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A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to undertake !

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Id like to know what others think of this or if they ever tried it.

Due to time constraints and small Kitchen space and lack of Kitchen

Equipment, im going to go 100% Raw Vegan, but my sole source of

greens will be


Various Raw Grass Powders such as Vitamineral Green , Pure Synergy,

Spirulina, and E3Live Algae, along with Organic Fruits and Fats. Has

anyone else out there ever tried this for a few Months ?


My reason for doing this is Convienence and its the quickest easiest

way to go Raw and get your greens in for someone in my sitation. id

like to know if im the only one whos ever tried this ?


Also im very curious to find out the real true Nutritional value of

all these various Green 'superfoods' and Powders out there that claim

they are 100 percent 'raw'. Are they really as Nutritious and Alive

as the makers of them claim, or are they just totally overhyped

overrated marketing Nonsense ?


im about to find out !





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Hi there,


First I have to say:  More Power To You!!  It's great that you are taking this

step towards your health.


As far as using grass and green powders, etc., for the sole source of your

greens ... quite frankly, I don't recommend it.


My first question is, have you already purchased these?  From personal

experience, I know they're fairly expensive.  If you haven't purchased them yet,

might I recommend purchasing only one of them and a blender for green

smoothies?  I have a Juiceman Blender and it seems to be just as strong as a

Vitamix and only about $100.00.  It doesn't take up much room, and there is

almost nothing more convenient than sticking some greens and some fruit or

berries in a blender with some water, blending it, and dumping it into a

container for the day.  Ha Ha, well, i suppose swallowing some pills would. 


When I first went raw, I ate a lot of fruits and nuts and hardly any greens.  I

did start juicing greens, and drank a quart of green juice every day for quite a

while.  But, it never seemed like enough.  When I started eating a kale salad

and a green smoothie every day i started feeling mineralized, like my body was

finally healing.  Have you read " Green For Life " by Victoria Boutenko?  You

could probably read it while in a book store - it's pretty short.


It's always your choice and if you feel like Vitamineral Greens (probably the

best choice of them all, since Dr. Sheridan is also raw) or whatever grass

powders, etc., are the best way and the easiest way for you to start now - THEN

GO FOR IT!!!!  If you think that this is the best choice for you to get started

on being healthier, then again, more power to you.


If it doesn't feel good, try something different.  You can always change your

mind, that is our human perogative.  ;)












paniceguyhere <dj7510


Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:00:43 PM

A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to undertake




Id like to know what others think of this or if they ever tried it.

Due to time constraints and small Kitchen space and lack of Kitchen

Equipment, im going to go 100% Raw Vegan, but my sole source of

greens will be


Various Raw Grass Powders such as Vitamineral Green , Pure Synergy,

Spirulina, and E3Live Algae, along with Organic Fruits and Fats. Has

anyone else out there ever tried this for a few Months ?


My reason for doing this is Convienence and its the quickest easiest

way to go Raw and get your greens in for someone in my sitation. id

like to know if im the only one whos ever tried this ?


Also im very curious to find out the real true Nutritional value of

all these various Green 'superfoods' and Powders out there that claim

they are 100 percent 'raw'. Are they really as Nutritious and Alive

as the makers of them claim, or are they just totally overhyped

overrated marketing Nonsense ?


im about to find out !












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Lettuce, celery and spinach don't take up a lot of kitchen space. Do you

have a refrigerator?




I doubt if these powders are even raw. Some of them may claim to be raw,

but who knows? Do the people selling the powders even know for sure? I

once tried to find out if some chlorella was raw and couldn't. I decided

that if it's that hard to verify, I don't trust it. I KNOW the lettuce I

eat is raw. I don't have to take somebody's word for it.




Eat a head of lettuce a day and I bet you will get more nutrition than is

contained in 1000 capsules of green powder.




Figure out the cost per pound of one of these powders and compare it to the

cost of real food. I just did a quick calculation of Pure Synergy.



What does lettuce cost, $2 or $3 a pound?




I don't like eating grass or drinking grass juice. It doesn't seem like a

natural food for humans. The pulp isn't digestible, for one thing. And

face it, grass juice tastes horrible. I can't believe any human in a

natural environment would eat or chew grass unless he couldn't find anything

else to eat.




Algae doesn't seem too appealing, either. There are reports that blue green

algae is neurotoxic. I'm not even sure whether it's a plant or animal. The

scientists can't seem to make up their minds.




How does algae taste? Do they put the E3 Live in a capsule to hide the

taste? If it doesn't taste good, I say don't eat it.




Do you have any other objections to eating fresh greens? If so, let's

discuss them. Find a way to do it, you'll be glad you did!




BTW, I want to start growing lettuce myself, indoors. Does anybody have

experience with this?














On Behalf Of paniceguyhere

Thursday, January 01, 2009 7:01 PM


A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

undertake !




Id like to know what others think of this or if they ever tried it.

