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RE: slipping...slipping... [s]

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Hi Lu and everyone,


In all likelihood none of this has anything at all to do with hormones. If

you cut the fat in your diet, your body will begin to metabolize sugar

properly, according to its design. Replace the lost fat calories with

fruits, lots of them.


Move toward the most alkalizing foods you can enjoy. The sweet fruits and

tender greens are the core, bananas make a great foundation upon which to

build a raw food program for life (i.e., NOT a " diet " ).


I've written many posts related to this, is anyone wants me to repost some

material, just let me know!




lalumai [lalumai]

Friday, March 18, 2005 10:05 AM


[Raw Food] slipping...slipping...



Oh dear I have reached an area I completly forgot to prepare for! I

can feel all I am working for slipping away because of hormones! I

want chocolate and coke and bread! I am trying very hard to stick to

the rf but it is all making me sick to my tummy. Help?


Love and kisses,





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I comprehend and support this approach if you ALSO deal full-on with the

underlying emotional eating issues you face at the same time. These are the

other main culprit, along with undereating calories and overeating fat and

nondigestible fiber.



Mowthpeece [Mowthpeece]

Friday, March 18, 2005 10:47 AM


Re: [Raw Food] slipping...slipping...




In a message dated 3/18/2005 10:15:02 AM Pacific Standard Time,

lalumai writes:


> Oh dear I have reached an area I completly forgot to prepare for! I

> can feel all I am working for slipping away because of hormones! I

> want chocolate and coke and bread! I am trying very hard to stick to

> the rf but it is all making me sick to my tummy. Help?


> Love and kisses,

> Lu



i dont know about you but i dont see this lifestyle as a prison sentence.


isn't the purpose of eating this way to improve the *quality* of your life

right NOW?....if you feel bad because of a hormone inbalance, and those


make you feel better, have them.


if you really crave chocolate, have some high quality chocolate, as little


satisfies you.


if you want coke, have diet coke and/or as little as satisfies you.


if you want bread, have sprouted bread...


the day has not been made when i will punish myself by denying such strong



but think about a few things, maybe the chocolate craving is your body

wanting manganese and magnesium, as well as other things in chocolate you


during your monthly cycle...try something else high in those, and if it


work, eat the chocolate..


there could very well be something in the soda water (minerals), and the

bread as well that your body really needs...just because they are artificial


processed does not mean the body is stupid and doesn't recognize it as the

easiest way to gain those nutrients...


the trick is to find another source of those.....


....once you try heroin (and i never have) don't expect the brain to be


satisfied with st. john's wort to feel good again....


and don't feel bad, i am pms'ing right now and the frosted flakes and milk

are doing me in...but it's noooooothing compared to what i USED to eat when


was pms!


don't give food this much power over you, it's you who controls what you


not the other way around, but obsessing over it puts the food in control....


if you want something, have it. then forget about it.


what have you got to lose?


5 minutes less on your death bed?


i, for one, when taking my last breath will not be thinking of the times


i ate the wrong foods..... " gosh, anna, if you had only had water instead of

that milk shake that one day in march of 2005, you may have 2 more breaths

today.... " ....i don't think so...


the experts agree that raw food eating isn't going to make you live

longer...but your time alive is healthier...so stop worrying about it.




anna bishop

santa monica, ca

<raw foodists capitol of the universe! eeekkkk!>







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There is a role for hormones, but as an effect, not generally a cause. When

we eat anything our body regards as foreign matter, a so-called " immune

response " occurs. This generally involves at least portions of the endocrine

system, such as the adrenal. The endocrine system is a collection of

biologically ancient glands. These secrete hormones, which serve as our

" other " messaging system (along with our nervous system). The hormones are

VERY specific, they trigger very particular actions in our bodies.


With regard to the endocrine system, I've written recently about the

fight-flight response, ;with an emphasis on the adrenal and pancreatic role.

(Pancreas secretes insulin, among other things. Adrenal secretes cortisol,

among other things.) If anyone would like a repost or more information, just



I encourage everyone not to underestimate the role of " emotional eating, "

for most people it is a huge factor. My promised posts on this will begin

fairly soon.




Doreen Nash [doreennash]

Friday, March 18, 2005 12:05 PM


Re: [Raw Food] Re: slipping...slipping...




I slipped this week, its not biggie. Im going to start anew Monday 3/21 for

spring. I did 90 days. I made an interesting observation though, that

cooked food is making me nauseaus.


