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***roll call*** and group question

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In a message dated 6/20/03 2:06:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

terebinthus writes:


> I thought it might be nice to

> do one of our random roll calls.



Heather in Ontario - Eastern Ontario actually I'm also known as The Crazy


<A HREF= " http://www.thecrazylady.com " >http://www.thecrazylady.com</A> is my

cyber home. It is presently under a great

deal of construction.

I'm an ovo/lacto vegetarion 99% of the time - I don't use milk but indulge in

cheese and yoghurt by time.

I cook mainly my own recipes. They have a country air but with a Mexican

" bite " .

I prefer to use commonly found ingredients and do a great deal of cooking

with all types of beans.

I'm an artist, freelance writer and poet.


Heather in Ontario



" When you live in the shadow of insanity, the appearance of another mind that

thinks and acts as yours does is something close to a blessed event. " -- R.



" HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig. "

Go Veggie.







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Just to lighten us back up, and to get to know some

who may not often post, I thought it might be nice to

do one of our random roll calls.


Take a moment to post your name (online username is

enough), location (vague or detailed is up to you), and

what type of vegetarian or diet do you ascribe to currently.


Group question: How would you define your cooking style

most often?

Example: tex-mex or some other ethnic speciality etc...


My answers: I am Robin aka PT or feral, listowner/mod,

I live in the Pacific Northwestern part of the USA; specifically

Southern Oregon. I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian.


I would define my cooking style as pretty basic " farm-girl "

or hinterland cuisine. I use simple, commonly found ingredients

and make mostly non-ethnically inspired dishes. I would have

to observe that I have adopted more from Mexican cooking and the

Southwestern influenced styles of cooking lately; love those chiles!


~ pt ~


Revere the highest, have patience with the lowest.Ê Let

this day's performance of the meanest duty be thy religion.

Are the stars too distant?Ê Pick up the pebble that lies

at thy feet, and from it learn the all.

~ Margaret Fulle

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Name - Gary (gsmattingly)

Location - San Francisco East Bay area

Diet - Ova-lacto vegetarian


Cooking style - Unfortunately way too defined by

work. That is to say, I work too much and wind

up fixing quickly prepared veggie foods or eating out

(veggie restaurants or what passes for veggie

food at " normal " restaurants).



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I am Pixxley, in VA.....I don't think there is a one-word description

for my eating habits at this point in time!! lol. I don't consume any

dairy, no beef, no poultry. I do however have occasional pork or

sea life [as PT so aptly put it a while back].


My cooking style? ah, um, well......you did say " most often " ....so I

would have to say " none " . <blush> My Companion does most of

the cooking, or we go out, hence the loosness in my eating habits.

When I *do* cook it would mostly be stir-fry, or raw [which really

isn't 'cooking' I suppose].


I happen to love ethnic foods. especially Lebanese. But I don't

have access to it often....I guess if I did more cooking, I would get

into doing some of it......but I don't. [i actually do have a Lebanese

cookbook that was purchased maybe 15 years ago!] Maybe one



I am more of a desert person when it comes to cooking......I love to

bake! cookies, muffins, breads............ahhhhhhh..lol. I guess if I

ever *do* get into the recipes in that Lebanese cookbook it would

be Zalabia, or Baklava....as now that I do not consume dairy

anymore [and the lamb was definitely always *out*] there isn't really

a whole lot left to fix. :~( [hmmm, but, I guess, there's

always soy.........]




On 20 Jun 2003 at 18:04, Feral wrote:

Take a moment to post your name (online username is

enough), location (vague or detailed is up to you),


what type of vegetarian or diet do you ascribe to



Group question: How would you define your cooking


most often?

Example: tex-mex or some other ethnic speciality



My answers: I am Robin aka PT or feral, listowner/mod,

I live in the Pacific Northwestern part of the USA;


Southern Oregon. I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian.


I would define my cooking style as pretty basic " farm-

girl "

or hinterland cuisine. I use simple, commonly found


and make mostly non-ethnically inspired dishes. I

would have

to observe that I have adopted more from Mexican

cooking and the

Southwestern influenced styles of cooking lately; love

those chiles!


~ pt ~

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I'm Michelle (aka nova_dragon) & I hail from West Kensington

(dahling!) in London, UK :D As far as I know I'm the only person on

here living in the UK.


