you don't know what that is....it is

someone who moved from the North to the South and then moved Half way back.

We live in the Mountains of North Georgia.

So, bear with me while I try to make this transition in my life.



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  • 2 years later...

Hi Meg,


I¹m Anna, I¹m 45, and I started getting more serious about my own health

after my mom died. Dad passed away about 13 years ago at the age of 61, and

mom 3 years ago at the age of 70. I remember when we buried dad in 1996, we

walked up and down looking at the rest of his family¹s graves ‹ dad was an

only child, and we didn¹t know a lot of his aunts, uncles, cousins etc. But

there they all were, 8 of them in a row, all died between the ages of 58 and

63. Made me think. Most on Mom¹s side passed at 70.


I have hemochromatosis, which is a very common iron storage disease and it¹s

hereditary ‹ I have too much iron in my body, which gets deposited in your

joints and organs and can lead to a whole host of diseases if not treated.

It¹s likely what killed my father. Fortunately, treating it is easy, you

just donate blood regularly. The body uses up the excess iron to make more



In 2007 I read ³The China Study² by T. Colin Campbell, and ³The Food

Revolution² by John Robbins. Those two books changed my life. I changed to

a vegan diet immediately, but as I was still trying to figure out what that

meant I could eat, it wasn¹t necessarily the healthiest diet for the first

year. There are plenty of vegan potato chips and other junk, after all. In

the last year I¹ve gradually gotten healthier until now I am eating in a way

I would never have dreamed several years ago. I eat heaps of fresh fruits

and veggies and whole grains. I rarely eat bread, and never even touch junk

food these days. That took time, but I can honestly say my tastes have

changed. I had heard they would, but couldn¹t believe it would ever happen

to me. But it has. I actually look forward to having salads now, and I

never thought I¹d say that.


Fortunately, I don¹t have a sweet tooth. I pass up all the junk treats at

work, even though the boss often brings in ones that are vegan just so I

won¹t feel excluded. I¹ve told her not to bother, I don¹t eat junk foods

anymore. I feel so much better. And since the first of the year I started

walking 45-90 minutes a day on average. It¹s working ‹ the weight is coming

off much quicker and I feel fantastic. And people are starting to notice,

too, which is great. Anyway, I¹m hoping to live longer than my parents did.

But whatever years I have left, I¹ll certainly live them healthier, even if

I don¹t live longer!





296 / 234 / 130





On 19/2/09 10:50 AM, " Meg " <Meggiesmail wrote:



> Hi! My name is Meg. When I turned 50 I became concerned that heart

> disease is the #1 killer of women in this country and I searched for

> and found a way of eating that I thoroughly embraced after finding

> Dr. Dean Ornish's books...I discovered the world of herbs, wonderful

> seasonings, and low fat but tasty cooking! I am a fan of making

> Seitan as I'm not much of a Tofu person...finally discovered the way

> to good Seitan after many tries and baking it in the oven for a good

> meaty texture for sandwiches....I love to make bean and lentil soups

> and Thai food has become my fave.... As is the way in this world

> sometimes my resolve weakens and I turn to unfortunate foods just

> occasionally (an occasional junk cookie or a lean cuisine which are

> loaded with preservatives and fat) and have a sweet tooth like most

> of us...I use Stevia as the only sweetener I have in my diet and

> enjoy it in my coffee..I like to stay as organic as possible and my

> husband and I grow an organic vegetable garden every summer. I live

> in Northeastern California, high desert country, where our growing

> seasons are very short unfortunately. This next summer I want to use

> a dehydrator I acquired last year but haven't used yet and find ways

> to preserve our produce for longer periods of time. My weight has

> crept back up and I need to shed 20 lbs..this last year I changed to

> a program which was healthy but included olive oils and gourmet type

> cheeses and tasted wonderful but I just ate too much...I've found my

> way back to the low fat/fat free Ornish program and hope to cut down

> or completely stop blood pressure medications...I used to take statin

> drugs but switched to red yeast rice capsules and plant sterol

> capsules to keep my cholesterol under control which is a hereditary

> problem. So far I've been successful with this and my cholesterol is

> under control partly thanks to my Ornish program. I look forward to

> sharing some recipes and support in this group!

> Best wishes,

> Meg







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Hi Meg - welcome to the group and thanks for your story. Yes, with a family

history like yours, I'd be taking pretty good care of myself too. Actually, I do

have a couple of recurring problems in my family's health background, although

most on one side of the family manage to live into their nineties without too

much difficulty - still, you never can be sure just which genes you do or don't

have, so I eat in a way that would avoid those difficulties if possible. Heart

and diabetes would be my own concern, and eating the way I do - AND the way you

do! - should do the trick :)


I do so hope you enjoy this group - write in as often as you like cuz we love to

hear from all members. And have fun looking through our Files and also our

Links. Good stuff there!


If we can help at all, please let us know.