Due to time constraints and small Kitchen space and lack of Kitchen

Equipment, im going to go 100% Raw Vegan, but my sole source of

greens will be


Various Raw Grass Powders such as Vitamineral Green , Pure Synergy,

Spirulina, and E3Live Algae, along with Organic Fruits and Fats. Has

anyone else out there ever tried this for a few Months ?


My reason for doing this is Convienence and its the quickest easiest

way to go Raw and get your greens in for someone in my sitation. id

like to know if im the only one whos ever tried this ?


Also im very curious to find out the real true Nutritional value of

all these various Green 'superfoods' and Powders out there that claim

they are 100 percent 'raw'. Are they really as Nutritious and Alive

as the makers of them claim, or are they just totally overhyped

overrated marketing Nonsense ?


im about to find out !









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Thank you Paula i appreciate your kindness. Yes ive read GREEN FOR

LIFE, its an excellent book . I know these Green Powders are

Expensive, but the theory goes that they are incredibly 'concentrated'

so the Manufacturer claims that you only need 1 TBSP a day to get all

the Green Minerals for a daily supply ! So in that sense 1 bottle is

said to last about 2 weeks of Heavy intense useage.


My Problem is i live in a very cramped small kitchen with 4 other SAD

eaters who are very difficult to live with and are not very tolerant

of Living foods lifestyle.


for instance the last blender i had my roomate broke it and refused to

buy me a new one. Its just the way it is and i am locked into a lease

i cannot get out of so i have to be here for another minimum of 6 months.


But thats ok, as i said previously, Perhaps these so called 'raw'

Green Powders are my Answer to start going all raw ! Yes Dr Jameth

Sheridan is said to have impeccable character and integrity and he

claims to be 100 % raw vegan and says his Vitamineral Green is Equal

to or superior to Fresh Raw Organic Green Vegs.


I must admit im very curious to know if that statement is true or

false, has anyone ever taken this one or any other Green Powder to an

independent Lab facility to have it Tested ?




, Paula Wood <wolfmother1 wrote:


> Hi there,


> First I have to say:  More Power To You!!  It's great that you are

taking this step towards your health.


> As far as using grass and green powders, etc., for the sole source

of your greens ... quite frankly, I don't recommend it.


> My first question is, have you already purchased these?  From

personal experience, I know they're fairly expensive.  If you haven't

purchased them yet, might I recommend purchasing only one of them and

a blender for green smoothies?  I have a Juiceman Blender and it seems

to be just as strong as a Vitamix and only about $100.00.  It doesn't

take up much room, and there is almost nothing more convenient than

sticking some greens and some fruit or berries in a blender with some

water, blending it, and dumping it into a container for the day.  Ha

Ha, well, i suppose swallowing some pills would. 


> When I first went raw, I ate a lot of fruits and nuts and hardly any

greens.  I did start juicing greens, and drank a quart of green juice

every day for quite a while.  But, it never seemed like enough.  When

I started eating a kale salad and a green smoothie every day i started

feeling mineralized, like my body was finally healing.  Have you read

" Green For Life " by Victoria Boutenko?  You could probably read it

while in a book store - it's pretty short.


> It's always your choice and if you feel like Vitamineral Greens

(probably the best choice of them all, since Dr. Sheridan is also raw)

or whatever grass powders, etc., are the best way and the easiest way

for you to start now - THEN GO FOR IT!!!!  If you think that this is

the best choice for you to get started on being healthier, then again,

more power to you.


> If it doesn't feel good, try something different.  You can always

change your mind, that is our human perogative.  ;)


> Best,

> Paula



> paniceguyhere <dj7510


> Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:00:43 PM

> A very intriguing Raw experiment im about

to undertake !



> Id like to know what others think of this or if they ever tried it.

> Due to time constraints and small Kitchen space and lack of Kitchen

> Equipment, im going to go 100% Raw Vegan, but my sole source of

> greens will be


> Various Raw Grass Powders such as Vitamineral Green , Pure Synergy,

> Spirulina, and E3Live Algae, along with Organic Fruits and Fats. Has

> anyone else out there ever tried this for a few Months ?


> My reason for doing this is Convienence and its the quickest easiest

> way to go Raw and get your greens in for someone in my sitation. id

> like to know if im the only one whos ever tried this ?


> Also im very curious to find out the real true Nutritional value of

> all these various Green 'superfoods' and Powders out there that claim

> they are 100 percent 'raw'. Are they really as Nutritious and Alive

> as the makers of them claim, or are they just totally overhyped

> overrated marketing Nonsense ?


> im about to find out !


> thanks,


> Dave


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Hey Mark yes i have a Fridge but its crowded in there and as i said

previously i dont have a Blender. You make a great comment when you

question if the powders are Raw , the ones that 'claim' to be.


for instance Dr. Jameth Sheridan, himself a very popular raw food guy,

makes and sells Vitamineral Green, probably the most Notable and

Popular 'raw' Powder on the market.


He claims its extremely Nutrient Dense and just 1 Tablespoon is

bursting with a TON of everything that a serving of Fresh Organic

Green Vegs would give you and more !


