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In a message dated 4/24/2005 12:56:14 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

tlp820 writes:



Are Buckwheat Greens Toxic?


By Gilles Arbour – June 2004


The surprising answer is a clear and unequivocal YES. Due to the growing

popularity of sprouts in general, and a widespread ignorance as to the

toxic dangers

posed by buckwheat greens specifically, many people are today suffering

unnecessarily. In this article I will describe the toxic effects of

ingesting buckwheat

greens, and I will answer the question of why they are toxic to humans. I

will also provide a brief synopsis of what is currently known about this


phenomenon. And finally, I will recount my own anecdotal experience with

buckwheat greens.


The basic problem with buckwheat greens is that they contain fagopyrin, a

naturally occurring substance in the buckwheat plant. When ingested in


quantity, fagopyrin is known to cause the skin of animals and people to

become phototoxic, which is to say hypersensitive to sunlight. This


specifically known as fagopyrism, occurs when the ingested fagopyrin

accumulates under the skin and is subsequently activated by sunlight,

resulting in

a toxic reaction within the skin. Typically, exposed areas of skin turn

pink or red within minutes, and a strong burning sensation accompanies

the reaction.

Within a few hours the exposed areas usually appear to return to normal,

however continue to remain ultra-sensitive to cold water, hot water and

to friction.

This sensitivity can last for days.


In addition to the burning sensation, people suffering from fagopyrism

often complain of feeling a numb, fuzzy, buzzing impression when they

scratch or

inadvertently hit their hands on something. Sufferers also report that

their hands feel painfully cold when placed in cold water or when in

contact with

a cold object, even if only for a few seconds. Some have had numbing,

itching and tickling on the face, nose and ears after sun exposure

causing a desire

to scratch the skin, thus worsening the condition. The eyes may also

become hypersensitive to light. If a large enough portion of the skin is


one may experience dizziness. If a person is forced to remain in the sun

for a long period of time, the skin may swell up and remain abnormal for

up to

several days.


Fagopyrin is not activated by ultraviolet light but reacts to a different

portion of the sunlight spectrum. Therefore, the normal application of


offers no protection at all. Glass, which filters out ultraviolet rays,

does not however filter out the reactive range relative to fagopyrin.

This means

that sunlight coming through home or car windows also causes a phototoxic



Unlike the shoots of the buckwheat plant, buckwheat groats, or seeds, are

not generally problematic because they contain only trace quantities of


Buckwheat groats are commonly sold as kasha or are ground into buckwheat

flour, which is used to make soba noodles and buckwheat pancakes. These


have long been used as staples in many cultures and appear to be

perfectly safe. The danger lies not in the grains, but in the mature

green buckwheat plants

that some animals may ingest, and in the young green shoots, which

increasing numbers of health-conscious individuals are consuming. These

foods contain

large quantities of toxic fagopyrin.


The phenomenon of fagopyrism is already well known in the field of

veterinary science, where it has been well documented that animals

feeding excessively

on buckwheat plants develop skin rashes and other symptoms. However,

little or no research has yet been done regarding humans and fagopyrism.

This is probably

because buckwheat greens did not play a significant role in the human

diet until very recently. No known cultures have relied on buckwheat

greens as a

staple. Given the growing popularity of juicing green foods however,

along with eating sprouts and young shoots, many unsuspecting raw

foodists and other

health and nutrition enthusiasts have begun to suffer the effects of

fagopyrism. Unfortunately, I am one of them, and my story is a perfect

example of

this growing problem.


My adventure began during the winter of 2002, when my wife and I attended

a three-week program at a popular raw food health center in Florida. I


to say that we thoroughly enjoyed the program, made new friends, soaked

up information, took copious notes, and were hopeful that this new

approach to

diet and lifestyle would help us to improve the quality of our life and

overall health in general.


Along with consuming raw food, one of the many things the center

advocated was that we drink four glasses of green juice every day. This

green juice was

made from equal parts of cucumber, celery, sunflower greens and buckwheat

greens. Following our three-week stay at the center, we remained on the

raw food

diet and faithfully drank our four daily glasses of green juice. A friend

also chose to integrate the green juice into her daily food program.

