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Why Does Everyone Walk So Slowly?

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Why Does Everyone Walk So Slowly?


Dear Roger,


The other day I was walking in the supermarket

and getting impatient at all the slow moving

people in there. It was especially slow that day

as I was in there at a time when there are mostly

senior citizens. I was in constant traffic jams

because these sloth-like moving people were

clogging up the aisles.


It sort of reminded me of an original Star Trek

episode where a group of aliens took over the

ship. They moved so fast that the crew could only

detect a buzzing sound. When I saw the aliens in

" their time continuum " they were moving like we

did but Captain Kirk, Spock and the rest of the

crew were standing still, seemingly frozen in time.


I think I walk five times as fast as some of

those senior citizens. And it's not just senior

citizens, almost all adults walk so much more

slowly than me, they really lack energy, pep and



But aging doesn't have to slow you down at all.

If you eat a raw diet, exercise vigorously and

lead an otherwise healthy lifestyle, you should

always have the energy of a 20 year old.


An example of this is my friend and raw food

mentor Joel Brody. Joel is somewhere in the

senior citizen age range (he never reveals his

exact age) but you would never know his

chronological age by watching him walk.


I often kid Joel because he's such a slow driver

(he calls it safe), but walking on the streets of

New York City, he's a speeder. When he and I walk

we are always the fastest walkers and we can keep

this up for hours if need be. We are constantly

being slowed down by all the slow pokes out there.


The only group of people who have these kinds of

energy levels, are children. I can play active

games and chase or be chased by young children

for hours, because I have the energy. They don't

wear me out, but I sometimes wear them out.


What do Joel and I have in common? We both eat a

100% healthy raw food diet and we both exercise

vigorously. Both are extremely important in

attaining these super-high energy levels.


Recently I've discovered a bodyweight exercise

routine that gives me incredible energy levels. I

used to get this kind of energy from doing Heavy

Hands workouts. But you don't need any equipment

for this exercise routine.


I very often have so much energy after doing

this workout that I want to exercise again soon

after that. It's not me forcing myself to

exercise, I just want to. There is something

about exercising in this special way that

produces higher levels of fitness and energy.


I call it Lightning Aerobics. And by the way,

running does not give me the same energy levels

as doing Lightning Aerobics. Also a heavy

calisthenics routine or weight lifting does not

give me this super energy level.


Here is the key. You must do some kind of

exercise that gets you up to the very high

aerobic heart range. It must go up to at least 80

to 90% of your maximal heart rate for brief



That rate is calculated by taking 220 and

subtracting your age. So if you're 40 years old

your maximum heart rate should be about 180. This

of course is an approximation. Then you just

multiply by 80% which would give you an aerobic

exercising, heart rate range, of 144 beats per



After you do your intense exercise, you count

your pulse for ten seconds and multiply by six

and see if you got into at least the 80% aerobic

heart range. Then you can rest a bit until your

heart rate slows down to 60% of your maximum

heart rate. If you measure your heart rate a few

times, you'll get the hang of it and won't have

to continually measure. You'll just know when you

are in what particular range.


Then you move on to the next exercise. You can

use just one kind of exercise or mix in several

different kinds. I sometimes also use exercises

that don't get up my heart rate that fast in

between the harder exercises.


The key is to do an exercise that really

challenges you and then rest a bit before you

move on to the next exercise. You don't want

you're heart beating fast for a very long time,

you just want to get it up there from anywhere

from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes. Then you

rest until you are ready for the next exercise.


The routine should be anywhere from 15 to 45



Today I did a very simple routine. It worked

virtually my whole body with two exercises.


Today's Lightning Aerobic Routine:


1. Regular Pushups

2. The Lightning Speed Exercise (LSE) which you

can learn more about by visiting



Any exercise will do as long as it gets your

heart rate up. I love using the LSE because it

strengthens up my knees, legs, butt, abdominal

muscles, lower back and ankles in one exercise.

But the best thing about it is that it gives me

an edge on the tennis court. It makes me fast as

lightning, increases my jumping ability and I can

stop and change directions much quicker than

before doing this exercise.


At 37 years of age, I'm faster than I was at 20

and I was on my college tennis team.


I'd like to point out that I've added a new and

very powerful bonus that I'm sure you'll love at



Now you'll get access to over 75 awesome

exercise programs, all for less than $20. You'll

never have to buy another book on exercise.

Everything you need to get in the best shape and

look the best you have in your whole life is now

included in the Lightning Speed Exercise Program.


Previous purchasers of the program can get these

bonuses as well. Make sure to join the Raw Muscle

forum to get all the details. If you are a paid

member and you don't know how to access the

forum, just email me and I'll send you the link

to join.


