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greedy and uncaring purveyors of crap

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Yes! *lmao* I agree.


I didn't know those posters had fine print on them that

said that. I am going to have to check it out next time I go

by there. Imagine me, stepping out of my car and walking

up to the poster, with my nose firmly pinched shut because

I can't stand the greasy smell of burning flesh that they pump

out of the grill vents! *lol*


~ PT ~


Instant opinion is an oxymoron.Ê You don't get real opinions

in an instant.Ê You get reactions.

~ Ellen Goodman


, Alison Parker




> Don't you love the way they are all trying to be modern and widely


by offering supposedly " healthy " options? Like Burger King offering

the BK

Veggie. My Mom pointed that out to me once, and I said, " Yeah, you


think they keep them separate from where they prepare the beef

patties? They

probably cook them right on the same grill! " And lo and behold, when

I looked

at the fine print on the poster advertising the sandwich, it said


about Burger King not claiming the product to be vegetarian. Well,


duh! If their fries aren't vegetarian (a *vegetable* not being

vegetarian - talk

about lame!) then of course nothing else will be.


> Besides, those places are just greedy and uncaring purveyors of


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according to PETA, you can request that they microwave you a fresh

veggie burger so it won't be cooked on the grill. but my question is

why pay twice as much for their crappy veggie burger? down with



<patchouli_troll> wrote:

> Yes! *lmao* I agree.


> I didn't know those posters had fine print on them that

> said that. I am going to have to check it out next time I go

> by there. Imagine me, stepping out of my car and walking

> up to the poster, with my nose firmly pinched shut because

> I can't stand the greasy smell of burning flesh that they pump

> out of the grill vents! *lol*


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> according to PETA, you can request that they microwave you a fresh

> veggie burger so it won't be cooked on the grill. but my question


> why pay twice as much for their crappy veggie burger? down with

> convenience!



My question is why pay extra for a microwaved veggie burger. I can

do that at home! If I'm going to eat a veggie burger in a

restaurant, I certainly do not want it microwaved.

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1.57 down here per sammich. I actually think they are decent. I once had a

weekend where I lived on them. Don't get me wrong, this aint comparable to

homemade but will do if you're tired of cooking....do pass the salt please,

um yes plenty of salt and pepper and sliced jalps to add on.






----Original Message Follows----

" dave " <dave4sale


according to PETA, you can request that they microwave you a fresh

veggie burger so it won't be cooked on the grill. but my question is

why pay twice as much for their crappy veggie burger? down with




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Well, I try not to listen to PETA about anything. I might agree with some of

their positions and such, but for the most part, those people are frigging nuts.

I don't like their actions, their attitude, and their politics in general.


Extremism is dangerous in whatever cloak it wears...




dave <dave4sale wrote:

according to PETA, you can request that they microwave you a fresh

veggie burger so it won't be cooked on the grill. but my question is

why pay twice as much for their crappy veggie burger? down with





> Yes! *lmao* I agree.


> I didn't know those posters had fine print on them that

> said that. I am going to have to check it out next time I go

> by there. Imagine me, stepping out of my car and walking

> up to the poster, with my nose firmly pinched shut because

> I can't stand the greasy smell of burning flesh that they pump

> out of the grill vents! *lol*







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> > Extremism is dangerous in whatever cloak it wears.


Oh I do so agree ;=) Of course, you made your extreme statement (below)

without any intent of hurting or offending anyone on this list, is that

right? *LOL*


Actually, I would say that it would be fairly safe to trust that, with

regards to PETA, they might have info on whether or not you can ask for

something to be microwaved at a fast-food restaurant, but of course I

could be 'friggin nuts' too since I don't go to fast-food restaurants

even if I'm hungry, because I don't like the idea of the same grill

being used as for meat (so thanks, Dave, for the info from PETA ;=)). I

don't belong to PETA, but you intrigue me. I must look into it. Any

organization that triggers such an uncalled-for flame has to be worth

knowing! ;=)





> Well, I try not to listen to PETA about anything. I might agree with some of

> their positions and such, but for the most part, those people are frigging

> nuts. I don't like their actions, their attitude, and their politics in

> general.






* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " - Franz Fanon


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> even if I'm hungry, because I don't like the idea of the same grill

> being used as for meat



I agree!! I think it's sad, though. Because restaurants use the

same grill for the veggie burgers, it makes me not want to order

them, so I don't. However, when vegetarians don't order the veggie

burgers and they don't sell them, then they will quit having them on

the menu. Catch-22, huh? I have gone to restaurants and asked

where they cook the veggie burgers and have been pleasantly

surprised that upon request they will separate them or that they

naturally fry them separately. I was involved in a vegetarian

organization and tried to organize a restaurant education campaign.

