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RE: lots of fruit [s]

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Well, I guess I should have asked how tall you are, and what you presently

weigh approximately. But my friend Laurie is 5'0 " and weighs about 86 lbs.,

and SHE eats more than 20 pieces of fruit each day.


Now keep in mind, while some of this may be 10 bananas, it also includes

strawberries, etc. also, EVERYTHING with seeds is fruit -- cucumber, avocado

(in moderation, high-fat).


Yes, sometimes it's much easier to blend some. Particularly the bananas,

these contribute the majority of all calories I eat, probably 1200-1400/day.

I blend bananas with dates and celery, or with berries (I prefer

strawberries +blackberries) and lime, various combinations like that.



Tess West [tesser2u]

Friday, February 25, 2005 10:20 AM


[Raw Food] lots of fruit

Really 2-3 dozen pieces of fruit a day! Wow. I really don't think I could

eat that much. Do you do it in the blender mostly or whole?


Elchanan wrote:... (once you are eating enough fruit. " Enough varies, but


dozen pieces daily is common.)

As long as you are undereating on RF calories, you will feel physically

pulled back into the cooked food, often carb/fat combinations

(salt-fat-starch). So if you can boost your RF caloric intake, as by eating

lots of fruit, you'll do better and better. (This does not address any

emotional eating issues, which for some people can be quite profound. They

were for me.)

Hope these thoughts are helpful to you,


oak1day [claire]

Thursday, February 24, 2005 3:17 PM


[Raw Food] detox symptoms?


I have been transitioning to raw very gradually over the last couple

months. I've done a couple two day juice fasts and I am fasting one

day a week. I juice about three times a week and do really strong

stuff: spinach, kale, collards, etc with whatever is needed to make

it palatable, usually apples or carrots and some ginger/parsley.

I would say I am about 50% raw on bad days and 85-90% on good ones.

I eat the Ezekiel and Manna breads, altough I was not even doing

that to begin with.

100% vegan all the time & zero white flour, processed food etc. I am

still getting rid of some nuts I had that were not raw. Had a few

small organic frozen dinners on busy nights. Not all the fruit and

veggies I eat are organic but most are.

Before this transition, my diet was was, for me, the worst it ever

had been. I was doing a modified lo-carb, eating dairy, fish,

chicken and some meat. I have never been much into the processed

foods. I have also had to take plenty of prescription medications.

SO, this week, I got sudden extreme itchiness all over my body a few

times. Did not last long or look like anything, but I was afraid I

was having some severe allergic reaction to carrot juice! It was a

strong sensation that could not be ignored. Then I also have been

getting a muscle twitch under one eye. Then also pain like you feel

when you have been exercising, even though I have not. And I feel

weaker than usual. Now today I have a " cold " . I can deal with that.

I have been getting headaches, but that is a common problem for me.

But the other stuff, when I searched on the net, it seemed to

indicate that these could all be signs of renal failure.

So is it possible that my kidneys are getting overloaded? That the

juice mixtures are too strong? Any ideas?



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Yes, that is indeed the difference between the high-fruit, high-water

content approach and all others. I consume almost all my calories as fruit

(including some high-fat fruit such as avocado), the rest as greens, and

some occasional nuts. This is how Doug Graham, Tim Trader, Dave Klein,

Laurie Masters, and I all eat. Also Ronnie Grandison (NY Knicks) and a

number of other famous types, athletes all. If people really want to know, I

can dig up some more names and accomplishments.



Froggy [seconaphim]

Friday, February 25, 2005 8:27 PM


[Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit

Sounds silly to me, to eat that much fruit even if you include

vegetable fruits. Between the two, I eat probably four, maybe five a


rawfood , Tess West <tesser2u> wrote:


> Really 2-3 dozen pieces of fruit a day! Wow. I really don't think I

could eat that much. Do you do it in the blender mostly or whole?


> Tess

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I'm probably 55% vegetables, 35% fruit and vegetable fruits and 10%

raw nuts or maybe just the occasional nuts. I probably don't eat all

that much though on any given day, a couple handfuls of produce every

three or four hours, what does that add up to?




rawfood , " INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo@e...>


> Yes, that is indeed the difference between the high-fruit, high-


> content approach and all others. I consume almost all my calories

as fruit

> (including some high-fat fruit such as avocado), the rest as

greens, and

> some occasional nuts. This is how Doug Graham, Tim Trader, Dave


> Laurie Masters, and I all eat. Also Ronnie Grandison (NY Knicks)

and a

> number of other famous types, athletes all. If people really want

to know, I

> can dig up some more names and accomplishments.

