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The importance of Fats Appearance and Advocacy

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I think Dr. McDougall may be on to something regarding oils. I'm not convinced that getting fat from highly processed sources is the best way to get your healthy fat. I don't know for sure but he might be right about getting your fat from things like avocados, nuts and seeds (including flax seeds for your omega 3's). From what I have read, healthy fat is important but I think if you eat TOO MUCH fat it will make you fat and that is not healthy.

It sounds like the myths about low fats diets that you state below are based on diets that include a lot of very unhealthy highly processed nutrient deficient foods such as "low fat cakes" and "low fat ice cream" for example, that can be found in many conventional supermarkets. These types of foods are high in calories, unhealthy and will not help anyone to lose weight. I don't think it's fair to compare low fat diets that are made up highly processed foods to high fat diets. In fact it's very misleading and harmful to make such statements. Dr. McDougall does not recommend eating these type of foods. He does recommend eating a low fat diet made up of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes and on that type of diet it is easy to lose weight and be healthy at the same time. Dr. McDougall also says that eating coconut products in small amounts is fine by the way. I think it would only be fair to compare a high fiber low fat diet made up of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes to diet that contains large amounts of highly processed fats such as olive oil, etc.

Dr. McDougall has helped a lot of people to lose weight AND to eat a healthy vegan diet. I also think that he's on to something when he says that "people love to hear good things about their bad habits" and I think a lot of people try to exploit that fact. I also think it's important to not get into the victim syndrome.




In a message dated 7/8/09 8:32:30 AM, bcs_mail writes:



I found McDougall's discouragement of the use of olive oil to be harmful since it is an extremely healthy source of "good" fat (see excerpt below).  I also found McDougall's use of the word "fat" to describe people who have body types that are not stereotypically "skinny", to be somewhat offensive (especially to women who have naturally higher body fat percentages than men and who have to constantly fight against media images glorifying emaciated models.) 

I believe his characterization of fats such as olive oil as the cause for obesity is incorrect (see excerpts below).  It is essential for our health to make sure we obtain healthy fats, especially women.  Fats can help us feel satiated allowing for less intake of calories even though fats are more calorically dense than carbs or protein.  Omega 3 fats are especially deficient in U.S. diets, even in vegan diets (found in hemp, flax, chia and small amounts in walnuts).  For people who do not convert Omega 3 fats into EPA/DHA (important for memory and focus), you can get algae based EPA/DHA from http://www.v-http://ww.  Below I have pasted excerpts on the health benefits of olive oil, coconut oil, and the myths about fats.  Also remember, if you are cooking with olive oil not to cook above medium heat because that can destroy the healthy fats.  Coconut oil is the most heat resistant of the vegan fats.

Myths and facts about fats and oils

Myth: Eating a low-fat Diet is the best way to curb obesity.



• The obesity rates for Americans have doubled in the last 20 years, coinciding with the advent of the low-fat revolution.

• In the 1960s, Americans ate 45% of their calories from fat – and only 13% of us were obese. Now, while most of us get only about 33% of our calories from fat, 34% of us qualify as obese!


Low–fat diets are essential to help you lose weight



• Ironically, cutting fat out of our diets seems to have the opposite effect: while Americans have been eating less fat, we’ve been gettingfatter. In place of fats, many people turn to foods full of easily digested carbohydrates, or to fat-free products that replace healthful fats with sugar and high-calorie, refined carbohydrates.

• You need to cut calories to lose weight - fats are more filling, and curbing hunger can stop you from indulging in additional calories.

• The 2006 Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial showed that women on low-fat diets didn't lose any more weight than women who followed their usual diets.


Healthy fats are essential to good health

The human body uses fatty acids to do everything from building cell membranes to performing key functions in the brain, eyes, and lungs. The functions of fats include:


• Brain – Fats compose 60% of the brain and are essential to brain function, including learning abilities, memory retention and moods. Fats are especially important for pregnant women, since they are integral to fetal brain development.

• Cells – Fatty acids help your cells stay moveable and flexible, as well as being responsible for building cell membranes.

• Heart – 60% of our heart’s energy comes from burning fats. Specific fats are also used to help keep the heart beating in a regular rhythm.

• Nerves – Fats compose the material that insulates and protects the nerves, isolating electrical impulses and speeding their transmission.

• Lungs – Lung surfactant, which requires a high concentration of saturated fats, enables the lungs to work and keeps them from collapsing.

• Eyes – Fats are essential to eye function.

• Digestion – Fats in a meal slow down the digestion process so the body has more time to absorb nutrients, and help provide a constant level of energy and keeps the body satiated for longer periods of time. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) can only be absorbed if fat is present.

• Organs – Fats cushion and protect your internal organs.

• Immune System – Fats ease inflammation, helping your metabolism and immune system stay healthy and functioning



Health Benefits of Organic Olive Oil

Organic olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, and is considered a good fatty acid (high density lipoproteins, HDLs) protect against bad cholesterol, or low density lipoproteins (LDLs).

Delicious organic olive oil contains all the vitamins and nutrients of the olive fruit, and if you get a premium organic olive oil, it will taste better and have a full aroma.

Organic olive oil is also filled with antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients that may protect you against illnesses. Studies have shown that organic olive oil can help:


• Protect You from Heart Disease [1]

• Promote Healthy Digestion [2]

• Ease the Symptoms of Ulcers & Gastritis [3] [4]

• Lower Gallstone Formation [5]

• Balance the Fatty Acids in Your Body [6]



Scientific studies show that people eating two tablespoons of virgin organic olive oil daily for one week show less oxidation of LDLs and higher levels of antioxidants in their blood.

If you use extra virgin organic olive oil, you will benefit from higher levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin E and phenols, the same compounds found in grapes, because the olive oil is less processed.