My question is a simple and direct one, is there any way we can verify

that and have these products tested independently in a scientific

facility like a Nutritional lab ?


I can manufacture a product and claim anything under the sun about it,

but that doesnt make it true, and who would know the difference ? My

thinking is, just as we can easily bring our Water to a facility to

have it analyzed and reveal all of its contents , is there an

equivalent place we can bring a Nutritional product to have It tested

the same way, to know if a certain product is legitimate or not ?






, " mkhov " <hovila wrote:


> Dave,




> Lettuce, celery and spinach don't take up a lot of kitchen space.

Do you

> have a refrigerator?




> I doubt if these powders are even raw. Some of them may claim to be


> but who knows? Do the people selling the powders even know for sure? I

> once tried to find out if some chlorella was raw and couldn't. I


> that if it's that hard to verify, I don't trust it. I KNOW the

lettuce I

> eat is raw. I don't have to take somebody's word for it.




> Eat a head of lettuce a day and I bet you will get more nutrition

than is

> contained in 1000 capsules of green powder.




> Figure out the cost per pound of one of these powders and compare it

to the

> cost of real food. I just did a quick calculation of Pure Synergy.

> $80/pound.


> What does lettuce cost, $2 or $3 a pound?




> I don't like eating grass or drinking grass juice. It doesn't seem

like a

> natural food for humans. The pulp isn't digestible, for one thing. And

> face it, grass juice tastes horrible. I can't believe any human in a

> natural environment would eat or chew grass unless he couldn't find


> else to eat.




> Algae doesn't seem too appealing, either. There are reports that

blue green

> algae is neurotoxic. I'm not even sure whether it's a plant or

animal. The

> scientists can't seem to make up their minds.




> How does algae taste? Do they put the E3 Live in a capsule to hide the

> taste? If it doesn't taste good, I say don't eat it.




> Do you have any other objections to eating fresh greens? If so, let's

> discuss them. Find a way to do it, you'll be glad you did!




> BTW, I want to start growing lettuce myself, indoors. Does anybody have

> experience with this?




> Mark






> On Behalf Of paniceguyhere

> Thursday, January 01, 2009 7:01 PM


> A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

> undertake !




> Id like to know what others think of this or if they ever tried it.

> Due to time constraints and small Kitchen space and lack of Kitchen

> Equipment, im going to go 100% Raw Vegan, but my sole source of

> greens will be


> Various Raw Grass Powders such as Vitamineral Green , Pure Synergy,

> Spirulina, and E3Live Algae, along with Organic Fruits and Fats. Has

> anyone else out there ever tried this for a few Months ?


> My reason for doing this is Convienence and its the quickest easiest

> way to go Raw and get your greens in for someone in my sitation. id

> like to know if im the only one whos ever tried this ?


> Also im very curious to find out the real true Nutritional value of

> all these various Green 'superfoods' and Powders out there that claim

> they are 100 percent 'raw'. Are they really as Nutritious and Alive

> as the makers of them claim, or are they just totally overhyped

> overrated marketing Nonsense ?


> im about to find out !


> thanks,


> Dave





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Hiya Dave,




Yes, there are labs that do testing like this, but I'm sure it would cost

some major bucks. I congratulate you for questioning what these people say.

So many people just believe it because some authority says it is true.

Maybe you could start off by asking the people selling the stuff if any

independent studies have been done, ones that they have not paid for. Then

read them carefully, if you can find any.




Everything a serving of Fresh Organic Green Vegs would give you and more,

huh? How can that be? These powders start off as organic plants, right?

How is it that dehydrating them, pulverizing them, and placing them in a

bottle for months or years makes them more nutritious than they were in the

first place? This just doesn't compute in my little brain. What the PhD's

who promote this stuff don't tell you is that PHD really stands for Piled

Higher and Deeper!




I remember I used to really like Pure Synergy. I actually got kind of high

from it a few times. But I think the high I got was stimulation from the

herbs or mushrooms or something. A temporary high or buzz does not mean the

product is good for you. Coffee gives you a buzz, too.




Sorry about your small kitchen space. Maybe you could just squish up all

your roommates' junk food into the corner of the fridge. Can't hurt it,

it's dead already! :-) And blenders, heck, you can buy them at a thrift

store for practically nothing, way less than " Superfoods " cost. Food

processors are good, too. They don't blend the food nearly as much, which I

like. I'll put tomatoes and celery and some acid fruit in it and just let

it chop it up for a few seconds and then pour it over some chopped up

greens. Doesn't take long at all. Lately I've sometimes been chopping up

chayote squash too, which gives it a rice-like consistency. Goes great with

a sweet raw sauce.














On Behalf Of paniceguyhere

Friday, January 02, 2009 8:51 PM


Re: A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

undertake !




Hey Mark yes i have a Fridge but its crowded in there and as i said

previously i dont have a Blender. You make a great comment when you

question if the powders are Raw , the ones that 'claim' to be.


for instance Dr. Jameth Sheridan, himself a very popular raw food guy,

makes and sells Vitamineral Green, probably the most Notable and

Popular 'raw' Powder on the market.


