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RE: The high-fruit way...Jennifer's brilliant questions :):) [s]

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Hi Jennifer, I laughed out loud as I read your comments about bananas. Maybe

I should become a banana rep! :):)


When I first saw your posts, it was typical

denial on my part. I didn't like you " spouting

off " your philosophy (if you don't mind me

saying so ;-)), I realize now because I didn't

want to hear what you were saying. It meant I

was going to have to change! I, too, have

increased my banana intake. I've got five or

six bunches on my counter in varying degrees

of ripeness!


I absolutely love your honesty and self-expression. Elchanan


NOTE: THIS IS A VERY LONG POST. Hopefully, many of you will find it " worth

it. " Also, please do respect the copyright notice, immediately following.





Copyright under Natural Law and Common Law, 5765 (2005 CE) by The Office of

the Presiding Chaplain of Vibrant Life and His/Her Successors, a Corporation

Sole. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to any natural man,

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1. Any portion excerpted must be of sufficient completeness to assure no

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2. The man, woman or child excerpting or otherwise using all or any portion

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Written by Elchanan. Copyright under Natural Law and Common Law,

5765 (2005 CE) by The Office of the Presiding Chaplain of Vibrant Life

and His/Her Successors, a Corporation Sole. All rights reserved.



Below, Jennifer, I'll address each of your questions. First though, I just

wish to say how much I appreciate these questions. Often, people ask

questions that basically amount to " What should I do? " But your questions

are thoughtful, well-expressed, and, at least to me, reflect a real desire

to attain the kind of understanding that will enable you to become

independent and self-reliant as a RF, eventually not needing to seek much

advice from anyone. I love that!!!


Before I address each of your questions individually, let me share some

comments about hormones in general. First, hormones are our systems ancient

messaging technology, more ancient or basic biologically than the brain/CNS.

They are secreted by our various endocrine glands--hypothalamus, thalamus,

thyroid, thymus, pituitary, adrenal, pancreas, etc. Each hormone serves a

particular messaging function, that is, it triggers some further activity.

Well-known hormones are adrenalin, epinephrine, insulin, estrogen,

testosterone, and so on.


From a developmental perspective, the hormonal system was not designed in

Nature in the presence of anything like our modern lifestyle, foods,

chemicals, etc. To be sure, as with most of our system, our bodies exhibit

great resiliency and capacity to stretch with respect to hormonal output.

But eventually, one or more of the endocrine glands can shut down due to

overwork. I have described this effect WRT the adrenal and pancreas in a

previous post on diabetes and blood sugar, but the principle is the same for

all these glands. Protracted unresolved stress, unresolved " negative "

feelings (pain, hurt, fear, etc.), unresolved anger (I separate this from

the others for a reason, to be addressed in my upcoming posts on emotional

eating) all trigger increased endocrine output. Cooked food, an excess of

food and the like also trigger increased endocrine (hormonal) output. Sop

does lack of physical activity. And finally, environmental inputs, or

signals, often trigger increased endocrine output.


Such environmental signals may include, ONLY as a short list of examples:

electromagnetic fields (e.g., cell phones!!!), industrial chemicals,

agricultural chemicals, food chemicals, cosmetics (which are basically all

chemicals), soaps, shampoos, detergents, toothpastes and gels, packaging

materials, plastics, paints and related products, glues and other adhesives,

carpets, draperies, refrigerators/air conditioners/cooling systems,

automobiles/trucks, ANYTHING that burns an oil-based fuel, and so on.


The toxic load on our bodies today is thousands and thousands of times

greater than any known human society has ever experienced, we are truly

living in a radical experiment in absurdity. In fact, a new field of

scientific inquiry called " body burden " is emerging, just to study all this.

(Look up the term, fascinating stuff!) But the point here is that ALL such

toxins trigger increased endocrine activity of some sort, and further many

of these effects are as yet undiscovered, so we cannot read about them.



Jennifer wrote:


I'm estrogen dominant, like so many women. Estrogen

dominant, for those who don't know, means that there is too

much estrogen in relation to progesterone in the body.