 The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil



By: Maggie VandenBrekel


"Coconut oil is the healthiest oil on earth" says Dr. Bruce Fife, a naturopathic doctor and the author of "The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil."


Modern research backs up this bold statement. Once wrongly accused of increasing cholesterol levels, coconut oil is now actually being used by doctors in the treatment of a variety of disorders.


Clinical studies have shown that coconut oil has anti-microbial and anti-viral properties, and is now even being used in treating AIDS patients. Studies conducted in the Philippines last year showed that coconut oil does indeed reduce the viral load in AIDS patients.


Once mistakenly thought to be bad because of its saturated fat content, coconut oil is now known to contain a unique form of saturated fat that actually helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and hardening of the arteries.

The saturated fat in coconut oil is unlike the fat found in meat or other vegetable fats.  It is identical to a special group of fats found in human breast milk that have been shown to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and protect against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.  These fats, derived from coconut oil, are now routinely used in hospital IV formulations and commercial baby formulas.  They're also used in sports drinks to boost energy and enhance athletic performance.


Virgin Coconut Oil is a product that can rightly be called a “neutriceutical†because of its ability to help a number of health problems - substantiated by the abundant positive research that has been carried out on it.  Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D (Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University) had this to say about the value of lauric oils (contained in virgin coconut oil).  "Never before in the history of man is it so important to emphasize the value of Lauric Oils.  The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother's milk and have similar nutriceutical effects.â€


Coconut oil has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of years as both a food and a medicine.  Even today it holds a highly respected position in the Ayurvedic medicine of India.  Only recently has modern medical research confirmed the many health benefits traditionally attributed to this remarkable oil.


Another incredible fact about coconut oil is that even though it is a fat, it actually promotes weight loss!! The reason is again because of the healthy medium chain fatty acids. These fatty acids do not circulate in the bloodstream like other fats, but are sent directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy, just like carbohydrates. So the body uses the fat in coconut oil to produce energy, rather than be stored as body fat.


Medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also speed up the body’s metabolism, burning more calories and promoting weight loss. The weight-loss effects of coconut oil have been clearly demonstrated by many researchers.  They offer wonderful health benefits and are nowhere found more abundantly in nature outside coconut oil. For the hypothyroid sufferer the medium chain fats rev up the body's sluggish metabolism and promote weight loss as well.


So how much coconut oil should one consume? A good therapeutic dosage is 3 to 4 tablespoons a day. This provides enough lauric acid to build the immune system. Also, look for unrefined coconut oil. Stay away from all hydrogenated oils, whether it is coconut oil or vegetable oils. Hydrogenated oils are oils with trans fatty acids, which have been altered from their original chemical composition, and have been shown to raise serum cholesterol levels that can lead to heart disease. Also look for unrefined coconut oils, like Virgin Coconut Oil. Most commercial coconut oils are RBD (refined, bleached, and deodorized). While these RBD oils do in many cases maintain the beneficial chemical structures of the medium chain fatty acids, they also contain chemicals used in processing.


Coconut oil has been called "the healthiest dietary oil on earth".  If you're not using coconut oil for your daily cooking and body care needs you're missing out on one of nature's most amazing health products.






By Maggie VandenBrekel E-Publishing





-Beth S.




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I also want to add that the link given below provided by Beth regarding coconut oil contains a lot of information from the Weston Price Foundation. For those of you not familiar with The Weston Price Foundation, it is an organization whose teaching are based on the dietary advice of dentist Weston Price who died in 1948 and who was a BIG TIME advocate of meat and diary products.



In a message dated 7/8/09 9:22:21 AM, wgjii writes:


I think Dr. McDougall may be on to something regarding oils. I'm not convinced that getting fat from highly processed sources is the best way to get your healthy fat. I don't know for sure but he might be right about getting your fat from things like avocados, nuts and seeds (including flax seeds for your omega 3's). From what I have read, healthy fat is important but I think if you eat TOO MUCH fat it will make you fat and that is not healthy.

It sounds like the myths about low fats diets that you state below are based on diets that include a lot of very unhealthy highly processed nutrient deficient foods such as "low fat cakes" and "low fat ice cream" for example, that can be found in many conventional supermarkets. These types of foods are high in calories, unhealthy and will not help anyone to lose weight. I don't think it's fair to compare low fat diets that are made up highly processed foods to high fat diets. In fact it's very misleading and harmful to make such statements. Dr. McDougall does not recommend eating these type of foods. He does recommend eating a low fat diet made up of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes and on that type of diet it is easy to lose weight and be healthy at the same time. Dr. McDougall also says that eating coconut products in small amounts is fine by the way. I think it would only be fair to compare a high fiber low fat diet made up of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes to diet that contains large amounts of highly processed fats such as olive oil, etc.

Dr. McDougall has helped a lot of people to lose weight AND to eat a healthy vegan diet. I also think that he's on to something when he says that "people love to hear good things about their bad habits" and I think a lot of people try to exploit that fact. I also think it's important to not get into the victim syndrome.




In a message dated 7/8/09 8:32:30 AM, bcs_mail (AT) (DOT) In a messa





I found McDougall'I found McDougall'<wbr>s discouragement of the use of olive oil to be harmful since it is an extremely healthy source of "good" fat (see excerpt below).  I also found McDougall's use of the word "fat" to describe people who have body types that are not stereotypically "skinny", to be somewhat offensive (especially to women who have naturally higher body fat percentages than men and who have to constantly fight against media images glorify

I believe his characterization of fats such as olive oil as the cause for obesity is incorrect (see excerpts below).  It is essential for our health to make sure we obtain healthy fats, especially women.  Fats can help us feel satiated allowing for less intake of calories even though fats are more calorically dense than carbs or protein.  Omega 3 fats are especially deficient in U.S. diets, even in vegan diets (found in hemp, flax, chia and small amounts in walnuts).  For people who do not convert Omega 3 fats into EPA/DHA (important for memory and focus), you can get algae based EPA/DHA from http://www.v- http://w.  Below I have pasted excerpts on the health benefits of olive oil, coconut oil, and the myths about fats.  Also remember, if you are cooking with olive oil not to cook above medium heat because that can destroy the healthy fats.  Coconut oil is the most heat resistant of the vegan fats.

