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Nutridiary - Lesson #3 - How to enter a meal - LONG post

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From some correspondence I've had with another member, I've created a

short lesson on the subject.


Here's the text of the lesson - the actual screenshots I have

available, and I plan to post them on my website (as soon as I have

some time, and " re-educate " myself about uploading them, etc..etc.)




Nutridiary - Lesson #3 - How to enter a meal


how do you enter a meal?




** at the top of the page, there are 7 tabs, one of them says Meals…

** (see Tutorial_ss#1). You'll notice that some of this screen will

be different, since I have some meals already created. You want to

click on the button at the bottom of the meal database section that

says: " new meal " You'll now be looking at a screen like ss#2_new

meal. Enter your new meal name into empty block, meal name (mine is

in kind of grey..) I name it " Tutorial_fs#1 - for Fruit soup #1,

which is going to be a smoothie…yummy… see ss#3_start of new meal.

Things you'll notice under this now are: that a crossed fork and

knife have shown up, as the meal symbol. (useful to distinguish it

from a food….)…status is open, date is shown as April 24th, and that

everything below is empty.




Now, we're going to make a simple smoothie/fruit soup (I have a

tendency to call them fruit soups, leftover from some earlier work

I'd done: and I tend to " eat " them with a spoon, vs. drinking them

like a smoothie..either way is fine…as long as we " chew " them before





We're going to use the following ingredients:




3 bananas, medium


3 dates


1 stalk of celery


and some water..8 0z. for my example…




Ok…? Here we go?




First, I click on the button that says " add food " , and we now have

ss#4, adding new food. The top block, under Food search will be the

same, the next block, with a left and right hand sides, will *not* be

the same. Mine already has some foods there. I think it's showing 5

items in each column, both the " Recent " and the " Favorites " . You can

see, for example, that the most recent item that I've used is Dates,

and that my #1 favorites food (strictly by count; how many times have

I entered it, is also Dates…it currently shows like 81 times…) Once

you start entering some actual food consumed data, both of these

columns can be very helpful, and save a lot of data entry time…more

on that in a minute.




Although Banana is already in my list, for the purposes of this

tutorial, I'm going to assume that it wasn't, and just enter it in,

so you can see what it looks like.




If I just enter in Banana in the first line, where it

says " Description " , and click on " find food " , I'll get : ss#5 banana

long. You'll see that this starts off with a long list of baby

foods, etc. Not really helpful for making our smoothie. You'll

notice that " bananas, raw " was about the 21st item in the list.

Let's stop here for a moment, and go back, and " refine " our search,

so that the list is shorter, and more to our liking. Hit the " Back "

button on your browser, and we should be back to ss#4.


Let's put banana in again, but this time change the 2nd line to

say " Fruits and fruit juices " , rather than " All food groups " . To do

this, you scroll down to the choice of " Fruits and fruit juices " , and

highlight that. Screen will now look like ss#6 modified search.

Click on " find food " again, and now you'll see that we have a much

more useful listing of three items. ss#7_results of modified search.

By selecting the " fruits and fruit juices in the 2nd open box, we've

limited our search to only items of interest. Even more advanced

searches can be conducted by altering the 3rd and 4th lines.

Generally these are not needed for what we're doing here.




Ok…. hope you're still there…it's much more tedious the first couple

of times, and then it just flies by. hang in there!




Ok…now we click on bananas, raw (noticing the cute little fruit

symbol to the left…have to give the programmers

an " attaboy/attagirl " ! ) , and we now finally have a useful screen,

with real information. Cool! Ss#8_bananas raw. I notice that the

screenshot is not complete – it's cutting off the bottom half….the

actual website is much better.




While we're here, let's take a further look at this screen, and what

it's telling us.: Notice that it says " I consumed ______ serving(s)

of ________.


Where it has 1 put in the first blank, and 100g in the 2nd blank.

Kind of a nice feature, since it " normalizes " all food to a single

serving of 100g, which allows us to quickly and directly compare any

food stuffs. Of course, that's not what we want, so we'll be

changing that in a bit here. Scrolling down, you'll see that we've

got a nice pie chart on the right, entitled " Calorie Distribution "

(called calonutrient in Doug Graham's upcoming book, " 80/10/10 " –

title tentative, as of yet (4/25/05), unpublished. Note the color

scheme, and the ratio percentages: Blue is for Carbohydrates, orange

for Fat, and and green for Protein. So, quickly how did we do so far

with a selection of banana? Fabulous: it's 92% Carbohydrates, 4%

Fat, and 4% Protein, which meets the 80/10/10 guidelines. On the

left in the same part of the screen is " Nutrition Facts " , where it

lists the the Calories, fat, cholesterol, etc…etc…Note that your

numbers may be somewhat different than the screenshot, since I've

modified it to show the percentages based upon my weight. Maybe more

on that latter, or you can play with it yourself.




Ok…now that we're finished looking at this screen, we're going to go

back and modify the amount of bananas (remember we're building a

smoothie meal here, right? Lol!) Change the number 1 in the first

blank to 3, since we're going to have 3 bananas, and change the 2nd

blank, by scrolling down, to read " 1 medium, (7 " -7 7/8 " long) 118

grams. (obviously, if you've actually got larger or smaller bananas,

make another choice here….) Nice feature, including various sizes

for choices! Your screen will now look like ss#9_bananas. Click

on " Submit " , and you'll now have ss#10_fs#1. Note that we're not

quite finished with this step yet….unfortunately, we have to submit

again, and there's some method to their madness. Note that we have

three choices now: we can submit, submit and add another, or cancel.

