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FOX News - raw diet - Wednesday morning show

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I was asked to be on the FOX News morning show on Wednesday so I will

be in NY Wednesday morning for the live show. There will be a couple

other people there representing the Hallelujah Acres side and I hear

some doc's refuting what we say to be true. Should be interesting.

Tune in if you like.





Jerrod Sessler



Hope4Health Foundation / Good 2 Go Cafe

1800 SW 152nd Street, Suite 100

Seattle, Washington 98166

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COOL!!! You go Jerrod! Of course they will likely have someone trying

to refute raw foods, but the Truth shall set you free! Many people are

opening up to new ideas. I hope they are open to what you have to say.


Would someone please tape the show? Jerrod, do you know what time

you'll be on?


Best of luck!




> I was asked to be on the FOX News morning show on Wednesday so I will

> be in NY Wednesday morning for the live show. There will be a couple

> other people there representing the Hallelujah Acres side and I hear

> some doc's refuting what we say to be true. Should be interesting.

> Tune in if you like





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It should be on 13 at 9am in Seattle. It was a bit of a disator due to

the oponents of our perspective getting way out of control. The

producers interviewed me afterwards are are posting it to their web

site because I didn't really get to talk much.


Click this link for the show: http://www.mandjshow.com/ (click on green-

room interviews for the " after show " interview.

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Hi Jerrod,


I just watched it. I think that you did great considering the fact that the lady

doctor was so angry and rude, and how she was interrupting and being so



Good job! It's great to see this on a national show!











Wed, 16 Jan 2008 17:15:25 +0000

Re: FOX News - raw diet - Wednesday morning show





















It should be on 13 at 9am in Seattle. It was a bit of a disator due



the oponents of our perspective getting way out of control. The


producers interviewed me afterwards are are posting it to their web


site because I didn't really get to talk much.




Click this link for the show: http://www.mandjshow.com/ (click on green-


room interviews for the " after show " interview.


























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Thank you for your efforts on the FOX show this morning. I do not understand

the hostility you were confronted with, nor do I understand why the " hosts " did

nothing to rein her in. It was certainly a missed opportunity to educate the

public about higher nutrition! Again, thank you for being there.


Peace on earth.







< >

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:15 AM

Re: FOX News - raw diet - Wednesday morning show



It should be on 13 at 9am in Seattle. It was a bit of a disator due to

the oponents of our perspective getting way out of control. The

producers interviewed me afterwards are are posting it to their web

site because I didn't really get to talk much.


Click this link for the show:

http://www.mandjshow.com/<http://www.mandjshow.com/> (click on green-

room interviews for the " after show " interview.







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> I saw the show through the link but didn't see anything with Jerrod

> on the show or the after the show interview.


It looks like they only have part of the show playing. I don't see any

link for the remainder of the show or after-show. I did see enough to

know that doctor seems to have some issues. She did come across as

being angry and quite defensive. She seemed to be saying that humans

shouldn't eat raw foods, dogs should eat raw foods, they have short

intestines for that!!! ??? I have long understood short intestines

to correlate to a diet including flesh foods, and that humans, with

very long intestines, should consume plant-based foods. I guess we are

all wrong about that, as well as the scientific community! I certainly

would never seek her as a physician. Did anyone tape the entire show?

Are you willing to share it?


Please consider writing the shows producers, etc.









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The physician also seemed to suggest that humans MUST eat animal

products to get B12! She didn't happen to mention that B12 is produced

by bacteria, which occurs right in our own intestines and that we can

even get it from unwashed organic (preferably wildcrafted) produce.



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What was so typical and disturbing about the Fox news show, was the

studio audience, who cheered every attack on the HA people. They were

openly cheering the Mad doctor on. This is acting our of fear, the raw

people are out there to take their fun away...



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I would just like to offer an old saying that I'm sure many of you

have heard - What you resist, persists. So even if there was some

resistance to the Raw Food Diet by the doctor and the audience, the

truth will persist until those resisting are able to open up and

explore the Raw Food Diet themselves. Let's show patience and

acceptance. If you all can remember, we were in the same place as

they were until something inside of us clicked and we were able to

grasp the understanding of Raw Foods and it's implications for human

society and the planet in general. If we make them enemies (closing

the door) they will never allow the concept of the Raw Food Diet into

their field of consciousness. We must accept (love) their resistant

perspective. Only through Love and Acceptance (leaving the door open)

can we hope to breach their conscious understanding of Life.