> Elchanan

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Actually, EVERYONE for whom we've ever done a nutritional analysis has been

blown away by the results. People who believe they are eating 80% raw are

actually consuming only 30 or 40% of calories raw. People who believe they

are eating 50% vegetables may actually be consuming only 10% of their

calories as vegetables. And so on. We will have something to offer on this

later this year, I believe. But everyone is way, way off, because no one

has the foggiest notion as to what is actually in the foods we eat. It's a

major educational need, in my opinion. Will be addressed! :)



Froggy [seconaphim]

Saturday, February 26, 2005 4:13 AM


[Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit

I'm probably 55% vegetables, 35% fruit and vegetable fruits and 10%

raw nuts or maybe just the occasional nuts. I probably don't eat all

that much though on any given day, a couple handfuls of produce every

three or four hours, what does that add up to?


rawfood , " INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo@e...>


> Yes, that is indeed the difference between the high-fruit, high-


> content approach and all others. I consume almost all my calories

as fruit

> (including some high-fat fruit such as avocado), the rest as

greens, and

> some occasional nuts. This is how Doug Graham, Tim Trader, Dave


> Laurie Masters, and I all eat. Also Ronnie Grandison (NY Knicks)

and a

> number of other famous types, athletes all. If people really want

to know, I

> can dig up some more names and accomplishments.

> Elchanan

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So, you're saying that the cucumber I picked up at the grocery store is not 100%

fruit/vegetable? Wow. The raw food diet is getting damned strict these days.

And I thought I was doing something good for myself. Seems like every time I

download email from this group, there's someone saying something isn't raw, is

poisonous, or just simply isn't " nutritious enough " to be considered raw. I'm

definitely going back to SAD. Seems to have the same effects as eating raw,



Carolyn :-(

(not feeling particularly healthy anymore.)






INFO @ Vibrant Life



Actually, EVERYONE for whom we've ever done a nutritional analysis has been

blown away by the results. People who believe they are eating 80% raw are

actually consuming only 30 or 40% of calories raw. People who believe they

are eating 50% vegetables may actually be consuming only 10% of their

calories as vegetables. And so on. We will have something to offer on this

later this year, I believe. But everyone is way, way off, because no one

has the foggiest notion as to what is actually in the foods we eat. It's a

major educational need, in my opinion. Will be addressed! :)




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Don't go back to sad and its not that complicated. Total wellness is

actually very easy but we do have to recognize a few things that ARE indeed

different today (2005) than 500 years ago. One of those items would be the

nutrients we get on our food. Although I am a purist (hygienists) and have

reversed two incurable diseases I have to admit that the food we get at the

store, (even organic) is missing a few things,. If you look at Dr Maynard

Murry's study using ocean water www.oceangrown.org

<http://www.oceangrown.org/> to grow produce, the proof is in the pudding.

When he grew a tomato in mineral rich soil it only extracted 20 minerals

from the soil. When he grew it in ocean water it extracted 56 minerals.

Thus, food grown in most soil can have some challenges. And, what does

organic really mean when you go to the store? It means that 25% to 35% of it

isn't really even organic. So, as much as I'm NOT a supplement guy...we do

have to discover a way to get our vitamins/mineral content so sustain life.

I like to stay as natural as possible so I chose PINES whole leaf (very

important) barley or wheat grass powder to do this.




Hope this helps









Siviax3 [siviax3]

Saturday, February 26, 2005 4:07 PM


Re: [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit

So, you're saying that the cucumber I picked up at the grocery store is not

100% fruit/vegetable? Wow. The raw food diet is getting damned strict

these days. And I thought I was doing something good for myself. Seems

like every time I download email from this group, there's someone saying

something isn't raw, is poisonous, or just simply isn't " nutritious enough "

to be considered raw. I'm definitely going back to SAD. Seems to have the

same effects as eating raw, anyway.

Carolyn :-(

(not feeling particularly healthy anymore.)