I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian (but I'm soooo tempted to continue eating

shellfish coz I adore it) & I have been for 2 months so this is

fairly new to me. I started this out of respect for my partner's

beliefs (he's Hindu & a lacto vegetarian) but am enjoying it

immensley. My 7 year old daughter is also enjoying the new vegetarian

diet we've offered her which is a great relief.


My cooking style is varied but mostly pasta or potato based. I love

cooking anything & recently discovered I make a mean Indian. My

favorite cook book is one I picked up from a Hare Krishna temple in

central London. If you are ever in the area you MUST go to Govinda's

resturant at the temple in Soho!!! The food is divine & very

reasonably priced :D Since getting pregnant, though, I've been eating

out & take aways a lot more as I don't have much energy to cook up

big family meals.


Ok I think that's everything. *bounces off to raid the freezer for

mint-choc-chip ice-cream*


XxX Mi XxX


P.S. For anyone who's interested, my website is www.angelsrock.net

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Hi I'm Kelly. I live in Wisconsin and just recently became vegetarian. I eat

dairy and I'm weening myself off of fish. I have actually only ate crab meat

once since becoming vegetarian. I will cut it out but I love sushi so its gonna

take a little work. I think there are some vegetarians who eat fish and seafood

anyway (I heard Alec Baldwin does but I find that hard to believe).


My cooking: Hmm I make a lot of strange sandwiches and normal pasta dishes.

Since I'm new to this, I just kind of find random recipes and give them a whirl.

Variety is the spice of life.




Super Kelly

Kelly Super

Either way you look at it.... I'm SUPER!





The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.



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, " ~Janice~ "

<serenity1@m...> wrote:

> Ok I think that's everything. *bounces off to raid the freezer for

> mint-choc-chip ice-cream*


> Need a pickle with that? ;-)



> ~Janice~

> Be your own cheerleader! Encourage yourself every step of the way!



It's funny you should say that..... hehehehe :D

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Hey Super K. ....whuchu say!


" I think there are some vegetarians who eat fish and seafood anyway (I heard

Alec Baldwin does but I find that hard to believe). "


PETA lists Alec B as a vegetarian and I have a feeling if he wasn't or

touched some fish, someone prolly would have ripped PETA about that, if they

weren't too afraid of them, lol....or couse they might be more afraid of

Alec then peta...hmm


" Hmm I make a lot of strange sandwiches "


You mind throwing some ideas at us...I like me some sammiches!












----Original Message Follows----

K <wantstolearn1



Re: ***roll call*** and group question

Fri, 20 Jun 2003 13:23:35 -0700 (PDT)


Hi I'm Kelly. I live in Wisconsin and just recently became vegetarian. I

eat dairy and I'm weening myself off of fish. I have actually only ate crab

meat once since becoming vegetarian. I will cut it out but I love sushi so

its gonna take a little work. I think there are some vegetarians who eat

fish and seafood anyway (I heard Alec Baldwin does but I find that hard to



My cooking: Hmm I make a lot of strange sandwiches and normal pasta dishes.

Since I'm new to this, I just kind of find random recipes and give them a

whirl. Variety is the spice of life.




Super Kelly

Kelly Super

Either way you look at it.... I'm SUPER!





The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.



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Hey I'm Dave4sale. I live in Philly. I'm a vegan now. btw,

Kelly, ,if it helps any, VEAT brand makes an excellent vegetarian

smoked salmon. Probably hard to find in Wisconsin though, unless you

live in Madison.


Cooking? hah, try instant rice and microwaved veggie burgers.

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My name is Janice. I live in Indiana. I'm a wanna be Vegan. I mostly stay away

from dairy and eggs, but when I go out to eat I'm not really sure if the bread

products have eggs and milk or not. I like to try a lot of the recipes I've seen

on this and other list . Other then that I'm not a very adventurous cook. I love

using my crock pot. I'm kinda lazy in the kitchen, but I love to eat healthy.



Be your own cheerleader! Encourage yourself every step of the way!




