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In a message dated 6/13/03 7:35:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ssarndt writes:


> Well, when they

> want to fatten them up, they feed them none other than GRAIN, AKA:

> carbs!!



Not only grain are carbs. Fruit and veggies are also considered carbs. You

will notice that Atkins reduces these to a bare minimum as well. The problem

with the diet is that you can't live on it forever, or most people can't

simply because all the meat is boring and hard to swallow after awhile, there

isn't enough fibre in the diet either. The moment you go off of it you start

gaining again. Been there. Lost 45 lbs on it a few years back (many years back

now I guess, like 25 or so) but just couldn't maintain it after I went off.


Give me a nice big Greek Salad and a bowl of beans any old day. I'm not a

grain person and rarely eat any except for rice occasionally so it sure isn't

them that are fattening up this old girl. <grin>


Heather in Ontario




" When you live in the shadow of insanity, the appearance of another mind that

thinks and acts as yours does is something close to a blessed event. " -- R.



" HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig. "

Go Veggie.







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  • 1 year later...

Dear all,

I didn't mean to bash carbs at all. I was only speaking from my own experience.

Marilyn described what I was trying to say better than I did (thanks)....I'm

doing exactly what she described (eating junk vegi food, etc). I don't buy into

the no carb/low carb frenzy, believe me...it's just harder for me to keep weight

off right now because I'm simply eating TOO MUCH, in this case, carbs. I just

wanted to clarify. I know that the list is not to bash carbs, that wasn't my

intention. I was just sharing an experience, wondering if anyone else went

through the same thing after becoming veg.






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Hey, you didn't bash carbs - and hey they could take it anyway, tough little

critters that they are LOL What you did was *ask* whether anyone else had

gone on a high-carb-junkfood-weightgaining kick after going veggie. But hey,

hon, your query kinda got lost :=(


Okay, I'll respond. It's a long time since I went veggie, but I don't remember

gaining much weight - or did I? I might have gained some after say the first

couple of years, but that would have been for other reasons. So no, I don't get

onto the junkfood thingie, mainly because I am short (five-foot two) and

learned long ago to leave it alone unless I was desperate. But that's me.


But I know some people do gain weight - as they might have done on any

major dietary change. What about the rest of us here on



Best, Pat

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After going veggie as a teenager I know I definitely would have gained weight if

I hadn't

been really active in martial arts. I was eating tons of white pasta with

butter and cheese.

(obviously i was lacto-ovo veggie). My favorite sandwhich was a cheese and

black olive

sandwhich with mayo. AHHHH. But the problem then was I wasn't a l/o

vegetarian because

I wanted to be healthy or for animal rights beliefs, it was because my best

friend was

a veggie so I decided to be one too. Now that I am a vegan for both health and

animal rights

reasons I eat much differently.


I think a lot of it depends on how you ate before you went veggie. Most people

don't go from

eating healthy, well balanced, vegetable and whole grain heavy meals that

include lean meats to overloading

on white carbs and junk food after going veggie. I ate like crap before and ate

like crap after - just

meatless crap ;) If I ate like that now, i know i'd have serious weight issues.

I'm getting my body fat

tested this evening - we'll see how well being a *healthy* vegan is working for

me ;)







Gabrielle and Faith's momma

Pro-Life, Christian, Vegetarian

I will speak up for the little ones






Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:32 AM

Re: carbs




Hey, you didn't bash carbs - and hey they could take it anyway, tough little

critters that they are LOL What you did was *ask* whether anyone else had

gone on a high-carb-junkfood-weightgaining kick after going veggie. But hey,

hon, your query kinda got lost :=(


Okay, I'll respond. It's a long time since I went veggie, but I don't remember

gaining much weight - or did I? I might have gained some after say the first

couple of years, but that would have been for other reasons. So no, I don't


onto the junkfood thingie, mainly because I am short (five-foot two) and

learned long ago to leave it alone unless I was desperate. But that's me.


But I know some people do gain weight - as they might have done on any

major dietary change. What about the rest of us here on



Best, Pat





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