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Dr. Yashpal Jayne in Seattle this Sat-Monday

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Hi to all of you!


My apologies for the short notice. A few things came together and it has

become possible for me to come to Seattle and be available for clients

this Sat, Sunday and Monday, Oct 11,12 & 13. I hope those that have not

been able to find the time to journey to Port Townsend will be able to

work with me in Seattle. My intention is to regularly schedule days in

Seattle for clients and possibly lectures and workshops. My intention is

also to give sufficient notice! However a combination of wanting to

support and participate in the Gala event for the new raw restaurant and

store, Thrive, and needing to get shelving and other furniture for the

new clinic - made this trip possible.


I will be bringing my microscope to the THRIVE event and offer

discounted Live Blood Cell Analyses and give a portion of the costs to

THRIVE as a fundraiser. This will also give people a chance to get to

know me and my approach in facilitating healing. I plan to have the

equipment set up at THRIVE by 2 pm for the Saturday, Oct 11, noon-8pm

event. There are appointments available for about 12 people. Normally

this costs $150/session and will be offered there for $125/session with

$25 benefitting THRIVE!


On Sunday and Monday, Oct 12 and 13, I will be available for clients at

the RawVeganSource location , Tom and Susan's at 22336 NE 85th St;

Redmond, Wash 98053. In addition to the Live BloodCell analyses, I will

be offering full diagnostic consultations, Spinal Tune-ups and Massage.

My partner, Heidi, will likely come and offer Massage and Ayurvedic

Dosha Consultations. We may also bring the equipment for ionic foot

detox baths and Bio-Mat sessions.


If you have an interest in making appointments with us, please contact

me on my cell at 360-302-0040 as I do not know when I can check email

again. I copied the pertinent portion of my pricelists and my travel

rates for doctor visits are based on $200/hr, while for bodywork

therapies, my rate is $80/hr and Heidi's is $60/hr.


I am finalizing the next clinic travel tour and will send emails as that

becomes clearer. The basic plan is SoCal Oct 22-24 and Oct 27-29, one

period in San Diego and one in Los Angeles area. I plan to be in the SF

Bay area, Nov 4-6. SO, save those dates and let me know if you want to

have appointments there. I do not know at this time if Heidi will be

joining me.


We look forward to serving you and reconnecting - Thank you.

Dr. Yashpal Jayne, ND

360-385-3551 office

360-302-0040 cell




Chrysalis Yashpal Jayne, ND












Chrysalis Yashpal Jayne, ND is the director of the Integrated Natural

Health Center and its research affiliate - the Abundant Health &

Wellness Institute & Association (AHAW). Dr. Jayne is a state licensed

Naturopathic and Homeopathic Physician in Washington since 1993 and in

Arizona since 2002. Specializing in preventative and chronic dis-ease.

He utilizes ElectroDermal (EDS/EAV) Screening, Classical Homeopathy,

Nutrition, Naturopathic Bodywork and Manipulative Therapies, Dark Field

Microscopy/Live Blood Cell Analysis, Health Empowerment Coaching &

Transformational work. Yashpal utilizes an eclectic palette of

experience to guide clients through their healing process and manifest

their health potential.





He is participating in a collaborative effort with other practitioners

in Port Townsend, Washington as his home base. Additionally, Dr. Jayne

also maintains a travel practice, currently serving WA, So CA, SF Bay

area, AZ, & NY regularly. He is passionate about developing innovative

wellness associations supporting both clients and practitioners. A full

support team for client education is blossoming with his direction. Dr.

Jayne supervises individual cleanses and fasts and will plan a few

cleansing retreats for groups throughout the year. Details of his work

can be found at

<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=2412974 & msgid=144634 & act=NL3E

& c=173503 & admin=0 & destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yashpal.com%2F>

www.yashpal.com ,

<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=2412974 & msgid=144634 & act=NL3E

& c=173503 & admin=0 & destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ahaw-inhc.com%2F>

www.ahaw-inhc.com ,

<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=2412974 & msgid=144634 & act=NL3E

& c=173503 & admin=0 & destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ahaw.org%2F> www.ahaw.org






Clients that see Yashpal at the clinic in Port Townsend, Washington

receive a





20% discount on his services offered in his travel practice, priced

below after the discount.





The normal rate, charged while traveling, is based on $200/hr








Dr. Jayne offers a variety of visit options (PT, home clinic rates):








Comprehensive Naturopathic & Bioenergetic (EAV/EDS) services - $160/hr,

2-4 hrs








Classical Homeopathic Case Analysis (Constitutional) - $350








Darkfield Microscopy/Live Blood Cell Analysis - $150








Naturopathic Spinal " tune-up " - $40, Cold Laser Treatment - $40








Therapeutic and Relaxing Bodywork/Massage - 22 yrs exp. - $80/1 hr,

$100/1.5 hr








Naturopathic & Nutritional Consultations (food sensitivities, etc) -

$80/30 min








G.E.M. (Gemstone Energy Medicine), Reiki, Aromatherapy Raindrop

technique - $80








Health Coach Consultation with LEA (Lifestyle Education Assistant) -









In-House Lab testing: GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) - $100, Oxidation

Profile - $300








Ionic Detox Foot Bath - $30









Classical Homeopathy - $350, initial visit






Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine introduced and developed by a

German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, at the end of the 18th century.

Recognizing that the whole person-mind, body spirit-is affected when

there is illness, homeopathy seeks to treat that whole person. The focus

is not the diseased part or the sickness, rather the totality of the

individual. Homeopathic medicines, or 'remedies', stimulate the body's

self-regulating mechanisms to initiate the healing process. When an

individual is in apparent good health, a constitutional case is very

helpful to address those areas where one may be " stuck " , whether on the

mental, emotional or physical level. Homeopathy may provide the " switch "

to move through into a fuller self-healing. Dr. Jayne will also gather

significant information in the case-taking interview to address one's

concerns with other naturopathic methods, so this an excellent first

visit with him to establish a long-term relationship for your health.









ElectroDermal Screening (EDS) - $160/hr ($200/hr when traveling)










See list of available " screen " types - a full work up is usually 2 hours






ElectroDermal Screening (EDS), aka EAV (electro-acupuncture by Voll)

testing, was developed in the 1950's by Reinhold Voll, a German medical

doctor with a significant background in engineering. His studies showed

conclusively that the acupuncture points used for millennia by Chinese

physicians were in fact, more electrically active than the tissue around

them. By measuring the bioenergetic properties of the body's meridians

at acupoints it indicates whether the meridian is stressed, balanced or









EAV is a diagnostic screening device to measure the various

electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the body in order to detect

imbalances that may be causing our present illness or contributing to

future disease. These disturbed energy flows can be returned to their

normal healthy state through the input of electro-magnetic signals that

specifically counteract the affected frequencies to restore a normal

energy balance within the body.








EAV can be used to energetically detect influences from almost every

known disease, chemical toxin, food allergy, and disregulation in organ

and glandular systems. EAV screening can be used to test various

remedies (herbs, vitamins, homeopathic and nutritional supplements,

etc.) to determine which one to use for the problem.






Chrysalis Yashpal Jayne, ND

1044 Water St #206

Port Townsend, Wash 98368

Clinic: 360-385-3551

www.yashpal.com <http://www.yashpal.com/>

www.ahaw-inhc.com <http://www.ahaw-inhc.com/>

www.ahaw.org <http://www.ahaw.org/>





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