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Thyroid cancer

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Once again- my extended family is experiencing cancer! My brother-in- law's

niece has thyroid cancer that has metastasized to

her lymph nodes; she had surgery already. Does anyone know anything about

natural diet modifications she can make, or aids to help her heal?




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Sorry to hear about the health challenge. I'm sure any improvement in

your niece-in-law's diet will help. Has she been on a Standard

American Diet (SAD)? IMO: Moving from processed to whole foods is an

improvement, as are: conventional to organic (wild-crafted even

better); animal flesh to vegetarian; vegetarian to vegan; cooked to

raw; high protein/fat to adequate protein/low fat. When eating all

whole raw organic plant-based foods I don't worry about protein. All

whole foods contain protein and amino acids. The body is designed for

raw plant-based foods, so honoring that offers the body easier/more

efficient digestion. One theory is that this saves the body a lot of

energy, which it can use elsewhere (such as dealing with the cancer.)

Consuming a lot of fresh greens will help alkalize the body. Many

believe that an acidic body will encourage cancer and that an alkaline

body discourages it. Lots of fresh greens and low fat increase the

body's ability to oxygenate the body. A high oxygen environment should

also improve the body's ability to rid itself of cancer. BTW, Dr.

Lorraine Day (probably others, as well) says cancer grows several

times faster in inside air (in a house/building), instead of outside

air. Getting out for fresh air is important and keeping a window

cracked open will help supply some fresh air to one's house.


Avoiding toxic cleaners, chemicals, and other pollutants should help

the body's ability to clean and heal itself. Adding toxic things to

the body (like chemo) can't (IMO) actually help the body do it's job.

When using chemicals, gloves, etc. can help keep the skin from

absorbing (ingesting) those chemicals. Chlorine, including fumes, is

also toxic. I have used a de-chlorinating shower filter for many

years. Shower fumes, as well as fumes from other sources of

chlorinated tap water, can irritate lung tissues and further challenge

the body's health.


Exercising helps oxygenate the body and move the lymphatic system

around. You can look up information on the lymphatic system online.

One of the best ways to move the lymphatic system is by using a

rebounder (mini-trampoline). It is simple, low-impact, and a little

time investment can go a long way.


Clean intestines help both elimination and absorption. The body has to

eliminate its toxicity and absorb nutrition to be at optimal health.

Fiber is an important aspect of human health. Fiber helps keep the

intestines clean. Animal products contain no fiber. The cooking of

foods destroys fiber.


If I was in such a situation, I would focus on 100% raw low fat plant-

based foods, focusing on greens. I would also focus on including

exercise, including the rebounder.


Having said that, going from one extreme (not knowing your niece-in-

law's diet) to another can present challenges. Others on this list may

be able to address those concerns.


Best of luck!





On Jan 25, 2008, at 6:24 AM, williamserinn wrote:


> Once again- my extended family is experiencing cancer! My brother-

> in- law's niece has thyroid cancer that has metastasized to

> her lymph nodes; she had surgery already. Does anyone know anything

> about natural diet modifications she can make, or aids to help her

> heal?

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You may want to consult Suzan at www.rawvegansource.com

You may want to consult with a Dr Ron Waling (Wailing?) in Kirkland he just did

a great presentation at a meeting I go to. That meeting is also something to

considder, it is an alternative cancer group that has been meeting for over 20

years ! on Wednesdays, now at the Unitarian church (no afilliation) in Norwood

by Factoria.(Bellevue)7pm. Contact me backchannel for more in depth information

I have plenty more ideas but it is off topic here and dont want to go on and on.





>Jan 25, 2008 6:24 AM


> Thyroid cancer



>Once again- my extended family is experiencing cancer! My brother-in- law's

niece has thyroid cancer that has metastasized to

>her lymph nodes; she had surgery already. Does anyone know anything about

natural diet modifications she can make, or aids to help her heal?




>Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T




>Visit the Seattle Raw Foods Community: http://.org


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I'm sorry to hear such sad news. One of the surgeries I underwent last

summer was the removal of a tumor in an enlarged lymph node under my right

ear. I went on a " juice feast " (I drank lots of home-made fruit and

vegetable juice) and rested (bed/couch) the rest of the day for one month. I

then continued to eat mostly raw with some cooked food (I still had an

addiction for cooked food). I would say the best way for her to heal is to

let her body do the healing and thus do a water fast, but she would need to

go in a fasting clinic for that. A juice feast worked for me because it

decreased the amount of energy my body spent digesting (since it was juice,

my body spent little energy digesting and it went straight to be utilized by

my body for healing) and I did not feel weak all the time (which would have

scared me as a person new to different types of fasts).


So...she needs to rest. That means both in her physical " exterior " movements

and " interior " movements. She can water fast (supervision needed), juice

fast (supervision perhaps if a long-lasting one or if diabetic...she would

need to focus on vegetable juices if that were the case), drink home-made

vegetable broth without salt and spices, drink smoothies, eat raw fruits and

lettuce, eat steamed vegetables and potatoes. (I wrote them in order of what

I would advise, the more optimal being the first stated).


Hope this helps!







Friday, January 25, 2008 6:24 AM


Thyroid cancer


> Hello!

> Once again- my extended family is experiencing cancer! My brother-in-

> law's niece has thyroid cancer that has metastasized to

> her lymph nodes; she had surgery already. Does anyone know anything about

> natural diet modifications she can make, or aids to help her heal?

> Thanks!

> Erinn


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Good thoughts, though if someone is coming off a standard American

diet, spending some time on raw foods, especially greens, would be

beneficial (IMO), recharging the body with necessary nutrients and

starting the cleansing process prior to fasting. I also would avoid

the cooked foods, though cravings/food addictions may be an issue. As

I mentioned before, the extra fiber of raw foods will help cleanse the

system and the body would be allowed to alkalize. I personally, would

definitely spend some time on all raw foods (at least a couple weeks)

prior to doing a fast. If I was coming off SAD, I would likely spend a

few weeks on all raw plant-based foods, then, perhaps, do some juice

feasting, then an extended water fast. As Caroline mentioned it is

best to do an extended water fast under supervision. Also, during a

water fast, it is best stay in bed - no (or minimal) activity. Allow

the body to cleanse/heal itself, without the additional work required

from being physically active. There are retreats specializing in

supervised water fasts.




On Jan 26, 2008, at 5:25 PM, Caroline J. wrote:


> I would say the best way for her to heal is to

> let her body do the healing and thus do a water fast, but she would

> need to

> go in a fasting clinic for that. A juice feast worked for me because

> it

> decreased the amount of energy my body spent digesting (since it was

> juice,

> my body spent little energy digesting and it went straight to be

> utilized by

> my body for healing) and I did not feel weak all the time (which

> would have

> scared me as a person new to different types of fasts).

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These are great suggestions, thanks! Someone (on a SAD diet) recently

asked me about fasting but wasn't sure how to approach it. I fast

regularly, but I wasn't sure about someone on a SAD diet.


I hope you don't mind, but I've copied it to a few other raw food

forums ( and Facebook) and referenced you and your website also.




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Hey Garry!


When are you coming to Seattle? For the Gala?


Feel free to pass on my thoughts. They are just my thoughts on what I

would do in that situation. Experts in fasting may have other

opinions. I realize people who have been given notification of a

serious disease, especially if the " expert " has given them a " time

limit " , may have a sense of urgency and may wish to fast right away. I

suspect a time of transition is beneficial, both for recharging and

initial cleansing.




> These are great suggestions, thanks! Someone (on a SAD diet) recently

> asked me about fasting but wasn't sure how to approach it. I fast

> regularly, but I wasn't sure about someone on a SAD diet.


> I hope you don't mind, but I've copied it to a few other raw food

> forums ( and Facebook) and referenced you and your website also.






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