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hi my name is Dave aka phantombluefan named after this really killer

all female metal band that seems to be on permanent hiatus cause they

are doing " the ironmaidens " thang cause right now so cal seems to be

in a cover band feeding frenzy. thats where I am from. I guess I am

lacto ovo vegetarian. I like all sorts of varieties of styles of

cooking mexican, italial, oriental, easy frozen too stay cool Dave

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Ok I think that's everything. *bounces off to raid the freezer for

mint-choc-chip ice-cream*


Need a pickle with that? ;-)




Be your own cheerleader! Encourage yourself every step of the way!







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I'm karen (bluetulipz), just turned 25, and reside in Alabama. I've

been a lacto-ovo for over 5 years and TRY to avoid dairy and eggs as

a rule of thumb. I use yogurt, low/no fat dairy products, and some

fake meats that contain egg whites. The only time I buy butter and

eggs is when I make cookies at X-mas.

Cooking style? Hmm. Altered Momma style southern cooking and a few

things thrown in. I try to take some of the meals I grew up on, make

them more healthy, compatible with vegetarianism, and use other

spices and flavoring not generally used down here. My folks have an

organic garden so I get all kinds of fresh stuff in the summer and

fall. I love ethnic food: Mexican, Chinese, thai w/o fish in

everything, Indian, Japanese, Ethiopian, Italian, etc. I love trying

out new food and recipes, which is why I like this group so much. I

really like using Indian and Italian spices/herbs.

Still fighting tofu and given up on tempeh...will perfect tofu one

day :)

I like to see recipes with things in them I like, but haven't put

together myself. I've been particularly interested in Niccii's recipe

posts lately. Have yet to try one as of yet, but will have to at some

point. Shawn mentioned adding them to the archive and I would love if

they were some how marked as Greek.


Have a good day,


karen :)

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I do live in Madison!! Do you know where I can buy it?


dave <dave4sale wrote:Hey I'm Dave4sale. I live in Philly. I'm a

vegan now. btw,

Kelly, ,if it helps any, VEAT brand makes an excellent vegetarian

smoked salmon. Probably hard to find in Wisconsin though, unless you

live in Madison.


Cooking? hah, try instant rice and microwaved veggie burgers.






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>Super Kelly

Kelly Super

Either way you look at it.... I'm SUPER!


You don't have a complex do you? LOL :-)




Be your own cheerleader! Encourage yourself every step of the way!




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> Name - Gary (gsmattingly)

> Location - San Francisco East Bay area

> Diet - Ova-lacto vegetarian


> Cooking style - Unfortunately way too defined by

> work. That is to say, I work too much and wind

> up fixing quickly prepared veggie foods or eating out

> (veggie restaurants or what passes for veggie

> food at " normal " restaurants).


Hm, decided to add that I've been ova-lacto veg for about

4.5 years. Also am an elec engr. Married, for 22 years,

to an omnivore. No children (ever). Two dogs, a 2-year

old mixed black lab female and a 15-year old mixed breed

with no particular known dominant breed. We do grow lots

of plants but only a limited number of vegetables/fruits.

We have an apple tree and we have quite a few hot pepper

and tomato plants. We also have quite a few herbs in the yard.




Garden pictures:




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Hi all! I'm Beatrice. I'm 24, live in Los Angeles, and I'm a

lifelong vegetarian. You should see some of the looks I get when I

tell people I've never eaten meat! Especially when I grew up in the

heart of farming country in Kentucky. : )


I have two roommates who are not vegetarian, so I do a lot of singlet

vegetarian cooking. Well, warming, mostly! I love toasting

Morningstar Farms Grillers and eating them on bagels. I eat Ramen

noodles, but a word of advice--avoid Maruchan brand! They have beef

powder in them. Ick. PB & J is an old standby, of course. I couldn't

live without bagels, though.


I am considering going vegan, although I don't know how I'm going to

give up cheese. I guess I'll just think about how they make it

before I eat it! EWWWW.


You'd be surprised how un-vegetarian-friendly California is. I

always thought it was the land of the health nuts...


But I talk too much so I'm going to skedaddle for now. If anyone

knows any nice, cute vegetarian/vegan boys who live in Los Angeles,

I'm single... : )



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**raises hand**




Oh ok...Shawn, S. or the email addy matrixenos. I live in Texas (male but

not a cowboy) and if you know what teams David Carr, Lance Berkman or Eddie

Griffin play for then you know the city. I am an ovo-lacto veg. My main

beverage of choice is good ole water, chilled. My favorite foods and

cooking styles are anything that originated outside of my country borders.