We want to click on " submit and add another " . Doing that we get

ss#11_food entry, where it has taken us right back to the food entry





Whew…we've gotten one item in….trust me, after you've put in a few

items, it gets much easier; I almost quit on the program early on,

saying to myself " I haven't got enough time in my life to keep

putting all of this in… " it does get much easier.




Ok, we're not ready to put the 2nd item in….dates…instructions are

going to become more cryptic, and less screenshots now, since we're

repeating previous steps. Enter dates, select " fruit and fruit

juices " for the foodgroup, and click on submit. You'll notice a

minor miracle, ss#12_dates ç we now only have one choice! Woohoo!

Click on dates, then enter, 3 for the number of dates, and 1 date for

8.3 g. Note that if you're eating the Medjool, or the extra large

Medjool, you'll need to change the quantity of dates eaten from 1 to

some higher number (I use 2 for the regular Medjool, and 3 for the

extra large) since the portion size for a date is set to 8 grams…and

the Medjool are larger than that.


Note that dates are 96% Carbohydrates, 3% Protein (which is still

higher than mother's milk, in answer to the question of " …where do

you get your Protein… " , and 1% Fat… How much, I'm not sure, since I

haven't exactly weighed them out…I may do that to get a better number.






Click on submit, and then click on submit and add another, since we

still have celery to go.




Enter celery, and this time change the second line to vegetables and

vegetables products, since I know what celery is. Click on find

food, then click on raw celery, from the list of 4. Change quantity

size to 1 stalk, medium, 7 ½ - 8 " long, 40 g. and then click submit,

and then click submit again, since we're now finished with this entry.




Whew! Almost home….we've now got ss#13_tutorial_fs#1b--- our first

meal (we're not quite finished yet…almost..)


Note the following from this screen: Total calories 401, Fat

calories, 15, and check out the calonutrient ratios: 92%

Carbohydrates, 4% Protein, 4% Fat. (The size of this smoothie is

nothing magical: it's just what I fix for my wife many mornings for

her ride into work, and this size fits in the cup that she takes in

the car! Lol!) Obviously, the size of the meal can be easily

varied. And this is a very tasty breakfast!




Now, you'll notice in the last screen that the " status " box

says " Open " in nice read letters, to remind us that this is still a

meal under construction, and can't really be utilized in the program,

until we've completed it. To complete this meal (water not necessary

to be added, since it contains no Calonutrients.), change the " Open "

status to " Finalized " , and wait a bit (how long depends upon your

Internet connection speed, until the screen has refreshed itself, and

come back showing a new complete meal, ss#14_fs complete.




Now click on " My log " , 4th blue tab at top of screen. Then click on

log meal, next to to shortcuts. Highlight tutorial_fs#1. Enter the

correct date, what you ate this for, breakfast, lunch, dinner, or

snack, and enter the time if you wish (time is optional). I've put

mine in for April 25th, Breakfast, 6am (ss#15_fs_complete).




I've now changed the date in the " My Log " section to tomorrow, April

25th, and it shows ss#16-end of Nutridiary lesson #3. Ignore the

Basal metabolic rate, etc…those are for me personally.


(ed note: I caught an error in this - I'd shown 6 bananas, and I only

used 3....I've corrected it here, and it's wrong in the original;

I'll correct it.)


More later as I get the screeshots posted.


Hope this assists some.


all the best,



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WOW Thanks for the tut.... it did help.. guess I just have been pretty

impatient... Thinking I was doing something wrong... so if the percentage of

something runs in the 90% range that is good for the 80% of carbs... and the

other numbers should stay around 4 or under.. then i am doing ok...?? anything

higher then that I am eating too much right?? What if Ihave gone over the

amounts suggested for weight loss?? Say I use too many stalks of kale or too

many bananas?? how do you tweek it... can you delete meals already put in.. like

if i was experimenting to see what it looked like?? and one more question...

this will give a report for a whole day correct?? now what should i look at in a

whole day in regards to the numbers.. because in one i temporarily put in it

scared the crud out of me..like i had way too many carbs or something....


Thanks again and you were loads of help...


Bob Farrell <rjf2 wrote:


From some correspondence I've had with another member, I've created a

short lesson on the subject.


Here's the text of the lesson - the actual screenshots I have

available, and I plan to post them on my website (as soon as I have

some time, and " re-educate " myself about uploading them, etc..etc.)





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rawfood , " Bob Farrell " <rjf2@t...> wrote:


> From some correspondence I've had with another member, I've created a

> short lesson on the subject.



> More later as I get the screeshots posted.


**new: screenshots and text are now available as " zip " file at


http://web.tampabay.rr.com/efarrel2/ (that's efarrel <== those are al

alpha, and the " 2 " is numeric...sometimes it looks like efarre and the

number 12....only one numeric: the last digit)


filename is " Nutridiary_Lesson#3......... "


in WinXP, you right click on the file, select " Save target as " , and

enter the path and filename where you'd like the file to be saved on

your computer.


If enough people can't open a zip file, I can upload individual

screenshots and the text.


Have fun; and remember: it's only a tool, a gauge, a barometer....don't

go nuts!***




> Hope this assists some.


> all the best,


> Bob


**Debbie - saw your notes....glad you found it helpful.**

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