To Your Radiant Health, Happiness and Fitness,

Roger Haeske


P.S. For 24 hour support and coaching on the

Optimal Raw Food Diet please check out



P.P.S. Our low cost yearly membership entitles

you to a monthly telephone coaching session,

unlimited support in our forums and lots of

great bonuses including the book, " Raw Secrets, "

and four great past issues of " Just Eat An Apple, "

raw food magazine.



Now you can sign up for these announcements online. SuperbeingDiet.com

also provides you with a thorough education on doing an Optimal Raw Food

Diet and succeeding for the long term.



To Contact the: Raw Health and Happiness Society of New

York and New Jersey


Roger Haeske

A-1 Riverview Dr.

South River, NJ 08882










Living Nutrition Raw Food Lifestyle Magazine and Books


http://superbeing.net/cgi-bin/arp3/arp3-t.pl?l=10 & c=3554





This email is protected by copyright.

© 2005, Roger Haeske, All rights reserved

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rawfood , " Roger Haeske " <roger2@m...> wrote:

> Why Does Everyone Walk So Slowly?


> Dear Roger,


> The other day I was walking in the supermarket

> and getting impatient at all the slow moving

> people in there. It was especially slow that day

> as I was in there at a time when there are mostly

> senior citizens. I was in constant traffic jams

> because these sloth-like moving people were

> clogging up the aisles.


Rich: And all that nonsense that they have to check out with, I hate

that backup, slowed down, taking forever wait at the cash register.


> I think I walk five times as fast as some of

> those senior citizens. And it's not just senior

> citizens, almost all adults walk so much more

> slowly than me, they really lack energy, pep and

> enthusiasm.


Rich: I walk fast, but that's usually because I want to get

somewhere because I'm close to missing some part of the event. But

even if I'm not in a rush, I walk faster than average. Sometimes I

think this is a character defect of trying to involve myself in too

much and should just accept missing things more.


> But aging doesn't have to slow you down at all.

> If you eat a raw diet, exercise vigorously and

> lead an otherwise healthy lifestyle, you should

> always have the energy of a 20 year old.


Rich: The internal energy is the great thing, it doesn't have to be

demonstrated with speed.


> I often kid Joel because he's such a slow driver

> (he calls it safe), but walking on the streets of

> New York City, he's a speeder. When he and I walk

> we are always the fastest walkers and we can keep

> this up for hours if need be. We are constantly

> being slowed down by all the slow pokes out there.


Rich: I'm always being slowed down by all the slow pokes out there

too, but like I said, I should probably curb my enthusiasm some and

slow down to the walking pace that the rest of society is going at.

They're probably going at the right pace, they're not worried about

being a food addict.


> What do Joel and I have in common? We both eat a

> 100% healthy raw food diet and we both exercise

> vigorously. Both are extremely important in

> attaining these super-high energy levels.


Rich: 100% raw, the only diet I really respect.


To Your Radiant Health, Happiness and Fitness,

Rich Sachs


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Why I walk fast.


Because I absolutely love it. Not for any other reason than that.


I have a lot of extra energy and I like to burn it off. I don't do it

because I'm consciously trying to be productive.


The whole point is that it's great to have extra energy and to enjoy

life to the maximum. If you had those energy levels, I'd bet you'd

want to walk that way as well. It's not just energy. It's true

enjoyment of movement. This is like recapturing your youth.


Raw foods and the Lightning Aerobics program I mentioned can boost

your energy levels through the roof.


I also feel very sorry for the average person that is 20 years older

biologically than they need to be. It's crazy that people suffer with

arthritis and all these so-called diseases of old age. I even tell

people who have these problems that I have a definite solution for

them. And they don't believe it. Their doctors would have told them

about it. It's a shame that they love their doctors so much who give

them nothing but problems.


People over 60 shouldn't be crawling around. But most of them move

like turtles. There is so much more to life, at least the people on

this board know they have a better choice.


Take care, Roger Haeske


P.S. Would you like to Get Explosive Speed, Marathon Endurance and

Sculpted Muscular Legs, in One Easy and No-Equipment Exercise, that

You Can Do While Watching TV?

http://www.lightning.superbeing.com for more info.

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Yes, anyone eating a raw diet at any age would have great, renewed,

invigorated energy. There'll be peace ever after and love and light

in the valley.


rawfood , " Roger " <roger2@m...> wrote:

> People over 60 shouldn't be crawling around. But most of them move

> like turtles. There is so much more to life, at least the people on

> this board know they have a better choice.

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