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RE: Raw Foods and Clinical Depression/ NARCOSIS = MOCK SLEEP

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Sleep is vitally important, to be sure. But drug-induced " sleep " is not

really sleep. Please read these quotes from a true genius of Natural

Hygiene, Herbert Shelton. From The Hygienic System, Volume I:




" When a narcotic, hypnotic, or soporific drug is given, the victim of the

ill-advised dose becomes unconscious, a state of stupor that is wrongfully

called sleep. Physicians and physiologists who regard sleep as normally a

state of poisoning, resulting from the accumulation of 'fatigue poisons,'

may logically regard narcosis as sleep, but this state of profound poisoning

cannot be regarded as sleep upon any sane basis. "




" Sleep is normal or physiological, narcosis is abnormal or pathological.

Sleep is normal function, narcosis is an abnormal action-disease. The only

thing that the state of narcosis has in common with the state of sleep is

that of unconsciousness. In every other particular they are opposites.

Drugs produce poisoning, not sleep. "




" In sleep, the body is actively engaged in its most efficient reparative and

building processes; in narcosis, it is actively engaged in resisting and

throwing off a poison. This is the reason that sleep is a process of

renewal and recuperation while narcosis is an exhausting process. The first

conserves energy, the second wastes energy. Disagreeable after effects

always follow these periods of mock-sleep. Drowsiness, headache, lassitude,

weakness and trembling of the limbs are the most common symptoms following a

period of mock-sleep. Often the eyes are bleary and ability to do work

requiring skill and accuracy is much reduced. No man needs sleep like the

man who has just awakened from a period of mock-sleep. "




" So called 'sleep' producing drugs are all virulent poisons, are cumulative

in their effects and are habit-forming. They not only do not remove the

cause of sleeplessness, but their use actually induces sleeplessness. To

call these poisons remedies is to do violence to language, if indeed it is

not to be guilty of deliberate misrepresentation. Deaths from 'over doses'

of these drugs are of frequent occurrence.




" Following sleep, the muscles are stronger, following narcosis, the muscles

are weak and tremulous. The will is weakened by narcosis; it is

strengthened by sleep. Weakness and paralysis of the nerves follow the use

of narcotics; the nerves are renewed and strengthened in sleep. In sleep,

the heart beat is regular; in narcosis, the heart-beat is irregular, even

excited. A night of sleep prepares the digestive organs for the normal

performance of their functions; narcosis leaves the digestive organs

weak-there is nausea, a furred tongue, loss of appetite, dyspepsia,

sometimes jaundice.




" The whole body rests during sleep; no part of the body rests during

narcosis. During sleep the body repairs and replenishes itself and

recuperates and renews its energies; in narcosis there is waste and tearing

down, followed by exhaustion. After sleep one awakens pleasant and

cheerful; after narcosis one is melancholy, frequently suicide follows.

Sleep has been truly described as 'tired nature's sweet restorer;' narcosis

may be with equal appropriateness, described as tired nature's sour

destroyer. To take a so-called sleep-inducing drug is to invite disaster.

No sane man can ever prescribe such poisons for his patients. "




Your sister probably refused to take her sleeping pills because her body

instinctively knows that it is poisoning her.




It's great that she will drink smoothies. Why not just continue giving her

smoothies alone for a few weeks (without any powders, vitamins, supplements,

etc)? Heck, some people eat nothing but bananas for a few weeks just as

sort of a cleansing diet. Can you take her to a sunny place with cleaner

air than LA's? Palm Springs, or at least Santa Monica, so she can breathe

some ocean air? Santa Monica is where Dr. Bernarr lives (www.healself.org

<http://www.healself.org/> ). He is a longtime Natural Hygienist (55 plus

years as a raw food vegan. Maybe you could introduce her to him and you

could both get inspired. Make sure she goes on a long, brisk walk every

day, or gets some kind of outdoor physical activity. It will make it easier

for her to sleep.




Hmm, what else? Why not order the Shelton book and have her read it? I got

it from www.livingnutrition.com <http://www.livingnutrition.com/> . While

you're waiting for it to arrive, she could read the free lessons at

www.rawfoodexplained.com <http://www.rawfoodexplained.com/> .




Hope this helps.










On Behalf Of Joan Wyatt

Thursday, October 16, 2008 12:20 PM


Raw Foods and Clinical Depression




I'm in Los Angeles taking care of my sister who is going through her fourth

major clinical depression and this time is very bad. She had not slept in

almost a month until her psychiatrist put her on a stronger sleeping pill.

She is not a raw foodist but usually eats fairly healthy and mostly

vegetarian. She will barely eat or drink anything but will, with much

fighting, drink some green smoothie a few times a day with some Waiora EDN

(super liquid vitamins that I have to sneak in) but will not eat anything.


Anyone have any experience with clinical depression or words of wisdom? I

hate that she's on drugs right now but sleep is the most important thing. I

don't think she would hurt herself but she is very weak and would like to

totally give up and just die. I know it's because she can't think

rationally. She feels like she is dying.


She's 55, hasn't worked in a while so no insurance, been pretty healthy

until some major things happened in her life all at once so now it seems

that when anything major happens, she is once again susceptible. She pulled

through the last 3 times but this time is scary. Her friend and I were ready

to take her to the ER last night as she refused to take her sleeping pill.

We finally crushed it up into a little smoothie and she took it and finally

got a little sleep.


Thanks for listening...Joan Wyatt



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