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Stepping on and Running over animals (correct subject)

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That's interesting about car tires. I don't drive, but I walk and bike. Are

animal products used in shoes and bike tires? If so, are there alternatives that

won't encourage animal exploitation? I'd like to be fully aware of the

consequences of my transportation choices - so I can feel exactly as guilty as I

am and thus be inspired to the best corrective actions.


Thanks for making me aware of this.






Christina Bertges


Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:22 AM

Re: Is there any truth in the rumor that young coconuts

are not vegan, due to how ..


I am not sure if that is the only way that coconuts are harvested, but I do know

that they are often harvested via monkey.

I have a question....Do you drive a car?

If so, there is something inside of the rubber in tires that comes from cows.


Just thought you'd want to know, since your extremely strict about animal






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In case anyone thought that I was being judgmental, I definitely DO drive a car


I know that there are vegan options for shoes and bicycle tires, but I am not

aware of any alternatives for car tires.


I find it almost impossible to be completely and totally animal free in modern

society so I just do what I can and that's all I can do.


--- On Sat, 4/11/09, Nick Hein <nick.hein wrote:



Nick Hein <nick.hein

Stepping on and Running over animals (correct subject)


Saturday, April 11, 2009, 5:36 AM










That's interesting about car tires. I don't drive, but I walk and bike. Are

animal products used in shoes and bike tires? If so, are there alternatives that

won't encourage animal exploitation? I'd like to be fully aware of the

consequences of my transportation choices - so I can feel exactly as guilty as I

am and thus be inspired to the best corrective actions.


Thanks for making me aware of this.




Christina Bertges


Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:22 AM

Re: Is there any truth in the rumor that young coconuts

are not vegan, due to how ..


I am not sure if that is the only way that coconuts are harvested, but I do know

that they are often harvested via monkey.

I have a question.... Do you drive a car?

If so, there is something inside of the rubber in tires that comes from cows.


Just thought you'd want to know, since your extremely strict about animal




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I have to resort to this defense a lot lately, but it seems helpful...


" I wasn't judging, I was just saying.... "


But I'm happy to help anyone who would like to be raw AND car-free. I'm giving

a talk on the 2 subjects together on Earth Day here in Morgantown, WV. I run a

successful bike recycling and sustainable transportation non-profit and word is

getting around that I'm also raw. OK, maybe it was the big newspaper article.


I guess the thing is, it's easier and more fun to be car-free than most people

think and I like helping anyone who wants to find out how. Being raw makes it

easier to imagine the possibilities, without the fears. (positivespin.org for

more info)


Wishing you a happy Spring,







Christina Bertges

Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:27 AM

Re: Stepping on and Running over animals (correct







In case anyone thought that I was being judgmental, I definitely DO drive a

car myself!

I know that there are vegan options for shoes and bicycle tires, but I am not

aware of any alternatives for car tires.


I find it almost impossible to be completely and totally animal free in modern

society so I just do what I can and that's all I can do.


--- On Sat, 4/11/09, Nick Hein <nick.hein wrote:


Nick Hein <nick.hein

Stepping on and Running over animals (correct


Saturday, April 11, 2009, 5:36 AM



That's interesting about car tires. I don't drive, but I walk and bike. Are

animal products used in shoes and bike tires? If so, are there alternatives that

won't encourage animal exploitation? I'd like to be fully aware of the

consequences of my transportation choices - so I can feel exactly as guilty as I

am and thus be inspired to the best corrective actions.


Thanks for making me aware of this.




Christina Bertges

Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:22 AM

Re: Is there any truth in the rumor that young

coconuts are not vegan, due to how ..


I am not sure if that is the only way that coconuts are harvested, but I do

know that they are often harvested via monkey.

I have a question.... Do you drive a car?

If so, there is something inside of the rubber in tires that comes from cows.


Just thought you'd want to know, since your extremely strict about animal



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On 4/11/09, Nick Hein <nick.hein wrote:


> I guess the thing is, it's easier and more fun to be car-free than

> most people think and I like helping anyone who wants to find

> out how.


Hi, Nick


I'm car-free and there's one thing I've been struggling with that

maybe you have some insight about. What are some good, loving, but

firm things to say to people (including other bicyclists!) who insist

on treating me like a child, referring to my bicycle as a toy or a

hobby, trying to " advise " me that I shouldn't be out on the road,



I've gotten used to being invisible to cars and getting refused road

space by many of those who do see me. Whatever - I watch my back and

smile, hoping to gradually change impressions of cyclists. But the

social aspects of being car-free can be daunting sometimes, with

people *insisting* (and not taking no for an answer!) on giving me

rides places no matter how much I insist that I love to ride, that my

bicycle is a legitimate vehicle, that I ride " dressed up " all the

time, etc. And people saying, " oh, Sparrow can't do that because she

doesn't have a car " (I can!) or talking down to me because I bicycled



I keep waiting for it to become no big deal, but I've been car-free

for many, many years now and people around me still aren't getting

used to it and I'm still not getting used to how people treat me, even

after all these years.


I guess what I'm asking for are good, concise one-liners that put

things in clear perspective for others without being hostile. Loving

things to say that shut things right down but in a way that helps

others learn to respect me and my choices more.


As a raw bicyclist, I find that people seem to have a harder time

learning to respect my carless choice than my food choices!


Any good lines that work for you?



