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Deficiency vs. Toxicity [s]

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This is an original post, not sent in direct response to any inquiry. This

is a long post.






Copyright under Natural Law and Common Law, 5765 (2005 CE) by The Office of

the Presiding Chaplain of Vibrant Life and His/Her Successors, a Corporation

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Written by Elchanan. Copyright under Natural Law and Common Law,

5765 (2005 CE) by The Office of the Presiding Chaplain of Vibrant Life

and His/Her Successors, a Corporation Sole. All rights reserved.



I hear and read that many people feel confused and overwhelmed in response

to the vast quantity of often-conflicting information about nutrition and

health. The intention of this article is to provide a means for gaining at

least some clarity in the midst of this bewildering deluge.


People feel miserable, they know it, and they haven't the foggiest idea how

or why this occurs nor what to do about it. We can all clearly see people

for whom aging is turning into the most gruesome of nightmares, and all

around us people our own age -- at ANY age -- are obese, have joint pain,

skin problems, smell terrible, and so on. I imagine literally everyone

personally knows at least one person who has died of heart disease and

another who has died of cancer. This is all very frightening for most of us,

and my sense is that most people are terrified to the point of emotional



In a sense, at the heart of the confusion lie the terms " nutritional

science " and " medical science. " In my opinion, these phrases are oxymorons,

that is, they are inherently contradictory. You will not find much science

in " nutritional science " or " medical science. " Instead, you will encounter

an endless stream of marketing messages and religious dogma, sometimes

backed by " research. " If you are looking to these fields for knowledge or

insight about health, you won't find any. No one can give what he/she does

not have, and neither " nutritional science " nor " medical science " has any

such knowledge or insight to give.


Nutrition and medicine are businesses, not sciences. And the sooner we just

accept this, the sooner we can refocus our attention on creating health in

our lives.




Companies, desirous of finding things they can sell successfully, know all

too well that most Americans and people living in other " Western " countries

feel " concerned " about their health. And the term " deficiency " offers them

just the ticket they need.


A " deficiency " in the body refers to a shortage of something -- anything --

the body needs. And given the way people are eating and living, almost

everyone is deficient in a long list of substances -- vitamins, minerals,

various types of fatty acids, etc. Actually, the two most severe

deficiencies from which almost everyone suffers are shortages of oxygen and

water at the cellular level, but not too many companies have figured out how

to address these two deficiencies yet, so they focus on secondary, tertiary,

and even less important topics, endlessly scanning the " research " for new

" deficiencies " to " correct. "


As a brief aside, let us all recognize that absolutely no one anywhere has

the foggiest idea as to how much of anything " should " be in our bodies, nor

when nor under what circumstances. So all this research consists largely of

vapor. But that is not the topic for this article, I only mention this point

here for perspective and to encourage everyone to remain a open-minded and

even light of spirit about the whole discussion.


Now let us all suppose together that I am indeed " deficient " in substance X,

that somehow we DO know how much of substance X I " should " have in my body

right now, and that I have less than that amount. The instant, programmed

and therefore knee-jerk reaction of most people would be to presume that

substance X is missing from my diet, and then for most people to seek a

supplement. In the present example, I am a candidate, that is, a target

customer, for an X Supplement. I wonder, will it be a tablet, a capsule, a

sublingual drop a tincture? Will I take it in the snow, will it help me

knead my dough? ...


Typically, nowhere in such a sequence of events does anyone stop to ask,

" What actually causes this substance X deficiency Elchanan is experiencing? "

Everyone simply assumes that a physiological deficiency implies a

corresponding dietary/nutritional deficiency. But what if there is a

different cause?


You see, the moment we ask that question, we entertain the possibility that

my substance X deficiency was NOT caused by an intake (dietary, nutritional)

deficiency, that is, we begin to consider the possibility that my substance

X deficiency is not caused by eating an insufficient quantity of substance X

or enough foods containing substance X. Instead, we open the door to other

possible explanations. Of course, such thinking may not lead us to purchase






" Toxicity " in the body refers to an excess of any substance, including not

only foreign matter that the body rejects outright, but also any excess of a





In this sense, juices, " superfoods, and other sources of concentrated

nutrients may produce toxicity, by enabling us to ingest more of certain

" healthy " substance than the body can use or store. The body must eliminate

any such excess, and the body diverts energy and other resources toward this

elimination task and away from ordinary metabolic activity. This depletes

our resources and prevents us from reaching our true potential and enjoying

life to the fullest.