He claims its extremely Nutrient Dense and just 1 Tablespoon is

bursting with a TON of everything that a serving of Fresh Organic

Green Vegs would give you and more !


My question is a simple and direct one, is there any way we can verify

that and have these products tested independently in a scientific

facility like a Nutritional lab ?


I can manufacture a product and claim anything under the sun about it,

but that doesnt make it true, and who would know the difference ? My

thinking is, just as we can easily bring our Water to a facility to

have it analyzed and reveal all of its contents , is there an

equivalent place we can bring a Nutritional product to have It tested

the same way, to know if a certain product is legitimate or not ?




@ <%40>

, " mkhov " <hovila wrote:


> Dave,




> Lettuce, celery and spinach don't take up a lot of kitchen space.

Do you

> have a refrigerator?




> I doubt if these powders are even raw. Some of them may claim to be


> but who knows? Do the people selling the powders even know for sure? I

> once tried to find out if some chlorella was raw and couldn't. I


> that if it's that hard to verify, I don't trust it. I KNOW the

lettuce I

> eat is raw. I don't have to take somebody's word for it.




> Eat a head of lettuce a day and I bet you will get more nutrition

than is

> contained in 1000 capsules of green powder.




> Figure out the cost per pound of one of these powders and compare it

to the

> cost of real food. I just did a quick calculation of Pure Synergy.

> $80/pound.


> What does lettuce cost, $2 or $3 a pound?




> I don't like eating grass or drinking grass juice. It doesn't seem

like a

> natural food for humans. The pulp isn't digestible, for one thing. And

> face it, grass juice tastes horrible. I can't believe any human in a

> natural environment would eat or chew grass unless he couldn't find


> else to eat.




> Algae doesn't seem too appealing, either. There are reports that

blue green

> algae is neurotoxic. I'm not even sure whether it's a plant or

animal. The

> scientists can't seem to make up their minds.




> How does algae taste? Do they put the E3 Live in a capsule to hide the

> taste? If it doesn't taste good, I say don't eat it.




> Do you have any other objections to eating fresh greens? If so, let's

> discuss them. Find a way to do it, you'll be glad you did!




> BTW, I want to start growing lettuce myself, indoors. Does anybody have

> experience with this?




> Mark




> @ <%40>


[@ <%40>


> On Behalf Of paniceguyhere

> Thursday, January 01, 2009 7:01 PM

> @ <%40>


> A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

> undertake !




> Id like to know what others think of this or if they ever tried it.

> Due to time constraints and small Kitchen space and lack of Kitchen

> Equipment, im going to go 100% Raw Vegan, but my sole source of

> greens will be


> Various Raw Grass Powders such as Vitamineral Green , Pure Synergy,

> Spirulina, and E3Live Algae, along with Organic Fruits and Fats. Has

> anyone else out there ever tried this for a few Months ?


> My reason for doing this is Convienence and its the quickest easiest

> way to go Raw and get your greens in for someone in my sitation. id

> like to know if im the only one whos ever tried this ?


> Also im very curious to find out the real true Nutritional value of

> all these various Green 'superfoods' and Powders out there that claim

> they are 100 percent 'raw'. Are they really as Nutritious and Alive

> as the makers of them claim, or are they just totally overhyped

> overrated marketing Nonsense ?


> im about to find out !


> thanks,


> Dave





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Mark wrote: " ...I remember I used to really like Pure Synergy..... "


So at one time you did use green powders, right? It may be the way Dave needs

to start to find his footing in the raw world.





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Hi Mark, do you know of any websites or phone Numbers of any of the

Labs so i can contact them ? These ?s im raising here im assuming

have got to also be on the Minds of Thousands of Other Raw Foodists as

we are bombarded with advertisements for these so called 'raw'

products every day ! i know i just cant be the ONLY person curious

about the claims


If it is expensive to have them tested than the way to do it is Gather

9 or so other people like Myself and split the cost up by 10, its not

fair for one person to have pay for it all right . I would think that

if we did get One of these 'superfood' Powders tested and the Results

came back that it was nothing but worthless junk with very little

Nutrition in it, it would be the Raw Food News breaking story of the

Century !


Because lets be honest MILLIONS of dollars are spent on these 'raw'

products every year, its now evolved into a HUGE market. You Mention

you dont understand how 1 or 2 TBSP of Pure Synergy or other green

powder can have the Nutritional content of Fresh Green Vegs.



The theory is just like an 8 oz. Glass of Green Juice, People say how

can that tiny glass contain so much Nutrition ? Well to 'make' that 8

oz of Juice took Many Pounds of Green Vegs, so we have extremely

'concentrated and densified ' the Nutrition. The same is said with

these Green Powders


In that 1 tbsp of Powder is the contents of many pounds of Green Vegs

, they contend they bring alot more Nutrition into a much smaller

area, just as you do in Juicing or Blending, you Densify the Produce

and compact many pounds of it into a very small area , or glass if we

are talking Juice


That intellectually does make sense to me and sounds very logical, i

just dont know if its true or not




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Hey Shari here is the crucial question, Raw Gurus like David Wolfe

sell alot of Expensive supplements that claim to be 'raw' and are

claiming they are loaded with all kinds of Nutrients equal to or even

superior to Fresh Organic Raw green vegs.


