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Defining Rude

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In a message dated 06/19/2003 11:51:27 AM Central Daylight Time, Gene Stewart



> Define rude.


Read your own response below for a definition of rude. I've considered

leaving this list numerous times because of your often offensive answers to


It feels like you hold yourself above the rest of us and look down the tip of

your nose at us, like we are the red-headed stepchildren or something.

Lighten up a little bit, Gene. You're not making any friends here.



> If you mean blunt, somewhat intolerant of self-indulgent nonsense, and

> fairly out-spoken, then you're right.


> If you mean it offends you, then your ego is, surprise, out of whack again.



> On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 09:50 AM,

> wrote:


> >I've been on this list from the very beginning and this kind of rude

> >behavior is commonplace for Gene Stewart.




Peace and Harmony,



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In a message dated 6/19/03 5:18:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Sherri5762 writes:


> like we are the red-headed stepchildren or something.

> Lighten up a little bit, Gene. You're not making any friends here.



Actually, I kinda like Gene. I find him infinately entertaining and I would

love to play Scrabble with him. I'm not upset by his posts. I belong to many

groups and it's normally the outspoken members that keep things hopping. I

haven't been here very long but I am really, really liking it and the people

on it. I also thoroughly enjoy Dave's posts with their myriad of information.

I am, of course, enjoying everyone else's too. This is a great group and I

believe it is the diversity of character that makes it so.


IMHO anyways,


Heather in Ontario




" When you live in the shadow of insanity, the appearance of another mind that

thinks and acts as yours does is something close to a blessed event. " -- R.



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Hi, Sherri,


It's clear to most people on this group that this person's rudeness comes

from a insecure bully who's playing nothing more than a selfish game with

us. The Internet makes " heroes in their own mind " out of people who are

basically antisocial. This increased distance from any real consequence for

spewing their borderline words makes them feel like they can finally be



He strings a few choice psycho-babble words together and calls it blunt. I

call it a waste of good words. He insults people and calls it straight

talk. I call it childish and immature. He chides the group for spouting

its " self-indulgent nonsense. " I say he needs to sit in front of a mirror

for about a month to learn a bit more about what " self-indulgent nonsense "

really is.


When enough people are tired of his constant rudeness under the guise of

enlightenment, and they let the moderator know how fed up they are, then one

of two things will happen. She will cut him loose from the group, or he

will find an attitude adjustment that allows him to remain.







Sherri5762 [sherri5762]

Thursday, June 19, 2003 2:13 PM


Re: Defining Rude


In a message dated 06/19/2003 11:51:27 AM Central Daylight Time, Gene




> Define rude.


Read your own response below for a definition of rude...



> If you mean blunt, somewhat intolerant of self-indulgent nonsense, and

> fairly out-spoken, then you're right.


> If you mean it offends you, then your ego is, surprise, out of whack

> again.



> On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 09:50 AM,

> wrote:


> >I've been on this list from the very beginning and this kind of rude

> >behavior is commonplace for Gene Stewart.



Peace and Harmony,


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I have only one thing to ask of him...to give everybody

else the same kind of slack he expects from them.







diamyst [diamyst]

Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:04 PM


Re: Defining Rude


Actually, I kinda like Gene. I find him infinately entertaining and I would


love to play Scrabble with him.

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Well actually, we kinda tweak Gene's nose a bit too, you know (sorry,

Gene) - because he can always be relied upon for a witty response.

Sometimes 'rude' perhaps - whatever that means and let's not go there

right now :=O - and he is never boring. (And here I must apologize again

to Gene for speaking of him as if he weren't here.) I have had my

run-ins with Gene in the past, as some of you know, but I can't imagine

this list without him! Of course, I can't guarantee that he won't push

me too far one of these days, but who wants guarantees in life ;=)


As for Dave, well Dave knows full well that saying certain things in a

'reasonable' manner gets Gene's back up *LOL* - sometimes it gets mine

up too ;=) Again, Dave is among those people who make this list sing!

And there are many!


Diversity of character on this group? You bet! That is what makes it

good. Me? I'm gonna try to stay out of things that cause people to react

all too predictably, if you know what I mean ;=) On the other hand . . .





