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Well, I am confused on this issue. Recently there was a discussion about

build up of " mucoid plaques " in the intestines and that they were formed

because of what you had ingested for the cleanse. And that makes sense to me


w/the gravity theory.


I just watched a video (_http://getyourownfountainofyouth.com/movies.html_

(http://getyourownfountainofyouth.com/movies.html) - click on " colon cleanse " )

on some unhealthy colons whom supposedly had done the preparation before

their colonoscopies, but their colons looked pretty bad before they were

instructed on a new diet and showed subsequent procedures with healthy colons.

Recently having had the same procedure my doctor assured me that all colons

looked alike in a colonoscopy except for the ones having diverticulitus(sp).


why do these colons look so bad on the video. One would think the preparation

would clean anyone out.


I recently read a newsletter from a well-known raw foodist, Paul Nison, who

stated - ' " The fifth year to the tenth year are where most people get into

trouble. Many people think they are so clean and eating so well that there is

not much more to do. The opposite is true. Now is the time to refine your diet

even more. You should be looking to consume less food, but of the highest

quality as often as possible. Most importantly, cleansing your body should

become a priority. _Colonics_

(http://www.swiftpage5.com/SpeClicks.aspx?Acc=RawLife.Paul & SPCED=C080903082500 & L\

NK=45 & UId=4815) , _enemas_

(http://www.swiftpage5.com/SpeClicks.aspx?Acc=RawLife.Paul & SPCED=C080903082500 & L\

NK=46 & UId=4815) ,

_herbal cleanses_

(http://www.swiftpage5.com/SpeClicks.aspx?Acc=RawLife.Paul & SPCED=C080903082500 & L\

NK=47 & UId=4815) are so important to keep up with the

chemistry of your body. Most long term raw fooders do not out live the average

person eating McDonalds and the reason why is because raw fooders think after

five years, they no longer need to cleanse. That couldn’t be further from the

truth. So keep this in mind when you get to this point.' " No better than a

McD eater! Yikes! That makes no sense to me. One is eating a pure diet,

but to be really healthy one should also have a completely unnatural " cleanse "

with a colema board, some store-bought concoction or colonic???


How many raw foodists do cleanses and why would they be necessary if you are

eating a pure, natural diet like our animal friends?


Could someone enlighten me? Thanks, Suzanne




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One thought comes to mind... I have never heard of a study comparing

length of life of raw foodists to those eating McD's. Modern raw

foodism is relatively new, though raw foods have been around for 10's

(or 100's) of millions of years (and our ancestors survived without

cleanses)! I haven't even heard statistics of deaths of raw foodists,

other than Ann Wigmore (hers was an unnatural death- in an electrical

fire). I just haven't heard of statistics like that, so I doubt the

validity of such a statement.


Regarding cleansing, while there may be benefits of cleanses, eating a

raw plant-based organic diet should allow the body to cleanse itself

(IMO). It's loaded, not only with nutrients, but with fiber, which

helps the body to cleanse itself. Others may have more scientific

details of the processes.


Of course it is also possible to eat a bad raw food diet, such as lots

of fats, including lots of nuts and seeds, lots of complicated meals,

overeating, etc. We also have a great deal of toxins in our

environment, which we can ingest through breathing and through our

skin, as well as through eating and drinking. Our bodies on modern

Earth have more toxins to cleanse out.


Something else to consider - Compared to a standard American diet, a

raw food diet IS a cleanse.


LIsten to your own body. Consider how you are feeling. Also listen to

your intuition. If you hear a lot of testimonials on the benefit of

cleanses and you feel drawn to it, then make your choice. I suggest

you don't stress over it. I don't think raw foodists are dropping dead

because they need a cleanse.


I also question the comment about all colons looking alike. Has this

doctor ever seen a colon of a raw foodist? And how long had you been

raw when you saw him/her? I realize that those on a S.A.Diet may only

get a few servings of fruits or veggies a day, and those might be

cooked. For a raw foodist, EVERY serving is a fruit or veggie

(including nuts), and the fiber is not destroyed through cooking, so

the intestines get closer to the workout they were designed for. I

can't imagine a well-exercised colon looking like one on a S.A.D. I

know my own intestines went through a transition when I began my raw

diet (7 1/2 years ago). I used to have some inflammation in my gut,

prior to raw, and my intestines didn't seem to quite know how to deal

with all the raw food. It adjusted and seemed to get stronger and the

inflammation went away. I suspect before and after colon images would

look different. Has anyone here (on raw food for a while) had a

colonoscopy? Did the doctors/technicians seem surprised by your colon



Nora had mentioned she had seen a dissection of human intestines,

which did not have a buildup of mucoid material, which may support the

idea that the materials seen exiting after an intestinal cleanse may

actually be from the products (see our archives for that discussion.)