Froggy <seconaphim wrote:

I've slipped away many times. I've just wanted to eat other things

than raw produce at times so I've gone ahead and done it. I don't

want to anymore and I want to stay raw for the rest of my life, one

day at a time, of course (12-step lingo). I don't know if it has

anything to do with hormones, men have them don't they? You can't

really get sick on raw but you can not want it. Just roll with the

punches and if you can't stay raw try again soon, that's all I've

done in the past. It's food, it's not a heroin addiction, it's hard

to take very seriously for a recovering cooked food eater.


Love, kisses and sunshine, glory, humility and prosperity forever,




rawfood , <lalumai@g...> wrote:

> Oh dear I have reached an area I completly forgot to prepare for! I

> can feel all I am working for slipping away because of hormones! I

> want chocolate and coke and bread! I am trying very hard to stick to

> the rf but it is all making me sick to my tummy. Help?


> Love and kisses,

> Lu






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Here's an offer for some of you. For those of you who feel on the verge of

caving to those cravings, instead of caving to the craving, call me instead.



Let's see if we can't get you through in a nice, self-supportive way.

650-938-9025, California (Pacific time zone). This is a serious offer, doing

this sort of thing is part of my ministry. Don't let $ stop you, if you

can't afford the call, I'll call you back (in the US).


If you live overseas and have a decent computer and Internet connection, we

can talk for free via Skype (www.skype.com). If interested let me know, I'll

send info.


Best to all,



Ravyne Hawke [ravyne_hawke]

Friday, March 18, 2005 3:10 PM


Re: [Raw Food] slipping...slipping...



Ahhh Lu, I do so understand! It is getting close to THAT time for me too

*laughs* and I am craving chocolate too! Have you tried raw cacao? You can

get these awesome candy bars made from a company called Dagoba that use raw

cacao beans. Their best is called Eclipse. It is 87% raw cacao! If you like

dark, slightly bitter chocolate, then you just might love these! Also, since

I haven't had a soft drink since last June (when I was diagnosed with

diabetes) green tea with raw honey has become one of my favorite drinks

during THIS time of the month. As for the bread...not sure what to tell you

there, except maybe if you do give in, try going for something with lots of

nuts and seeds in it to counter-balance the carb, or try one of the sprouted

breads on the market now. Good luck hun! And remember, if you fall off the

wagon, just get back on board tomorrow and make tomorrow THE BEST DAY EVER!




lalumai wrote:

Oh dear I have reached an area I completly forgot to prepare for! I

can feel all I am working for slipping away because of hormones! I

want chocolate and coke and bread! I am trying very hard to stick to

the rf but it is all making me sick to my tummy. Help?


Love and kisses,




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Ah yes, Bananas! All this talk of bananas on here the last few days sent me

packing to the store in the wee hours of the morning for some organic bananas! I

bought a 6-pack bunch. Well, after my early morning nap (since I was up all

night *laughs*) I ended up in the kitchen this morning and devoured 3 (albeit

small) bananas! I chewed them slowly and completely, but one led to two and two

to three before I was satisfied! And the great news? It didn't raise my blood

sugar levels! w00t!!


" INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo wrote:Hi Lu and everyone,


In all likelihood none of this has anything at all to do with hormones. If

you cut the fat in your diet, your body will begin to metabolize sugar

properly, according to its design. Replace the lost fat calories with

fruits, lots of them.


Move toward the most alkalizing foods you can enjoy. The sweet fruits and

tender greens are the core, bananas make a great foundation upon which to

build a raw food program for life (i.e., NOT a " diet " ).


I've written many posts related to this, is anyone wants me to repost some

material, just let me know!




lalumai [lalumai]

Friday, March 18, 2005 10:05 AM


[Raw Food] slipping...slipping...



Oh dear I have reached an area I completly forgot to prepare for! I

can feel all I am working for slipping away because of hormones! I

want chocolate and coke and bread! I am trying very hard to stick to

the rf but it is all making me sick to my tummy. Help?


Love and kisses,





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Elchanan wrote: " There is a role for hormones, but as an

effect, not generally a cause. "


Dear Elchanan,


I'm becoming convinced, slowly but surely, that your way of

doing raw is the way to go. What you're saying here about

fats in the diet coming first, and hormone problems coming

after, really opened my eyes!


I'm estrogen dominant, like so many women. Estrogen

dominant, for those who don't know, means that there is too

much estrogen in relation to progesterone in the body.