Symptoms can include: headaches, anxiety, breast tenderness,

uterine fibroids, loss of libido, among others, and it can

lead to serious disease. I've been doing all sorts of things

to correct this, including eating cruciferous veggies,

supplementing with indoles, eating flax and soy, and

reducing intake of sugar. I was also supposed to be getting

the percentage of fat in my diet down to 30%, but I wasn't

working very hard at it!


Then I went raw, and used nut pates and desserts rich in

nuts to transition into the lifestyle. I thought that I was

doing great until I realized my intake of fat was still way

above 30%, and I didn't want to give up anything in my diet!


Jennifer, I so empathize with you!!! You, as most of us, are dealing with a

combination of substances and emotional factors so complex and often so

hidden from view that it is easy to move into a sort of hopeless or

despairing place.


I fear the diagnosis you have purchased is more a reflection of what doctors

you saw than anything else. If you truly have all these symptoms, then there

is likely a confluence of causes., occurring over time.


One thing comes to mind right away: do you eat ANY foods that might contain

pesticides or similar chemicals? Pesticides, as a family, contain substances

that mimic estrogen and actually block the efficacy and function of true

estrogen in our bodies. This can lead, among other things, to a misdiagnosis

of estrogen dominance. I am not saying this is so in your case, only that it

is a possibility.


No one on earth even begins to comprehend the impact of all these

intentional poisons on everything and everyone. But there are some

indications that the long-term effects are of potentially disastrous nature

and proportions. For example, an excellent scientist and permaculturist, Dr.

David Blume, reports that these estrogen-mimicking effects are directly and

primary correlated with rising male impotence in the US. And I mean rising

to the level of a PRESENT epidemic. The number of couples where one or both

partners is infertile has skyrocketed, and I assure you that " we ain't seen

nothin' yet. " It's become quite a medical racket. The desperate couple forks

over tens of thousands of dollars and receives back uncertainty, pain,

stress, and once in awhile a child. And who can even begin to guess about

the future health and capacities of a child created in such a way.


Go organic, and even then, talk to farmers. There are many, many farmers

whose food is far superior to anything certified organic, but you have to

ask lots of questions. (I can see another post coming....)



There is no perfect solution, as we are unlikely to influence our outer

environment much, at least not in the short run. But we CAN influence our

internal environment considerably. More than at any time in human history,

now is the time for us to find our way back to our biological and

psychological roots, to embrace our underlying design within the context of



Jennifer, although you have inquired largely about physical things, I am

therefore going to take a somewhat different tack for a few moments. At some

point, each of us is faced with a simple you profoundly challenging



In the depths of my being, do I choose to trust in

Nature, in the Divine Design, or do I choose to

trust in modern science and technology, and in

a larger sense, in the human capacity for reason.


In other words, who and what to be, and who and

what not to be, " that is the question. "


And related to this question, another follows:


In pursuing scientific inquiry, do we seek to

understand Nature in order to control Nature,

or do we seek to understand in order to live in

in harmony with Nature?


With the exception of quantum physics, science fiction, and a few other

" hideouts, " modern society has chosen the latter path en masse. (This is

why, in my posts, I generally DON'T refer to lots of studies and the like.)

Yet in spite of " impressive " progress, technology etc., I personally believe

that more people today feel more alone, more miserable, and are less healthy

and vital than at any time in known human history.


Both as a society and one by one, we are approaching a crossroads in our

lives and, in a larger sense, in our history as a species. We cannot thrive,

we cannot live in freedom, we cannot experience health and vitality and the

fullness of life these enable for us, unless make our internal world as

strong, integral, and vital as possible,


Any good sports coach, when his/her team or player is having a challenging

time, knows to " go back to basics. " Any good general knows that " basic

training " is essential is his army is to succeed. And so on. So let's follow

their lead and get down to basics.


We need more oxygen and water than all other substances combined, many, many

times over. Our bodies burn simple sugar (primarily glucose) as fuel. Our

digestive systems use soluble/digestible fiber to motivate peristalsis

(movement of food through the digestive tube) and for other vital purposes.

We require only a small quantity of protein and fat, anything in excess of

these requirements places a toxic load on our systems and depletes us. We

need sunshine, fresh air, clean water. We thrive on physical activity, to

the extent our present condition will support enjoyably. We are social

beings, we thrive in the healthy and generous companionship of others of our

species. We are designed to be friends with and to live in harmony with



We have a forebrain capable of what we call " consciousness. " We have vast

capacities for imagination, creativity, and self-expression. We are designed

to choose life at every turn.






