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FW: Some good news on an otherwise somber day.../Attachments

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I have cut & pasted them...





At the age of 29 I (Jim Casale) had emergency open-heart surgery on

09/09/1997 for a dissecting aneurysm in my ascending aorta (what the actor

John Ritter died of/I was misdiagnosed for a few hours as well). According

to my heart surgeon my heart was in great shape. Open heart surgery was

needed to get to that area of my body quickly. Part of my aorta is now

Teflon and I have a St. Jude's aortic heart valve (metal). As a result I

must anti-coagulate (thin) my blood. I took Coumadin (which is used to kill

rats) for over six months, there ARE side effects in spite of being told

there are not. Most people do NOT realize that a person on ANY

anti-coagulant prescription drug can still have a blood clot! (Warfarin

(also known under the brand names of Coumadin, Jantoven, Marevan, and

Waran). It is a FACT that anti-coagulant drugs do NOT eliminate the chance

of a blood clot, they only reduce it. We all have blood clots; the key is

to have healthy clots, NOT unhealthy clots. Now I am NOT taking any

anti-coagulant drugs; instead, I use the supplements below which are all

natural, and are more effective & not only don't have detrimental effects

but, also have beneficial effects.




Dosages of these are dependent on how many of these supplements are taken

daily. Also, another major factor is the healthier you are, the more you

will need to take in terms of dosages and/or supplements to have an

anti-coagulant effect. Chlorophyll and Vitamin K are essential for health,

but will cause anti-coagulants (commonly know as blood thinners) to be

needed in greater dosages. Aspirin (no matter what strength) should NOT be

taken long-term as an anti-coagulant.




Vitamin E - Must be the D (d-alpha) form, NOT

the DL form. A recent study shows it more effective than Heparin, which is


used in hospitals for it's

anti-coagulant effect (heparin comes from pig intestines).




EPA/DHA-Fish Oils - Use Carlson or Nordic Naturals brand Cod Liver

Oil liquid, which comes in lemon flavor if one prefers


no fish oil taste, or even

capsules. Fish oils MUST be from Wild Fish and Molecularly Distilled as are

the two


brands mentioned. Consider

using Vital Choice brand Salmon Oil.




Tocotrienols - The anti-clotting factor in Vitamin





Lecithin & Carnitine - They do not have an anti-coagulation

effect, but make fat-soluble nutrients (such as those above) much more


effective. Use refrigerated Lecithin granules from a non-GMO source. Use

L-Carnitine, NOT DL-Carnitine.




Nattokinase - From the Japanese food Natto.

Relatively new; possibly the most effective anti-coagulant of all.

Effective as an


anti-inflammatory as well.




Vinpocetine - From the periwinkle plant, a strong

anti-coagulant which is recommended for brain circulation, do NOT use if a


a hemorrhage stroke has

been had or is a concern.




Organic, Fresh & Raw Garlic - I know many hate it, but everyone should take

it for it's MANY healthful benefits. When Garlic is organic it


doesn't have the spice or

odor of non-organic garlic (both vary depending on the kind of garlic).

Combining garlic


with avocado & other foods

removes spice. Consumption of parsley or something very high in chlorophyll



reduce/eliminate any odor.

Use Kyolic 100 capsules in addition and to avoid the spice and/or smell of

raw cloves.




Heart Health



For ANYONE with a heart health challenge:




Co-Enzyme Q-10 - Several hundred mgs. per day in softgel

form. Of vital importance for anyone taking a statin drug (which nobody


should take long-term anyway).




D-Ribose - www.corvalen.com or 1-866-267-8253




Magnesium Citrate - Sold in liquid form at any drug or grocery store,

only a laxative IF too much is taken, spread out dosages several


times per day. Liquid

contains sodium & saccharin. Essential for irregular heart beat/Atrial





If anyone gets any guff from their Doctor on these supplements (take them

anyway!), I suggest Dr. Stephan Sinatra's book, " The Sinatra Solution. " Dr.

Sinatra is a Cardiologist. For info on Dr. Sinatra his website is

www.drsinatra.com or 1-800-211-7643. Updated 2008 edition of " The Sinatra

Solution " is best, but 2005 edition will do.