Symptoms can include: headaches, anxiety, breast tenderness,

uterine fibroids, loss of libido, among others, and it can

lead to serious disease. I've been doing all sorts of things

to correct this, including eating cruciferous veggies,

supplementing with indoles, eating flax and soy, and

reducing intake of sugar. I was also supposed to be getting

the percentage of fat in my diet down to 30%, but I wasn't

working very hard at it!


Then I went raw, and used nut pates and desserts rich in

nuts to transition into the lifestyle. I thought that I was

doing great until I realized my intake of fat was still way

above 30%, and I didn't want to give up anything in my diet!


When I first saw your posts, it was typical denial on my

part. I didn't like you " spouting off " your philosophy (if

you don't mind me saying so ;-)), I realize now because I

didn't want to hear what you were saying. It meant I was

going to have to change! I, too, have increased my banana

intake. I've got five or six bunches on my counter in

varying degrees of ripeness!


What I keep coming back to in my mind is that if I rely on

protein-rich raw foods to supply my calories and blood sugar

stability, I will always have WAY too much fat in my diet.

If, on the other hand, I get enough calories from fruit, my

blood sugar will be stable, I won't be hungry, I'll get

enough calories, and my fat intake will be nice and low.


These are my nagging questions, after reading your posts:


1) Have you witnessed hormonal imbalances, such as estrogen

dominance or others, straighten out on a raw food diet such

as you propose?


2) Are there any studies showing that this diet is safe long

term, with people getting enough of the basic nutrients? I

think I remember seeing an excerpt of the China Study

suggesting that to prevent cancer, fat intake should be 5%

or less (sounds like your diet would fall within that



3) What about teeth? Before seeing your posts, I was

convinced that it is the raw foodist fruit eaters who ended

up with horror stories of multiple tooth cavities. Is that

not the case?


4) Have you tried eating the other way, a la Gabriel

Cousens, for example, and if so, what was the result? I was

very influenced by his work and feel that he genuinely

believes in what he is doing and suggesting to others. Why

are these two raw food philosophies so different?


5) Cousens says he doesn't advocate eating much fruit,

because it causes " self-composting " (paraphrasing). What's

your take on this? Why shouldn't I believe that?


6) You've mentioned before that if a person has to take

supplements, it means the diet is a failure (paraphrasing).

While transitioning to the ideal raw diet, are supplements

OK in your book?


OK, OK, enough questions. These really are the last few

questions I've had about eating " your " way. Thank you for

taking the time to provide so much valuable information.



All the best,







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I for one need to find a substitute for cokes... I drink the caffeine free kind

... diet kinds.. but this seems to be my main vise right now... the one thing

that will ruin a good raw day... water jsut doesn't cut it and any teas doesn't

either.... suggestions??


Mowthpeece [Mowthpeece]

Friday, March 18, 2005 10:47 AM


Re: [Raw Food] slipping...slipping...





i dont know about you but i dont see this lifestyle as a prison sentence.


...........<snip> if you want coke, have diet coke and/or as little as satisfies





there could very well be something in the soda water (minerals), and the

bread as well that your body really needs...just because they are artificial


processed does not mean the body is stupid and doesn't recognize it as the

easiest way to gain those nutrients...





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Is this a situation (typically) where you have access to a juicer or



Gypsi at www.aromaticwings.com [aromatic_wings]

Friday, March 18, 2005 11:13 PM


RE: [Raw Food] slipping...slipping...



I for one need to find a substitute for cokes... I drink the caffeine free

kind .. diet kinds.. but this seems to be my main vise right now... the one

thing that will ruin a good raw day... water jsut doesn't cut it and any

teas doesn't either.... suggestions??


Mowthpeece [Mowthpeece]

Friday, March 18, 2005 10:47 AM


Re: [Raw Food] slipping...slipping...





i dont know about you but i dont see this lifestyle as a prison sentence.


...........<snip> if you want coke, have diet coke and/or as little as

satisfies you.




there could very well be something in the soda water (minerals), and the

bread as well that your body really needs...just because they are artificial


processed does not mean the body is stupid and doesn't recognize it as the

easiest way to gain those nutrients...





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Oh Gypsi, please please please give up the diet sodas!!! If you are drinking the

ones with aspartame in them, you are embalming your body! It breaks down as

formeldehyde as soon as it touches your tongue! And if you are drinking the ones

with sucralose in them, you are doing some serious damage to your thyroid!