> Actually, I kinda like Gene. I find him infinately entertaining and I would

> love to play Scrabble with him. I'm not upset by his posts. I belong to many

> groups and it's normally the outspoken members that keep things hopping. I

> haven't been here very long but I am really, really liking it and the people

> on it. I also thoroughly enjoy Dave's posts with their myriad of information.

> I am, of course, enjoying everyone else's too. This is a great group and I

> believe it is the diversity of character that makes it so.


> IMHO anyways,


> Heather in Ontario








* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " - Franz Fanon


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Life is about making choices. Gene makes choices that create the

experiences that surround him. I'll wager that the kind of conflict he

creates here is exactly what lives in his off-list life, and personally, I

think that's very sad.


Is he charming at times? Without a doubt. Is he witty? You bet. Is he a

pain in the tush? Absolutely. Is he more often rude than not and mostly

without cause? True again. I could go on, but the point is made. We've

all experienced this colorful person.


Contrary to a couple of his posts, I don't dislike Gene, but my tolerance

for his pettiness, cryptic badgering, and impolite attitude has a limit that

seems to be shared by a number of others. When the purpose of almost all

his posts is to push someone else's buttons with " his truth " that no one

wants to hear, then a line has been crossed.


Gene, climb down from that Ivory Tower and join us in real dialogue. Be

with us, but don't preach to us about our nonsense. Show us through your

own behavior what you think we ought to be. Teach us by your example. Be

our friend rather than our looming parent.


I welcome your involvement but not your " business as usual. "








Sant & Brown [santbrown]

Friday, June 20, 2003 6:18 AM


Re: Defining Rude


Well actually, we kinda tweak Gene's nose a bit too, you know (sorry, Gene)

- because he can always be relied upon for a witty response. Sometimes

'rude' perhaps - whatever that means and let's not go there right now :=O -

and he is never boring. (And here I must apologize again to Gene for

speaking of him as if he weren't here.) I have had my run-ins with Gene in

the past, as some of you know, but I can't imagine this list without him! Of

course, I can't guarantee that he won't push me too far one of these days,

but who wants guarantees in life ;=)

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I don't myself find a problem with cold, hard truths being laid down. One does

have to wake people up to reality sometimes. But, one should be able to do it

without molly-coddling on one end of the spectrum or outright obnoxiously rude

on the other. Somewhere a middle ground needs to be found. In other words, lay

down those cold, hard truths in a diplomatic, respectful fashion.





Actually, I kinda like Gene. I find him infinately entertaining and I would

love to play Scrabble with him. I'm not upset by his posts. I belong to many

groups and it's normally the outspoken members that keep things hopping. I

haven't been here very long but I am really, really liking it and the people

on it. I also thoroughly enjoy Dave's posts with their myriad of information.

I am, of course, enjoying everyone else's too. This is a great group and I

believe it is the diversity of character that makes it so.


IMHO anyways,


Heather in Ontario








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Thanks Heather. I feel the same way. I just ignore what

irks me and move on with what I do enjoy. I like the many

different people on this list. Not to brag about us (as the


but speaking as a simple member of many other lists,

I can honestly say this one is the most interesting to me, and

I am on some weird, interesting lists! *lol*


:::coffeemug salute:::


~ PT ~


He who has imagination without learning

has wings and no feet.

~Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)


, diamyst@a... wrote:

This is a great group and I

> believe it is the diversity of character that makes it so.


> IMHO anyways,


> Heather in Ontario

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Please stop with the " he does this, he does that,

everyone complain to the mods " bit. Nobody on

this list is " constantly " this or that. I have read just

as many posts from him and others here that could

be considered rude, while in the same digest I read

posts that are helpful and encouraging to others, too;

even from " him " .


" Rude, insecure bully, selfish gamer, hero in his own

mind, antisocial, spewing, user of borderline words,

psycho-babbler, childish, immature, chiding, self-indulgent " ...

all name calling, sir. You fan the flames, when letting go

would be as easy. Let's stop now. Nobody is all horrid here

and nobody is all perfect. We are all people with flaws and

feelings. Talking to others about someone else like they

aren't there is just as rude as anything I have read " him "

do here. I have spoken to him, now I speak to you. I am

growing weary of this and I am a patient person. We all

need to lighten up...