My question is a simple one, just as we can all easily take our Water

to a Facility to have it independently Tested and Analyzed as to its

specific contents,


Is there any Place out there that Independently and Scientifically

'tests' Nutritional Products so that we can know if we are being lied

to or not ? And if so , how do we find these places and publish the

results for everyone to know !


This isnt rocket science , the way im thinking, when Dr. Jameth

Sheridan claims 2 TBSP of his Vitamineral green is equal Nutritionally

to 5 pounds of Organic Fresh green vegs , Thats either a true or

blatantly false statement , there is no middle ground.


I would think, As consumers spending our hard earned money on all this

stuff, we have a Right to know the Truth ! David Wolfe can 'tell' us

all that the Moon is actually made of Green Cheese and we just need to

take his word for it, but just because he or anyone else 'says' it

doesnt make it true


there has got to be a way to get right to the Truth about this matter




, " SV " <shavig wrote:


> Mark wrote: " ...I remember I used to really like Pure Synergy..... "


> So at one time you did use green powders, right? It may be the way

Dave needs to start to find his footing in the raw world.


> Shari



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Dave - ever try muscle testing? If you can get a sample or even an empty jar

with residue you can do muscle testing. There's even a way to do it to



Not going to be " scientific " but I don't buy a lot of scientific evidence

because most of it is based on cooked baselines.





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Shari, i never heard of it, so what is Musc testing ?






, " SV " <shavig wrote:


> Dave - ever try muscle testing? If you can get a sample or even an

empty jar with residue you can do muscle testing. There's even a way

to do it to yourself.


> Not going to be " scientific " but I don't buy a lot of scientific

evidence because most of it is based on cooked baselines.


> Shari



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Why not start be emailing Jameth and David or who ever sells the products and

ask them what you want to know. If they have had an independant testing they

would tell you. At leaswt it is a place to start.







Hey Shari here is the crucial question, Raw Gurus like David Wolfe

sell alot of Expensive supplements that claim to be 'raw' and are

claiming they are loaded with all kinds of Nutrients equal to or even

superior to Fresh Organic Raw green vegs.


My question is a simple one, just as we can all easily take our Water

to a Facility to have it independently Tested and Analyzed as to its

specific contents,


Is there any Place out there that Independently and Scientifically

'tests' Nutritional Products so that we can know if we are being lied

to or not ? And if so , how do we find these places and publish the

results for everyone to know !


This isnt rocket science , the way im thinking, when Dr. Jameth

Sheridan claims 2 TBSP of his Vitamineral green is equal Nutritionally

to 5 pounds of Organic Fresh green vegs , Thats either a true or

blatantly false statement , there is no middle ground.


I would think, As consumers spending our hard earned money on all this

stuff, we have a Right to know the Truth ! David Wolfe can 'tell' us

all that the Moon is actually made of Green Cheese and we just need to

take his word for it, but just because he or anyone else 'says' it

doesnt make it true


there has got to be a way to get right to the Truth about this matter





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Hi Catherine, ive already tried that, and they dont write back i never

get a response. Which im not surprised nor does that mean they are

'hiding' anything.



They are both very busy Men im sure and since No one else seems to

care or want to cross check the data they list on their sites, what

incentive would they have to take time out of their day to respond to

one avg guy sittin behind his computer ?


Dont get me wrong Obviously i wish they would do just what you

suggested, but being a realist on How the modern world works and

people in general, i was not surprised in the least when i didnt hear

any responses back from them.


Plus you are missing one HUGE part of this puzzle which i mention

everytime i post about this, and that word is INDEPENDENT. If you

were buying a car and say you were checking into a Ford Mustang, would

you ask the Ford Dealer to give you 'their' Tests on the car , or an

Indepedent objective Car testing company with no ties or financial

incentive to Ford ?


OF COURSE the Ford Dealer will tell you the car is the best in the

world and blah blah, hes there to 'sell' you a car , not give you the

cold hard objective Truth, so you walk out of there not being any more

informed as to the true status of the car then before, INDEPENDENCE is

the word



If the Ford Mustang had any Reliabilty issues or wasnt precisely what

the brochure claimed, do you really think a Ford Salseman is going to

go out of his way to make you aware of that ? lol


The way i suggest is the most simple scientific and direct way to get

to the truth ! Does anyone else in here want to join me in this

effort ?