Eat fruits and tender greens, these are Nature's foods for our species. Let

the squirrels and chipmunks eat the nuts and seeds, these are Nature's foods

for them. Let the birds eat grains, these are Nature's foods for them. Let

the ruminants (cows, sheep, etc.) eat the grass, these are Nature's foods

for them. Let mammalian babies of every time drink their own mother's milk,

this is Nature's food for them. Let sea animals live in salt water this is

Nature's environment for them.


Run and jump and play, climb trees, walk up tall hills. These are activities

Nature has designed us to pursue with joy, grace, and ease.


Choose your friends with great discretion, then cherish each and every one

you choose. Nature has designed us (and all the anthropoid primates) as

highly social beings. Develop a strong sense of yourself -- continually

BECOME that unique individual you choose to be.


And now, on with the show...


Above, Jennifer said (requoting):


I was also supposed to be getting the

percentage of fat in my diet down to

30%, but I wasn't working very hard

at it!


Whoever originally made up this target of 30% fat in our diet must have been

selling fat. In general, when our dietary fat intake exceeds around 10% of

total calories, we are eating too much fat. (Some say less.) The only way I

know to consume less than 10% fat and also less than 10% protein is to eat

fruits and tender greens.


As Jennifer next wrote:


What I keep coming back to in my mind is that

if I rely on protein-rich raw foods to supply

my calories and blood sugar stability, I will

always have WAY too much fat in my diet. If,

on the other hand, I get enough calories from

fruit, my blood sugar will be stable, I won't

be hungry, I'll get enough calories, and my fat

intake will be nice and low.


I can't imagine saying this any better.


Jennifer asks:


1) Have you witnessed hormonal imbalances, such as estrogen

dominance or others, straighten out on a raw food diet such

as you propose?


Yes, and others have reported the same. Fasting can greatly accelerate this

recovery and restoration process. However, PLEASE learn a lot about fasting

first, and I suggest working with someone who knows how.


Jennifer asks:


2) Are there any studies showing that this diet is safe long

term, with people getting enough of the basic nutrients? I

think I remember seeing an excerpt of the China Study

suggesting that to prevent cancer, fat intake should be 5%

or less (sounds like your diet would fall within that



To be honest, there is just not a lot of research funding for RF studies per

se, particularly long-term studies. However, there are thousands of studies

that show that eating more fresh fruits and vegetables improves almost every

conceivable aspect of our health and well-being There are thousands of

studies the demonstrate the importance of good hydration, good oxygenation,

etc. We have to connect the dots.


But more important, there are thousands of people who are living better than

they ever did, symptom-free and doctor-free. I don't know, maybe we should

go and count them! :):) (Of course, since they are unlocking the door to

liberty, they may not wish to be counted!!)


Finally, consider that, throughout all of Nature and throughout the entire

history of this planet, no creature has ever been born with a cook-stove on

its back. No creature has ever been born with a bottle of drugs or

supplements. No creature (other than humans and the animals we keep) has

ever drunk the milk of another species or after weaning. No species has ever

transformed AS THE SAME SPECIES from being carnivorous to herbivorous, or

vice versa.


So I ask in turn, what would you really have us study? I propose that we

study Nature, in order to learn and live in harmony with Nature. Most of our

present science contributes nothing constructive toward this endeavor.


Jennifer asks:


3) What about teeth? Before seeing your posts, I was

convinced that it is the raw foodist fruit eaters who ended

up with horror stories of multiple tooth cavities. Is that

not the case?


This is absolutely an open issue. I am preparing, well more honestly

thinking about, a post on this subject. I'll defer to that upcoming post.


However, keep in mind that tooth and oral health problems are rampant. The

number of people undergoing orthodontia, root canal, and whatnot is

astonishing to me.


Jennifer asks:


4) Have you tried eating the other way, a la Gabriel

Cousens, for example, and if so, what was the result? I was

very influenced by his work and feel that he genuinely

believes in what he is doing and suggesting to others. Why

are these two raw food philosophies so different?