Myths and facts about fats and oils

Myth: Eating a low-fat Diet is the best way to curb obesity.



     •     The obesity rates for Americans have doubled in the last 20 years, coinciding with the advent of the low-fat revolution.

     •     In the 1960s, Americans ate 45% of their calories from fat – and only 13% of us were obese. Now, while most of us get only about 33% of our calories from fat, 34% of us qualify as obese!


Low–fat diets are essential to help you lose weight



     •     Ironically, cutting fat out of our diets seems to have the opposite effect: while Americans have been eating less fat, we’ve been gettingfatter. In place of fats, many people turn to foods full of easily digested carbohydrates, or to fat-free products that replace healthful fats with sugar and high-calorie, refined carbohydrates.

     •     You need to cut calories to lose weight - fats are more filling, and curbing hunger can stop you from indulging in additional calories.

     •     The 2006 Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial showed that women on low-fat diets didn't lose any more weight than women who followed their usual diets.


Healthy fats are essential to good health

The human body uses fatty acids to do everything from building cell membranes to performing key functions in the brain, eyes, and lungs. The functions of fats include:


     •     Brain – Fats compose 60% of the brain and are essential to brain function, including learning abilities, memory retention and moods. Fats are especially important for pregnant women, since they are integral to fetal brain development.

     •     Cells – Fatty acids help your cells stay moveable and flexible, as well as being responsible for building cell membranes.

     •     Heart – 60% of our heart’s energy comes from burning fats. Specific fats are also used to help keep the heart beating in a regular rhythm.

     •     Nerves – Fats compose the material that insulates and protects the nerves, isolating electrical impulses and speeding their transmission.

     •     Lungs – Lung surfactant, which requires a high concentration of saturated fats, enables the lungs to work and keeps them from collapsing.

     •     Eyes – Fats are essential to eye function.

     •     Digestion – Fats in a meal slow down the digestion process so the body has more time to absorb nutrients, and help provide a constant level of energy and keeps the body satiated for longer periods of time. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) can only be absorbed if fat is present.

     •     Organs – Fats cushion and protect your internal organs.

     •     Immune System – Fats ease inflammation, helping your metabolism and immune system stay healthy and functioning


http://www.helpguid http://www http://www http://w

Health Benefits of Organic Olive Oil

Organic olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, and is considered a good fatty acid (high density lipoproteins, HDLs) protect against bad cholesterol, or low density lipoproteins (LDLs).

Delicious organic olive oil contains all the vitamins and nutrients of the olive fruit, and if you get a premium organic olive oil, it will taste better and have a full aroma.

Organic olive oil is also filled with antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients that may protect you against illnesses. Studies have shown that organic olive oil can help:


     •     Protect You from Heart Disease [1]

     •     Promote Healthy Digestion [2]

     •     Ease the Symptoms of Ulcers & Gastritis [3] [4]

     •     Lower Gallstone Formation [5]

     •     Balance the Fatty Acids in Your Body [6]



Scientific studies show that people eating two tablespoons of virgin organic olive oil daily for one week show less oxidation of LDLs and higher levels of antioxidants in their blood.

If you use extra virgin organic olive oil, you will benefit from higher levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin E and phenols, the same compounds found in grapes, because the olive oil is less processed.

http://www.globalhe http://www http://www. http://www. http://ww http://


 The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil





By: Maggie VandenBrekel



"Coconut oil is the healthiest oil on earth" says Dr. Bruce Fife, a naturopathic doctor and the author of "The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil."


Modern research backs up this bold statement. Once wrongly accused of increasing cholesterol levels, coconut oil is now actually being used by doctors in the treatment of a variety of disorders.


Clinical studies have shown that coconut oil has anti-microbial and anti-viral properties, and is now even being used in treating AIDS patients. Studies conducted in the Philippines last year showed that coconut oil does indeed reduce the viral load in AIDS patients.


Once mistakenly thought to be bad because of its saturated fat content, coconut oil is now known to contain a unique form of saturated fat that actually helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and hardening of the arteries.

The saturated fat in coconut oil is unlike the fat found in meat or other vegetable fats.  It is identical to a special group of fats found in human breast milk that have been shown to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and protect against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.  These fats, derived from coconut oil, are now routinely used in hospital IV formulations and commercial baby formulas.  They're also used in sports drinks to boost energy and enhance athletic performance.


Virgin Coconut Oil is a product that can rightly be called a “neutriceutical†because of its ability to help a number of health problems - substantiated by the abundant positive research that has been carried out on it.  Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D (Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University) had this to say about the value of lauric oils (contained in virgin coconut oil).  "Never before in the history of man is it so important to emphasize the value of Lauric Oils.  The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother's milk and have similar nutriceutical effects.â€


Coconut oil has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of years as both a food and a medicine.  Even today it holds a highly respected position in the Ayurvedic medicine of India.  Only recently has modern medical research confirmed the many health benefits traditionally attributed to this remarkable oil.


Another incredible fact about coconut oil is that even though it is a fat, it actually promotes weight loss!! The reason is again because of the healthy medium chain fatty acids. These fatty acids do not circulate in the bloodstream like other fats, but are sent directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy, just like carbohydrates. So the body uses the fat in coconut oil to produce energy, rather than be stored as body fat.


Medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also speed up the body’s metabolism, burning more calories and promoting weight loss. The weight-loss effects of coconut oil have been clearly demonstrated by many researchers.  They offer wonderful health benefits and are nowhere found more abundantly in nature outside coconut oil. For the hypothyroid sufferer the medium chain fats rev up the body's sluggish metabolism and promote weight loss as well.


So how much coconut oil should one consume? A good therapeutic dosage is 3 to 4 tablespoons a day. This provides enough lauric acid to build the immune system. Also, look for unrefined coconut oil. Stay away from all hydrogenated oils, whether it is coconut oil or vegetable oils. Hydrogenated oils are oils with trans fatty acids, which have been altered from their original chemical composition, and have been shown to raise serum cholesterol levels that can lead to heart disease. Also look for unrefined coconut oils, like Virgin Coconut Oil. Most commercial coconut oils are RBD (refined, bleached, and deodorized). While these RBD oils do in many cases maintain the beneficial chemical structures of the medium chain fatty acids, they also contain chemicals used in processing.


Coconut oil has been called "the healthiest dietary oil on earth".  If you're not using coconut oil for your daily cooking and body care needs you're missing out on one of nature's most amazing health products.






By Maggie VandenBrekel E-Publishing





-Beth S.




**************Popular laptop deals plus free shipping! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100126575x1221917659x1201411421/aol?redir=http:%2F%2Faltfarm.mediaplex.com%2Fad%2Fck%2F12309%2D81939%2D1629%2D2)

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I agree with Dr. McDougall about oils. Oils are not whole foods. We

have to extract them from plants. They are pure fat without the fiber

and all the other good things in the plant. If you want the good fat

in olives then eat olives. Whole foods ( avocados, nuts, seeds) are

best. But I don't think we should overdo it with those either. The

fact that olive oil is a huge health craze doesn't make it true. Fish

oil and salmon are also huge health crazes now. I read Andrew Weil's

recommended diet which had more servings each day of healthy fats

(7-8) than fruits and vegtables (4-5). If that was not a misprint,

I'm very surprised and not going for it. I ate very high quality

truely raw olive oil liberally for years thinking it was health food.

But I have changed my mind about it due to reading Dr. Mcdougall and

others. I think it is worth looking into and decidng for yourself and

not just believing all the hype. Although I have been a vegan for a

long time and eating really well, my cholesterol was higher than I

wanted it to be, although good by mainstream standards. Perhaps all

the olive oil was the reason. I haven't tested it since I made the

change but I will see.



On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 10:23 AM, <wgjii wrote:



> I also want to add that the link given below provided by Beth regarding

> coconut oil contains a lot of information from the Weston Price Foundation.

> For those of you not familiar with The Weston Price Foundation, it is an

> organization whose teaching are based on the dietary advice of dentist

> Weston Price who died in 1948 and who was a BIG TIME advocate of meat and

> diary products.


> Warren

> I think Dr. McDougall may be on to something regarding oils. I'm not

> convinced that getting fat from highly processed sources is the best way to

> get your healthy fat. I don't know for sure but he might be right about

> getting your fat from things like avocados, nuts and seeds (including flax

> seeds for your omega 3's). From what I have read, healthy fat is important

> but I think if you eat TOO MUCH fat it will make you fat and that is not

> healthy.

> It sounds like the myths about low fats diets that you state below are based

> on diets that include a lot of very unhealthy highly processed nutrient

> deficient foods such as " low fat cakes " and " low fat ice cream " for example,

> that can be found in many conventional supermarkets. These types of foods

> are high in calories, unhealthy and will not help anyone to lose weight. I

> don't think it's fair to compare low fat diets that are made up highly

> processed foods to high fat diets. In fact it's very misleading and harmful

> to make such statements. Dr. McDougall does not recommend eating these type

> of foods. He does recommend eating a low fat diet made up of whole grains,

> vegetables, fruits and legumes and on that type of diet it is easy to lose

> weight and be healthy at the same time. Dr. McDougall also says that eating

> coconut products in small amounts is fine by the way. I think it would only

> be fair to compare a high fiber low fat diet made up of whole grains,

> vegetables, fruits and legumes to diet that contains large amounts of highly

> processed fats such as olive oil, etc.

> Dr. McDougall has helped a lot of people to lose weight AND to eat a healthy

> vegan diet. I also think that he's on to something when he says that " people

> love to hear good things about their bad habits " and I think a lot of people

> try to exploit that fact. I also think it's important to not get into the

> victim syndrome.


> Warren


> In a message dated 7/8/09 8:32:30 AM, bcs_mail (AT) (DOT) In a messa





> I found McDougall'I found McDougall'<wbr>s discouragement of the use of

> olive oil to be harmful since it is an extremely healthy source of " good "

> fat (see excerpt below).  I also found McDougall's use of the word " fat " to

> describe people who have body types that are not stereotypically " skinny " ,

> to be somewhat offensive (especially to women who have naturally higher body

> fat percentages than men and who have to constantly fight against media

> images glorify

> I believe his characterization of fats such as olive oil as the cause for

> obesity is incorrect (see excerpts below).  It is essential for our health

> to make sure we obtain healthy fats, especially women.  Fats can help us

> feel satiated allowing for less intake of calories even though fats are more

> calorically dense than carbs or protein.  Omega 3 fats are especially

> deficient in U.S. diets, even in vegan diets (found in hemp, flax, chia and

> small amounts in walnuts).  For people who do not convert Omega 3 fats into

> EPA/DHA (important for memory and focus), you can get algae based EPA/DHA

> from http://www.v- http://w.  Below I have pasted excerpts on the health

> benefits of olive oil, coconut oil, and the myths about fats.  Also

> remember, if you are cooking with olive oil not to cook above medium heat

> because that can destroy the healthy fats.  Coconut oil is the most heat

> resistant of the vegan fats.