INFO @ Vibrant Life

Actually, EVERYONE for whom we've ever done a nutritional analysis has


blown away by the results. People who believe they are eating 80% raw are

actually consuming only 30 or 40% of calories raw. People who believe they

are eating 50% vegetables may actually be consuming only 10% of their

calories as vegetables. And so on. We will have something to offer on this

later this year, I believe. But everyone is way, way off, because no one

has the foggiest notion as to what is actually in the foods we eat. It's a

major educational need, in my opinion. Will be addressed! :)


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[snip] If you look at Dr Maynard

Murry's study using ocean water www.oceangrown.org

<http://www.oceangrown.org/> to grow produce, the proof is in the pudding.

When he grew a tomato in mineral rich soil it only extracted 20 minerals

from the soil. When he grew it in ocean water it extracted 56 minerals.

Thus, food grown in most soil can have some challenges. And, what does

organic really mean when you go to the store? It means that 25% to 35% of it

isn't really even organic. So, as much as I'm NOT a supplement guy...we do

have to discover a way to get our vitamins/mineral content so sustain life.

I like to stay as natural as possible so I chose PINES whole leaf (very

important) barley or wheat grass powder to do this.


Sorry, Steven, but no it doesn't help. What you've written here is a bunch of

NOT NOT NOT!!! I'm new to the whole " raw food " thing, and what I'm learning

from this list is that there really is NO SUCH THING AS RAW. It's all not, not,

not. As someone who is unsure of her steps on this new path and needing at

least *some* encouragement along the way, let me tell you, this list is

*extremely* daunting. It almost seems as if people are going out of their way

to turn " newbies " like myself *off* of this way of life. I'd probably be better

off just going along on my own, reading what there is to read about it out there

and figuring it out as I go along. I think I'll try that, after all, before

giving up completely.


Carolyn :-(




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Of course cucumbers are fruit, or some might call them a veggie-fruit,

combining the kitchen and botany definitions into a hybridized term.


Please reread what I wrote, below, your comment has nothing at all to do

with what I wrote. I'm talking about people's perceptions of the MIX they

are eating, as percentages.


Siviax3 [siviax3]

Saturday, February 26, 2005 1:07 PM


Re: [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit

So, you're saying that the cucumber I picked up at the grocery store is not

100% fruit/vegetable? Wow. The raw food diet is getting damned strict

these days. And I thought I was doing something good for myself. Seems

like every time I download email from this group, there's someone saying

something isn't raw, is poisonous, or just simply isn't " nutritious enough "

to be considered raw. I'm definitely going back to SAD. Seems to have the

same effects as eating raw, anyway.

Carolyn :-(

(not feeling particularly healthy anymore.)


INFO @ Vibrant Life

Actually, EVERYONE for whom we've ever done a nutritional analysis has


blown away by the results. People who believe they are eating 80% raw are

actually consuming only 30 or 40% of calories raw. People who believe they

are eating 50% vegetables may actually be consuming only 10% of their

calories as vegetables. And so on. We will have something to offer on this

later this year, I believe. But everyone is way, way off, because no one

has the foggiest notion as to what is actually in the foods we eat. It's a

major educational need, in my opinion. Will be addressed! :)


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There is an issue with soil depletion, top soil disintegration, and the

like. And organic produce is not exempt. The FDA issued a major report

warning about soil depletion all the way back in 1936, during the Great Dust

Bowl years.


The solution to soil mineralization has been known for a long time, and it

does not involve sea water. Rock dust has been used by the few who know

about it for nearly a century, and plants grown in soil (re)mineralized

using rock dust are the most mineral-rich of all, well beyond the sea water

stuff. And rock dust does not introduce sodium chloride and other ionically

bonded compounds into the soil, which is a huge advantage.


However, mineralization is not the only nor necessarily the most important

issue. I believe, though I cannot document, that the soil biology is far

more significant. This has to do with the actual living matter in the soil

-- bacteria, worms, etc. When we blast pesticide and the like all over the

soil, we kill much of the living infrastructure of the soil, an

infrastructure that has developed over billions of years. The effects are

enormous and in many respects not even known or understood.