Creatine - Not to be confused with

L-Carnitine, a great muscle builder (as the heart is a muscle), works best

when consumed with protein, will greatly increase the need of other

nutrients, especially C, B-Complex & minerals.




Raw, Fresh, Frozen Bee Pollen, Raw, Wildflower Honey, Resveratrol & Organic

Red Wine - 4-8oz. of Wine per day at the most.




L-Arginine - An Amino acid that the body needs

to produce Nitric Oxide, which is very essential for heart health




Many of the above - Aside from their anti-coagulant effect, Cod Liver

Oil, Lecithin, Carnitine, E, and Garlic are essential for heart





Cholesterol is NOT a major concern or an indicator of heart disease;

C-Reactive & Homocysteine ARE! FYI, I don't care what my cholesterol level

is, but people ask me so occasionally I have it tested. In March of 2007 it

was 127mg. The testers couldn't believe it and asked me if I ate meat. I

said yes, but only meat that is the way God intended meat be (I only consume

animal products as outlined in the " Ten Basics Of Great Health! " /to obtain

use info below). To reduce Cholesterol: 1. Do eating guidelines in the " Ten

Basics Of Great Health! " 2. Consume Omega-3's.




Blood Pressure




Blood Pressure being high does NOT mean sodium has to be restricted, instead

increase potassium consumption. Bananas have the reputation of being high

in potassium, but actually potatoes, prunes, & beans contain more (and other

foods). Water intake is vital & Salt should still be consumed IF the right

kind salt is used, both are outlined in #9 of the " Ten Basics Of Great

Health! " (obtain using info below) As well, increase magnesium & calcium.

If taking mineral supplements, use the citrate form. Garlic, Celery,

Pomegranate, & the amino acid L-Arginine are also effective.




Everyone should do the " Ten Basics Of Great Health! " Please contact me

(info below) if you do not have it. Please pass this on (e-mail, make

copies, etc.) to anyone who can benefit from it! Request an e-mail version

@ address below. For informational purposes ONLY; YOU are responsible for

your decisions. Compiled by Jim Casale on 09/07/08 and is improved often.

For latest update: e-mail = health@casale


consulting.com or (206) 559-6247. Copyright 2008 , prior

written permission must be obtained for commercial use.




Bill Clinton's Madness: A Consequence of Heart-Bypass


The following article appeared in Dr. McDougall's newsletter at

www.drmcdougall.com dated April 13, 2008



" One of the savviest politicians of our generation, known for his wit,

charm, and calm under extreme pressure, Bill Clinton appears out of

character in the speeches and interviews televised since his bypass surgery

September 6, 2004-and his mental deterioration may be accelerating.

Remember, this is the president who withstood public impeachment before the

entire world for his relationship with Monica Lewinski without once losing

control. Now, he is easily angered by hecklers, and makes factual mistakes

and racial slurs while aggressively defending his wife's campaign for

presidency. Everyone sees his mental and emotional decline, yet to date, no

medical professionals have spoken out about the cause or offered help.


" Not a single one-not one bypass surgeon, cardiologist or psychiatrist-has

stepped forward in his defense; even though all of them are trained to

recognize 'post bypass surgery cognitive dysfunction.' One of the best-kept

secrets in medicine is the brain damage caused during bypass surgery. During

my 40 years of medical practice I have never heard a doctor warn a patient

before bypass surgery that an expected complication is memory loss. After

surgery when the family complains of dad's fits of anger, I have never heard

a doctor admit that personality change is a common consequence of surgery.

Yet these well-recognized side effects have been reported in medical

journals since 1969.


" Brain damage during bypass surgery is so common that hospital personnel

refer to it as 'pump head.' The primary cause is emboli produced during

surgery from clamping the aorta and from the 'heart-lung machine.' This

machine pumps blood to keep the patient alive while the heart is stopped

during the operation. Unfortunately, this pump also introduces toxic gases,

fat globules, and bits of plastic debris into the bloodstream of the patient

under anesthesia. Once they are in the bloodstream, these particles migrate

to the brain where they can clog capillaries and prevent adequate amounts of

blood and oxygen from flowing to the brain. Essentially, all patients

experience brain emboli during surgery and for many the damage is permanent.