First I would not call Gabriel's approach THE other way, but merely Another



To the limited extent that I am acquainted with Gabriel personally, I like

him. And in the past I have sponsored and hosted him as a speaker on several

occasions. Yet it is clear, as you observe, that he and I point down

different paths, both of which may rightly be called " raw foodism. " I shall

attempt to outline some of the differences between our two views, however,

obviously it would be better to invite Gabriel to represent himself.


As I understand Gabriel's approach, he has adopted, at least in large

measure, the Ayurvedic model for understanding the design and nature of our

species. According to this model, our species may be subdivided into several

types, such as vatta, pitta, kaffa. Each type then has certain prevailing

characteristics and, accordingly, is best served by eating certain foods and

making various other lifestyle choices.


At the same time, Gabriel also has extensive education and training in

Western medicine, and therefore he has a considerable general science

background. My sense is that he has attempted to interweave these two

models, the Ayurvedic and the medical, along with other inputs, into a

generalized approach for healthful living. However, as I understand his

work, the Ayurvedic model always remains predominant, and everything else

eventually conforms to that model.


Gabriel also sells large quantities of supplements, though I have met people

who visited his Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center and bought few or no



My education in basic science and in the nature of science (as opposed to

some particular field such as " medical science " ), and also in mathematics,

leads me to understand that all human models of reality are inherently

severely limited. Reality is always seems to present a far more complex and

interwoven tapestry than any theory can ever describe, much less explain. So

rather than rely upon any such model a priori, I choose simply to begin by

observing Nature, and of course by seeking out others who do or have done

similarly. In other words, I am, first and foremost, making my best effort

to come into this exploration tabula rasa, with a clean slate and free from

bias, to the extent I am able.


So when I hear that we are to be subdivided into types (Ayurvedic types,

blood types, Aryans and inferior types, Chosen People and everyone else,

Believers and Nonbelievers, etc.), I look into Nature and seek to discover

other species, in fact any species at all, that exhibits such distinctive

subspecies typologies. To date, I have found none.


Therefore, in order to adopt such a typological model of humanity, I would

first have to decide that humanity exhibits a capacity for subtyping unlike

anything else observable in Nature. This requires a leap of faith that I am

unwilling to make. It just does not make sense to me.


So I do not attempt to perceive things in terms of the Ayurvedic model or

any other model. I simply look at what exists, and observe and think and

eventually synthesize, all to the best of my ability. And of course I listen

to others.


Some of you may notice that the nature of the questions I ask/answer differs

from those raised by most people. This occurs because I really am thinking

differently than the " norm " in our society. And one of my greatest joys

occurs when I have the opportunity, not to teach others knowledge or what to

do. but to teach others how to think. For I perceive this as a rapidly

diminishing capacity among our species at the present.


Anyway, when I see that we need oxygen and water most of all, I take this at

face value, I need no model in which to understand it further. Similarly,

when I see that we burn glucose as fuel, I take this at face value. I do not

ask " where do you get your protein, " for I have observed that protein is in

virtually everything we eat. But I DO ask, " where do you get your fuel? " For

not all the foods we eat contain the same quantity, type, or quality of

fuel. And I know, again through simple observation, that we consume far more

fuel than any other substance, other than oxygen and water.


Based upon these rather simple and straightforward observations, I formulate

certain equally simple questions:


- What foods are high in oxygen and water?

- What foods are high in bioavailable simple sugar?


and so forth. I just think differently, I believe it's fair to say. I am not

alone or unique in this, there are many others who think similarly And

EVERYONE can learn to think with this sort of clarity and

straightforwardness. One must simply seek, the rest will come.


Jennifer asks:


5) Cousens says he doesn't advocate eating much fruit,

because it causes " self-composting " (paraphrasing). What's

your take on this? Why shouldn't I believe that?


Fruit is high in water, it wants to go through our digestive tube quickly.

And fruit is high in simple sugar, which will begin to ferment quickly if

not processed properly. So if we eat fruit in any way that " hangs it up " in

our system, fermentation (alcohol production) and " self-composting " will

indeed occur. So far, Gabriel and I agree.


However, the solution is not to abandon fruit, but simply to learn to eat

fruit in ways that support its rapid digestion and elimination. And luckily,

this is quite easy to accomplish.