After several

weeks, all three of us began to notice tingling in our hands and faces

along with markedly increased sensitivity to the cold. Given that winter

was at

its peak where we live in Quebec, Canada, we thought that our new diet

simply demanded a small adjustment period. Assuming that the natural

green juice

program was safe and healthy, we simply failed to make a connection

between the toxic effects we were experiencing and the juice we were

consuming. We

thought that adding more fatty foods to our diet would help us with the

cold and the unpleasant sensations would soon disappear. But they didn’t.


Before long our symptoms worsened to the point where any exposed skin

sunburned very easily. I, who was drinking the most juice, became so

sensitive to

the sun that after a few months I could not be exposed to sunlight for

more than a few minutes at a time. The biggest mystery was that even

inside my own

home, I could not endure sunlight coming through the windows for more

than three minutes. It made no difference whether I was inside or

outside. Any activity

that exposed me to the sun was threatening—even driving my car! If I

tried to go anywhere during daylight hours, by the time I reached my

destination my

hands would be bright red and burning. To manage this, I had to actually

put a towel over them while driving. My wife, who was also drinking the


though less of it, also felt overly sensitive to sunlight and was unable

to stay in the cold without her face and hands itching. Our friend was

also experiencing

fuzzy, numbing sensations and exaggerated pain whenever she lightly bump

her hands. She, too, felt that the sun was “too strong.â€


At the time, we did not have a clue that buckwheat could be the cause of

our strange symptoms. When I mentioned our problems to leaders at the

Florida health

center, we were told, “strange things like that happen when people are

starting the diet,†and “these minor glitches will soon pass.†I now

believe that

these problems eventually do go away for most people—but only when they

give up the new diet, or at least stop drinking the green buckwheat



Back in March 2002 however, still suffering in ignorance, I began to ask

various health advisors and professionals about my symptoms. My medical


thought it might be lupus. Fortunately, the test came out negative. A

naturopath’s explanation was that it was “toxins coming out†and I was

having a “healing

crisis.†He told me that enzymes in the raw foods were dislodging deep

acidic residues which were then burning the skin. A second naturopathic

doctor believed

that something was “toxic in my body,†but could not determine what it

was. Yet another practitioner suggested that I was not “detoxing†rapidly


and said that I should add various supplements to my diet. None of this

made much sense to me, and no one seemed to offer a clear solution.


My quest for an explanation lasted many months and was entirely

fruitless. All the while, the three of us remained thoroughly baffled,

and were even more

confused by the fact that our skin sensitivity seemed to improve or

diminish every once in a while—for no apparent reason. We kept telling

ourselves, in

the words of those at the Florida health center, “these minor glitches

will pass.†Now, as I think back, I realize that our better, less


days coincided with the times when we had run out of buckwheat greens and

had left it out of the juice for a few days. But back then, in the winter


2002, we mistakenly believed that others who were eating the same

products were experiencing none of our symptoms. Only later did I

discover that even

though these folks were eating lots of raw food, their program did not

include eating buckwheat greens regularly.


After reading that celery contains psoralens, which could cause skin

sensitivity, I stopped consuming it. It never occurred to me that another


in the green juice could be the culprit. In an attempt to relieve our

symptoms we altered our diet in several other ways. When I read about

high chlorophyll

food such as wheatgrass causing skin sensitivity, we cut that out. I read

something similar regarding citrus fruits and cut them out as well.

Alfalfa sprouts

are said to contain caravanine, which is suspected of creating lupus like

symptoms, so that was also cut out. Someone suggested adding more cooked


to our diet so we tried that. We stopped eating nuts, seeds, avocados and

quinoa. We drank more water, exercised and had massage therapy. Nothing



During this time, I was regularly searching the Internet for answers. One

day, frantically, I did yet another Google search using the words:


“sensitive,†and “burning.†Solar eczema and/or solar urticaria kept

coming up, even though it was described as a rather rare disease. Why

would the three

of us suddenly develop a rare disease? It did not make any sense. Online,

I found a list of foods, herbal remedies, and medical drugs that cause


in humans, but we had already eliminated all of the food products and

none of us were taking any medical drugs. All roads led to dead ends. I

was back

at square one.