Here's a suggestion: buy club soda and add fresh fruit juice to it. You will

still get the sparkling fizz and the fruit would be so much better for you than

that artificial sugar substitute you are currently filling your body with. You

can also get flavored waters these days, but again, don't buy the diet ones! One

way I got myself used to drinking water was to add a twist of lemon, lime and

orange to my water and drink it. If that is too acidic, try adding a little

fresh apple juice or cherry juice. If you need a good sugar substitute, try

either agave nectar or stevia (although some stevia does have a bit of a licorce

flavor to it). Do a web search on Aspartame poisoning

and then ask yourself if that is what you really want to be doing to your body!

Good luck and best wishes!




" Gypsi at www.aromaticwings.com " <aromatic_wings wrote:

I for one need to find a substitute for cokes... I drink the caffeine free kind

... diet kinds.. but this seems to be my main vise right now... the one thing

that will ruin a good raw day... water jsut doesn't cut it and any teas doesn't

either.... suggestions??


Mowthpeece [Mowthpeece]

Friday, March 18, 2005 10:47 AM


Re: [Raw Food] slipping...slipping...





i dont know about you but i dont see this lifestyle as a prison sentence.


...........<snip> if you want coke, have diet coke and/or as little as satisfies





there could very well be something in the soda water (minerals), and the

bread as well that your body really needs...just because they are artificial


processed does not mean the body is stupid and doesn't recognize it as the

easiest way to gain those nutrients...





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Thanks Ravyne

Well..yes I know of the dangers of soft drinks... but wouldn't the club soda be

just as bad?? I have drank many different kinds of juices. many different

combanations... but so far nothing has been able to satisfy the need for that

carbonated one... don't know if it is the carbonation or what that I feel I

want.. maybe it is just the sheer convenience... who knows.. I really do not

think it is the sweet anymore because I find that sometimes they are too sweet

and I can't have even too much of the sweet fruits in a day.. Maybe I feel I am

getting too much sugar from the sweet fruits.. I know they are better for me...

but sometimes I still have that old frame of mind...

Ravyne Hawke <ravyne_hawke wrote:

Oh Gypsi, please please please give up the diet sodas!!! If you are drinking the

ones with aspartame in them, you are embalming your body! It breaks down as

formeldehyde as soon as it touches your tongue! And if you are drinking the ones

with sucralose in them, you are doing some serious damage to your thyroid!

Here's a suggestion: buy club soda and add fresh fruit juice to it. You will

still get the sparkling fizz and the fruit would be so much better for you than

that artificial sugar substitute you are currently filling your body with.




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There are fermented " carbonated like " beverages that can be purchased. I tried

one at Karyn's Corner in Chicago and it tasted like ginger ale. I only

purchased one bottle and I do not remember the brand name. I am sure that would

satisfy your need for a soda.






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Hi Gypsi,


have you tired putting a bottle of water in the fridge and drinking

that? Sometimes our bodies crave cold and out of the tap just isn't

cold enough. I might be the cold of the soft drink your body is

craving as we also drink to regulate our temprature (says the woman

that would be leagelly dead from her temprature.) When all else fails

try the silly things?


Love and kisses,


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All great suggestions Ravyne!


I agree, even a regular coke is less damaging than a diet coke, because of

the aspartame.


In the spirit of alkalizing, consider soaking dates, raisins, or any other

dehydrated sweet fruit in the water for a short while.


If you find the lemon/lime/orange too acidic, try adding just one or two

drops, JUST for the flavor.


And make sure you are drinking the cleanest water you can find!




Ravyne Hawke [ravyne_hawke]

Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:06 AM


RE: [Raw Food] slipping...slipping...



Oh Gypsi, please please please give up the diet sodas!!! If you are drinking

the ones with aspartame in them, you are embalming your body! It breaks down

as formeldehyde as soon as it touches your tongue! And if you are drinking

the ones with sucralose in them, you are doing some serious damage to your

thyroid! Here's a suggestion: buy club soda and add fresh fruit juice to it.

You will still get the sparkling fizz and the fruit would be so much better

for you than that artificial sugar substitute you are currently filling your

body with. You can also get flavored waters these days, but again, don't buy

the diet ones! One way I got myself used to drinking water was to add a

twist of lemon, lime and orange to my water and drink it. If that is too

acidic, try adding a little fresh apple juice or cherry juice. If you need a

good sugar substitute, try either agave nectar or stevia (although some

stevia does have a bit of a licorce flavor to it). Do a web search on

Aspartame poisoning

and then ask yourself if that is what you really want to be doing to your

body! Good luck and best wishes!