The answer lies largely in proper food combining and eventually in

monomeals. I recently posted on food combining and so will not repeat all

that here. Let it suffice here simply to say that we should eat the fastest

digesting foods before slower digesting foods, and we should avoid combining

foods that require different digestive chemistry (as protein with sugar, or

fat with sugar). Don't eat fruits with nuts, this slows down digestion of

the fruits significantly and can cause fermentation, self-composting, and

resulting gas formation, among other problems. You get the picture.


The term " monomeals " refers to the practice of eating one food at a time.

When we look out into Nature, we observe that all the other animals seem to

eat one food at a time. For example, a bear may eat fish, berries, and

honey. But I have never heard of any bear who carried around a fish, picked

some berries, then found some honey, and made a honey-berry-fish sandwich.

Each is always eaten separately.


When we eat one food at a time, we experience fully the capability of our

system to process, work smoothly and easily, and signal our conscious

awareness. Our presence to our own sense of satiation becomes very precise:

we know exactly how much to eat, and not one bite more. Digestion is

perfect, as our system has only and precisely one set of biochemical

processes to initiate, monitor, and manage. Energy soars, as the digestive

system's energy requirements plummet.


Jennifer asks:

6) You've mentioned before that if a person has to take

supplements, it means the diet is a failure (paraphrasing).

While transitioning to the ideal raw diet, are supplements

OK in your book?


Well, not that the diet is a total failure, more that the diet is deficient

in some way significant enough to require intervention.


When I began " transitioning " to RF, my teachers at that time recommended

enzyme supplements. These were to help our digestive system and particularly

we were to take these whenever we ate cooked food. It took my mind about 1

nanosecond to transform this message into permission from my teacher to

continue eating cooked food. So I question the use of supplements as a

teaching practice.


Notice also that, in the preceding paragraph, I put the word " transitioning "

in quotation marks. When I wish to walk from a building to my car, I walk in

as straight a line as I can, given the layout of the parking lot or street.

I do not walk first to the two rows, then backward a few steps, and so on.


Similarly, when we " transition " to RF, there is a great philosophical and

practical question for teachers: do we " transition " people in some way that

attempts to accommodate most of their existing, self-defeating eating

habits, or do we encourage people to walk directly toward the best diet and

lifestyle we know.


Most RF teachers seem to prefer the former approach. However, I prefer the

latter. I would rather have you begin living as closely as possible to the

way you will end up living. That is why I send out such a singular and

consistent message, I have chosen not to make that compromise called

" transitioning " in my approach to teaching.


To be sure, there is a transition, for most people one of immense

proportions, physically and mentally/emotionally. But I would rather have

someone continue eating chocolate in plain view, without guilt or judgment,

than do it secretly for fear of criticism or even abandonment.


So if eating some supplements for awhile gives you some sense of safety and

therefore enables you to go forward in just the right size steps for you,

then eat the supplements. At the same time, I encourage you to realize that

they are (generally) unnecessary and in most cases actually add toxic

material to the body.


This brings me to an crucial philosophical and emotional point. We are

creatures of " yes, " we do not respond well to being told " no " by anyone,

even by ourselves. I would much prefer that you (or anyone) work through

emotional issues fully and then gently and easily let go of various things

than try and force yourself by will power, only to boomerang in the opposite

direction only hours or days later.


More important than food or supplements, I believe, is our self-love,

self-trust, self-respect. The post on emotional eating is coming ....


Jennifer writes:


OK, OK, enough questions. These really are the

last few questions I've had about eating " your " way.


Elchanan responds:


Uh-huh :):)


Jennifer writes:


Thank you for taking the time to provide so much

valuable information.



Elchanan responds:


My great pleasure, and thank you for reading and making wonderful use of

what I am sharing!


Best to all,





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Hi Elchanan,


Thank you for your thoughtful and lengthy response. I SO

appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions!


Elchanan wrote: I fear the diagnosis you have purchased is

more a reflection of what doctors

you saw than anything else.


Yes, I hear what you're saying about " the diagnosis I have

purchased. " Good point! I will stop the self-labeling and

move forward in health.


Elchanan wrote: If you truly have all these symptoms, then

there is likely a confluence of causes, occurring over time.


Fortunately, I do not! Yippee!


Elchanan wrote: One thing comes to mind right away: do you

eat ANY foods that might contain

pesticides or similar chemicals?