I thought back to the naturopath who believed that the condition was

caused by eating raw food and the subsequent release of acids. Although

his explanation

simply was not credible, he had mentioned witnessing the same phenomenon

with other people eating the same way we did. So I attempted another

Google search

using the keywords: “raw,†“food,†“skin,†and “sun.†The first


brought me to a message posted in May 2002. It read:


“Since visiting a West Coast Health Institute a year ago, I have

developed a skin sensitivity. My skin burns when exposed to the sun and

is very sensitive

to the cold. For example, if I wash my hands in cold tap water, it feels

as if my hands have been in ice water for a long time. My skin is also


to minor bumps. I have been to a team of specialists and had every test

run. The doctors say it is something in my diet. I eat almost completely

raw. My

diet consists of sunflower and buckwheat sprouts, fenugreek sprouts,

wheatgrass juice, and a variety of other green juices, seed cheese, a

variety of nuts

and seeds and plant fats. Please help! Has anyone out there had a similar

reaction? I would appreciate any ideas.â€


I eventually had a telephone conversation with the author of the message.

She had found the cause of her symptoms and did not suffer from it

anymore. “It’s

the buckwheat greens,†she said. While it seems painfully obvious now,

with the information I have, it was the last thing I would have suspected

at that



It turned out that she had gone through a process similar to mine for

about a year. From the medical doctors, naturopathic doctors to the lupus

test, and

finally cutting out celery and other food products. Living in the

southern part of the United States, it was almost impossible for her to

avoid the sun,

and she was rushed to the hospital once. In our case, since we were

living in Quebec, most of our skin was covered during a large portion of

the year so

we never experienced the massive reaction that she did. She had contacted

some of the top leaders in the raw food movement. They were unable to

give her

an answer. Then, somewhere in her research she found a note from David

Wolfe, a prominent raw food advocate, which mentioned something toxic

about buckwheat.

She removed the buckwheat greens from her diet and improved rapidly. She

said that within one week her symptoms were gone.


Following her suggestion we eliminated buckwheat from our diet and within

one month the numbing, fuzzy, buzzing feelings in the face and hands


for both my wife and myself. The adverse reaction to cold or hot water

was also gone. Reddening of the skin took longer to disappear completely

but after

two months that problem was gone.


After my telephone conversation, I searched once again with Google, using

the words: “sun,†“buckwheat,†and “skin.†A lot of information

came up.


of websites mention fagopyrism. Among the most interesting citations was

from a message forum written by “Sproutcreek†in the year 2000:


Thu, 27 Jan 2000

Re: Skin soreness and photosensitivity


Hi Greg,


The " tingles " - skin burning easily from sun exposure and a numbness in

the hands accompanied by exaggerated pain if you bang your hand, etc

seems to be

common among most people who eat too many buckwheat greens. It was common

among staff and guests at Ann Wigmore's retreat when I worked there. It


like you couldn't eat (chew) enough to cause it, but when you juiced it

or put large amounts in the blender you exceeded your tolerance level and


strange symptoms appeared. I haven't experienced it or heard of it with

any other greens, but I did get the tingles myself along with most others


buckwheat. Do you eat buckwheat greens?


MY COMMENTS: In January of 2000, some people were already aware of this.

It even had a name: “the tinglesâ€! I was surprised to read that it had

been a known

occurrence for so long. Why doesn’t anybody talk about it?


There is abundant scientific information about fagopyrism in research

material, including on the Internet. However, nearly all of the

references are relative

to veterinary health care because human consumption of the buckwheat

plant is relatively new.


The dictionary on the Internet at


defines fagopyrism as “Photosensitization, mainly in cattle and sheep,

caused by ingestion of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and characterized

by irritation

of the skin, oedema, and a serous exudate.â€


It is mentioned in the IVIS document available on the Internet at



A Guide to Plant Poisoning of Animals in North America, A.P. Knight and

R.G. Walter (Eds.) Publisher: Teton NewMedia, Jackson WY


“…Some plants contain compounds or pigments that once absorbed from the

digestive system induce a direct effect on nonpigmented skin when it is


to light…â€


“Primary photosensitization develops when animals eat plants containing

polyphenolic pigments. These compounds are at highest concentration in

the green

plant and are readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract to

circulate in the blood. In nonpigmented skin these compounds react with

UV light [note:

actually for buckwheat and St John’s wort it reacts with another part of

the sunlight spectrum – not the Ultra Violet] to produce radiant energy

that oxidizes

essential amino acids in the skin's cells. The cells die in the

photosensitization process, and the affected skin eventually sloughs off.