About 2 seconds ago I came up with the name of my main cooking style which

is called " Chirlic " . Whatever I cook, chiles and garlic must be

added....and there's no such things as teaspoons when seasoning. Ok, I

guess that's about it....can I blush and go back to my corner now, lol.


Yall have a good weekend!,

Shawn (co-mod) ;)



----Original Message Follows----

" Feral " <terebinthus

***roll call*** and group question

Fri, 20 Jun 2003 18:04:17 -0000



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How interesting your comment about CA is. I just spent a week in the

downtown LA area and found plenty of veggie food. Which area do you live

in? Hmmm, I didn't think area mattered that much. Guess I'll reconsider

that idea.


Sorry, I don't know any boys there close to your age. Well, on second

thought, there is Kevin Richardson. He's a... uh, you probably wouldn't be

interested in him anyway, sorry.





ps. I was only kidding about KR. I don't really know him.






busweetky [busweetky]

Friday, June 20, 2003 5:36 PM


Re: ***roll call*** and group question


Hi all! I'm Beatrice. I'm 24, live in Los Angeles, and I'm a

lifelong vegetarian. You should see some of the looks I get when I

tell people I've never eaten meat! Especially when I grew up in the

heart of farming country in Kentucky. : )


You'd be surprised how un-vegetarian-friendly California is. I

always thought it was the land of the health nuts...


But I talk too much so I'm going to skedaddle for now. If anyone

knows any nice, cute vegetarian/vegan boys who live in Los Angeles,

I'm single... : )



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I'm Carol, living on Long Island with veggie husband and Mom. Been veggie since

joining animal rights movement in early 1980's. My Mom was a non-denominational

minister and we taught vegetarianism at the church. Would you believe that not

only did the 25 year old church fall apart, but we were sued by the headquarters

(for teaching vegetarianism) as that was not deemed part of our 'fiduciary

responsibilities'....ahhh, life is grand!


Anyway, we are all three of us veggie and really enjoy all foods...Indian being

a favorite. Cooking is the hard part, so I was happy to join the group and get

excited along with all of you regarding the recipes and cooking them!


Glad to have found and to be a part of this great group of



Best to all,







Friday, June 20, 2003 2:04 PM

***roll call*** and group question





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Niccii is my name lol hee hee

Wisconsin(dairy land)

as of now i gobble up the dairy lol

mmm greek/medderianian is my sytle, hubby is greek hard to stay away

from soooo love the syle of cooking...most ingrediants are basic an

dvery commonly found.



, " Feral "

<terebinthus> wrote:

> Just to lighten us back up, and to get to know some

> who may not often post, I thought it might be nice to

> do one of our random roll calls.


> Take a moment to post your name (online username is

> enough), location (vague or detailed is up to you), and

> what type of vegetarian or diet do you ascribe to currently.


> Group question: How would you define your cooking style

> most often?


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Oh, Shawn! You can cook for me *any day*!! I will have to

remember " chirlic " . I have long said that if it doesn't have chilies or

garlic [or both!], it *must* be desert!



_- matrixenos -_ wrote:

I came up with the name of my main cooking style which

is called " Chirlic " . Whatever I cook, chiles and

garlic must be

added....and there's no such things as teaspoons when


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Uh...make that *dessert*. duh! lol.



Pixx wrote:

I have long said that if it doesn't have chilies or

garlic [or both!], it *must* be desert!

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, " Feral " <terebinthus>


> Take a moment to post your name (online username is

> enough), location (vague or detailed is up to you), and

> what type of vegetarian or diet do you ascribe to currently.


> Group question: How would you define your cooking style

> most often?

> Example: tex-mex or some other ethnic speciality etc...


I'm Sherri (one of several here - only place I've ever run into so many

people who spell their name the same as mine!), a Manitoban transplanted

to the Northeast USA, currently Stamford, CT. I'm an O-L veg. I don't

know that I have a particular cooking " style " . Lately the focus around

here has been on low fat, very low cholesterol, high fibre foods. Prior

to that, though, I was a serious pasta cook, with some occasional mex or

other things thrown in for variety.





" The magic of the tongue is the most dangerous spell of them all. " -

Eugene Aram







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