Not that I am aware of. I eat all organically-grown produce

and prepared " raw " items made with organically-grown

ingredients. As far as I know, nearly 100% or 100% of my

diet is organically grown. Oops! I eat some non-organic

items at local raw potlucks--that's about it!


I have only been raw since November, so perhaps my health

issues are clearing up already. Eating less fat in my diet

would certainly help with that too. I'm creating new habits,

eating more bananas and other fruits to replace the fatty

nuts, nut pates, nut milks, rich desserts, etc. that I've

been eating.


Any more thoughts from you (or others) are very much

appreciated. I will keep listening in on this list and

growing as a raw foodist. Thank you again for your

incredible contribution to my (and others') learning!



All the best,







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You are most welcome.


Just to clarify on one point, when I ask about pesticide foods, I d not just

mean recently, this is something that accrues in our systems over years and

years. As a RF, your system clean the stuff out, but the toxicity level and

therefore the symptoms arise over time.


If you just keep moving along this path, reducing the foods that are

high-fat and high in nondigestible fiber, you will observe progress.



Jennifer [simplify]

Saturday, March 19, 2005 9:39 PM


RE: [Raw Food] The high-fruit way...Jennifer's brilliant questions





Hi Elchanan,


Thank you for your thoughtful and lengthy response. I SO

appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions!


Elchanan wrote: I fear the diagnosis you have purchased is

more a reflection of what doctors

you saw than anything else.


Yes, I hear what you're saying about " the diagnosis I have

purchased. " Good point! I will stop the self-labeling and

move forward in health.


Elchanan wrote: If you truly have all these symptoms, then

there is likely a confluence of causes, occurring over time.


Fortunately, I do not! Yippee!


Elchanan wrote: One thing comes to mind right away: do you

eat ANY foods that might contain

pesticides or similar chemicals?


Not that I am aware of. I eat all organically-grown produce

and prepared " raw " items made with organically-grown

ingredients. As far as I know, nearly 100% or 100% of my

diet is organically grown. Oops! I eat some non-organic

items at local raw potlucks--that's about it!


I have only been raw since November, so perhaps my health

issues are clearing up already. Eating less fat in my diet

would certainly help with that too. I'm creating new habits,

eating more bananas and other fruits to replace the fatty

nuts, nut pates, nut milks, rich desserts, etc. that I've

been eating.


Any more thoughts from you (or others) are very much

appreciated. I will keep listening in on this list and

growing as a raw foodist. Thank you again for your

incredible contribution to my (and others') learning!



All the best,







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Hi Elchanan,


Elchanan wrote: " Just to clarify on one point, when I ask

about pesticide foods, I d(id) not just

mean recently, this is something that accrues in our systems

over years and years. As a RF, your system clean the stuff

out, but the toxicity level and therefore the symptoms arise

over time. "


Before going raw in November, I was vegan for about three

years, and before that, I was vegetarian for over 20 years.

I've focused on organic produce for nearly 20 years. One

point, though, is that as a vegan, I enjoyed eating all

sorts of " fake meats " made from soy, wheat gluten, etc.,

and after reading just one of the three articles posted

earlier on this list re: soy, I am pretty sure that all of

those fake sausages, bacon, lunch meats, etc. could be

considered toxic, at least in comparison to what I eat

today. I also was addicted to refined sugar " sweets. " Thanks

for the reminder: my diet, although much better than the SAD

for a number of years, has been less than perfectly " clean. "

These toxins likely accrued over time.


I like your last sentence:


" If you just keep moving along this path, reducing the foods

that are

high-fat and high in nondigestible fiber, you will observe

progress. "


Thanks again, Elchanan!



All the best,








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Jennifer wrote:


Thanks for the reminder: my diet, although much better than the SAD

for a number of years, has been less than perfectly " clean. "

These toxins likely accrued over time.


I like your last sentence:


" If you just keep moving along this path, reducing the foods that are

high-fat and high in nondigestible fiber, you will observe progress. "


Thanks again, Elchanan!



I mean it truly, and you are welcome.


And yes, all those faux meats (soy, gluten, etc.) are quite acid-forming in

our bodies and can cause or contribute to many " conditions. "


Write about anything, anytime!





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