Two plants associated

historically with primary photosensitization are buckwheat (Fagopyrum

esculentum), and St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum). Both plants

contain polyphenolic

pigments capable of causing primary photosensitization.â€


“Clinical Signs of Photosensitization

Photophobia, excessive tearing, and swelling, redness, and increased

sensitivity of nonpigmented skin initially characterize

photosensitization in animals.

Affected skin rapidly becomes reddened, painful, and raised above areas

of adjacent pigmented skin. Serum often oozes through the affected skin

to form

crusts in the hair. After 2 to 3 weeks, the necrotic skin becomes dry and

parchment-like, and the hair and white skin slough leaving ulcerated

areas that

may develop secondary bacterial infections.â€


MY COMMENTS: Fortunately we are not in the same situation as these poor

animals. If our skin starts burning and becomes red, we can protect

ourselves with

clothes and go indoors. So, I have never heard of anyone suffering from

some of these extreme symptoms.


Further on, the document mentions:


“…Removal of the suspected plants from the diet with subsequent recovery

of the animal suggests a primary photosensitization.â€


MY COMMENTS: Just as indicated in the article, when we stopped eating the

buckwheat greens, all symptoms disappeared. This confirms that buckwheat

was indeed

the culprit.


Numerous other websites dedicated to veterinary health and medicine

mention fagopyrism.


From The Identification Guide: Toxic Plants Compiled By Charlie Armour

http://www.personalponies.org/DOCS/Poisonous Plants_12-09-00.doc


“Buckwheat is cultivated as a crop for fodder and for the production of

buckwheat honey. Eating entire plants, dried or fresh, has caused

sensitivity to

light in horses with exposed light-colored skin. Exposure to the sun is

necessary. This plant is considered to be a primary photosensitizer…â€


Toxic chemicals: Fagopyrin, probably a derivative of naphthodianthrone,

is closely related to hypericin, which is found in St. John's wort. The


spectra of these chemicals is in the range of 540-610 nmâ€


MY COMMENTS: The absorption spectra is a very important factor in

fagopyrism since, to my knowledge, only these two plants – buckwheat and

St. John's wort

– have pigments that will react to this range. Since these wavelengths

are not filtered by glass, the phototoxic reaction will occur even

through a window.

This helps confirm that the photosensitivity is absolutely linked to the

ingestion of buckwheat.


From the North Dakota State University NDSU Extension Service

Alternative Feeds for Ruminants AS-1182 , September 1999



“Buckwheat grain contains a compound called fagopyrin which can cause

photosensitivity, eruptions on the skin, and itching behavior. Only white

or lightcolored

areas of the hide are affected. The animals apparently become

photosensitive after consuming large amounts of buckwheat for an extended

period of time.



MY COMMENTS: This is particularly interesting since it indicates that an

accumulation of fagopyrin is required to produce symptoms. This

corresponds to

my own observation that it took us approximately one month of consuming

buckwheat greens on a regular basis before clearly defined symptoms began

to appear.


The website from the College of veterinary medicine – Colorado State




adds a few points:


“Animals with white skin are most severely affected. Black skinned

animals are not affected except for showing photophobia if the eyes are

not pigmented.

Initially the non pigmented skin becomes reddened, swollen and painful.

Affected animals become very agitated when exposed to sunlight often

trying to

get under vehicles, buildings, trees to avoid the light.


Diagnosis: Photosensitization. Serum liver enzymes are usually normal,

helping to differentiate primary photosensitization from secondary


resulting from severe liver failure.â€


MY COMMENTS: All of the symptoms arising from the ingestion of buckwheat

greens have other possible causes so it is essential to see your health

care professional

to make sure that there are no other underlying causes or conditions. The

parameters of my liver functions were normal, confirming a primary


This means that the photodynamic substance itself (fagopyrin) in the skin

tissues was responsible for the reaction to sunlight.


From The School of Veterinary Medicine University of Wisconsin Madison

Food Animal Ophthalmology Dec. 4, 2002


This article mentions:


“…some animals may develop blepharitis through direct solar irritation

photosensitization following ingestion of photodynamic agents such as

fagopyrin (buckwheat).

Blepharitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the eyelids.

Symptoms of blepharitis include a burning sensation, excessive tearing,

itching, sensitivity

to light (photophobia), red and swollen eyelids, redness of the eye,

blurred vision, frothy tears and dry eye.â€


MY COMMENTS: I believe that this is worth noting because our eyes felt

extremely sensitive to sunlight, although we never developed any other

symptoms of



From The Illini PorkNet

http://www.traill.uiuc.edu/porknet/paperDisplay.cfm?Type=paper & ContentID=


Illini PorkNet The Online Resource for the Pork Industry

Buckwheat as a Feed Ingredient in Swine Diets Gilbert Hollis


The article states:


“When exposed to sunlight, pigs fed high levels of buckwheat develop

peculiar eruptions and intense itching of the skin. This is caused by a


agent in buckwheat known as fagopyrin. Only white or light-colored areas

of the skin are affected, and they must be exposed to direct sunlight. If


are kept indoors, they remain normal.â€


MY COMMENTS: I find this text very significant because it implies that

the fagopyrin develops its toxic attributes only if and when light skin

is exposed

to sunlight. Without light to trigger the reaction, the animals remain

normal. This explains the fact that we felt normal except after exposing

our skin

to light.


The Canadian Government Biodiversity Information Facility website

http://www.cbif.gc.ca/pls/pp/ppack.info?p_psn=231 & p_type=all & p_sci=sci & p_


has the following notes on poisoning from Buckwheat:


Fagopyrum esculentum

General poisoning notes:


Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum ) is cultivated in Canada as a crop for

fodder and for the production of buckwheat honey. Ingesting entire

plants, dried

or fresh, has caused photosensitization in animals with exposed or

light-colored skin including cattle, goats, sheep, swine, and turkeys.

Exposure to the

sun is necessary. This plant is considered to be a primary

photosensitizer, although jaundice has occurred concurrently, which

indicates secondary involvement

of the liver (Cooper and Johnson 1984, Cheeke and Schull 1985).

Photosensitization has not occurred in humans (Blumstein 1936).


Notes on Poisonous plant parts:


Little fagopyrin occurs in the seeds, but ingesting the entire plant,

either green or dried, can cause serious photosensitization in livestock




This Canadian Government website has numerous references and goes on to

list all of the buckwheat poisoning occurrences in various animals.


MY COMMENTS: Note that the reference to humans is from 1936. Humans have

been eating the innocuous seeds for a long time but only animals were

eating the

raw buckwheat plant in large quantities. However, with the expansion of

the raw food movement and the use of buckwheat greens as a food source

for people,

some humans are now experiencing similar symptoms. The mention of a

possible secondary involvement of the liver is worrisome but to my

knowledge does not

correlate with any human observation.


Even the FDA poisonous plants database showed thirty-two different

references relating to buckwheat poisoning:




There are many other papers and Internet resources that further explore

the effect of fagopyrin. The information provided above represents a good


of what’s available.


A natural food diet is certainly a good thing, and including a large

portion of raw food also seems like a good idea. Most sprouts are

harmless but powerful

superfoods. Sunflower greens, broccoli sprouts, radish sprouts, fenugreek

sprouts, etc. are all excellent products in reasonable quantities, but


large quantities of these food products is rather still somewhat untested

and should be done carefully.


I would like to make the disclaimer that I am not advising people to stop

eating buckwheat. The Latin expression dosis sola facet venenum (the dose


the poison) attributed to the ancient Romans could be applied here. A

small quantity of buckwheat greens (or buckwheat lettuce as it is often

called) in

an individual diet could allow for healthy nutritional benefits without

the negative effects of large amounts. Buckwheat does contain a large


of rutin, a member of a large group of phenolic secondary metabolites of

plants that include more than 2,000 different known chemicals. Rutin is


because it strengthens capillaries and so helps people suffering from

arteriosclerosis (the hardening of the arteries) or high blood pressure.

