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http://www.rawfoodsupport.com/read.php?f=10 & i=2632 & t=2632


Re: censorship at NFL

Author: doghouse reilly

02-22-04 14:45


Here's the post that was deleted at the rawfood.com



begin quote:


“Nature’s First Law: The Raw Food Diet” was blatantly

plagiarized (we're talking mostly word for word) from

the writings of an Armenian man living in Iran,

Arshavir Ter Hovannessian, two of whose children had

died from tragic illness. He sought out the cause of

true health and raised his third child totally raw

vegan and cured himself of many ailments. He lived a

very simple life and devoted all of his time to

spreading the message of raw foods. He gave away his

books for free, and refused to accept money for them.

Living in Iran, which was not exactly the land of

opportunity at that time, he did not have the means

and possibilities that exist in America. David Wolfe,

Stephen Arlin, and R.C. Dini chose to completely

plagiarize his masterpiece without giving a shred of

acknowledgement. They could have reprinted his book,

giving full credit, they could have concerned

themselves with the idea that perhaps the man had

family or friends, or children, in Iran who could have

benefited from the proceeds of the book, they could

have at least acknowledged their source. Instead, they

passed off as their own creativity and thought some of

the most compelling, forceful words ever written on

the subject of raw veganism. When confronted with the

fact that it was known that they did this, they at

first fiercely denied it, then invented stories about

the man being a relative of theirs, then finally

realizing that they had better include an

acknowlegement of thanks to Hovanessian, which was not

included in the first few editions of their book. They

still continue to give themselves authorship on the

cover of the book, with no credit given to

Hovanessian, when in fact the huge bulk of the book is

due to his time, his effort, and his creativity.

As I said, Hovanessian was greatly disturbed when

another man passed his work off as his own and SOLD IT

FOR MONEY. Here are some quotes from that exchange,

included in Hovanessians book " Raw Eating " .

" That unscrupulous gentleman....copies word for word

every one of the six maxims given on the cover of my

book and, together with my principal findings, inserts

the article in the February and April, 1965, issues of

the " Let's Live " Magazine as part of an article

entitled " Adventures In Raw Foods. "

Mr Reinecke oversteps the bounds of decency to such an

extent that he reserves for himself the copyrights of

the thoughts and expressions that belong to me, and

offers to sell additional information at the price of

5$ apiece....This act is a glaring offence against

international copyright laws and should be condemned

unreservedly. People should not read such a

publication as the " Lets Live " Magazine, which thrives

on the advertisements of artificial vitamins and

" dietetic " preparations.

Now, for over a decade, I have forsaken social life

and have deprived myself of every pleasure. I have

been extremely frugal in regard to the needs of my

family and myself, but have not hesitated for a moment

to spend all my savings in carrying out studies and

publishing books, 10,000 copies of which I have

already distributed free to scientific organizations

and individuals in all the corners of the earth. I

have made these sacrifices in order to show the whole

world the way to a happy and natural life, and all

along I have protested with my heart and soul against

selling such advice for money.

But today, Mr.J.M.Reinecke, making a lucrative use of

my ideas and my maxims, demands a fee of $5 to show

people how to eat natural foodstuffs! This is, indeed,

the most disturbing aspect of the question. "


--- oak1day <claire wrote:


> Some reviewers said that these new folks like Wolfe

> were too

> strident and 'just ripping off' Norman Walker's work

> and were not

> advocating enough of a calm scientific approach as

> was present at

> the beginning of the century. well, I don't know

> about that!


> oak1day




[...there'll be love and laughter,

and peace ever after,

just you wait and see...

---Vera Lynn]






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Hello all,


I've heard a lot about this, and it looks fairly overwhelming.


It seems fairly clear-cut doesn't it? Wolfe et al are money-grabbing,

unscrupulous plagiarists. Not really that surprising is it? Why

would raw-foodists be necessarily more ethical and honest than other

people? Answer: they aren't. And I say that as a raw-foodist. I've

met dishonest raw foodists, I've met saintly meat-eaters too.


I abhor the raw-food 'gurus' that charge vast amounts of money for

their services, and I pity the people who feel they need to hand over

all that money. Surely this is not the way to bring raw-foodism to

the greatest number of people possible. How about a boycott of the

gurus, and instead rely on each other here, and ourselves? And use

our own logical faculties and ingenuity for a change?