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If they had their products independently tested, and if the Tests

revealed anything that contradicted their claims on their sites, than

Obviously they arent going to reveal that ! lol



Wouldnt be in their best interest to tell you that, That would be

like asking before the election, Mr. Obama is there anything bad or

totally false about you i should know before i vote for you ? haha

do you really think he would tell you , oh by the way when i said i

would lower gas prices and Taxes, what i really mean is i will raise

them both by 80 %, i actually lied about that


No no we need to go Right to the source of independence to get to core

of the matter




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No i havent Shari, what is it ?



, " SV " <shavig wrote:


> Dave - ever try muscle testing? If you can get a sample or even an

empty jar with residue you can do muscle testing. There's even a way

to do it to yourself.


> Not going to be " scientific " but I don't buy a lot of scientific

evidence because most of it is based on cooked baselines.


> Shari



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Here is a real simple solution, then you do what you will.

Buy a bottle of one you think sounds best for you and try it..

Notice how you feel, ten minutes after, then an hour after, then two hours

after....does it give you energy ? or take it away ? if you feel good and keep

feeling that way then it is probably good for you, if not try another. This was

wonderful information I heard from my Osha 'chemical toxicologist' turned

OMD.(Oriental Medical Doctor)


signing out







Saturday, January 03, 2009 12:42 PM

Re: A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

undertake !



Hi Catherine, ive already tried that, and they dont write back i never

get a response. Which im not surprised nor does that mean they are

'hiding' anything.


They are both very busy Men im sure and since No one else seems to

care or want to cross check the data they list on their sites, what

incentive would they have to take time out of their day to respond to

one avg guy sittin behind his computer ?


Dont get me wrong Obviously i wish they would do just what you

suggested, but being a realist on How the modern world works and

people in general, i was not surprised in the least when i didnt hear

any responses back from them.


Plus you are missing one HUGE part of this puzzle which i mention

everytime i post about this, and that word is INDEPENDENT. If you

were buying a car and say you were checking into a Ford Mustang, would

you ask the Ford Dealer to give you 'their' Tests on the car , or an

Indepedent objective Car testing company with no ties or financial

incentive to Ford ?


OF COURSE the Ford Dealer will tell you the car is the best in the

world and blah blah, hes there to 'sell' you a car , not give you the

cold hard objective Truth, so you walk out of there not being any more

informed as to the true status of the car then before, INDEPENDENCE is

the word


If the Ford Mustang had any Reliabilty issues or wasnt precisely what

the brochure claimed, do you really think a Ford Salseman is going to

go out of his way to make you aware of that ? lol


The way i suggest is the most simple scientific and direct way to get

to the truth ! Does anyone else in here want to join me in this

effort ?













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You're right, they aren't going to tell you anything negative about their





But let's say you take Dr. Sheridan's powder to an independent lab sand they

say the stuff has got 10 times the Vitamin A, B, C, X, Y, Z, etc. that

fruits and veggies do. So what? Maybe you aren't SUPPOSED to be getting

that much of those vitamins.




Why do we always assume that more is better? Instead of " more, " why don't

we go for " just right " ? " Just right " is the way nature packaged it, in

fruits and veggies.




What about the nutrients that we don't know about that are discarded in the





What if the lab says there is 100 times as much " Vitamin X " in

MegaSuperUltra Green as there is in an apple, but because MegaSuperUltra

Green has had the water and fiber removed and has been crushed into powder

and placed in bottles, only a very small amount of that Vitamin X is healthy

for the body. Maybe Vitamin X in that form is actually HARMFUL to the body.

Maybe we are creating an imbalance by consuming isolated nutrients without

the whole package as nature intended.












On Behalf Of paniceguyhere

Saturday, January 03, 2009 12:47 PM


Re: A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

undertake !




If they had their products independently tested, and if the Tests

revealed anything that contradicted their claims on their sites, than

Obviously they arent going to reveal that ! lol


Wouldnt be in their best interest to tell you that, That would be

like asking before the election, Mr. Obama is there anything bad or

totally false about you i should know before i vote for you ? haha

do you really think he would tell you , oh by the way when i said i

would lower gas prices and Taxes, what i really mean is i will raise

them both by 80 %, i actually lied about that


No no we need to go Right to the source of independence to get to core

of the matter









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Hi Shari,




Yes, you're right. Reminds me of a story I heard about Smart Pills. I

think it originally came from the old radio show Amos 'n Andy.




Amos says to Andy, " I'm havin' a lot of trouble remembering stuff lately.

I'm just not as smart as I used to be. "




Andy says, " What you need to do is take these here Smart Pills. They'll fix

that problem in no time. Be sure to eat six pills a day. "




So Amos takes the pills every day for a month. Next time he says Andy, Andy





" So, how are the Smart Pills working? "




Amos says, " Well, I can't really say. But you know what? Them Smart Pills

taste exactly like rabbit turds! "




Andy says, " See? They're working! You're smarter already. "














On Behalf Of SV

Saturday, January 03, 2009 4:55 AM


Re: Re: A very intriguing Raw experiment im about

to undertake !




Mark wrote: " ...I remember I used to really like Pure Synergy..... "


So at one time you did use green powders, right? It may be the way Dave

needs to start to find his footing in the raw world.