, Gideon Graff <gideongraff



> What was so typical and disturbing about the Fox news show, was the

> studio audience, who cheered every attack on the HA people. They were

> openly cheering the Mad doctor on. This is acting our of fear, the raw

> people are out there to take their fun away...


> Gideon


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Good reminders. Thank goodness, however, I was never that resistant! I

was always fairly open-minded and don't recall ever being that

defensive. At some level I must have realized not knowing something

didn't make the new information " wrong " . It just meant it was new and

needed looking at. I recognize that insecurity seems to be rampant

among humans and manifests in a lot of ways, including defensiveness

and even aggression. The more people get comfortable with their old

ideas they are likely to be more resistant to letting go. The world IS

flat, you know! :)





On Jan 20, 2008, at 9:14 AM, ediblecity wrote:


> If you all can remember, we were in the same place as

> they were until something inside of us clicked and we were able to

> grasp the understanding of Raw Foods and it's implications for human

> society and the planet in general.







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> What was so typical and disturbing about the Fox news show, was the

> studio audience, who cheered every attack on the HA people. They were

> openly cheering the Mad doctor on. This is acting our of fear, the raw

> people are out there to take their fun away...




Good point. Your comments bring to mind the lynch mob mentality of

Frankenstein movies, the old west, and other very sad aspects of

American history.


I suspect that some humans, in an effort to deal with issues they are

uncomfortable with or fearful of (even if " true " ), channel that

discomfort into attacks onto others, making their targets (victims)

pay for their own insecurities. I see insecurities as being a root of

many problems in this world, manifesting in: control issues; attacks

(victimizing); condescension and sarcasm; power seeking (including

positions in military, law enforcement, government, and even

attempting to become dictators); etc.


One thing sad about this situation, which was previously addressed, is

that the hosts (moderators) failed to keep the discussion rational,

calm, and level-headed.




PS: Gideon, why don't you, at some point, give our list a brief update

of what you are up to and the raw community in Georgia?






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I just watched this show,thank you for providing the link to hacres.com.

I couldn't believe how unprofessional,angry and rude that supposed doctor woman


I sure as hell wouldn't want her as my doctor.


I wish I found information on the raw lifestyle years ago.I had stage 4 cervical

cancer in 2003.Had to have emergency surgery

then 3 months of intense chemo and radiation therapy.Yes the cancer is gone but

that treatment distroyed my immune system

and now I have permanent damage from the radiation and the chemo drugs.I have

nerve damage in the right side of my lower body

and in my left hand.I have hearing loss and short term memory loss just to name

a few.

My reproductive organs are fried and don't work any more.All due to the toxic

chemicals that were pumped into my body to kill the tumor.

None of the doctors ever suggested a change in my diet or any other method

except the surgery and the treatment to cure me.And even with all that I was

given a 50% chance for long term survival.Meaning 5 years and beyond.They said

if I decided against the treatment I would not be alive 5 months later.

So I went through it all.I was sick as a dog and it was one of the darkest times

in my life.

If I knew about the raw food lifestyle then,things might've turned out


But no use worrying about the past,it's gone.I am still here so now I have to

think about the future.

I don't know how much of that damage I can reverse but whatever happens I will

be grateful.


I went 100% raw on Jan 13th and already lost 12 pounds.I feel so much

better.Some of my ailments are already gone.

The swelling on both my ankles that was caused by my high blood pressure and

excess water went down completely.

My blood sugar levels are going down.My insulin usage is down from 15 units 3x

day to 5 units once a day.Pretty soon I won't have to use insulin and medication

at all for my diabetes.

I no longer have heartburn or upset stomach and no more irritable bowel


I did have some strong detox symptoms but I knew they were coming and I was

ready for them.They are also almost completely gone.

My skin is starting to smooth out on my face and when I look in the mirror I

don't feel disgust and hate anymore.

I love myself now.I have a sparkle in my eyes that I haven't seen in 27 years.


I know that all the good raw food that I'm eating is nourishing my body and I am

starting to heal from within.

I feel energized and strong after each meal not tired and lousy like before.I

don't feel like " oh damn I shouldn't have eaten that " anymore.

I can't wait to see how I will look and feel a year from now.

Take that you rude,miserable,whack job doctor!










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