Rutin is

not found in beans or other grains such as rice, wheat, etc. but is

contained in a fairly large quantity (4-6%) in buckwheat. Rutin belongs

to a group

of plant compounds called bioflavonoids that also include the important

catechins of green tea and the polyphenols of red wine. Recent studies

have shown

that the bioflavonoids are powerful antioxidants which fight free

radicals. Rutin is also found in the rind, pulp and skin of such fruits

as lemons, grapefruits,

oranges, lime, grapes, cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, apples,

berries and vegetables such as green and yellow peppers, tomatoes,

onions, broccoli,

parsley and especially asparagus. It is also said to be found in bee

propolis, green tea and black tea. (source:

http://www.acu-cell.com/bio.html )


I’ve eaten buckwheat most of my life without any sun sensitivity

problems. I ate buckwheat in pancakes as a child, and later in the form

of kasha and soba

noodles. However, while several Health Centers are suggesting daily green

drinks that include a lot of buckwheat greens for long periods of time, I


this is risky. At the very least, people with fair skin should be

informed about potential phototoxicity. Even people with darker skin

should be very careful

with the unpigmented flesh around their eyes. Animals consuming large

quantities of buckwheat plant have developed blepharitis, a painful


of the conjunctive tissues of the eye. It seems possible that blepharitis

could occur in people.


Based on the information above, I believe all people should avoid the

regular use of large quantities of buckwheat greens in their juices. It

is relatively

easy to find out if you are intoxicated with fagopyrin. N.T. Clare in

Photodynamic action and its pathological effects states in 1956 that “no

human cases

have been reported, although it may easily be mistaken for sunburn. In

this case fagopyrism may be distinguished by exposing the suspected skin

to light

filtered through plate glass which does not allow ultraviolet to pass

through.†This is a simple procedure. If you are in doubt, expose a small

part of

usually unexposed skin to the sun through a window and use a timer. If

you do not get a reaction within fifteen minutes, most likely, you are

fine. A reaction

would be a reddening or burning of the skin. If the reaction is very

light you may barely notice it. If, a few hours later, the exposed skin

is itching,

abnormally sensitive to the cold or hot water or if you feel exaggerated

pain when your skin is scratched or hit, you may have a problem with


If the symptoms disappear after removing buckwheat from your diet, this

would confirm that it was causing the symptoms.


I believe that a lot of buckwheat greens eaters have these problems to

some extent. A friend of mine recently told me that the sun had become

much stronger

and very unpleasant, probably because of the ozone layer. I think that

the real cause of his discomfort is that he eats a lot of buckwheat

greens. Another

man says his hands have become very sensitive to the cold and he thinks

he might have Raynaud’s disease. But he also eats a lot of buckwheat

lettuce. Another

friend works outside in a field. She recently started to eat a lot of

buckwheat greens that she grows herself and began to complain about

burning sensations

on her hands and strange feelings on her face, as if she had no skin

anymore. When she stopped eating buckwheat greens, everything returned to


As this information above circulates I believe that many people will

identify buckwheat as a possible cause of their symptoms.


LAST COMMENTS: I am not on any sort of war path against living food

promoters or groups or individuals practicing or promoting the use of

sprouts and greens

in the human diet. I still eat a lot of sprouted foods myself. I believe

that the center I visited on the east coast does very good work overall.


witnessed many people improve their health considerably during the time I

spent there. I’ve also seen that the leaders manifest a high degree of


and open mindedness about modifying their approach when presented with

new information. I’d love to return there myself to enjoy their

facilities again



WARNING: While I have been an enthusiastic natural food consumer and

researcher for thirty-five years, I am NOT a medical professional nor a


This article is based on my experience and research and represents my

opinion only. Please DO NOT consider this document to be medical advice.

I strongly

urge you to consult your health care professional for any symptoms you

may have. Be sure to get a blood test for your liver functions. If your

liver function

test results are normal then you probably suffer from primary

phototoxicity, meaning that it is the photodynamic pigment itself in your

skin that reacts

to the sun and that you likely do not suffer from a functional disease.

This is exceedingly good news since the solution is simple: just avoid

the causative



I have done this research in good faith to help myself and my friends

with our problems and I believe these findings may be useful to others.

This is why

I am making this document available. I have nothing to gain from it

personally. I am not associated or affiliated with any agency, school,

company or organization

that could benefit in any way from this information.


Gilles Arbour - Copyright June 2004







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