::::breathes deeply, smiles::::


~ PT ~


Just watch him laugh.Ê If he laughs well,

he's a good man.

~ Fyodor Dostoyevski


, " daveo " <daveo@m...> wrote:


> When enough people are tired of his constant rudeness under the

guise of

> enlightenment, and they let the moderator know how fed up they are,



> of two things will happen. She will cut him loose from the group,

or he

> will find an attitude adjustment that allows him to remain.


> Dave

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I second that!

cup of joe salute!!

warm regards




, " ~ P_T ~ "

<patchouli_troll> wrote:

> Thanks Heather. I feel the same way. I just ignore what

> irks me and move on with what I do enjoy. I like the many

> different people on this list. Not to brag about us (as the

> listowner),

> but speaking as a simple member of many other lists,

> I can honestly say this one is the most interesting to me, and

> I am on some weird, interesting lists! *lol*


> :::coffeemug salute:::


> ~ PT ~


> He who has imagination without learning

> has wings and no feet.

> ~Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

> ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

> , diamyst@a... wrote:

> This is a great group and I

> > believe it is the diversity of character that makes it so.

> >

> > IMHO anyways,

> >

> > Heather in Ontario

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I agree 100% PT. I am also on other lists, we are #1! Number what? NUMBER 1.



~ P_T ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:Thanks Heather. I feel the same way. I

just ignore what

irks me and move on with what I do enjoy. I like the many

different people on this list. Not to brag about us (as the


but speaking as a simple member of many other lists,

I can honestly say this one is the most interesting to me, and

I am on some weird, interesting lists! *lol*


:::coffeemug salute:::


~ PT ~


He who has imagination without learning

has wings and no feet.

~Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)


, diamyst@a... wrote:

This is a great group and I

> believe it is the diversity of character that makes it so.


> IMHO anyways,


> Heather in Ontario





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" Rude, insecure bully, selfish gamer, hero in his own mind, antisocial, spewing,

user of borderline words, psycho-babbler, childish, immature, chiding,

self-indulgent " ... We didn't start the fire. It was always burngin' since the

worlds been turnin....




(sorry PT I couldn't resist)




~ P_T ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:

Please stop with the " he does this, he does that,

everyone complain to the mods " bit. Nobody on

this list is " constantly " this or that. I have read just

as many posts from him and others here that could

be considered rude, while in the same digest I read

posts that are helpful and encouraging to others, too;

even from " him " .


" Rude, insecure bully, selfish gamer, hero in his own

mind, antisocial, spewing, user of borderline words,

psycho-babbler, childish, immature, chiding, self-indulgent " ...

all name calling, sir. You fan the flames, when letting go

would be as easy. Let's stop now. Nobody is all horrid here

and nobody is all perfect. We are all people with flaws and

feelings. Talking to others about someone else like they

aren't there is just as rude as anything I have read " him "

do here. I have spoken to him, now I speak to you. I am

growing weary of this and I am a patient person. We all

need to lighten up...


::::breathes deeply, smiles::::


~ PT ~


Just watch him laugh.Ê If he laughs well,

he's a good man.

~ Fyodor Dostoyevski


, " daveo " <daveo@m...> wrote:


> When enough people are tired of his constant rudeness under the

guise of

> enlightenment, and they let the moderator know how fed up they are,



> of two things will happen. She will cut him loose from the group,

or he

> will find an attitude adjustment that allows him to remain.


> Dave





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> Talking to others about someone else like they

> aren't there is just as rude as anything I have read " him "

> do here.


Gene doesn't to my recollection do this. And amen to what you say.








* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " - Franz Fanon


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----Original Message Follows----

K <wantstolearn1



Re: Re: Defining Rude

Fri, 20 Jun 2003 13:17:55 -0700 (PDT)


" Rude, insecure bully, selfish gamer, hero in his own mind, antisocial,

spewing, user of borderline words, psycho-babbler, childish, immature,

chiding, self-indulgent " ... We didn't start the fire. It was always

burngin' since the worlds been turnin....