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I have an idea for a good one liner to get them to

leave you alone about it, but I wouldn't call it

" Loving " and I doubt you'd want to use it :-)


Personally, I love cars. I mean I really, really

love cars. I've always been a car lover; my first

car was a 68 Mustang. I don't think that love

will ever go away. Having said that -


Sparrow - I APPLAUD YOU!! And everybody else that

has gotten away from cars. I don't know if I'll

ever be able to give up having a vehicle of some

kind but I'd really like to be a lot less car

dependant. I'd love to get a bike and start using

that more. I haven't ridden one since I was a

kid, well, since I got the Mustang come to think

of it.


Sparrow, I don't think I can offer any real

suggestions, I'm stubborn enough that if I were

having the same problem it wouldn't be very long

before I ended up sternly telling them to leave me

alone about it if they couldn't try to understand

it. It sounds like you're more patient than I am

and not wanting to handle it that way. I just

wanted throw in my 2 cents for moral support, and

to let you know that I aspire to more like you. I

blow raspberries at those who are giving you a

hard time.


Speaking of bikes, what would be the best kind for

me to get? I wouldn't be mountain biking anytime

soon; I'm looking more just something to ride

around town on. My last one was a 10-speed (30

years ago). Any recommendations?







On Behalf

Of Sparrow R Jones

Saturday, April 11, 2009 7:30 PM


Re: Stepping on and

Running over animals (correct subject)



Hi, Nick


I'm car-free and there's one thing I've been

struggling with that

maybe you have some insight about. What are some

good, loving, but

firm things to say to people (including other

bicyclists!) who insist

on treating me like a child, referring to my

bicycle as a toy or a

hobby, trying to " advise " me that I shouldn't be

out on the road,




.........Any good lines that work for you?






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I love it that you are car free.


In order to afford being raw and organic (80/10/10 majority fruit/lettuce), I am

part of a club that buys bulk straight from wholesalers. One of the main

difficulties of being car free is solving the " problem " of carrying several full

cases of fruits/vegetables from my pick-up spot to my home. I guess renting a

car for a day might be an option... albeit it appears to be an expensive one.


What are your thoughts?


Kind regards,





Sat, 11 Apr 2009 18:40:24 -0400

Re: Stepping on and Running over animals (correct




























<<I guess the thing is, it's easier and more fun to be car-free than most

people think and I like helping anyone who wants to find out how. >>


Wishing you a happy Spring,














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What area are you in?







On Behalf

Of Caroline Jeannot

Saturday, April 11, 2009 9:57 PM


RE: Stepping on and

Running over animals (correct subject)




I love it that you are car free.


In order to afford being raw and organic (80/10/10

majority fruit/lettuce), I am part of a club that

buys bulk straight from wholesalers. One of the

main difficulties of being car free is solving the

" problem " of carrying several full cases of

fruits/vegetables from my pick-up spot to my home.

I guess renting a car for a day might be an

option... albeit it appears to be an expensive



What are your thoughts?


Kind regards,








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I live in San Francisco. (I was originally from Redmond and moved in July, but

kept on this list :)




Sat, 11 Apr 2009 22:02:02 -0700

RE: Stepping on and Running over animals (correct
































What area are you in?
















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Oh well, my little van and I aren't going to be

able to help then :-) Lorri





On Behalf

Of Caroline Jeannot

Saturday, April 11, 2009 10:04 PM


RE: Stepping on and

Running over animals (correct subject)


I live in San Francisco. (I was originally from

Redmond and moved in July, but kept on this list








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Before I got my current car (2004) I've used Flexcar for grocery

shopping. The membership was only $25 a year. I don't remember the exact

hourly rate but it was very inexpensive, certainly cheaper than owning a





Caroline Jeannot wrote:




> Nick,


> I love it that you are car free.


> In order to afford being raw and organic (80/10/10 majority

> fruit/lettuce), I am part of a club that buys bulk straight from

> wholesalers. One of the main difficulties of being car free is solving

> the " problem " of carrying several full cases of fruits/vegetables from

> my pick-up spot to my home. I guess renting a car for a day might be

> an option... albeit it appears to be an expensive one.

> _______________________



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My first suggestion would be to carpool with a friend. My second suggestion

would be to get a wagon or trailer that attaches to your bike. I know the

baby stroller things show up secondhand pretty regularly and they zip up if

it rains. They are not specifically for hauling stuff but it could work,

especially a double. I've had a few close calls with cars thinking I was

invisible out on county roads with no shoulders at 50+mph. I thought I was

going to have to dive for the ditch.










On Behalf Of Caroline Jeannot

Saturday, April 11, 2009 9:57 PM


RE: Stepping on and Running over animals (correct













I love it that you are car free.


In order to afford being raw and organic (80/10/10 majority fruit/lettuce),

I am part of a club that buys bulk straight from wholesalers. One of the

main difficulties of being car free is solving the " problem " of carrying

several full cases of fruits/vegetables from my pick-up spot to my home. I

guess renting a car for a day might be an option... albeit it appears to be

an expensive one.


What are your thoughts?


Kind regards,









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On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Helen <helensy wrote:




> Caroline,


> Before I got my current car (2004) I've used Flexcar for grocery

> shopping. The membership was only $25 a year. I don't remember the exact

> hourly rate but it was very inexpensive, certainly cheaper than owning a

> car.


> Helen


> .


> __,_._,__



I have been car-less since I moved to Seattle in 2002, and have also used

Flexcar (which is now Zipcar) for the occasional needs of a car. The bus

system, while not great, is much better than many other cities (more

particularly, Atlanta, where I moved from).


And a bike trailer has helped a lot - I brought home over 200 lbs of compost

in one trip for my garden last year using the one below:





I do wish the taxi cab rates were not so high, and that they would be more

reliable and actually show up when called...









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