> Myths and facts about fats and oils

> Myth: Eating a low-fat Diet is the best way to curb obesity.

> Facts:


>      •     The obesity rates for Americans have doubled in the last 20

> years, coinciding with the advent of the low-fat revolution.

>      •     In the 1960s, Americans ate 45% of their calories from fat – and

> only 13% of us were obese. Now, while most of us get only about 33% of our

> calories from fat, 34% of us qualify as obese!


> Low–fat diets are essential to help you lose weight

> Facts:


>      •     Ironically, cutting fat out of our diets seems to have the

> opposite effect: while Americans have been eating less fat, we’ve been

> gettingfatter. In place of fats, many people turn to foods full of easily

> digested carbohydrates, or to fat-free products that replace healthful fats

> with sugar and high-calorie, refined carbohydrates.

>      •     You need to cut calories to lose weight - fats are more filling,

> and curbing hunger can stop you from indulging in additional calories.

>      •     The 2006 Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial

> showed that women on low-fat diets didn't lose any more weight than women

> who followed their usual diets.


> Healthy fats are essential to good health

> The human body uses fatty acids to do everything from building cell

> membranes to performing key functions in the brain, eyes, and lungs. The

> functions of fats include:


>      •     Brain – Fats compose 60% of the brain and are essential to brain

> function, including learning abilities, memory retention and moods. Fats are

> especially important for pregnant women, since they are integral to fetal

> brain development.

>      •     Cells – Fatty acids help your cells stay moveable and flexible,

> as well as being responsible for building cell membranes.

>      •     Heart – 60% of our heart’s energy comes from burning fats.

> Specific fats are also used to help keep the heart beating in a regular

> rhythm.

>      •     Nerves – Fats compose the material that insulates and protects

> the nerves, isolating electrical impulses and speeding their transmission.

>      •     Lungs – Lung surfactant, which requires a high concentration of

> saturated fats, enables the lungs to work and keeps them from collapsing.

>      •     Eyes – Fats are essential to eye function.

>      •     Digestion – Fats in a meal slow down the digestion process so the

> body has more time to absorb nutrients, and help provide a constant level of

> energy and keeps the body satiated for longer periods of time. Fat-soluble

> vitamins (A, D, E, and K) can only be absorbed if fat is present.

>      •     Organs – Fats cushion and protect your internal organs.

>      •     Immune System – Fats ease inflammation, helping your metabolism

> and immune system stay healthy and functioning


> http://www.helpguid http://www http://www http://w

> Health Benefits of Organic Olive Oil

> Organic olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, and is considered a good fatty

> acid (high density lipoproteins, HDLs) protect against bad cholesterol, or

> low density lipoproteins (LDLs).

> Delicious organic olive oil contains all the vitamins and nutrients of the

> olive fruit, and if you get a premium organic olive oil, it will taste

> better and have a full aroma.

> Organic olive oil is also filled with antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients

> that may protect you against illnesses. Studies have shown that organic

> olive oil can help:


>      •     Protect You from Heart Disease [1]

>      •     Promote Healthy Digestion [2]

>      •     Ease the Symptoms of Ulcers & Gastritis [3] [4]

>      •     Lower Gallstone Formation [5]

>      •     Balance the Fatty Acids in Your Body [6]



> Scientific studies show that people eating two tablespoons of virgin organic

> olive oil daily for one week show less oxidation of LDLs and higher levels

> of antioxidants in their blood.

> If you use extra virgin organic olive oil, you will benefit from higher

> levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin E and phenols, the same compounds

> found in grapes, because the olive oil is less processed.

> http://www.globalhe http://www http://www. http://www. http://ww http://


>  The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil





> By: Maggie VandenBrekel



> " Coconut oil is the healthiest oil on earth " says Dr. Bruce Fife, a

> naturopathic doctor and the author of " The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil. "


> Modern research backs up this bold statement. Once wrongly accused of

> increasing cholesterol levels, coconut oil is now actually being used by

> doctors in the treatment of a variety of disorders.


> Clinical studies have shown that coconut oil has anti-microbial and

> anti-viral properties, and is now even being used in treating AIDS patients.

> Studies conducted in the Philippines last year showed that coconut oil does

> indeed reduce the viral load in AIDS patients.


> Once mistakenly thought to be bad because of its saturated fat content,

> coconut oil is now known to contain a unique form of saturated fat that

> actually helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and hardening of the arteries.

> The saturated fat in coconut oil is unlike the fat found in meat or other

> vegetable fats.  It is identical to a special group of fats found in human

> breast milk that have been shown to improve digestion, strengthen the immune

> system, and protect against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.  These

> fats, derived from coconut oil, are now routinely used in hospital IV

> formulations and commercial baby formulas.  They're also used in sports

> drinks to boost energy and enhance athletic performance.


> Virgin Coconut Oil is a product that can rightly be called a

> “neutriceutical” because of its ability to help a number of health problems

> - substantiated by the abundant positive research that has been carried out

> on it.  Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D (Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University)

> had this to say about the value of lauric oils (contained in virgin coconut

> oil).  " Never before in the history of man is it so important to emphasize

> the value of Lauric Oils.  The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar

> to fats in mother's milk and have similar nutriceutical effects.”


> Coconut oil has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of

> years as both a food and a medicine.  Even today it holds a highly respected

> position in the Ayurvedic medicine of India.  Only recently has modern

> medical research confirmed the many health benefits traditionally attributed

> to this remarkable oil.