(sorry PT I couldn't resist)




~ P_T ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:

Please stop with the " he does this, he does that,

everyone complain to the mods " bit. Nobody on

this list is " constantly " this or that. I have read just

as many posts from him and others here that could

be considered rude, while in the same digest I read

posts that are helpful and encouraging to others, too;

even from " him " .


" Rude, insecure bully, selfish gamer, hero in his own

mind, antisocial, spewing, user of borderline words,

psycho-babbler, childish, immature, chiding, self-indulgent " ...

all name calling, sir. You fan the flames, when letting go

would be as easy. Let's stop now. Nobody is all horrid here

and nobody is all perfect. We are all people with flaws and

feelings. Talking to others about someone else like they

aren't there is just as rude as anything I have read " him "

do here. I have spoken to him, now I speak to you. I am

growing weary of this and I am a patient person. We all

need to lighten up...


::::breathes deeply, smiles::::


~ PT ~


Just watch him laugh.Ê If he laughs well,

he's a good man.

~ Fyodor Dostoyevski


, " daveo " <daveo@m...> wrote:


> When enough people are tired of his constant rudeness under the

guise of

> enlightenment, and they let the moderator know how fed up they are,



> of two things will happen. She will cut him loose from the group,

or he

> will find an attitude adjustment that allows him to remain.


> Dave





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*Gasp* Billy Joel!! =P




_- matrixenos -_ <matrixenos wrote:






----Original Message Follows----




Re: Re: Defining Rude

Fri, 20 Jun 2003 13:17:55 -0700 (PDT)


" Rude, insecure bully, selfish gamer, hero in his own mind, antisocial,

spewing, user of borderline words, psycho-babbler, childish, immature,

chiding, self-indulgent " ... We didn't start the fire. It was always

burngin' since the worlds been turnin....




(sorry PT I couldn't resist)




~ P_T ~


Please stop with the " he does this, he does that,

everyone complain to the mods " bit. Nobody on

this list is " constantly " this or that. I have read just

as many posts from him and others here that could

be considered rude, while in the same digest I read

posts that are helpful and encouraging to others, too;

even from " him " .


" Rude, insecure bully, selfish gamer, hero in his own

mind, antisocial, spewing, user of borderline words,

psycho-babbler, childish, immature, chiding, self-indulgent " ...

all name calling, sir. You fan the flames, when letting go

would be as easy. Let's stop now. Nobody is all horrid here

and nobody is all perfect. We are all people with flaws and

feelings. Talking to others about someone else like they

aren't there is just as rude as anything I have read " him "

do here. I have spoken to him, now I speak to you. I am

growing weary of this and I am a patient person. We all

need to lighten up...


::::breathes deeply, smiles::::


~ PT ~


Just watch him laugh.Ê If he laughs well,

he's a good man.

~ Fyodor Dostoyevski


, " daveo " wrote:


> When enough people are tired of his constant rudeness under the

guise of

> enlightenment, and they let the moderator know how fed up they are,



> of two things will happen. She will cut him loose from the group,

or he

> will find an attitude adjustment that allows him to remain.


> Dave





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diamyst@a... wrote:

> Actually, I kinda like Gene. I find him infinately entertaining and I


> love to play Scrabble with him. I'm not upset by his posts.


I'm with you Heather. Maybe it's a Canadian thing? *grin* (Well, we

ARE apparently more tolerant. The legislation being planned to legalize

same sex marriages is a case in point. When I found out about that

today I was particularly proud to be a Canadian down here among the



Anyway, this is totally off-topic, but I wanted to add my $0.02 worth as

well. I miss Gene's posts when he's not around. I find him wonderfully

entertaining and his tag lines are (almost) as good as mine! His

acerbic wit and ability to get to the heart of the issue in just a line

or two always makes me smile.


It's a simple enough matter to avoid reading someone posts if you don't

like their personal style - read web based, delete the emails unread, or

skip over them in the digest.


Gene, please don't change your posting habits!





" Bisexuality doubles your chances of a date on a Saturday night. " -

Woody Allen







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