Also, just a side comment, terrestrial animals left the sea billions of

years ago, our developmental path has diverged significantly from that of

sea animals and plants. Although it seems popular in some circles, I do not

understand the fascination with sea water as a tutorial source for

terrestrial animal nutrition, other than perhaps to make a point. If you add

too much sea water to the soil (and that's not very much), the plants die

from the salt. So while using sea water to make a point is interesting, it

is not a sustainable solution over time.





Steven [rawfasting]

Saturday, February 26, 2005 3:47 PM


RE: [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit


Don't go back to sad and its not that complicated. Total wellness is

actually very easy but we do have to recognize a few things that ARE indeed

different today (2005) than 500 years ago. One of those items would be the

nutrients we get on our food. Although I am a purist (hygienists) and have

reversed two incurable diseases I have to admit that the food we get at the

store, (even organic) is missing a few things,. If you look at Dr Maynard

Murry's study using ocean water www.oceangrown.org

<http://www.oceangrown.org/> to grow produce, the proof is in the pudding.

When he grew a tomato in mineral rich soil it only extracted 20 minerals

from the soil. When he grew it in ocean water it extracted 56 minerals.

Thus, food grown in most soil can have some challenges. And, what does

organic really mean when you go to the store? It means that 25% to 35% of it

isn't really even organic. So, as much as I'm NOT a supplement guy...we do

have to discover a way to get our vitamins/mineral content so sustain life.

I like to stay as natural as possible so I chose PINES whole leaf (very

important) barley or wheat grass powder to do this.

Hope this helps


Siviax3 [siviax3]

Saturday, February 26, 2005 4:07 PM


Re: [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit

So, you're saying that the cucumber I picked up at the grocery store is not

100% fruit/vegetable? Wow. The raw food diet is getting damned strict

these days. And I thought I was doing something good for myself. Seems

like every time I download email from this group, there's someone saying

something isn't raw, is poisonous, or just simply isn't " nutritious enough "

to be considered raw. I'm definitely going back to SAD. Seems to have the

same effects as eating raw, anyway.

Carolyn :-(

(not feeling particularly healthy anymore.)


INFO @ Vibrant Life

Actually, EVERYONE for whom we've ever done a nutritional analysis has


blown away by the results. People who believe they are eating 80% raw are

actually consuming only 30 or 40% of calories raw. People who believe they

are eating 50% vegetables may actually be consuming only 10% of their

calories as vegetables. And so on. We will have something to offer on this

later this year, I believe. But everyone is way, way off, because no one

has the foggiest notion as to what is actually in the foods we eat. It's a

major educational need, in my opinion. Will be addressed! :)


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What's this business of doing a nutritional analysis? You do them

periodically I gather.


rawfood , " INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo@e...>


> Actually, EVERYONE for whom we've ever done a nutritional analysis

has been

> blown away by the results. People who believe they are eating 80%

raw are

> actually consuming only 30 or 40% of calories raw. People who

believe they

> are eating 50% vegetables may actually be consuming only 10% of


> calories as vegetables. And so on. We will have something to offer

on this

> later this year, I believe. But everyone is way, way off, because

no one

> has the foggiest notion as to what is actually in the foods we eat.

It's a

> major educational need, in my opinion. Will be addressed! :)

> Elchanan

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I don't let what's posted here influence my decisions about eating.

But that's why I just keep it simple, with produce and nuts. I'm not

into the nutritional science behind raw food or poisonous/not

poisonous. It's simple and serviceful to just eat the way I do, and

that's what's important to me. If eating raw makes no difference in

your life, then I can see why you'd eat sad. Eating raw changes my

life dramatically for the better.


rawfood , " Siviax3 " <siviax3@c...> wrote:


> So, you're saying that the cucumber I picked up at the grocery

store is not 100% fruit/vegetable? Wow. The raw food diet is

getting damned strict these days. And I thought I was doing

something good for myself. Seems like every time I download email

from this group, there's someone saying something isn't raw, is

poisonous, or just simply isn't " nutritious enough " to be considered

raw. I'm definitely going back to SAD. Seems to have the same

effects as eating raw, anyway.


> Carolyn :-(

> (not feeling particularly healthy anymore.)