> Another incredible fact about coconut oil is that even though it is a fat,

> it actually promotes weight loss!! The reason is again because of the

> healthy medium chain fatty acids. These fatty acids do not circulate in the

> bloodstream like other fats, but are sent directly to the liver where they

> are immediately converted into energy, just like carbohydrates. So the body

> uses the fat in coconut oil to produce energy, rather than be stored as body

> fat.


> Medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also speed up the body’s

> metabolism, burning more calories and promoting weight loss. The weight-loss

> effects of coconut oil have been clearly demonstrated by many researchers.

> They offer wonderful health benefits and are nowhere found more abundantly

> in nature outside coconut oil. For the hypothyroid sufferer the medium chain

> fats rev up the body's sluggish metabolism and promote weight loss as well.


> So how much coconut oil should one consume? A good therapeutic dosage is 3

> to 4 tablespoons a day. This provides enough lauric acid to build the immune

> system. Also, look for unrefined coconut oil. Stay away from all

> hydrogenated oils, whether it is coconut oil or vegetable oils. Hydrogenated

> oils are oils with trans fatty acids, which have been altered from their

> original chemical composition, and have been shown to raise serum

> cholesterol levels that can lead to heart disease. Also look for unrefined

> coconut oils, like Virgin Coconut Oil. Most commercial coconut oils are RBD

> (refined, bleached, and deodorized). While these RBD oils do in many cases

> maintain the beneficial chemical structures of the medium chain fatty acids,

> they also contain chemicals used in processing.


> Coconut oil has been called " the healthiest dietary oil on earth " .  If

> you're not using coconut oil for your daily cooking and body care needs

> you're missing out on one of nature's most amazing health products.





> Bio:

> By Maggie VandenBrekel E-Publishing

> http://www.coconut-http://www.http

> info@coconut-info@coconut-<w



> -Beth S.


> Popular laptop deals plus free shipping!





> In a message dated 7/8/09 9:22:21 AM, wgjii writes:







" The thinking (person) must oppose all cruel customs, no matter how

deeply rooted in tradition and surrounded by a halo. When we have a

choice, we must avoid bringing torment and injury into the life of

another. "

Albert Schweitzer

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On Jul 8, 2009, at 9:21 AM, WgjII wrote:


> I think Dr. McDougall may be on to something regarding oils. I'm not

> convinced that getting fat from highly processed sources is the best

> way to get your healthy fat. I don't know for sure but he might be

> right about getting your fat from things like avocados, nuts and

> seeds (including flax seeds for your omega 3's). From what I have

> read, healthy fat is important but I think if you eat TOO MUCH fat

> it will make you fat and that is not healthy.


Again I think this deserves to be repeated. I think there's an

unfortunate mythology that because we're eating " good fats " , that more

is better. Or at least, that overdoing it isn't something to worry

about. But even if we're not consciously trying to gorge ourselves on

fats, the brain tends to desire more fat than we actually need. So,

combined with a belief that our fats are " good " and their fats are

" bad " , it can be easy for vegans to overdo it despite our best

efforts. Especially now, when we're surrounded by baked goods, filled

with all those delicious " good fats " . :)


I know a fair number of vegans who once d to this belief, and

eventually found themselves wondering why they're 20-30 (or more)

pounds heavier than they remember. This especially happens after

vegans leave their 20s, the age when people's metabolisms naturally

start to slow down.


But why believe Dr. McDougall? Go see a good veggie-friendly

nutritionist, and they'll look at your lifestyle and level of physical

fitness, and give you a real recommendation of what you should be


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I put in my 2 cents about oils but I would like to say a bit more.

I've been reading the emails that started with Dr. McDougalls " Fat

Vegan " article. I get why people are offended. I do think the

article is insensitive and unkind. What is unfortunate is that now Dr.

McDougall has alienated people and his nutrition message will probably

be dismissed. It is also unfortunate to see vegans fighting. Of course

this isn't the only time that I've seen this and it always makes me

feel bad.


I am vegan out of conviction, compassion and the belief that everyone

should be treated with respect and kindness. I also am very health

conscious. I watched my mother suffer due to a terrible diet and

unhealthy lifestyle. I think that Dr. McDougall's nutrition

information is excellent. I have read several of his books and

articles. He had a lot of health problems and had a stroke at a very

early age before he changed his diet and learned about nutrition. He

has helped many seriously ill people regain their health and he does

promote eating no animal foods. I wish his article was called " the

Unhealthy Vegan' and written differently. Maybe then people would have

been able to hear him. He does want to help people to be healthier.


Even though I understand why people were hurt an offended, I don't

like to see personal attacks. It is better to have civil discussions

about disagreements. I thought some of the angry emails also were



That's all for now.




Wishing everybody on both sides of this disagreement all the best!!!!!!






On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Steve Simitzis<steve wrote:




> On Jul 8, 2009, at 9:21 AM, WgjII wrote:


>> I think Dr. McDougall may be on to something regarding oils. I'm not

>> convinced that getting fat from highly processed sources is the best

>> way to get your healthy fat. I don't know for sure but he might be

>> right about getting your fat from things like avocados, nuts and

>> seeds (including flax seeds for your omega 3's). From what I have

>> read, healthy fat is important but I think if you eat TOO MUCH fat

>> it will make you fat and that is not healthy.


> Again I think this deserves to be repeated. I think there's an

> unfortunate mythology that because we're eating " good fats " , that more

> is better. Or at least, that overdoing it isn't something to worry

> about. But even if we're not consciously trying to gorge ourselves on

> fats, the brain tends to desire more fat than we actually need. So,

> combined with a belief that our fats are " good " and their fats are

> " bad " , it can be easy for vegans to overdo it despite our best

> efforts. Especially now, when we're surrounded by baked goods, filled

> with all those delicious " good fats " . :)


> I know a fair number of vegans who once d to this belief, and

> eventually found themselves wondering why they're 20-30 (or more)

> pounds heavier than they remember. This especially happens after

> vegans leave their 20s, the age when people's metabolisms naturally

> start to slow down.


