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A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to undertake !

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Thanks Mark, i appreciate all the Great suggestions and insights that

everyone here has offered, i will surely be back to update everyone on

how things are progressing as i go along.


all the best,




, " Mark Hovila " <hovila wrote:


> Dave,




> Good luck with your experiment. I hope you munch on a little celery or

> romaine or spinach once in a while anyway. Very little space and no

> equipment are needed.




> Mark




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Sure, Dave, you're welcome. Now that I think about it, these powders will

certainly show a lot more nutrients BY WEIGHT than fresh produce, probably

way more than 10 times as much. After all, most of the weight of fruits and

veggies is in the water. But the water is there for a reason, IMO.










On Behalf Of paniceguyhere

Saturday, January 03, 2009 9:31 PM


Re: A very intriguing Raw experiment im about to

undertake !




Hey Mark, well said, that is indeed very thought provoking and

relative to the discussion, i hadnt thought about that , hmmm interesting






@ <%40>

, " Mark Hovila " <hovila wrote:


> Dave,




> You're right, they aren't going to tell you anything negative about


> products.




> But let's say you take Dr. Sheridan's powder to an independent lab

sand they

> say the stuff has got 10 times the Vitamin A, B, C, X, Y, Z, etc. that

> fruits and veggies do. So what? Maybe you aren't SUPPOSED to be


> that much of those vitamins.




> Why do we always assume that more is better? Instead of " more, " why


> we go for " just right " ? " Just right " is the way nature packaged it, in

> fruits and veggies.








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Hey Mark, Right now im eating the S.A.D way, so i figure eating the

way i proposed with the Green Powders, if it gets me going in the

Right Direction, its got to be WAY better than what im eating now.


I mean if i cant eat the 'ideal' way now , than eating Organic Fruit

and Fats with Lots of Green Powders has got to be WAY better than the

avg american eats, so in that sense ill be gaining alot !


ill let everyone know how this all turns out once the Powders arrive

which ive ordered already and i start on the program daily








, " Mark Hovila " <hovila



> Sure, Dave, you're welcome. Now that I think about it, these

powders will

> certainly show a lot more nutrients BY WEIGHT than fresh produce,


> way more than 10 times as much. After all, most of the weight of

fruits and

> veggies is in the water. But the water is there for a reason, IMO.




> Mark



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Hey Dave, I can tell you what my (now husband) did a few years ago when in a

similar situation. He bought a mini-fridge at Home Depot and kept it in his

room. You could take your stuff to the kitchen, make it there, then return

your clean blender (assuming you choose to get one) back to your room. You

could even put an extra lock on your bedroom door if your roomies are that

disrespectful of your personal property.


Good luck, I know what it's like to live in an uncomfortable roomie






On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:42 PM, paniceguyhere <dj7510 wrote:


> Thank you Paula i appreciate your kindness. Yes ive read GREEN FOR

> LIFE, its an excellent book . I know these Green Powders are

> Expensive, but the theory goes that they are incredibly 'concentrated'

> so the Manufacturer claims that you only need 1 TBSP a day to get all

> the Green Minerals for a daily supply ! So in that sense 1 bottle is

> said to last about 2 weeks of Heavy intense useage.


> My Problem is i live in a very cramped small kitchen with 4 other SAD

> eaters who are very difficult to live with and are not very tolerant

> of Living foods lifestyle.


> for instance the last blender i had my roomate broke it and refused to

> buy me a new one. Its just the way it is and i am locked into a lease

> i cannot get out of so i have to be here for another minimum of 6 months.


> But thats ok, as i said previously, Perhaps these so called 'raw'

> Green Powders are my Answer to start going all raw ! Yes Dr Jameth

> Sheridan is said to have impeccable character and integrity and he

> claims to be 100 % raw vegan and says his Vitamineral Green is Equal

> to or superior to Fresh Raw Organic Green Vegs.


> I must admit im very curious to know if that statement is true or

> false, has anyone ever taken this one or any other Green Powder to an

> independent Lab facility to have it Tested ?


> dave



> <%40>,

> Paula Wood <wolfmother1 wrote:

> >

> > Hi there,

> >

> > First I have to say: More Power To You!! It's great that you are

> taking this step towards your health.

> >

> > As far as using grass and green powders, etc., for the sole source

> of your greens ... quite frankly, I don't recommend it.

> >

> > My first question is, have you already purchased these? From

> personal experience, I know they're fairly expensive. If you haven't

> purchased them yet, might I recommend purchasing only one of them and

> a blender for green smoothies? I have a Juiceman Blender and it seems

> to be just as strong as a Vitamix and only about $100.00. It doesn't

> take up much room, and there is almost nothing more convenient than

> sticking some greens and some fruit or berries in a blender with some

> water, blending it, and dumping it into a container for the day. Ha

> Ha, well, i suppose swallowing some pills would.

> >

> > When I first went raw, I ate a lot of fruits and nuts and hardly any

> greens. I did start juicing greens, and drank a quart of green juice

> every day for quite a while. But, it never seemed like enough. When

> I started eating a kale salad and a green smoothie every day i started

> feeling mineralized, like my body was finally healing. Have you read

> " Green For Life " by Victoria Boutenko? You could probably read it

> while in a book store - it's pretty short.

> >

> > It's always your choice and if you feel like Vitamineral Greens

> (probably the best choice of them all, since Dr. Sheridan is also raw)

> or whatever grass powders, etc., are the best way and the easiest way

> for you to start now - THEN GO FOR IT!!!! If you think that this is

> the best choice for you to get started on being healthier, then again,

> more power to you.

> >

> > If it doesn't feel good, try something different. You can always

> change your mind, that is our human perogative. ;)

> >

> > Best,

> > Paula

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > paniceguyhere <dj7510

> > <%40>

> > Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:00:43 PM

> > A very intriguing Raw experiment im about

> to undertake !

> >

> >

> > Id like to know what others think of this or if they ever tried it.

> > Due to time constraints and small Kitchen space and lack of Kitchen

> > Equipment, im going to go 100% Raw Vegan, but my sole source of

> > greens will be

> >

> > Various Raw Grass Powders such as Vitamineral Green , Pure Synergy,

> > Spirulina, and E3Live Algae, along with Organic Fruits and Fats. Has

> > anyone else out there ever tried this for a few Months ?

> >

> > My reason for doing this is Convienence and its the quickest easiest

> > way to go Raw and get your greens in for someone in my sitation. id

> > like to know if im the only one whos ever tried this ?

> >

> > Also im very curious to find out the real true Nutritional value of

> > all these various Green 'superfoods' and Powders out there that claim

> > they are 100 percent 'raw'. Are they really as Nutritious and Alive

> > as the makers of them claim, or are they just totally overhyped

> > overrated marketing Nonsense ?

> >

> > im about to find out !

> >

> > thanks,

> >

> > Dave

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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