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What the raw diet can do for you

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From www.alissacohen.com:

The Living & Raw Food Diet

" What the raw diet can do for you "

Imagine jumping out of bed in the morning feeling totally awake,

vibrantly alive, & healthier than you have ever felt before. No pains

no ailments, all sickness & disease are gone. Imagine having

boundless energy for every moment of the day with a clear mind & a

feeling of inner peace & calm. Imagine that you are in the best shape

of your life, with a healthy body, & free of any excess weight.

This is all possible with the raw food diet


I get up early without an alarm clock. I'll continue to get up

earlier the longer I stay raw. I feel a certain vibrancy, I can't

say I feel all that great yet. My body feels very healthy as far as

physical fitness is concerned. I have good energy throughout the

day, a lot of detox emotions going on though, they slow me down a

bit. I have some inner peace and calm, certainly a lot more than the

fear-based, anxiety-ridden emotions while eating cooked. I've lost

quite a bit of weight for me and probably have another 10 pounds to


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i am new to the raw foods list, and new to actually practicing the concept as


I'm sure everyone has heard of fresh spring rolls made with rice paper....is the

rice paper usually dehydrated or cooked rice that is dried? i'm kind of confused

as to if this would be considered a partially raw food (the entire spring roll),

or not really at all.

sorry if this is a stupid question!!!











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Hi Angel,


I hate to be a butinski, but I have two cents worth of opinion on

everything. First, welcome to the list. Second, in answer to your

question (and, of course, you know there is rarely a stupid

question), I don't know. That would take some research, maybe some

google information, that would be too difficult for me to do. I

doubt if many commercial items are dehydrated. Unless it's

specifically known to be raw, it's probably cooked as far as the vast

majority of oral intake items is concerned. My philosophy is, when

in doubt leave it out. Not an easy philosophy to live up to, it's

much more fun to experiment with every possible thing. I have to

say, I don't eat rice paper. And, sorry, there's no such thing as

partially raw food, well there is, but it's not raw. Not that

everyone here follows an all raw diet, many don't. Well, I've

rambled on enough, I hope you get a real answer to your question.


rawfood , angel A <catgrrl809> wrote:


> HI,

> i am new to the raw foods list, and new to actually practicing the

concept as well.

> I'm sure everyone has heard of fresh spring rolls made with rice

paper....is the rice paper usually dehydrated or cooked rice that is

dried? i'm kind of confused as to if this would be considered a

partially raw food (the entire spring roll), or not really at all.

> sorry if this is a stupid question!!!

> -angela

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yep. that's what i thought.

" what a total butinski. "


p.s. that's ok to have 2 cents worth on everything......

heaven knows i do.



Rawist <seconaphim wrote:


Hi Angel,


I hate to be a butinski, but I have two cents worth of opinion on

everything. First, welcome to the list. Second, in answer to your

question (and, of course, you know there is rarely a stupid

question), I don't know. That would take some research, maybe some

google information, that would be too difficult for me to do. I

doubt if many commercial items are dehydrated. Unless it's

specifically known to be raw, it's probably cooked as far as the vast

majority of oral intake items is concerned. My philosophy is, when

in doubt leave it out. Not an easy philosophy to live up to, it's

much more fun to experiment with every possible thing. I have to

say, I don't eat rice paper. And, sorry, there's no such thing as

partially raw food, well there is, but it's not raw. Not that

everyone here follows an all raw diet, many don't. Well, I've

rambled on enough, I hope you get a real answer to your question.






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Hi Angela,


Welcome to the list, and to raw foods. In answer to your question, no the rice

paper is not raw. It is a cooked product. However, as you are just starting out,

I see nothing wrong with using these as a wrapper for fresh, raw veggies. If you

need more info on how to prepare spring rolls, I can give more instructions.


Have fun with introducing more and more fresh, raw foods into your diet, and

don't be too concerned with the various " rules " at this point. The important

thing is to eat more raw! You can worry about the particulars later.


Keep asking questions, though, as this is the only way to learn.


Blessings and good health,




angel A <catgrrl809 wrote:



i am new to the raw foods list, and new to actually practicing the concept as


I'm sure everyone has heard of fresh spring rolls made with rice paper....is the

rice paper usually dehydrated or cooked rice that is dried? i'm kind of confused

as to if this would be considered a partially raw food (the entire spring roll),

or not really at all.

sorry if this is a stupid question!!!











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