> But why believe Dr. McDougall? Go see a good veggie-friendly

> nutritionist, and they'll look at your lifestyle and level of physical

> fitness, and give you a real recommendation of what you should be

> eating.







" The thinking (person) must oppose all cruel customs, no matter how

deeply rooted in tradition and surrounded by a halo. When we have a

choice, we must avoid bringing torment and injury into the life of

another. "

Albert Schweitzer

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The Weston Price Foundation does promote meat-eating which, as a vegan, I obviously disagree with. But they also have some really good nutritional information and research on non-animal products (without animal-testing), particularly on the benefits of coconut oil. You can purchase organic olive or coconut oil that is cold-pressed and does not involved chemical processing. McDougall suggests replacing olive oil with "low fat" dressings, which often are highly processed. Vitamins such as A,D,E, and K from your salad may not be absorbed without sufficient fat. Obviously nuts and seeds are great sources of fats (flax; chia and hemp being important sources of Omega 3s as I already mentioned ). Also remember to soak your nuts and seeds when possible for 4 to 6 hours to leach out

enzyme-inhibitors that can interfere with digestion (or soak in bulk and then dehydrate). I already mentioned that fats have more calories than protein or carbohydrates so one does not want to overdo fats.


Beth S.


--- On Wed, 7/8/09, wgjii <wgjii wrote:

wgjii <wgjiiRe: The importance of Fats Re: Appearance and AdvocacyWgjIICc: Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 1:23 PM



I also want to add that the link given below provided by Beth regarding coconut oil contains a lot of information from the Weston Price Foundation. For those of you not familiar with The Weston Price Foundation, it is an organization whose teaching are based on the dietary advice of dentist Weston Price who died in 1948 and who was a BIG TIME advocate of meat and diary products. WarrenIn a message dated 7/8/09 9:22:21 AM, wgjii writes:

I think Dr. McDougall may be on to something regarding oils. I'm not convinced that getting fat from highly processed sources is the best way to get your healthy fat. I don't know for sure but he might be right about getting your fat from things like avocados, nuts and seeds (including flax seeds for your omega 3's). From what I have read, healthy fat is important but I think if you eat TOO MUCH fat it will make you fat and that is not healthy.It sounds like the myths about low fats diets that you state below are based on diets that include a lot of very unhealthy highly processed nutrient deficient foods such as "low fat cakes" and "low fat ice cream" for example, that can be found in many conventional supermarkets. These types of foods are high in calories, unhealthy and will not help anyone to lose weight. I don't think it's fair to compare low

fat diets that are made up highly processed foods to high fat diets. In fact it's very misleading and harmful to make such statements. Dr. McDougall does not recommend eating these type of foods. He does recommend eating a low fat diet made up of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes and on that type of diet it is easy to lose weight and be healthy at the same time. Dr. McDougall also says that eating coconut products in small amounts is fine by the way. I think it would only be fair to compare a high fiber low fat diet made up of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes to diet that contains large amounts of highly processed fats such as olive oil, etc.Dr. McDougall has helped a lot of people to lose weight AND to eat a healthy vegan diet. I also think that he's on to something when he says that "people love to hear good things about their bad habits" and I think a lot of people try to exploit that fact. I also think it's important to

not get into the victim syndrome.WarrenIn a message dated 7/8/09 8:32:30 AM, bcs_mail (AT) (DOT) In a messaI found McDougall' I found McDougall'<wbr>s discouragement of the use of olive oil to be harmful since it is an extremely healthy source of "good" fat (see excerpt below). I also found McDougall's use of the word "fat" to describe people who have body types that are not stereotypically "skinny", to be somewhat offensive (especially to women who have naturally higher body fat percentages than men and who have to constantly fight against media images glorifyI believe his characterization of fats such as olive oil as the

cause for obesity is incorrect (see excerpts below). It is essential for our health to make sure we obtain healthy fats, especially women. Fats can help us feel satiated allowing for less intake of calories even though fats are more calorically dense than carbs or protein. Omega 3 fats are especially deficient in U.S. diets, even in vegan diets (found in hemp, flax, chia and small amounts in walnuts). For people who do not convert Omega 3 fats into EPA/DHA (important for memory and focus), you can get algae based EPA/DHA from http://www.v- http://w. Below I have pasted excerpts on the health benefits of olive oil, coconut oil, and the myths about fats. Also remember, if you are cooking with olive

oil not to cook above medium heat because that can destroy the healthy fats. Coconut oil is the most heat resistant of the vegan fats.Myths and facts about fats and oilsMyth: Eating a low-fat Diet is the best way to curb obesity.Facts: • The obesity rates for Americans have doubled in the last 20 years, coinciding with the advent of the low-fat revolution. • In the 1960s, Americans ate 45% of their calories from fat – and only 13% of us were obese. Now, while most of us get only about 33% of our calories from fat, 34% of us qualify as obese!Low–fat diets are essential to help you lose weightFacts: • Ironically, cutting fat out of our diets

seems to have the opposite effect: while Americans have been eating less fat, we’ve been gettingfatter. In place of fats, many people turn to foods full of easily digested carbohydrates, or to fat-free products that replace healthful fats with sugar and high-calorie, refined carbohydrates. • You need to cut calories to lose weight - fats are more filling, and curbing hunger can stop you from indulging in additional calories. • The 2006 Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial showed that women on low-fat diets didn't lose any more weight than women who followed their usual