" In 2001, an article in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that

5-years after bypass surgery 42% of patients showed decline in mental

function of approximately 20 percent or more. A study published this year

(2008) in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery using MRI testing just after bypass

surgery found brain damage in 51% of patients. Three years after this time

on the bypass pump, significant permanent reduction in mental capacity was

identified in 31% of patients. I am not talking major stroke here; but these

patients can't remember names or numbers as they once did, experience sleep

disturbances (including nightmares), suffer mood swings, and lose

intellectual acuity. Approximately 30% of people suffer persistent

depression and some even contemplate suicide.


" Our former president needs our understanding and support. A simple

explanation by his doctors of the cause of his recent aberrant behaviors

should bring peace of mind to Hillary and her campaign staff. If Mr. Clinton

better understood his current limitations, he and his staff could take

precautionary steps to avoid embarrassments. A long-overdue explanation

would help his adoring public more easily accept his mistakes and readily

forgive him. It is not your fault, Mr. Clinton.


" As importantly, public recognition of the harm done to Bill Clinton by the

heart surgery business would help patients who undergo bypass surgery, and

their families, to better understand similar changes they have experienced.

A little attention from the media could also shine some light on the lack of

survival benefits from this $90,000 procedure performed nearly

half-a-million times annually in the US, AND THE SUPERIOR BENEFITS COMING



" I am saddened to see our former president suffer from public humiliation,

but I am disgraced that my profession has thus far failed to come forward

with a long over-due explanation and an apology to the Clintons and our

nation for the harm they have done and the secrets they have kept. "


EDITOR'S NOTE: Why does the medical community not tell the public that the

need for by-pass surgery almost always can be totally eliminated by adopting

an exclusively plant based diet, a diet similar to The Hallelujah Diet? That

old saying: " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! " sure has

application here.








Ten Basics Of Great Health!--(not in order of importance)-Please invest 5

minutes to read completely! Compiled to have the correct info from many

sources in 2 pages for people to have all they need to achieve great health!

What is listed here works, as I do it & when done I feel great all the time!

By doing this anyone can! I'm told I've never looked better & asked how I do

it, so I provide this. Most efforts to be healthy are


in vain, as people are misguided due to misinformation. Not advocating that

more money or time be spent but, instead, to utilize the correct info so

that efforts are effective. Most things listed here are free; you don't

have to be wealthy to be healthy! Health is in your control, & lifestyle is

the key! Focus on health (not on weight, heart disease, diabetes, cancer,

etc) & all health issues will be healed, including mental/emotional.


Regardless of spiritual beliefs 95%+ of what's here can be done. Your body

is a gift from God, what you do with it is your gift to God. Ask God's help

to have great health so you can live an abundant life. It's not only about

you! Great health can be easy when done for people who care about you & God.

(Romans 12:1 & 2) Sort thru the blizzard of info by doing God's health basics!

(Hosea 4:6) Most illness results from choices, not chance. (Proverbs 26:2)

Illness isn't caught; or caused by Satan or God, but created by lifestyle.

Jesus didn't end spiritual or physical laws. These basics are what God

intended; humans can't improve on God! (1Corinthians 3:19) All for divine

healing; but take care of God's temple! If there are things you disagree

with, do what you agree with! If no health crisis, start with one basic, an

ounce of prevention is worth tons of cure! Pass this on (e-mail, make

copies, etc.); everyone will benefit from it! Request e-mail version @

address below. Copyright 2008 , prior written permission

must be obtained for commercial use. For informational purposes only: you

are responsible for your health. Compiled by Jim Casale on 06/15/08,

improved often! Latest update-health or 206-559-6247.

Feedback is welcome!