In other words, more is not always better. The body seeks sufficiency (often

with the protection of stored reserves), not overflowing abundance, in

seeking to meet all its nutritional (and other) needs.


QUESTION: How do we know which micronutrients our bodies can and cannot



As a broad generalization, our bodies flush water-soluble materials and

store fat-soluble materials. For example, our bodies flush vitamin C, which

is water soluble, but can store vitamins A, D, E, and K, as these are all

fat soluble. However, the question gives rise to far more complexity than we

explore in this brief writing.


All of the nutrients we need in relatively large quantities, such as sugar,

mineral salts, vitamin C, several of the B vitamins, are either

water-soluble or water-transportable (they travel in water. Therefore, In

general, when we consume a diet comprised primarily of foods high in water

(and therefore oxygen), simple sugar, and soluble fiber, and low in fats,

proteins, and insoluble (nondigestible) fiber, we receive the nutrient mix

on which our bodies are designed to run optimally. As we have written

previously, this means a diet high in fruits and tender greens. We can then

add small quantities of foods high in fat and protein (typically to a much

lesser extent), to complete a healthy, balanced nutritional program.



Toxicity can " sneak up " on us and catch us by surprise. This occurs because

we often become consciously aware of toxicity only after the concentration

in our system rises above some threshold level, triggering an observable

breakdown or " symptom " of some kind. Many medical (allopathic and

alternative) treatments work through " suppression. " That is, when you

experience symptoms and therefore go shopping for a " diagnosis " and a

" treatment " or " cure, " the proposed remedy is to usually to " kill " or

suppress the symptom. In this sense, taking olive oil extract to " kill "

candida is functionally the same course of action as taking antibiotics to

kill some other " infectious " bacteria.


What this means in practice is rather frightening: these practitioners seek

to suppress the body's innate vital response (often called an " immune

response " ), with the specific intention of enabling the body to absorb more

of the toxin before reacting. In other words, these " drugs " actually seek to

raise the body's tolerance threshold, so that we can take in more toxins

before exhibiting outward symptoms!!


When the body's innate physiological response is suppressed, we may

experience symptomatic relief, even the complete disappearance of the

original symptoms for awhile. Given the virtually nonexistent health

education and self-awareness of almost the entire population, when the

symptoms dissipate (albeit temporarily), people think they are " cured " or

" well " or just plain fine. They are not.


Some companies offering more " natural " solutions have found a market filled

with people willing to buy solutions to toxicity. Virtually all cleanses of

every type fall into this category. But the toxicity did not arise from a

" cleanse deficiency. " And all such solutions inflict an intrusive, forceful

assault on the body. In every case I have ever seen, the first thing the

body eliminates is the cleanse material itself. Regardless of whether the

cleanse material is dehydrating and abrasive foreign matter to the body or a

stimulant or suppressant of some kind, in every case, the body's first,

often urgent, response is to eliminate the cleanse material itself. Now

people often observe all manner of " crud " coming out, but if the causes that

created the crud are not addressed, then the symptoms will return, usually

with the same or greater intensity than before.





I rarely hear anyone seek the intersection of these two concepts, deficiency

and toxicity. Are they related, and if so, how? Can a dietary deficiency

cause bodily toxicity? Can bodily toxicity cause a bodily deficiency

independent of diet? And so on. The following example begins to address such



In the " civilized, developed, industrialized " Western countries, scientists,

researchers, practitioners, and public health officials of almost every

persuasion agree that most people apparently suffer from at least some

degree of bodily calcium deficiency. And as described in the " Deficiency "

section above, almost universally all these pundits look immediately for a

dietary or nutritional deficiency that matches the bodily deficiency. As a

result, we have calcium-fortified foods, calcium supplements, calcium

infusers, and so on. Even antacids such as Rolaids and Tums are marketed as

calcium supplements!!