diets.Healthy fats are essential to good healthThe human body uses fatty acids to do everything from building cell membranes to performing key functions in the brain, eyes, and lungs. The functions of fats include: • Brain – Fats compose 60% of the brain and are essential to brain function, including learning abilities, memory retention and moods. Fats are especially important for pregnant women, since they are

integral to fetal brain development. • Cells – Fatty acids help your cells stay moveable and flexible, as well as being responsible for building cell membranes. • Heart – 60% of our heart’s energy comes from burning fats. Specific fats are also used to help keep the heart beating in a regular rhythm. • Nerves – Fats compose the material that insulates and protects the nerves, isolating electrical impulses

and speeding their transmission. • Lungs – Lung surfactant, which requires a high concentration of saturated fats, enables the lungs to work and keeps them from collapsing. • Eyes – Fats are essential to eye function. • Digestion – Fats in a meal slow down the digestion

process so the body has more time to absorb nutrients, and help provide a constant level of energy and keeps the body satiated for longer periods of time. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) can only be absorbed if fat is present. • Organs – Fats cushion and protect your internal organs. • Immune System – Fats ease inflammation, helping your metabolism and immune system stay healthy and functioninghttp://www.helpguid http://www http://www http://wHealth Benefits of Organic Olive OilOrganic olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, and is considered a good fatty acid (high density lipoproteins, HDLs) protect against bad cholesterol, or low density lipoproteins (LDLs).Delicious organic olive oil contains all the vitamins and nutrients of the olive fruit, and if you get a premium organic olive oil, it will taste better and have a full aroma.Organic olive oil is also filled with antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients that may protect you against illnesses. Studies have shown that organic olive oil can help:

• Protect You from Heart Disease [1] • Promote Healthy Digestion [2] • Ease the Symptoms of Ulcers & Gastritis [3] [4] • Lower Gallstone Formation [5] • Balance the Fatty Acids in Your Body [6]Scientific studies show that people eating two tablespoons of virgin organic olive oil daily for one week show less oxidation of LDLs and higher levels of antioxidants in their blood.If you use extra virgin organic olive oil, you will benefit from higher levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin E and phenols, the same compounds found in grapes,

because the olive oil is less processed.http://www.globalhe http://www http://www. http://www. http://ww http:// The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

By: Maggie VandenBrekel

"Coconut oil is the healthiest oil on earth" says Dr. Bruce Fife, a naturopathic doctor and the author of "The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil."Modern research backs up this bold statement. Once wrongly accused of increasing cholesterol levels, coconut oil is now actually being used by doctors in the treatment of a variety of disorders.Clinical studies have shown that coconut oil has anti-microbial and anti-viral properties, and is now even being used in treating AIDS patients. Studies conducted in the Philippines last year showed that coconut oil does indeed reduce the viral load in AIDS patients.Once mistakenly thought to be bad because of its saturated fat content, coconut oil is now known to contain a unique form of saturated fat that actually helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and hardening of the arteries.The saturated fat in coconut oil is

unlike the fat found in meat or other vegetable fats. It is identical to a special group of fats found in human breast milk that have been shown to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and protect against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. These fats, derived from coconut oil, are now routinely used in hospital IV formulations and commercial baby formulas. They're also used in sports drinks to boost energy and enhance athletic performance.Virgin Coconut Oil is a product that can rightly be called a “neutriceutical†because of its ability to help a number of health problems - substantiated by the abundant positive research that has been carried out on it. Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D (Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University) had this to say about the value of lauric oils (contained in virgin coconut oil). "Never before in the history of man is it so important to emphasize the value of Lauric

Oils. The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother's milk and have similar nutriceutical effects.â€Coconut oil has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of years as both a food and a medicine. Even today it holds a highly respected position in the Ayurvedic medicine of India. Only recently has modern medical research confirmed the many health benefits traditionally attributed to this remarkable oil.Another incredible fact about coconut oil is that even though it is a fat, it actually promotes weight loss!! The reason is again because of the healthy medium chain fatty acids. These fatty acids do not circulate in the bloodstream like other fats, but are sent directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy, just like carbohydrates. So the body uses the fat in coconut oil to produce energy, rather than be stored as body fat.Medium chain fatty acids

found in coconut oil also speed up the body’s metabolism, burning more calories and promoting weight loss. The weight-loss effects of coconut oil have been clearly demonstrated by many researchers. They offer wonderful health benefits and are nowhere found more abundantly in nature outside coconut oil. For the hypothyroid sufferer the medium chain fats rev up the body's sluggish metabolism and promote weight loss as well.So how much coconut oil should one consume? A good therapeutic dosage is 3 to 4 tablespoons a day. This provides enough lauric acid to build the immune system. Also, look for unrefined coconut oil. Stay away from all hydrogenated oils, whether it is coconut oil or vegetable oils. Hydrogenated oils are oils with trans fatty acids, which have been altered from their original chemical composition, and have been shown to raise serum cholesterol levels that can lead to heart disease. Also look for unrefined coconut oils, like

Virgin Coconut Oil. Most commercial coconut oils are RBD (refined, bleached, and deodorized). While these RBD oils do in many cases maintain the beneficial chemical structures of the medium chain fatty acids, they also contain chemicals used in processing. Coconut oil has been called "the healthiest dietary oil on earth". If you're not using coconut oil for your daily cooking and body care needs you're missing out on one of nature's most amazing health products.Bio: By Maggie VandenBrekel E-Publishinghttp://www.coconut- http://www. httpinfo@coconut- info@coconut-<w -Beth S.************ **Popular laptop deals plus free shipping! (http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100126575x122191 7659x1201411421/ aol?redir= http:%2F% 2Faltfarm. mediaplex. com%2Fad% 2Fck%2F12309% 2D81939%2D1629% 2D2)

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