1.Mental, Spiritual & Emotional-Basic #1 is crucial; 87% of illness is

linked to this basic! Stress is a choice & deadly! Change the way you deal

with stress & change your inbox! What's eating you is as important as what

you are eating. You are what you think; you have what you speak! (Proverbs

23:7 & 18:21) Speak life & health to your body. (Proverbs 4:22) Faith

makes fit; doubt makes sick. Believe that you are healed! (Matthew 8:17,

1Peter 2:24 & Isaiah 53:4,5) Obtain healing by praying the Scriptures in

faith! Trust God & have an attitude of gratitude. Prayer & fasting are

powerful! Pray in the name of Jesus Christ to God, the Father, Jehovah: pray

continually! Live a life of praise & purpose. Sing songs of praise & worship;

uplifting music & laughter are healthy. (Proverbs 17:22) Be happy; walk in

love, give thanks, & rejoice always! Negative emotions (anxiety,

unforgiving, etc) are harmful & hurt you the most! Practice benevolence. Read

the Bible for yourself (modern English version) & don't feel you have to

understand it all or rely on what someone else thinks or says (2Timothy

3:16). Start on the book of Matthew; it's only about 300 pages until Jude

(some Bibles may be less) & listen to the Bible being read out loud. If you

have read the entire Bible, read the Bible daily; 20 minutes a day & the

entire Bible will be read in 1 year. Study & mediate on God's word always. Do

Matthew6:33 & Galatians 5:22 & 23. Disobedience (such as taking drugs) doesn't

lead to healing. (Deuteronomy 28:58-62) To do the most spiritually, great

health is vital!


2. Cleansing-Toxicity causes many health challenges & a toxic body can't

heal itself! Cleansing is for the best, even if you feel worse at first!

Begin with it! After completely cleansing (mentally & physically) one

should regularly cleanse; consider a weekly " cleanse day " . The body

cleanses thru bowel movements (BM's), lungs, & skin (the body's largest

organ & a good indication of health). To cleanse: fast only with freshly

made & drank raw vegetable juices (not water only, but no protein or fat),

coffee enemas, dry skin brushing, rebounding, sweating, supplements, etc.

Water, probiotics & activity are needed to fully detoxify. Constipation

(less than 2 BM daily) can't occur with those+ healthy fats, magnesium

& fiber. Never strain during BM's! Lean forward & squeeze knees together

tightly. Consume fiber in foods (35+ grams daily), not supplements! Breath,

sweat, & BM's have no odor when cleansed. Most homes are toxic. Stop putting

toxins in & on your body!


3. Nutrition-Proper diet takes less time & money+tastes better (if done

right)! Consume only what God intended, (Genesis 1:29orLeviticus ch.11) the

way God intended it be. If humans negatively altered it, or made it don't!

(Isaiah 55:2 & 9) Scavengers are unhealthy! (1Cornithians 10:23). Consume

only organic, as it is FAR more nutritious! Organic isn't irradiated or

genetically modified (GMO/Proverbs 14:12). If it isn't labeled organic, it'

s not! Natural isn't organic. Organic (altered) & natural may not be healthy.

Organic tastes better! You'll be fully satisfied & never eat better in your

life! Most think organic costs more & proper eating takes more time; but

contrary to popular belief, organic costs less & eating right takes less time!

It also reduces health costs & results in increased productivity. Grow organic

food (garden & sprout). Both cost much less than even store bought

non-organics & are the healthiest! For store bought, beans/peas & vegetables

are. New products make sprouting easy & it can be done anywhere, anytime!

Not using non-organic pesticides/fertilizers doesn't make it organic; seeds

must be organic. Eat as God intended, whole & fresh. Only 9-12% of the USA is

eating within guidelines for a healthy diet, which many consider to be

inadequate! The longer food is removed from its source (ideally consumed

within 24-48 hours) the more nutritional loss. Eat seasonally; farmers

markets have the best prices & freshest products. The darker the color, the

healthier! If organic produce can't be obtained the PLU code (on

sticker)will tell if it's GMO(5 #'s preceded by an 8). Get a Vita-Mix,

Tribest personal blender & twin-gear juicer! Juice for optimal health; or

detox/health/digestive challenges, drink within 7 minutes, 8-10oz per

time & 30+minutes prior to meals. Carbs/fats aren't the enemy! It's not about

how much of either that's consumed, but the type of each that matters. Make

great health the goal; counting anything is useless! No one overweight is

healthy, although there may be no illness. Weight will be lost naturally

& the body will weigh what it should when healthy. It's not what you weigh;

body fat % is what matters. How you look in a swimsuit is what counts, not a

scale! Anyone, but especially people of faith should be on the Genesis 1:29

or Leviticus ch.11 diet, God's way is best! (Isaiah 48:17 & 18) IF consuming

animal products: eat only IF they are the way God intended & limit to 3-6

portions weekly (under 5% of calories/Proverbs 23:20) Free-range poultry

(fertile eggs); grass-fed, whole milk, & live(raw/unpasteurized) milk/milk

products; all beef is grass-fed, it must be 100% grass-fed & finished.