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No, sorry, I don't know of any labs. I'd just look for them using Google,

or Scroogle.org, for privacy.




But as I said in another post, even if it is shown that these powders are

high in nutrients, I wouldn't be convinced that they good for us in that

form. Probably better than a lot of the junk that people eat nowadays, but

certainly not better than fruits and vegetables. OK, so the nutrients are

" concentrated and densified, " as you say. Why is that superior? I like

them the way they came originally, not concentrated and densified.




Another point is, if my lettuce or apple goes bad, I can see it right away.

I don't eat them, I throw them out. But I can't do that with green powder.

The stuff is much less fresh than any fruit or vegetable I would eat, but it

looks the same, for months or years on end. It has been artificially

preserved by being dehydrated and vacuum packed in a bottle. I have to

think that the life force (not measurable scientifically, that I know of) in

a ripe fruit or vegetable is greater by orders of magnitude than an old

dehydrated powder. How much life force would YOU have if you had all your

water and fiber removed and were turned into powder? To a hungry tiger, how

tasty would you be compared to a live, intact human being?










On Behalf Of paniceguyhere

Saturday, January 03, 2009 9:01 AM


Re: A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

undertake !




Hi Mark, do you know of any websites or phone Numbers of any of the

Labs so i can contact them ? These ?s im raising here im assuming

have got to also be on the Minds of Thousands of Other Raw Foodists as

we are bombarded with advertisements for these so called 'raw'

products every day ! i know i just cant be the ONLY person curious

about the claims


If it is expensive to have them tested than the way to do it is Gather

9 or so other people like Myself and split the cost up by 10, its not

fair for one person to have pay for it all right . I would think that

if we did get One of these 'superfood' Powders tested and the Results

came back that it was nothing but worthless junk with very little

Nutrition in it, it would be the Raw Food News breaking story of the

Century !


Because lets be honest MILLIONS of dollars are spent on these 'raw'

products every year, its now evolved into a HUGE market. You Mention

you dont understand how 1 or 2 TBSP of Pure Synergy or other green

powder can have the Nutritional content of Fresh Green Vegs.


The theory is just like an 8 oz. Glass of Green Juice, People say how

can that tiny glass contain so much Nutrition ? Well to 'make' that 8

oz of Juice took Many Pounds of Green Vegs, so we have extremely

'concentrated and densified ' the Nutrition. The same is said with

these Green Powders


In that 1 tbsp of Powder is the contents of many pounds of Green Vegs

, they contend they bring alot more Nutrition into a much smaller

area, just as you do in Juicing or Blending, you Densify the Produce

and compact many pounds of it into a very small area , or glass if we

are talking Juice


That intellectually does make sense to me and sounds very logical, i

just dont know if its true or not







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Hi Dave,


I am in complete agreement about your concerns regarding marketing and sales

hype of raw and superfoods. I also agree with Mark; we do not know enough about

how the vitamins and minerals (even elements we are unaware of) in a fruit or

vegetable works synergistically to start loading up on supplements or broken

down food. It is difficult for me to believe that anything is superior to what

Mother Nature provides!


I think your best bet would be to start with a government expert (I can hear the

gasps already). Actually, there is a government expert in just about everything.

I'm not talking policy wonks here, I mean the lab experts who spend their days

actually doing something. I know there is a book the government publishes called

something like The Composition of Food. Whatever office publishes it might be a

good place to start. It seems unnecessary to have to go directly to a lab for

analysis, but I could be wrong. In fact, maybe they can provide analysis for

you, or at least recommend a lab to use.


I hope you keep us informed. I am sure many of us are very interested. Oh, by

the way, are you familiar with Mike Adams, aka the Health Ranger? Google him and

go to his site. He investigates food/health issues and has a lot of info on his

site. He may be another excellent resource for finding a good lab or for

providing links to reports already conducted.


That's about all I can think of off the top of my head. Also, muscle testing is

a great tool, but I'd advice getting a little training before you rely to

heavily on it. I can recommend a book if you are interested. Have a great New

Year everyone!


Peace on earth.





< >

Saturday, January 03, 2009 9:42 AM

Re: A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

undertake !



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Mark, just so you understand My Position about this, i fully agree

that the 'ideal' situation is having a Vita mix blender at home , a

full Fridge of Fresh Organic Produce full of vibrant color and just

waiting to be Prepared and made into smoothies.


for those that are in that situation i say Bravo go for it you are

doing the Best thing avialiable to you ! but not all of us have that

kind of living situation as i said in my very 1st post.


So to clarify even further, My Main curiousity is NOT to find out if

Powders such as Vitamineral Green are 'superior' to Fresh Green

Produce, but rather are they Nutrient dense enough, as the

Manufacturers claim, that when you dont have access to or cant prep a

juice or smoothie, that they are 'comparable' to Fresh greens and

close in Nutritional Status.


As i view it , sure i Understand You cant beat Fresh organic raw

greens, got it no problem , no controversey there. But what im

wondering is Just how wide is the Gap ?