I wanted to have us go out and talk to restaurants and inquire about

vegetarian options and answer their questions and create a

directory. Part of my objective was also to let them know about

things like how veggie burgers should not be fried next to the

meat. This project never materialized, but it is one I really think

ought to happen. You see, I'm the person you want on your committee

to come up with great ideas, but I'm a pisces and we don't have that

leadership thing going to get it off the ground! I'm happy to help

and come up with the ideas, though!! :)

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I think the problem with PETA is the same with some of the

politicians i like; they're TOO honest. Like comparing animal

slaughter to the holocaust. And it sometimes seems like they're more

interrested in pissing meateaters off than converting them.

Like, is it really worth bothering the green bay packers to change

their name to the " pickers' when you know it's just not going to

happen? pick your battles. lots of people claim PETA alters data in

favor of their argument, i don't know, but i never use them as a

direct source.


but i wouldn't say that extremism is inherently evil either. things

that were extreme in the past are now common place. while it be more

tactful to hold your tongue sometimes, it is a crying shame what some

people will do to avoid offending the masses. e.g. i've read posts of

people saying they're vegetarian but will eat meat if it's offered

cause they don't want to offend anyone, or be a burden. if your

polite refusal of animal products creates a scene, that just says

that your host is a jerk, not that you are a domineering extremist.

And whether or not PETA does some crazy, excessive stuff, they are

going to look like crazy extremists to a lot of meat-eaters and even

dairy eating vegetarians simply because of their position.

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You forgot to mention they want us to change our state beverage (currently milk)

to beer. http://peta.com/news/NewsItem.asp?id=1939


Kelly in Wisconsin


dave <dave4sale wrote:

I think the problem with PETA is the same with some of the

politicians i like; they're TOO honest. Like comparing animal

slaughter to the holocaust. And it sometimes seems like they're more

interrested in pissing meateaters off than converting them.

Like, is it really worth bothering the green bay packers to change

their name to the " pickers' when you know it's just not going to

happen? pick your battles. lots of people claim PETA alters data in

favor of their argument, i don't know, but i never use them as a

direct source.


but i wouldn't say that extremism is inherently evil either. things

that were extreme in the past are now common place. while it be more

tactful to hold your tongue sometimes, it is a crying shame what some

people will do to avoid offending the masses. e.g. i've read posts of

people saying they're vegetarian but will eat meat if it's offered

cause they don't want to offend anyone, or be a burden. if your

polite refusal of animal products creates a scene, that just says

that your host is a jerk, not that you are a domineering extremist.

And whether or not PETA does some crazy, excessive stuff, they are

going to look like crazy extremists to a lot of meat-eaters and even

dairy eating vegetarians simply because of their position.





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lol, i'm originally from wisconsin actually, i know what you mean.

the first time i told my mom (over the phone) i went vegetarian, for

the next several phone calls she asked me if i was still doing that.

when i told her i went vegan, she asked if it was healthy and if i

make sure to take vitamins... i've begun the laborius task of trying

to re-educate her about the health risks of animal products. she

says they don't eat it much but just can't give it up. you just have

to get used to veggie food. after awhile, you start to realize how

disgusting meat is.

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dave <dave4sale wrote: . Like comparing animal

slaughter to the holocaust.

Yes, I have heard this statement from PETA. What a truly offensive thing to say.

It blew my mind the first time I heard it. Being born Jewish to a family that is

half as big as it should be, due to the Holocaust, it makes me sick that they

would use that in their propaganda. I am sorry, but the meat-packing/farming

industry is no where NEAR as evil, disgusting, vengeful, cruel, etc etc, as the

Holocaust. Jeez, I can't even get my mind around that, you know? How they can

say that is just beyond me.






~~blessed be~~


Alison, the ana-spryte






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I can honestly say that, in my circle, extreme animal rights groups have

given vegetarians a bad name. PETA, in particular, is considered a hate

group. Remember when they ran air banners at the beach that said meat-eaters

are overweight because they eat meat? When I first became a vegetarian, one

of the initial reactions was " Oh great. Next thing you know, she'll be

preaching hellfire every time someone steps on an ant. " I had to make a

point to distance myself from that image.


Once I got past the PETA thing, I noticed many meat-eaters have a sort of

admiration for vegetarians. They should eat healthier and they know it.

Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables is one of their biggest shoulds,

next to watching less television. This lifestyle would seem healthy and

natural to them, albeit overly restrictive. They may not be able to imagine

why someone in his right mind would give up pepperoni pizza, but it doesn't

sound like a bad idea, either.


I think they'd be more receptive to the idea of going veggie if it wasn't

shoved down their throats 24/7. I have never attempted to persuade my family

or friends to try it. Instead, I prefer to set the example. I talk about it

from time to time, but that amounts to 'hardly ever.' I know they see me

putting hummus on my boca burgers at cookouts. Some get curious and ask me

questions. Boca makes flavored burgers? Oh, maybe they're actually good. I'm

still stunned that my husband is dabbling in pesco-vegetarianism. I knew his

background well enough that I hadn't bothered to suggest it. But he wanted

to do this.





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