Seafood with fins & scales only, wild-caught, not farm/ocean raised. No

Pork! Eat fruits alone (eat seeds); don't juice, limit to 15% of calories.

Minimize grains (sprouted is best); eat vegetables of all 7 colors daily.

Soak most nuts; beans, seeds & grains. Use raw wildflower honey (Proverbs

24:13). Avoid soy, unless non GMO/organic+sprouted /fermented. Diet changes

cause withdrawal symptoms. Consume 80%+ of food/drink live (raw). To cook

live (raw), do so under 104 degrees, use only butter (see above), grapeseed;

coconut, or macadamia oils, never deep fry! Cook, eat & drink only with glass.

Don't use plastic nor get horizontal for one hour+ after consuming

supplements/ food. Forms: Liquids are best; (shake first) next softgels;

then capsules/powders; lastly tablets, may not be digested, so chew them

(except HCL), ideally kosher & bottled in glass. A great diet still requires

supplementation. A person may need to take additional types to customize

according to their individual needs, as everyone is a bio-chemical

individual, (to address specific issues), but these four basics everyone

should take! They're called supplements as that's what they're meant to be,

supplements to a proper diet! Multi-Vitamin-Mega-Food, GPRX/Garden Of Life

brands. Probiotic-Yogurt/kefir (see above). Page 93 & 95 of The Body Ecology

Diet by Donna Gates explains how to make (also on bodyecology.com) cultured

vegetables & coconut kefir, eat ? cup/4oz. of CV w/meals. Making CV is easy;

blend in Vita-Mix! Superfood-Hallelujah Acres brand, product BarleyMax &

Amazing Grass brand, product Wheatgrass powder have grasses, New Chapter

brand: product Berry Green has NO grasses. Healthy Fats-Omega 3 & 6 MUST be

consumed AND balanced. Most people get WAY too much of one type of Omega 6

(linoleic acid), but lack this type of Omega 6=GLA (gamma-linolenic acid)

consume 200-300mgs+ of GLA daily. 1 tablespoon of oil per 50lbs. bodyweight.

Eliminate trans-fats. Use of one oil long-term WILL cause an imbalance! Fish

oil only from wild fish.


Optional-Trace Minerals: Kelp/Trace Minerals Research products. Digestive

Supplements: Whatever's needed for digestion.


4. Digestion-You aren't only what you eat, but more importantly, WHAT you

are able to digest & assimilate! Only eat when hungry; eat slowly, chew &

salivate UNTIL the consistency of liquid (take smaller mouthfuls); & enjoy

it! Note: the stomach digests food; it does NOT break it down; that's what

your teeth are for--use them! Use your own saliva, probiotics (mentioned

above), live (raw) pineapple & papaya, ginger, tumeric, kombucha, pancreatic

glandulars & digestive enzymes (neither from pork). Use raw, organic Apple

Cider Vinegar and/or hydrochloric acid only in the middle of meals. Have

soups, live (raw) foods & vegetable juices. Consider food combining. Milk

& meat shouldn't be combined. Fasting improves digestion. Eat smaller

meals; do not eat until you are full: your stomach is only the size of your

fist. Consume fluids 20min. before meals; minimize during meals; wait at

least 60 min. afterward. Let food, fluid, etc. assume body temp before

swallowing; take out of fridge, warm up in mouth. Most everyone has candida

and/or parasites! Pray first; don't eat during other activities, eat



5. Activity-Exercise doesn't require exertion to be effective, avoid intense

aerobics. Good examples are walking: dancing, & gardening. 3X a week of 10

minutes is enough. (1 Timothy 4:8) Everyone can stretch & skin brush!