Best, Pat (co-owner with Cindi)






" The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. " (Oscar Wilde)






Meg <Meggiesmail


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 6:50:20 PM



Hi! My name is Meg. When I turned 50 I became concerned that heart

disease is the #1 killer of women in this country and I searched for

and found a way of eating that I thoroughly embraced after finding

Dr. Dean Ornish's books...I discovered the world of herbs, wonderful

seasonings, and low fat but tasty cooking! I am a fan of making

Seitan as I'm not much of a Tofu person...finally discovered the way

to good Seitan after many tries and baking it in the oven for a good

meaty texture for sandwiches....I love to make bean and lentil soups

and Thai food has become my fave.... As is the way in this world

sometimes my resolve weakens and I turn to unfortunate foods just

occasionally (an occasional junk cookie or a lean cuisine which are

loaded with preservatives and fat) and have a sweet tooth like most

of us...I use Stevia as the only sweetener I have in my diet and

enjoy it in my coffee..I like to stay as organic as possible and my

husband and I grow an organic vegetable garden every summer. I live

in Northeastern California, high desert country, where our growing

seasons are very short unfortunately. This next summer I want to use

a dehydrator I acquired last year but haven't used yet and find ways

to preserve our produce for longer periods of time. My weight has

crept back up and I need to shed 20 lbs..this last year I changed to

a program which was healthy but included olive oils and gourmet type

cheeses and tasted wonderful but I just ate too much...I've found my

way back to the low fat/fat free Ornish program and hope to cut down

or completely stop blood pressure medications...I used to take statin

drugs but switched to red yeast rice capsules and plant sterol

capsules to keep my cholesterol under control which is a hereditary

problem. So far I've been successful with this and my cholesterol is

under control partly thanks to my Ornish program. I look forward to

sharing some recipes and support in this group!

Best wishes,








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  • 1 month later...
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--Wow, What a strong man that you are? You are on the right path my bro.


I'll send you some recipes, got tones of that!!






- In , " findingtaylor " <findingtaylor



> I am glad to be a part of this group.I'm almost 15 and have decided that I'm

old enough to make my own choices,and I chose to go vegetarian.I have been a

vegetarian for about 3 months now,and I will never go back.I feel better than

ever.No one in my family supports me,and they always pick on me.I was at a

restaurant yesterday with my family [mom,brother,aunt,grandmother],and they

focused their attention on my decision [not in a positive way].I was raised

eating meat,so they just think I'm outrageous,I have no support at all.None of

my friends are vegetarian either.I don't think that my family understands that

my choice is long term,not just short term.

> I hope to get a lot of good recipes and some support from fellow vegetarians!


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Congratulations for making the decision to live a healthier lifestyle.

Understand that your family cares enough about you to be concerned. That is

because they do not understand what it means to be Vegetarian. But they will.

Give they time to adjust but at the same time, without argument eat healthy.

Show them this; I am a mother of 3, grandmother of 12 and a great grand mother

of one. I have been a Vegetarian for almost 30 years. I am healthy and happy and

I think it shows. Many people are surprised when they find out how old I am.

I love to eat and sometimes think I will not be able to sample all of the

beautiful food in our world. I am not a radical *tree hugger or animal rights

extremist *, as some think we are, but I do have the utmost respect for all

living creatures. I am an organic gardener and enjoy a rewarding lifestyle.

Often people are threatened by what they do not understand. As soon as they

realize that you are feeling healthy and happy they will respect your wishes.

Just wait until they taste some of recipes that you prepare for them.

Deanna in Colorado


" findingtaylor " <findingtaylor wrote:

> I am glad to be a part of this group.I'm almost 15 and have decided that I'm

old enough to make my own choices,and I chose to go vegetarian.I have been a

vegetarian for about 3 months now,and I will never go back.I feel better than

ever.No one in my family supports me,and they always pick on me.

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Congratulations on your new lifestyle. I also finally decided to become

vegetarian at around age 15. That was over 40 years ago and I'm still going

strong! My family didn't understand my choice either and my mum would try to

sneak meat into my food - for example, I would find rolled up slices of ham

lurking under a lettuce leaf on my plate. Once they realised that I was

determined, they stopped giving me a hard time and accepted my choice not to eat

meat. I hope you are able to find the support you need here - I know that you

will find more than a lifetime's worth of great recipes!


One of the members here had started a website for young vegetarians. Donna, do

you know if young Sarah's website is still going?

Christie in Scotland

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Well I'm proud of you and I'll bet most of this group is too.


Hopefully there is one member of your family that you are close too and you

could sit down and have a heart to heart with? Older person would be the

most helpful but even a sibling.


Have your reasons ready and clear and nutrition facts with you. If you can

at least convince them to stop picking on you that would be progress. If

you can get one person on your side (not converted to vegetarianism but just

supportive) then the rest will hopefully follow.


Stick to your principles and you'll be someone to look up to!








I am glad to be a part of this group.I'm almost 15 and have decided that I'm

old enough to make my own choices,and I chose to go vegetarian.I have been a

vegetarian for about 3 months now,and I will never go back.I feel better

than ever.No one in my family supports me,and they always pick on me.I was

at a restaurant yesterday with my family [mom,brother,aunt,grandmother],and

they focused their attention on my decision [not in a positive way].I was

raised eating meat,so they just think I'm outrageous,I have no support at

all.None of my friends are vegetarian either.I don't think that my family

understands that my choice is long term,not just short term.

I hope to get a lot of good recipes and some support from fellow








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  • 2 months later...
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Aapka Awagat Hai Usha. (You're welcome Usha)


A lot of Desi people on the list. But then this is a veggie list, so

it figures. :)




On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 2:59 AM, usha<usha_raj wrote:



> Hi,

> I just joined this group and I am looking forward to sharing vegetarian

> recipes and tips.

> Thanks,

> Usha



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