Another member brought to my attention that prior to autopsies, etc.,

the system is flushed, so materials in the intestines may have been

removed prior to seeing the dissection. I still suspect an intestine

on a high-fiber raw diet looks different from one on a S.A.D.!


Just some (raw) food for thought.



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If you'd like to post your question on my RawSchool list, I'd be happy to

answer in depth and there are others who would likely contribute as well.

It's a just like this one; you can join by clicking the button

on my homepage.


Also, I have an essay about colonics on my website that you might find

useful. It's on the " Philosophy and Articles " page.


Best wishes,



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You might want to check out information about colon cleanses from

sources not " selling " or profiting from the products. Just do a

internet search on " colon cleanse scam " and check out all the

articles explaining how it all works and why spending your money to

stress your system and interfere with natural processes isn't such a

good idea. Here are links to two such articles:







re: " Most long term raw fooders do not out live the average

person eating McDonalds... "


First of all, I would question the validity of this statement and

would like to know its source. Secondly, there is always the issue

of quality of life .... there's the old adage that statistics " lie "

and you can back up almost anything with a statistic (or bible quote)

if you look hard enough. If a raw fooder and a Mikey D eater both

live to be 100, but one's on life support or bed ridden and the other

is hiking up Mount Rainer ... which would you rather be?


all my best on your healthy raw journey,


Rawsome Chef Mary

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> How many raw foodists do cleanses and why would they be necessary if

you are

> eating a pure, natural diet like our animal friends?


> Could someone enlighten me? Thanks, Suzanne


No surprise that Paul Nison is advocating cleanses. He sells them for

$265 on his site, along with gobs of other pills and potions. IMO,

they aren't necessary and are potentially harmful. Same with colonics

and enemas, except perhaps in very rare cases. Instead, eat a low fat

raw vegan diet, with lots of fruit (contrary to what the fruitaphobe

Nison teaches), get naked in the sun daily (or as close to naked as

possible), exercise, drink pure water, etc. Check out books by

Herbert Shelton, Doug Graham and other natural hygienists.


No doubt many raw foodists are unhealthy due to eating a high fat diet

(typically higher in fat than the SAD diet). Low fat cooked vegan a

la McDougall, Ornish, etc. is probably healthier than high fat raw.



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Hi to all,


We are watchers of the Health Renegade show and recently were asked if we had

any cleansing questions for Nomi Shannon. I asked her if it was safe to cleanse

when nursing and she said no but that if you are on a low fat high raw diet then

it is a naturally cleansing diet and you dont need to worry about it unless you

have an illness. It is always best IMO to listen to your body (unless your body

is being shared with a babe) if you feel you need it then go for it but do your

own research before buying an expensive product. We have only been raw for 2

months (and only 80-90%) but vegan for almost 2 years and veg for 2years before

that and the way I see it that was a slow cleansing. I noticed changes in my

body and mind with every switch but none like raw.


Good luck to all,


" All truth passes through three stages:

First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently

opposed. Third, it is accepted as being

self-evident " ....Schopenhauer






mkh <hovila


Friday, September 5, 2008 10:47:15 PM

Re: cleanses??





> How many raw foodists do cleanses and why would they be necessary if

you are

> eating a pure, natural diet like our animal friends?


> Could someone enlighten me? Thanks, Suzanne


No surprise that Paul Nison is advocating cleanses. He sells them for

$265 on his site, along with gobs of other pills and potions. IMO,

they aren't necessary and are potentially harmful. Same with colonics

and enemas, except perhaps in very rare cases. Instead, eat a low fat

raw vegan diet, with lots of fruit (contrary to what the fruitaphobe

Nison teaches), get naked in the sun daily (or as close to naked as

possible), exercise, drink pure water, etc. Check out books by

Herbert Shelton, Doug Graham and other natural hygienists.


No doubt many raw foodists are unhealthy due to eating a high fat diet

(typically higher in fat than the SAD diet). Low fat cooked vegan a

la McDougall, Ornish, etc. is probably healthier than high fat raw.










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