On this we get all different Opinions with No real way to resolve it

Other than pure speculation. If we ask V. Boutenko her Opinion is

that Green Powders are 'worthless ash with no value' and a total waste

of Money.


If we ask some like D. Wolfe they claim as i stated earlier that these

powders are actually superior ! which my gut instinct tells me i

highly doubt hes correct


then we have Others who claim that while not quite as Nutrient Dense

as Fresh Produce , these raw powders are 'very close' to the Ideal,

and so on etc.


I would just like to get the real deal on what their true place is as

far as exact what they contain Nutritionally speaking and what they

dont have , that would totally put this issue to rest and a thorough

independent clinical Lab Test would settle the issue and take the

matter out of speculation and mere Opinion, and into Facts which is

where it needs to be so that we know precisely what we're buying if we

so choose to buy them




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Thanks Cheryl i appreciate your input. Just to be clear, the Makers

of these so called 'raw' Green Powders contend that inside that bottle

or jar, is simply what mother Nature has already produced and nothing

is added to it. In other words Nothing is synthetic, man made or



If you've never read up on them, google VITAMINERAL GREEN and read the

ingredients list, its quite impressive and there is nothing unnatural

in there or synthetic , that we already know for sure by just reading

the Label. What isnt known is the Nutrient breakdown Percentages and

the intrinsic co factor viability.


In fact part of the Label reads


" this product was Created by Mother Nature and formulated by Jameth

Sheridan it simultaneously contains the Best of what Nature and

Science provide in one single food. this is NOT a supplement in any

way matter shape or form, it is a Whole Food complex Made by nature

and simply put together by me "


At least you have to admit, the approach is totally and radically

different here than supplements were 20 yrs ago ! Yes i do know of

Mike Adams, but im not sure if you're aware, but many are angry at him

because they feel he has 'sold out' his principles and he is now

Heavily marketing and promoting in a joint venture with D.Wolfe a New

supplement company called SUN WARRIOR.


In fact just google his name on Youtube and you can watch a video

there where Mike states that this Sun Warrior Protein Powder is

Superior to anything you can buy in a local health food store

including Organic fresh produce , and he claims it the Best

Nutritional product you can buy bar none, and of course he sells it on

his site


lol seems almost everyone is trying to make money doing something

anymore . But you Mention the Govt way to go to find a Tester, never

thought of that ill check into it, you may be right about that !


thank you for the great suggestions,



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Hey Mark, well said, that is indeed very thought provoking and

relative to the discussion, i hadnt thought about that , hmmm interesting






, " Mark Hovila " <hovila wrote:


> Dave,




> You're right, they aren't going to tell you anything negative about


> products.




> But let's say you take Dr. Sheridan's powder to an independent lab

sand they

> say the stuff has got 10 times the Vitamin A, B, C, X, Y, Z, etc. that

> fruits and veggies do. So what? Maybe you aren't SUPPOSED to be


> that much of those vitamins.




> Why do we always assume that more is better? Instead of " more, " why


> we go for " just right " ? " Just right " is the way nature packaged it, in

> fruits and veggies.



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Good luck with your experiment. I hope you munch on a little celery or

romaine or spinach once in a while anyway. Very little space and no

equipment are needed.










On Behalf Of paniceguyhere

Saturday, January 03, 2009 5:29 PM


Re: A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

undertake !




Mark, just so you understand My Position about this, i fully agree

that the 'ideal' situation is having a Vita mix blender at home , a

full Fridge of Fresh Organic Produce full of vibrant color and just

waiting to be Prepared and made into smoothies.


for those that are in that situation i say Bravo go for it you are

doing the Best thing avialiable to you ! but not all of us have that

kind of living situation as i said in my very 1st post.


So to clarify even further, My Main curiousity is NOT to find out if

Powders such as Vitamineral Green are 'superior' to Fresh Green

Produce, but rather are they Nutrient dense enough, as the

Manufacturers claim, that when you dont have access to or cant prep a

juice or smoothie, that they are 'comparable' to Fresh greens and

close in Nutritional Status.


As i view it , sure i Understand You cant beat Fresh organic raw

greens, got it no problem , no controversey there. But what im

wondering is Just how wide is the Gap ?


On this we get all different Opinions with No real way to resolve it

Other than pure speculation. If we ask V. Boutenko her Opinion is

that Green Powders are 'worthless ash with no value' and a total waste

of Money.


If we ask some like D. Wolfe they claim as i stated earlier that these

powders are actually superior ! which my gut instinct tells me i

highly doubt hes correct


then we have Others who claim that while not quite as Nutrient Dense

as Fresh Produce , these raw powders are 'very close' to the Ideal,

and so on etc.


I would just like to get the real deal on what their true place is as

far as exact what they contain Nutritionally speaking and what they

dont have , that would totally put this issue to rest and a thorough

independent clinical Lab Test would settle the issue and take the

matter out of speculation and mere Opinion, and into Facts which is

where it needs to be so that we know precisely what we're buying if we

so choose to buy them








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