Rebounding is the best exercise; do strength training. Don't confuse

fitness with health; no matter how much a person exercises, exercise can't

make one healthy. Don't join gyms; make it fun & time for it!


6. Blood & Oxygen-Blood pressure is a result of lifestyle & the balance of

sodium, potassium & magnesium. Don't use drugs or avoid the right kind of

salt long-term. Use Iron supplements cautiously. Avoid blood transfusions;

there are better options. For circulation: acupressure, skin brushing,

skeletal adjustments, activity, massage, etc. Don't cross legs. Use good

posture & touch therapy. Use aromatherapy. Proper breathing is VERY

important! Most don't breathe properly; breathe slowly, deeply & completely

via nostrils thru stomach & chest. 90% of your energy is from oxygen.

Indoor air is 2-5 times as likely to be polluted as outdoor air & 90% of

time is spent indoors, use houseplants.


7. Rest & Sun-Sleep's the optimal time for the body to heal; 1 minute before

12mid = 4 after, hormones are released 10p-2a. Consume only water 3 hours

before. Keep electronics at least 4ft. from bed; sleep in complete darkness

& silence, on left side, well & long enough! Nap & observe the Sabbath

regardless of spiritual beliefs. Exposure to sun is vital! In two ways:

First: sunshine on skin creates vitamin D (actually a pre-cursor to

hormones) during 10am-2pm. 20 minutes daily in a bathing suit is enough

(darker skin more); the body will only absorb 20,000 units, max. Vit D can

only be absorbed from the sun certain times of the year in much of U.S.A.

Second: sunlight (rain or shine, can be absorbed in shade) from sun (must be

outside; not in a car, or in sunlight inside). When absorbing either, don't

wear glasses, contact lenses, get sunburned or use sunscreens which can

cause cancer, don't put anything on your skin you wouldn't consume. Skin

cancer/cataracts aren't a concern with the Ten Basics. Take 4,000+ units

(not 400) daily of D-3 when not absorbing D from sun, use blood tests to

check D levels. Use full spectrum lighting.


8. Dental Health & Good Hygiene-A major " missing " factor in health! Connect

the dots by reading " The Roots of Disease " (info below). Silver /amalgam

(really mercury) fillings, root canals, & wisdom teeth (even removed), can

cause all kinds of illnesses, which may occur many years later. Use

fluoride-free toothpaste & floss daily (it's easy now!). Don't use

mouthwash or anti-bacterial soap. It takes 30 seconds for soap to kill

germs, wash hands & fingernails often! For anything consumed, use sanitary

methods, avoid cross-contamination, & refrigerate promptly.


9. Water-Don't wait for thirst to drink! Use spring water (or tested, deep

well water) bottled in glass. Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces

of water (room-body temp), any other fluids must be IN addition to this.

Certain climates: times of year & sweating will require more water

consumption. Beverages such as caffeinated coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, &

beer have a diuretic effect and cause the body to use more fluid than they

contain. If they are consumed, then more than 1/2 your weight in oz. of

water will have to be drank. Every 6 oz. of caffeine/alcohol requires an

additional 10-12 oz. of water to re-hydrate. Upon awakening, drink at least

8oz. of water only for 15 minutes to flush the kidneys & measure out the

water to drink for the day. Normally the stomach may only be able to digest

4-8oz. every 10 minutes. 1/4 teaspoon of salt per quart of water, NOT

regular salt; only use Real Salt (realsalt.com/800-367-7258) or Celtic sea

salt. Chlorine & fluoride are harmful! A shower in chlorinated water is

like drinking 64oz.+ of chlorinated water. Avoid swimming in chlorinated

pools. Fluoride can't be removed, but get a chlorine shower filter & avoid

showering too often. Steam from chlorinated/fluoridated water is worse than

it being absorbed by the skin; so take shorter, cooler showers; avoid it

from dishwashers & some air filters. Water alleviates bloating & assists

weight loss. Use hydrotherapy.


10. Do No Harm-Imagine if you had to make one car last all of your life,

Treat your body the same! Do the do's & you won't have time for the don'ts!