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What two incurable diseases have you reversed?


rawfood , " Steven " <rawfasting@e...> wrote:

> Carolyn,




> Don't go back to sad and its not that complicated. Total wellness is

> actually very easy but we do have to recognize a few things that

ARE indeed

> different today (2005) than 500 years ago. One of those items would

be the

> nutrients we get on our food. Although I am a purist (hygienists)

and have

> reversed two incurable diseases I have to admit that the food we

get at the

> store, (even organic) is missing a few things.

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Can you remind us all how long you've been doing this?


Froggy [seconaphim]

Saturday, February 26, 2005 8:33 PM


[Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit

I don't let what's posted here influence my decisions about eating.

But that's why I just keep it simple, with produce and nuts. I'm not

into the nutritional science behind raw food or poisonous/not

poisonous. It's simple and serviceful to just eat the way I do, and

that's what's important to me. If eating raw makes no difference in

your life, then I can see why you'd eat sad. Eating raw changes my

life dramatically for the better.

rawfood , " Siviax3 " <siviax3@c...> wrote:


> So, you're saying that the cucumber I picked up at the grocery

store is not 100% fruit/vegetable? Wow. The raw food diet is

getting damned strict these days. And I thought I was doing

something good for myself. Seems like every time I download email

from this group, there's someone saying something isn't raw, is

poisonous, or just simply isn't " nutritious enough " to be considered

raw. I'm definitely going back to SAD. Seems to have the same

effects as eating raw, anyway.


> Carolyn :-(

> (not feeling particularly healthy anymore.)

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Or take some of them private outside the group. I'll certainly do more of

that, given this feedback.



Margie Roswell [mroswell]

Saturday, February 26, 2005 10:17 PM


RE: [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit

These emails are very informative. Also, very numerous. Almost thinking

of leaving. Just wondering if it's possible for individuals to limit the

number of posts per day.



On Sat, 26 Feb 2005, INFO @ Vibrant Life wrote:


> Can you remind us all how long you've been doing this?


> Froggy [seconaphim]

> Saturday, February 26, 2005 8:33 PM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit




> I don't let what's posted here influence my decisions about eating.

> But that's why I just keep it simple, with produce and nuts. I'm not

> into the nutritional science behind raw food or poisonous/not

> poisonous. It's simple and serviceful to just eat the way I do, and

> that's what's important to me. If eating raw makes no difference in

> your life, then I can see why you'd eat sad. Eating raw changes my

> life dramatically for the better.


> rawfood , " Siviax3 " <siviax3@c...> wrote:

> >

> > So, you're saying that the cucumber I picked up at the grocery

> store is not 100% fruit/vegetable? Wow. The raw food diet is

> getting damned strict these days. And I thought I was doing

> something good for myself. Seems like every time I download email

> from this group, there's someone saying something isn't raw, is

> poisonous, or just simply isn't " nutritious enough " to be considered

> raw. I'm definitely going back to SAD. Seems to have the same

> effects as eating raw, anyway.

> >

> > Carolyn :-(

> > (not feeling particularly healthy anymore.)







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Why would you want to limit the number of emails a day from people that have

different views (that relate to raw food by, the way) and want to

communicate them?

Is it just me or does this suggestion seems ridiculous.


Margie, If you feel like you are getting too many emails, maybe it's time to

step back from the keyboard and take a break or put yourself in a daily

digest mode. The reason the forum is here is to COMMUNICATE.





" INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo

<rawfood >

Sunday, February 27, 2005 12:33 AM

RE: [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit


> Or take some of them private outside the group. I'll certainly do more of

> that, given this feedback.

> Elchanan


> Margie Roswell [mroswell]

> Saturday, February 26, 2005 10:17 PM

> rawfood

> RE: [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit

> These emails are very informative. Also, very numerous. Almost thinking

> of leaving. Just wondering if it's possible for individuals to limit the

> number of posts per day.


> Sincerely,

> Margie

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These emails are very informative. Also, very numerous. Almost thinking

of leaving. Just wondering if it's possible for individuals to limit the

number of posts per day.






On Sat, 26 Feb 2005, INFO @ Vibrant Life wrote:



> Can you remind us all how long you've been doing this?


> Froggy [seconaphim]

> Saturday, February 26, 2005 8:33 PM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit




> I don't let what's posted here influence my decisions about eating.