But does this almost universal BODILY calcium deficiency actually arise from

some dietary/nutritional calcium deficiency? Or does the actual cause of the

bodily deficiency lie elsewhere? Let's see...


Calcium is very alkaline, with a pH of around 12. Calcium is also abundant

throughout the body. Therefore, calcium, along with sodium, is a primary

buffer used by the body to neutralize hyperacidity (too much acid).


So what causes hyperacidity? As I've written previously, the human body may

be perceived as an acid-forming, alkaline-seeking organism.


- Activity produces acid byproducts. This includes all metabolic activity;

all movement or exercise; all mental activity such as thinking, imagining,

feeling, emoting, or expressing; reading, eating, playing, and anything

other form of activity one might think of.


- All forms of stress (fight-or-flight response, adrenal response) produce

acid byproducts in the body.


- Many substances we eat (and call " food " ) stress our systems by increasing

acidity at the end of the digestive process (more acid byproducts). Common

examples of " foods " acidifying to the body include animal flesh, dairy

products, grains, and to a lesser extent legumes. Nuts and seeds are also

slightly acidifying.


- Almost all drugs (prescription and otherwise) and medicinal herbs are

either suppressants or stimulants that produce a stress (fight-or-flight or

adrenal) response. For the most part, such products are extremely acidifying

to the body (more acid byproducts).


Hyperacidity occurs when the the quantity of these acid byproducts exceeds

the body's capacity to neutralize and eliminate them.


Our blood pH is around 7.35, slightly to the alkaline side of neutral. If

the blood pH moves even slightly above or below this level (generally in the

range 7.3-7.4), we can suffer severe and immediate consequences, including

death. Therefore, the body will do virtually anything to maintain stable

blood pH. The body has a brilliant sense of prioritization: it will always

resolve the most severe, life threatening conditions first, sacrificing

other functions and system according to the same prioritization. For

example, blood pH ranks at the top of the priority list, hair growth near

the very bottom.


This means that the body cannot simply elevate blood acidity to eliminate or

control hyperacidity. That is, the body cannot respond by moving the full

load of acidic materials through the bloodstream and out through the urine

or lungs. The result could easily be fatal.


Instead, the body must find or invent ways to store all the excess acidic

substances until they can be removed gradually and safely. Hence, when acid

byproducts exceed the body's overall neutralizing capacity, systemic acidity

rises, with concentrations in certain parts of the body, and a state of

hyperacidity exists.


The body does its very best to use alkaline minerals (primarily calcium and

sodium, also potassium, magnesium, manganese, and others available in much

smaller quantities)) to neutralize the accumulating acid material. Alkaline

minerals can generally come from one of two sources: incoming food, or from

the body's own " reserves. " Since most people are eating an acidifying diet,

that is not an available source. And even when the diet IS alkalizing

(accomplished only when the overwhelming majority of your diet consists

primarily of raw fruits and greens), if the level of stress, meds, etc.

produce acid byproducts at a rate greater than the rate of incoming/dietary

alkaline minerals, the body begins to draw on its " mineral reserves. "


Now this term " mineral reserves " is really a euphemism. Much of this

" reserve " material actually resides in bone, cartilage, teeth, and other

vital locations. The human organism, while immensely resilient, was not

designed to withstand an endless acid flood. These reserves exist for

occasional use, not for 24 x 7 x 365 consumption. So when the body " draws

upon its reserves, " what is actually occurring is the leaching of stored

alkaline minerals from vital structures.


If this were to occur a few times per year, in the presence of a lion or

other impending danger in Nature, the body could easily replenish the

withdrawal. But when the leaching becomes continuous, replenishment becomes

impossible, and bone density loss, tooth decay, and other degenerative

events are set in motion. Eventually, a " calcium deficiency " may be

observed. But this deficiency results primarily and directly from the

long-term result of toxicity, and only secondarily from any corresponding

primary dietary deficiency.


My first raw food teacher, Pam Masters, used to offer the following example

to illustrate this point. Imagine a bathtub with a 12-inch diameter hole in

the bottom. No achievable amount of water pressure will ever cause the tub

to fill with water.