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on 19 March 2005 at 17:40:18 UTC



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Oh darn, now what was the original question? Sorry...E


Gypsi at www.aromaticwings.com [aromatic_wings]





" INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo wrote:Is this a situation

(typically) where you have access to a juicer or








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on 19 March 2005 at 17:54:00 UTC



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Gypsi, hmmm, good question about the Club Soda. I would have to look at it's

contents. I knew a friend who was pretty health conscious who gave up drinking

soft drinks by switching to club soda with fresh fruit juice, which is why I

suggested it. The things I would look out for would be artificial sweetners in

it and high fruitose corn syrup. If those are not present, perhaps give it a



Here is what I found online about Club Soda:



Club soda is one of many names for water that has been charged with carbon

dioxide. It is also referred to as soda water, carbonated water, sparkling water

and Seltzer water.


Soda waters usually contain a small amount of sodium bicarbonate, and is

sometimes lightly flavored.


You can make your own soda water by using a soda siphon that charge plain water

with carbon dioxide.




Doesn't sound too harmful, what ya think?





" Gypsi at www.aromaticwings.com " <aromatic_wings wrote:

Thanks Ravyne

Well..yes I know of the dangers of soft drinks... but wouldn't the club soda be

just as bad?? I have drank many different kinds of juices. many different

combanations... but so far nothing has been able to satisfy the need for that

carbonated one... don't know if it is the carbonation or what that I feel I

want.. maybe it is just the sheer convenience... who knows.. I really do not

think it is the sweet anymore because I find that sometimes they are too sweet

and I can't have even too much of the sweet fruits in a day.. Maybe I feel I am

getting too much sugar from the sweet fruits.. I know they are better for me...

but sometimes I still have that old frame of mind...

Ravyne Hawke <ravyne_hawke wrote:

Oh Gypsi, please please please give up the diet sodas!!! If you are drinking the

ones with aspartame in them, you are embalming your body! It breaks down as

formeldehyde as soon as it touches your tongue! And if you are drinking the ones

with sucralose in them, you are doing some serious damage to your thyroid!

Here's a suggestion: buy club soda and add fresh fruit juice to it. You will

still get the sparkling fizz and the fruit would be so much better for you than

that artificial sugar substitute you are currently filling your body with.




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thank you but I beleive you ahve already answered that question from a recent

previous post.. but my answer below was regarding my soda intake and wanting to

know what can i substitute to get off them... and you already answered that.. I

just need to continue eating my fruits and get dehydrated... and yes I do have a

juicer... going out today to get a food processor ....as this seems to be the

main answer since water doesn't help and i feel replacing soda with soda water

is defeating the purpose... like you said .. that sodium is a killer and for me.

soooooooooo for me it is to get more fruits in... although i have been eating

and drinking fuirts in the am until about 1pm and for snacks throughout the

day... then eating or drinking salads until about 6pm.... but then i fall back

into the need for cooked or sodas... must be emotional..agan... geesh!!!....

darn those emotions....


" INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo wrote:Oh darn, now what was the

original question? Sorry...E


Gypsi at www.aromaticwings.com [aromatic_wings]





" INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo wrote:Is this a situation

(typically) where you have access to a juicer or








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Yes, from what you say there are probably emotional issues at work here,

more than physical, although the effects will certainly show up physically.


Here is a place to begin: when you notice yourself just beginning to crave a

soda or cooked food, try and also notice whatever you were feeling,

imagining, experiencing (even in memory), etc. just before the craving

occurred. If you begin to focus in this way, it's likely you will notice one

or more patterns coming up over and over. then we can address those!



Gypsi at www.aromaticwings.com [aromatic_wings]

Saturday, March 19, 2005 11:51 AM


RE: [Raw Food] slipping...slipping...



thank you but I beleive you ahve already answered that question from a

recent previous post.. but my answer below was regarding my soda intake and

wanting to know what can i substitute to get off them... and you already

answered that.. I just need to continue eating my fruits and get

dehydrated... and yes I do have a juicer... going out today to get a food

processor ....as this seems to be the main answer since water doesn't help

and i feel replacing soda with soda water is defeating the purpose... like

you said .. that sodium is a killer and for me. soooooooooo for me it is to

get more fruits in... although i have been eating and drinking fuirts in the

am until about 1pm and for snacks throughout the day... then eating or

drinking salads until about 6pm.... but then i fall back into the need for

cooked or sodas... must be emotional..agan... geesh!!!.... darn those



" INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo wrote:Oh darn, now what was the

original question? Sorry...E


Gypsi at www.aromaticwings.com [aromatic_wings]





" INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo wrote:Is this a situation

(typically) where you have access to a juicer or








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