Live as if preventing a life-threatening illness! Most illnesses are

self-induced: caused by lifestyle. (Galatians 6:7) There are no cases in the

Bible of doctors healing; only harming. (Mark 5:26) Dead people can't be

spiritually healthy!(Psalms 6:5) Many are deceived into believing that

" orthodox " health practitioners are advising them correctly. Most treatments

recommended are harmful! Prescription drugs do not cure the condition (only

cover up the symptoms, while the condition worsens) & cause toxic effects.

The JAMA states drugs kill over 100,000 yearly! Every drug causes

illness-both prescription & OTC. All drugs are detrimental, legal or illegal.

The #3 killer is medical errors (possibly #1, if reported correctly). Only

10% of orthodox treatments have proven effective (mostly antibiotics/some

trauma treatments). A degree/expertise doesn't mean the best treatment is

being suggested. Health practitioners are advisors, not authorities.

(2Chronicles 16:12) Healthy lifestyle eliminates all unwholesome desires &

cravings. Listen to & love your body! Use home test kits (ideally PH

7.4) & functional testing. Use only Bible-based healing methods. Minimize

cell phone use; eliminate microwave use & aluminum deodorants/cookware/foil.

Everything in moderation is a deadly concept! Take care of the inside of

your body & the outside will take care of itself. A body not damaged (by

surgery, chemo, etc), will heal itself. More $ spent doesn't mean better

care. Effective health care must originate from personal responsibility,

freedom of choice (accurate information) & economic incentives based on

wellness/competition. Wear natural/organic fibers. Don't blame genetics;

genetics only cause differing nutritional needs; that's it! (Psalms 139:14)

It's what is done (lifestyle) with genetics that matters! Don't let doing a

few wrong things stop you from doing the right things. Health is a choice

(Deuteronomy 30:19) choose it to feel great all the time!


1. No matter WHICH HEALTH CHALLENGE is faced; the body will HEAL itself by

following the l0 basics. (Matthew 7:24-27) Only God heals!


2. These 10 basics are for BOTH prevention and recovery from ANY illness.

Treat the patient, not the disease. Do your part; God will do his.


3. Young or old, sick or well, ALL of humanity has to do these SAME 10

basics to possess great health. Don't WAIT for illness to occur to do them!


4. A person may not want to do all of the 10 basics, but they ALL have to

be done to assure great health, but even ONE thing will improve health!


6. The SAME amount of dedication an Olympic athlete makes may be required

if an individual has a serious health challenge. Keep a journal.


5. There is NO such thing as an incurable disease; a person must be WILLING

to do what it takes to possess great health. (John 5:6)


7. YOU must take responsibility for your own health. You cannot turn it

over to doctors or ANYONE ELSE! (James 1:25 & 2:17) Be an example!


8. This information empowers everyone to take charge of their OWN health!

It doesn't matter how much you know if you don't do it! (James 4:17)


Essential Reading-The Hallelujah Diet by George Malkmus 800-915-9355

hacres.com-Genesis 1:29diet The Great Physician's Rx by Jordan Rubin

866-985-4779 7wow.com-Leviticus Ch. 11 diet. Natural Cures " They " Don't

Want You To Know About by Kevin Trudeau 800-931-4721 naturalcures.com

Doctor Yourself by Dr. Andrew Saul 800-575-8890 doctoryourself.com Roots Of

Disease: Connecting Dentistry & Medicine by Robert Kulacz, D.D.S & Thomas E.

Levy, M.D. 888-795-4274 drkulacz.net Toxic Relief by Dr. Don Colbert

407-331-7007 drcolbert.com Choosing The Right Fats by Udo Eramus

800-663-6580 udoerasmus.com Sprouts: The Miracle Food & Water: The Ultimate

Cure both by Steve Meyerowitz 413-528-5200 sproutman.com Total Fitness In

30 Minutes Per Week by Lawrence Morehouse Ph.D. Healed Of Cancer by Dodie

Osteen 800-278-0520 joelosteen.com Use your library & audio books..

Essential Broadcasts-Listen to healthytalkradio.com. Watch Valerie Saxion &

Jordan Rubin Tuesdays @ 9:00am & 4:30pm Pacific time both on TBN.




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