> But that's why I just keep it simple, with produce and nuts. I'm not

> into the nutritional science behind raw food or poisonous/not

> poisonous. It's simple and serviceful to just eat the way I do, and

> that's what's important to me. If eating raw makes no difference in

> your life, then I can see why you'd eat sad. Eating raw changes my

> life dramatically for the better.


> rawfood , " Siviax3 " <siviax3@c...> wrote:

> >

> > So, you're saying that the cucumber I picked up at the grocery

> store is not 100% fruit/vegetable? Wow. The raw food diet is

> getting damned strict these days. And I thought I was doing

> something good for myself. Seems like every time I download email

> from this group, there's someone saying something isn't raw, is

> poisonous, or just simply isn't " nutritious enough " to be considered

> raw. I'm definitely going back to SAD. Seems to have the same

> effects as eating raw, anyway.

> >

> > Carolyn :-(

> > (not feeling particularly healthy anymore.)







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At Sat, 26 Feb 2005 it looks like INFO @ Vibrant Life composed:



> Or take some of them private outside the group. I'll certainly do more of

> that, given this feedback.

> Elchanan


In my eyes, your posts are just fine. It's good to have your

finely written information hit this list. I've been archiving

them so I can read them all later.


I appreciate them.


If someone does not like one's particular postings, it's

extremely simple to filter them out with their MUA, or in other

words, just set your email filter to delete any email with

certain names in the header.

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just two+ months, but i've been doing it off and on for over a decade

and had nine months once.


rawfood , " INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo@e...>


> Can you remind us all how long you've been doing this?


> Froggy [seconaphim]

> Saturday, February 26, 2005 8:33 PM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: lots of fruit




> I don't let what's posted here influence my decisions about


> But that's why I just keep it simple, with produce and nuts. I'm


> into the nutritional science behind raw food or poisonous/not

> poisonous. It's simple and serviceful to just eat the way I do,


> that's what's important to me. If eating raw makes no difference


> your life, then I can see why you'd eat sad. Eating raw changes my

> life dramatically for the better.

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Well, someone had to say it, thanks Margie. I know I've been burning

up the airwaves trying to keep up with Elchanan. The traffic wasn't

very heavy in the recent past. I feel a need to keep up with this

group, but there's no rule that you have to. On other forums, I just

read the last few posts until I have a few comments and let it go at

that, or whatever topic I share on is the only one I read when I go

back to that site.


Eating raw is about overcoming addiction. If you were raised on the

SAD diet then going and staying with raw is very difficult. And a

lot of sharing is very helpful to the process of staying raw.

Another forum I belong to is about a spiritual book and they limit

the posts per person to four a day, I post on there an average of

once every day or two.


But like I said, this is an addiction and much sharing is necessary

for me to help me stay raw, I can talk about my spiritual book or

not, it's not all that important.


I do weary of staying up with this forum, I get home late at night

most nights and catch up on here even though I'm not much in the

mood. But it's helping me stay raw and that's the important thing.

I'm sure the forum in general and myself will slow down in time.


So, like I said, I see no reason to limit the number of posts. No

one is obligated to read everything. And it helps people such as

myself to process my thoughts and feelings about being raw as often

as possible, to repeat, this is a very deep addiction and needs much

sharing in order for it to be overcome.


We have 1300 members, what if their were 10,000, there'd probably be

a tremendous number of posts. It's not about the number of members

or posts. I'll keep up with this forum for as long as it serves my

purposes, if I didn't want to, I wouldn't. And sooner or later, I

won't be on here as much, everything runs it's course. As far as I

know, these forums don't have the ability to limit the number

of posts by anyone anyhow, at least not directly through the

site/forum itself. The owner can only allow a member to belong or

ban him.


And, of course, no one leaves except for their own desire to leave,

for conscious or unconscious reasons, known or unknown to themselves,

whether that's this forum or eating raw.


rawfood , Margie Roswell <mroswell@f...> wrote:


> These emails are very informative. Also, very numerous. Almost


> of leaving. Just wondering if it's possible for individuals to

limit the

> number of posts per day.


> Sincerely,

> Margie

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I like communicating most things on here. It's interesting, the fear

for myself, behind what I say sometimes and then get some kind of

reaction or sometimes no reaction from the audience. It helps keep

me be humble and understand human nature better and the more I love

in all ways, and eating raw is a part of that, the more stable and

balanced my life is and the easier it is to eat raw.