Another point. There's fairly powerful evidence that plants react to

pain and threat just as animals and humans do. If you want more

details let me know. Consequently there are those of us who need to

get off certain moral high-horses. Except the fruitarians I guess,

haha, they don't kill anything!


Love and Light,


Graeme x


rawfood , tev treowlufu <coac2002> wrote:


> http://www.rawfoodsupport.com/read.php?f=10 & i=2632 & t=2632


> Re: censorship at NFL


> Here's the post that was deleted at the rawfood.com

> forum:


> " Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet " was blatantly

> plagiarized (we're talking mostly word for word) from

> the writings of an Armenian man living in Iran,

> Arshavir Ter Hovannessian

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I agree. I am really big on sharing info, not selling what can help

people. People should publish what they have if they think that what

they have can help others.


there is a way of writing software where everything is shared and

people are allowed to contribute

it is called open source


the idea applies to knowledge and the development of it


here is a link to a earth shattering piece of literature that really

had an impact in the way software dev has been done:




I think anyone with an idea can to this way of thinking... we

are the users (raw foodists) and some of us

are developers (people who are actively searching and pioneering raw




On Feb 3, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Graeme wrote:

> I abhor the raw-food 'gurus' that charge vast amounts of money for

> their services, and I pity the people who feel they need to hand over

> all that money. Surely this is not the way to bring raw-foodism to

> the greatest number of people possible. How about a boycott of the

> gurus, and instead rely on each other here, and ourselves? And use

> our own logical faculties and ingenuity for a change?

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This is the first time that I have seen the name of John Martin Reineke

mentioned in the raw foods world in years. My mother bought the info that

he sold back in the 1960's for $5.00 and I still have the paper. What ever

happened to John Martin Reineke?






" tev treowlufu " <coac2002

<rawfood >

Thursday, 03 February, 2005 12:47 PM

[Raw Food] Caveat Emptor!





> http://www.rawfoodsupport.com/read.php?f=10 & i=2632 & t=2632


> Re: censorship at NFL

> Author: doghouse reilly

> 02-22-04 14:45


> Here's the post that was deleted at the rawfood.com

> forum:


> begin quote:


> " Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet " was blatantly

> plagiarized (we're talking mostly word for word) from

> the writings of an Armenian man living in Iran,

> Arshavir Ter Hovannessian, two of whose children had

> died from tragic illness. He sought out the cause of

> true health and raised his third child totally raw

> vegan and cured himself of many ailments. He lived a

> very simple life and devoted all of his time to

> spreading the message of raw foods. He gave away his

> books for free, and refused to accept money for them.

> Living in Iran, which was not exactly the land of

> opportunity at that time, he did not have the means

> and possibilities that exist in America. David Wolfe,

> Stephen Arlin, and R.C. Dini chose to completely

> plagiarize his masterpiece without giving a shred of

> acknowledgement. They could have reprinted his book,

> giving full credit, they could have concerned

> themselves with the idea that perhaps the man had

> family or friends, or children, in Iran who could have

> benefited from the proceeds of the book, they could

> have at least acknowledged their source. Instead, they

> passed off as their own creativity and thought some of

> the most compelling, forceful words ever written on

> the subject of raw veganism. When confronted with the

> fact that it was known that they did this, they at

> first fiercely denied it, then invented stories about

> the man being a relative of theirs, then finally

> realizing that they had better include an

> acknowlegement of thanks to Hovanessian, which was not

> included in the first few editions of their book. They

> still continue to give themselves authorship on the

> cover of the book, with no credit given to

> Hovanessian, when in fact the huge bulk of the book is

> due to his time, his effort, and his creativity.

> As I said, Hovanessian was greatly disturbed when

> another man passed his work off as his own and SOLD IT

> FOR MONEY. Here are some quotes from that exchange,

> included in Hovanessians book " Raw Eating " .

> " That unscrupulous gentleman....copies word for word

> every one of the six maxims given on the cover of my

> book and, together with my principal findings, inserts

> the article in the February and April, 1965, issues of

> the " Let's Live " Magazine as part of an article

> entitled " Adventures In Raw Foods. "

> Mr Reinecke oversteps the bounds of decency to such an

> extent that he reserves for himself the copyrights of

> the thoughts and expressions that belong to me, and

> offers to sell additional information at the price of

> 5$ apiece....This act is a glaring offence against

> international copyright laws and should be condemned

> unreservedly. People should not read such a

> publication as the " Lets Live " Magazine, which thrives

> on the advertisements of artificial vitamins and

> " dietetic " preparations.