One's diet may be rich in calcium per se, but if the totality of events

affecting the system result in calcium leaching, deficiency occurs. And no

amount of supplementation can offset this rate of loss: even if the incoming

calcium is somewhat digestible (which most supplements are not), the body

simply cannot assimilate and integrate the incoming calcium quickly enough.


Best to all,





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Hello Elchanan.


I have been reading your posts with interest. I have been raw vegan for 4

months. Before that I was lacto-ova vegetarian for 4 years. The rest of my

family remains lacto-ova vegetarian. We try to minimize our packaged food

intake (of course, I have none), use as many whole grains as possible, no

(or minimal) refined sugars and grains, and try to use organic products as

much as possible. For the most part, I believe my family to be healthy.

*I* was not healthy, thus my move to RF. But, that's for another post.


This post comes from my wife. She has a chemistry background and finds most

of the RF claims to be utterly rediculous. She agreed with you on the

enzyme topic, but explains it with chemical and scientific terms. That,

too, is for another discussion.


I forwarded her your long " Deficiency vs. Toxicity " post. She found it very

interesting, but responded with the following. I would appreciate any

feedback you might offer.


Begin post from my wife, Mara:





I'd like to see evidence of this acid forming food theory. I've heard this

before, but have never understood the biochemical basis for it. Where can I

get information on it?


My understanding of biochemistry is that metabolic function is one of two

main ways that the body's acid balance in the blood can be altered.

Respiration is the other. When there is an overload of acid in the blood

from metabolis, the body can easily compensate by changing the breathing



The main buffer system in the blood is carbonic acid(H2CO3)/hydrogen

carbonate(HCO3-). Buffer systems will have two parts, in this case,

carbonic acid which neutralizes any added base, and its conjugate base,

hydrogen carbonate, which will neutralize any added acid. Carbonic acid has

the other little nifty feature of decomposing in aqueous solution to form

carbon dioxide (CO2) and water.


CO2 + H2O <-----> H2CO3 <-----> H+ + HCO3-


This is an equilibrium equation, so if acid increases in the blood, the

equilibrium will shift to the left to compensate (shift to relieve stress)

and we would breath a little faster to release excess CO2. The body

shouldn't have to go to any kind of reserve to do this!


Elchanan says:

Calcium is very alkaline, with a pH of around 12. Calcium is also abundant

throughout the body. Therefore, calcium, along with sodium, is a primary

buffer used by the body to neutralize hyperacidity (too much acid).



The pH of calcium HYDROXIDE (Ca(OH)2) is near 12, not the pH of the Ca2+

ion. The calcium ion is not responsible for the basicity of calcium

hydroxide, the hydroxide ion is. If you were to dissolve a different

calcium compound in water, for example calcium sulfate (CaSO4), calcium ions

would be present, but would not change the pH of the solution. It's a

neutral salt.


The high pH of calcium hydroxide, and it's lack of solubility in aqueous

solution, make it a very poor choice for the body to use as part of a buffer

system. Instead, the body uses carbonic acid/hydrogen carbonate for

extracellular buffer, and hydrogen phosphate/dihydrogen phosphate for

intracellular buffer. Read more about it here:











end post from my wife.




=== Tim




Tim Winders

Associate Dean of Information Technology

South Plains College

Levelland, TX 79336


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Hi Tim,


Thanks for your kind message and for sharing Mara's comments. I do plan to

respond, however, this is in a queue behind some other things right now. I

appreciate your patience and understanding...Elchanan


Tim Winders [twinders]

Thursday, April 07, 2005 8:51 PM


RE: [Raw Food] Deficiency vs. Toxicity




This post comes from my wife. She has a chemistry background and finds most

of the RF claims to be utterly rediculous. She agreed with you on the

enzyme topic, but explains it with chemical and scientific terms. That,

too, is for another discussion.


I forwarded her your long " Deficiency vs. Toxicity " post. She found it very

interesting, but responded with the following. I would appreciate any

feedback you might offer.


snip snip




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rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Colleen Rivera

Friday, April 15, 2005 8:20 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Deficiency vs. Toxicity



Excellent article!! Very enlightening.


Colleen ~ Wife to Adam, my beloved and my friend




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on 15 April 2005 at 15:35:30 UTC



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