Once a topic goes too far away from raw foods, after a few posts on

an unrelated topic, I usually take it to personal e-mails.




rawfood , " INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo@e...>


> Or take some of them private outside the group. I'll certainly do

more of

> that, given this feedback.

> Elchanan

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It's like conversation on here and certainly in a conversation with

someone you'd talk freely while listening and responding to the other

person many times. This isn't like a lecture where it's one long

share and you're done.


rawfood , " Jesse Parris " <studio53@s...> wrote:

> Why would you want to limit the number of emails a day from people

that have

> different views (that relate to raw food by, the way) and want to

> communicate them?

> Is it just me or does this suggestion seems ridiculous.


> Margie, If you feel like you are getting too many emails, maybe

it's time to

> step back from the keyboard and take a break or put yourself in a


> digest mode. The reason the forum is here is to COMMUNICATE.


> Jesse

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I agree with Bill; except for flaming or hurtful behavior, people should feel

free to communicate, as long as they observe the purpose of the group. I've been

part of this group for a while, and when we hit a stream of communication that

covers familiar territory, I just skim and delete. Only takes a few seconds of

my time, and keeps information out there for all the new folks that may enter

the group.




Bill Schoolcraft <bill wrote:

In my eyes, your posts are just fine. It's good to have your

finely written information hit this list. I've been archiving

them so I can read them all later.


I appreciate them.


If someone does not like one's particular postings, it's

extremely simple to filter them out with their MUA, or in other

words, just set your email filter to delete any email with

certain names in the header.




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Hi, Carolyn,


I know it can all be daunting, which is why I pretty much just rely on my

experience and how I feel to guide my decisions. Right now, I just eat raw

fruits, some greens, do some raw veggie juicing and fruit juice, some nuts and

seeds, either as milks or plain or as 'butters.' I feel best when I go lighter

on the nuts and seeds.


I think for someone just starting out, the main thing is just to get used to

eating raw; so if that means lots of nuts, dates, etc, go for it. Let your body

guide you into what feels best for you. A really good source for beginners is

the recipe book and DVD by Alissa Cohen, that you can find at alissacohen.com.

Her book lays out a four week meal plan, including grocery lists, as well as

providing a lot of basic information for folks new to raw, and lots of

testimonials as well.


Don't get caught up in the confliciting voices that are all over the place; go

simply, and see how it goes. Like Doug Graham says, just start by adding more

raw food to your current way of eating, increasing the percentage of raw to

cooked as you go along, and see what happens.


Good luck to you...Valerie


Siviax3 <siviax3 wrote:


Sorry, Steven, but no it doesn't help. What you've written here is a bunch of

NOT NOT NOT!!! I'm new to the whole " raw food " thing, and what I'm learning

from this list is that there really is NO SUCH THING AS RAW. It's all not, not,

not. As someone who is unsure of her steps on this new path and needing at

least *some* encouragement along the way, let me tell you, this list is

*extremely* daunting. It almost seems as if people are going out of their way

to turn " newbies " like myself *off* of this way of life. I'd probably be better

off just going along on my own, reading what there is to read about it out there

and figuring it out as I go along. I think I'll try that, after all, before

giving up completely.


Carolyn :-(




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Love for and service to people is what should bring you here. Eat

what you want according to your own definition of raw. We all have

to eat, it's not like a substance you abstain from. So, commonality

of agreement on what to eat is going to be very rare, like every

other point of contact among people doing anything. A diet is going

to be as individual as the individuals involved, you're not going to

find anyone who looks like you or has your personality either.


Newbie Rich


rawfood , " Siviax3 " <siviax3@c...> wrote:

> Sorry, Steven, but no it doesn't help. What you've written here is

a bunch of NOT NOT NOT!!! I'm new to the whole " raw food " thing, and

what I'm learning from this list is that there really is NO SUCH

THING AS RAW. It's all not, not, not. As someone who is unsure of

her steps on this new path and needing at least *some* encouragement

along the way, let me tell you, this list is *extremely* daunting.

It almost seems as if people are going out of their way to

turn " newbies " like myself *off* of this way of life. I'd probably

be better off just going along on my own, reading what there is to

read about it out there and figuring it out as I go along. I think

I'll try that, after all, before giving up completely.


> Carolyn :-(

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