> Now, for over a decade, I have forsaken social life

> and have deprived myself of every pleasure. I have

> been extremely frugal in regard to the needs of my

> family and myself, but have not hesitated for a moment

> to spend all my savings in carrying out studies and

> publishing books, 10,000 copies of which I have

> already distributed free to scientific organizations

> and individuals in all the corners of the earth. I

> have made these sacrifices in order to show the whole

> world the way to a happy and natural life, and all

> along I have protested with my heart and soul against

> selling such advice for money.

> But today, Mr.J.M.Reinecke, making a lucrative use of

> my ideas and my maxims, demands a fee of $5 to show

> people how to eat natural foodstuffs! This is, indeed,

> the most disturbing aspect of the question. "


> --- oak1day <claire wrote:


> > Some reviewers said that these new folks like Wolfe

> > were too

> > strident and 'just ripping off' Norman Walker's work

> > and were not

> > advocating enough of a calm scientific approach as

> > was present at

> > the beginning of the century. well, I don't know

> > about that!


> > oak1day



> =====

> [...there'll be love and laughter,

> and peace ever after,

> just you wait and see...

> ---Vera Lynn]






> The all-new My - Get yours free!






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I knew I liked this group! I don't know enough to have a big problem

with David Wolfe and co. and like I say, some friends of mine are

absolute fans and I love my friends and respect their take on things.

So that counts for something with me. They like his tone as much as

anything, as opposed to that of the Natural Hygienist folks.


But I'd personally take the books that are old and out of style but

have the same info any day if they are 25% of the price! I just got

the Norman Walker books I rodered and they are great. That is not

even touching on the issue of where the line is between plagiarizing

and developing someone else's ideas.


The examples given here regarding that Iranian (Iraq?) raw food

pioneer indicate a justifiable accusation fo plagiarism and a real

crime. But sometimes people are accused of that when they are

building on someone else's work and taking it in another direction

either in tone or substance.


But I have been heartened to see this kind of dialogue on watching

out for shysters, finding out where ideas started, and the sharing of

info. I like you guys. :-)


Yes open source software is where it's at! And all this does go with

the idea of raw food apart from the nutitional aspect. Using what is

there for us to use and believing as an article of faith, that

working together will not lead to personal loss.


My husband just taught himself how to set up a virtual 'shopping

cart' using open source software that contained a full and detailed

set of instructions. That may seem like a contradiction in my terms

if we are setting up a SHOPPING CART (laughing) but we are trying to

help my son set up a business and it won't be a business ripping

people off.


The existence of open source software allows the every day person to

advance knowledge and play with the big boys without the benefit of a

fancy school.




rawfood , John de la Garza <john@j...> wrote:

> I agree. I am really big on sharing info, not selling what can


> people. People should publish what they have if they think that


> they have can help others.


> there is a way of writing software where everything is shared and

> people are allowed to contribute

> it is called open source


> the idea applies to knowledge and the development of it


> here is a link to a earth shattering piece of literature that


> had an impact in the way software dev has been done:


> http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/


> I think anyone with an idea can to this way of

thinking... we

> are the users (raw foodists) and some of us

> are developers (people who are actively searching and pioneering


> food)



> On Feb 3, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Graeme wrote:

> > I abhor the raw-food 'gurus' that charge vast amounts of money for

> > their services, and I pity the people who feel they need to hand


> > all that money. Surely this is not the way to bring raw-foodism


> > the greatest number of people possible. How about a boycott of


> > gurus, and instead rely on each other here, and ourselves? And


> > our own logical faculties and ingenuity for a change?

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That's part of why I eat raw.


rawfood , tev treowlufu <coac2002> wrote:

> I

> have made these sacrifices in order to show the whole

> world the way to a happy and natural life...

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Hey there,


I found looking through this website quite fascinating, thank you! I

recommend it to others here, even though it has nothing to do with

food, raw or otherwise. Let's turn raw-foodism into a gift culture,

before it's entirely gobbled up in a commericialist feeding frenzy!


Love and Light,




rawfood , John de la Garza <john@j...> wrote:

> I agree. I am really big on sharing info, not selling what can help

> people. People should publish what they have if they think that what

> they have can help others.


> here is a link to a earth shattering piece of literature that really

> had an impact in the way software dev has been done:


> http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/


> I think anyone with an idea can to this way of thinking...

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I like what you said about relying on one another and not the gurus! I think we

give away too much of our power to gurus, preists, authority figures of every

ilk instead of searching out and proving truth for ourselves.




Graeme <kimonokraken wrote:



Hello all,


I've heard a lot about this, and it looks fairly overwhelming.


It seems fairly clear-cut doesn't it? Wolfe et al are money-grabbing,

unscrupulous plagiarists. Not really that surprising is it? Why

would raw-foodists be necessarily more ethical and honest than other

people? Answer: they aren't. And I say that as a raw-foodist. I've

met dishonest raw foodists, I've met saintly meat-eaters too.


I abhor the raw-food 'gurus' that charge vast amounts of money for

their services, and I pity the people who feel they need to hand over

all that money. Surely this is not the way to bring raw-foodism to

the greatest number of people possible. How about a boycott of the

gurus, and instead rely on each other here, and ourselves? And use

our own logical faculties and ingenuity for a change?


Another point. There's fairly powerful evidence that plants react to

pain and threat just as animals and humans do. If you want more

details let me know. Consequently there are those of us who need to

get off certain moral high-horses. Except the fruitarians I guess,

haha, they don't kill anything!


Love and Light,


Graeme x


rawfood , tev treowlufu <coac2002> wrote:


> http://www.rawfoodsupport.com/read.php?f=10 & i=2632 & t=2632


> Re: censorship at NFL


> Here's the post that was deleted at the rawfood.com

> forum:


> " Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet " was blatantly

> plagiarized (we're talking mostly word for word) from

> the writings of an Armenian man living in Iran,

> Arshavir Ter Hovannessian











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I too. This forum can work as a resource for us, if we

decide on that.


Fascinating site. I'll be spending some time there...

Thanks for the link, John.


BTW, didn't Linux use this ideology to develop their

open source code software? Or are they the pioneers of

that sort of code stylization?




--- John de la Garza <john wrote:

> I agree. I am really big on sharing info, not

> people are allowed to contribute

> it is called open source

> http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/


---On Feb 3, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Graeme wrote:

>and instead rely on each other here, and

> ourselves?



[...there'll be love and laughter,

and peace ever after,

just you wait and see...

---Vera Lynn]






Take Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.


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Right on, Tess!


We all have the ability to research and experiment and make our own

decisions. Empower yourself!


Love and Light,




rawfood , Tess West <tesser2u> wrote:


> I like what you said about relying on one another and not the gurus!

I think we give away too much of our power to gurus, preists,

authority figures of every ilk instead of searching out and proving

truth for ourselves.

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First, it's irresponsible to make an accusation like this in a public

forum unless you can provide evidence that supports your claim, and

from what I can see you're tarnishing the reputation of someone you

don't know on the basis of unsubstantiated gossip you read online.

Second, David Wolfe has done more to promote raw food in the U.S. and

around the world than anyone else, and if this lifestyle enters the

mainstream in the way that vegetarianism has, it will be because of

his hard work and dedication. If it weren't for him you probably

wouldn't even be logged on to this site.


rawfood , " Graeme " <kimonokraken> wrote:



> Hello all,


> I've heard a lot about this, and it looks fairly overwhelming.


> It seems fairly clear-cut doesn't it? Wolfe et al are money-


> unscrupulous plagiarists. Not really that surprising is it? Why

> would raw-foodists be necessarily more ethical and honest than other

> people? Answer: they aren't. And I say that as a raw-foodist.


> met dishonest raw foodists, I've met saintly meat-eaters too.


> I abhor the raw-food 'gurus' that charge vast amounts of money for

> their services, and I pity the people who feel they need to hand


> all that money. Surely this is not the way to bring raw-foodism to

> the greatest number of people possible. How about a boycott of the

> gurus, and instead rely on each other here, and ourselves? And use

> our own logical faculties and ingenuity for a change?


> Another point. There's fairly powerful evidence that plants react


> pain and threat just as animals and humans do. If you want more

> details let me know. Consequently there are those of us who need to

> get off certain moral high-horses. Except the fruitarians I guess,

> haha, they don't kill anything!


> Love and Light,


> Graeme x


> rawfood , tev treowlufu <coac2002> wrote:

> >

> > http://www.rawfoodsupport.com/read.php?f=10 & i=2632 & t=2632

> >

> > Re: censorship at NFL

> >

> > Here's the post that was deleted at the rawfood.com

> > forum:

> >

> > " Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet " was blatantly

> > plagiarized (we're talking mostly word for word) from

> > the writings of an Armenian man living in Iran,

> > Arshavir Ter Hovannessian

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I think you kind of missed the point or I missed it. I didn't take

this mail the way you did. The mail he responded to was probably who

you should have directed this at. It was the one making the major




On Feb 5, 2005, at 5:40 AM, rawandlovinit wrote:






> First, it's irresponsible to make an accusation like this in a public

> forum unless you can provide evidence that supports your claim, and

> from what I can see you're tarnishing the reputation of someone you

> don't know on the basis of unsubstantiated gossip you read online.

> Second, David Wolfe has done more to promote raw food in the U.S. and

> around the world than anyone else, and if this lifestyle enters the

> mainstream in the way that vegetarianism has, it will be because of

> his hard work and dedication. If it weren't for him you probably

> wouldn't even be logged on to this site.


> rawfood , " Graeme " <kimonokraken> wrote:



>> Hello all,


>> I've heard a lot about this, and it looks fairly overwhelming.


>> It seems fairly clear-cut doesn't it? Wolfe et al are money-

> grabbing,

>> unscrupulous plagiarists. Not really that surprising is it? Why

>> would raw-foodists be necessarily more ethical and honest than other

>> people? Answer: they aren't. And I say that as a raw-foodist.

> I've

>> met dishonest raw foodists, I've met saintly meat-eaters too.


>> I abhor the raw-food 'gurus' that charge vast amounts of money for

>> their services, and I pity the people who feel they need to hand

> over

>> all that money. Surely this is not the way to bring raw-foodism to

>> the greatest number of people possible. How about a boycott of the

>> gurus, and instead rely on each other here, and ourselves? And use

>> our own logical faculties and ingenuity for a change?


>> Another point. There's fairly powerful evidence that plants react

> to

>> pain and threat just as animals and humans do. If you want more

>> details let me know. Consequently there are those of us who need to

>> get off certain moral high-horses. Except the fruitarians I guess,

>> haha, they don't kill anything!


>> Love and Light,


>> Graeme x


>> --- In

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My word, how people love their gurus. I have in fact heard this

charge of plagiarism from several quarters, and people don't accuse

others of literally 'word-for-word' plagiarism for no reason.


How much David Wolfe has or hasn't done for raw food has nothing to do

with any plagiarism issues, whatsoever. What makes you think it does?

Even being a good guy otherwise doesn't stop you being a plagiarist

if you've plagiarised something!


Also, I had started on the raw food diet before I'd even heard of

David Wolfe, thank you very much. Looks like we don't all need the

'raw gurus', huh? I actually first heard of it in a book purchased in

a charity store, published two decades ago. If anything David Wolfe

would put many people off with his evangelising " raw food is poison "

dogma. Sensationalist? Yes. Sensible? No. There was some

interesting information in his book with Arlin and Dini, but they

would come off sounding like deranged fanatics to most people.


I think if raw food takes off, it won't be because of the 'gurus'. It

will because independent-minded people desiring health do whatever it

takes to obtain it. This may sometimes involve the gurus, sometimes

not - what's important is the desire and will to change.


I've noticed that some people defend their 'gurus' as though they're

GODS or something! This must stop. We are all the source.


This is the last I want to say on the matter, so don't be offended if

I don't reply.


Love and Light,




rawfood , " rawandlovinit " <rawandlovinit>



> First, it's irresponsible to make an accusation like this in a public

> forum unless you can provide evidence that supports your claim, and

> from what I can see you're tarnishing the reputation of someone you

> don't know on the basis of unsubstantiated gossip you read online.

> Second, David Wolfe has done more to promote raw food in the U.S. and

> around the world than anyone else, and if this lifestyle enters the

> mainstream in the way that vegetarianism has, it will be because of

> his hard work and dedication. If it weren't for him you probably

> wouldn't even be logged on to this site.

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Thank you John, I was just extrapolating logically from identical

accusations I'd seen many times , over a period of time, from various

sources. And adding a little of my own feelings on 'gurus' and what

they charge etc.


Since when do we need anyone to teach us how to eat salads?


Love and Light,




rawfood , John de la Garza <john@j...> wrote:

> I think you kind of missed the point or I missed it. I didn't take

> this mail the way you did. The mail he responded to was probably who

> you should have directed this at. It was the one making the major

> accusation.

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