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re: sepultura

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hi dave & susie,


i'm very late at this reply, but i simply can't get to read all these feral

posts all the time. i've just browsed through about 20 or 30 digests. Ak! I just

thought I'd mention that I am a Sepultura fan too (Chaos AD, my favorite). I

prefer my heavy to have guitar solos, but these guys write songs about

indigenous rights issues in Brazil and in South America in general. I'm very

much into keeping up on those things. I think they have improved the

consciousness of people who listen to real aggressive, often angry and violent

music. This is rather off-topic, so I apologize to Feral listers, but

consciousness is a big deal to vegetarians and vegans.


I've been maintaining a vegetarian diet for a couple of months now, but the only

meat I've eaten since April was two fish back in May. I don't think I can get

the hang of eating a vegan diet. I go out to eat a lot w/ friends, and vegan

restaurants are not a plenty around where I live. Gotta go. Thanks for all these

great posts I've been reading on feral.











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just read the reply to the stewarts message about " testosterone-challenged " and

supposedly skill-challenged heavy metal musicians. I happen to be a heavy metal

musician myself, and a vegetarian. Maybe music choice is touchy for some people,

but I can appreciate a wide diversity of art and entertainment. I also have

tattoes and once had a pierced ear (oooo, what a rebel, ha! :). Whoever it was

who defended her son and her son's choices of way of life I respect you, and as

the boys said, " For those about to rock... we salute you! "


As I said before, sepultura is about consciousness -- using anger and aggression

as a tool, music as a channel of expression of ideas. Their own ideas. Art and

cultural transmission are very interesting subjects, even on a vegetarian list.

But maybe not a necessary topic for everyone. I'm sorry that their is such

general animosity between non-heavy metal listeners and heavy metal listeners.

You don't have to be a part of the subculture to appreciate the message and the



Hi michelle, the other metal fan from the UK. I've seen metallica 7 or 8 times,

and they were always great.











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Hi again,

just read this... from The Stewarts stews9



" Nice attitude display, by the way. Impressive plumage, nice strutting.

Nearly male in its intensity but we shan't go there, shall we? lol


And when you find yourself taking offense, as is almost sure to happen,

please realize I'm just joshing. all in jest. enjoying life and


it without conforming to standards and all that...


familiar? "


If you really were kidding, and not being passive aggressive, then yadda di da,

but it's hard to see the light-heartedness in computer text. I'd like to meet

any canine that can play " Chaos AD " on the guitar, though. Maybe he can pull off

a Dimebag Darrell guitar solo too? ruf ruf.


I can see why a lot of people don't get involved in lists -- don't post b/c they

don't want to get into debates and uncomfortable disputes. I think it's fun

though, so long as it is in fun.


Is there an internet symbol for devil horns? |__| looks like goal posts












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Jay [docrivs]

Friday, June 27, 2003 5:09 PM

Feral Vegetarian List

re: sepultura


>>...sepultura is about consciousness -- using anger and aggression as a

tool, music as a channel of expression of ideas. Their own ideas. Art and

cultural transmission are very interesting subjects, even on a vegetarian



No criticism is intended here, just a serious inquiry...


Although the years probably separate us in a number of ways, maybe you can

clarify how these tools bring you to a place where art, culture, and

consciousness converge as a set of interesting ideas. Help me to see this

thru your eyes.



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Too bad you see it that way. I thought your topic was interesting...




Dave [phantombluefan]

Saturday, June 28, 2003 3:59 AM


Re: sepultura



I aint into the horns up bit but the net horns up is \m/ stay cool





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Hi dave and those in feral who are interested,


happy fourth of july. i just got around to reading the latest feral digests

again and came accross a reply from you. you asked, as i understand it, how does

sepultura use anger and aggression as tools to send their listeners " to a place

where art, culture, and consciousness converge " . i hope i did your question

justice. really, i assumed that you were a fan of the music and that you could

have an idea of what i might mean. however, in my eyes, as you put it...


all music speaks to me in different ways. all music has a certain limited or

expanded way of sending me to a certain state of consciousness -- a mindset, a

mood, an emotional and spiritual level -- however you want to put it. music is a

part of material culture. musicians, writers, artists, storytellers, and

ordinary people communicate messages through music. it could be something as

simple as " my girl done left me, and i'm sad and blue " to " the corporate lions

swallow jah " to the lyrics to sepultura's " biotech is godzilla " ...


Biotech Is Godzilla


Rio Summit, '92

Street people kidnapped

Hid from view

'To save the earth'

Our rulers met

Some had other

Secret plans







Say what?


Strip-mine the Amazon

Of cells of life itself

Gold rush for genes is on

Natives get nothing





Is Godzilla


Mutations cooked in labs

Money-mad experiments

New food + medicine?

New germs + accidents!

Like Cubatao

'World's most polluted town'

Air-melts your face

Deformed children all around



Ain't what's so bad

Like all technology

It's in the wrong hands


Cut-throat corporations

Don't give a damn

When lots of people die

]From what they've made





Is A.I.D.S.?




Anger is a tool. When you know how you feel about something b/c you know that

thinking about it makes you angry, then you know yourself that much better. you

can use that anger as a fuel for positive, pragmatic action, or you can just act

out your anger in unhealthy, unconscious, and negative ways. the guys in

sepultura use their anger to get accross the messages they want to send. their

anger and aggressive tone and attitude help to communicate how they feel about

the things they sing about.


so i've discussed music as a message, a means of expression, & a channel of

emotional expression. music can also be a means of cultural transmission -- a

spreading of cultural ideas. as a musician/artist, do i send the message " eat

meat " , " rape, kill, and destroy " , " buy more stuff " , " support the defense of

corporate oil profits in south america " ? or do i send a different cultural

message? like " live simple " , " don't support the meat and dairy industry " ,

" support the fair trade movement " , or " beauty is much more than a pretty face

and a flat stomach " .


sepultura is just one band that i think sends a positive message to young people

and people who can accept their message and their medium as being enjoyable and

worht listening to and supporting.


so does that help you to see through my eyes, without knowing much about me

personally, or are you asking something else entirely?




Message: 1

Fri, 27 Jun 2003 19:51:05 -0700

" daveo " <daveo

RE: re: sepultura



Jay [docrivs]

Friday, June 27, 2003 5:09 PM

Feral Vegetarian List

re: sepultura


>>...sepultura is about consciousness -- using anger and aggression as


tool, music as a channel of expression of ideas. Their own ideas. Art


cultural transmission are very interesting subjects, even on a




No criticism is intended here, just a serious inquiry...


Although the years probably separate us in a number of ways, maybe you


clarify how these tools bring you to a place where art, culture, and

consciousness converge as a set of interesting ideas. Help me to see


thru your eyes.















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Jay [docrivs]

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:22 PM

Feral Vegetarian List

re: sepultura


>>...you asked, as i understand it, how does sepultura use anger and

aggression as tools to send their listeners " to a place where art, culture,

and consciousness converge " ...<<


That's right on!



>>[Lyrics of] " Biotech Is Godzilla " --clipped--<<


Interesting. Clearly, this music is art. I know that what they write about

is true plus a lot more. I suppose I'll have to listen to it now.



>>Anger is a tool. When you know how you feel about something b/c you know

that thinking about it makes you angry, then you know yourself that much

better. you can use that anger as a fuel for positive, pragmatic action, or

you can just act out your anger in unhealthy, unconscious, and negative



There are many tools of communication. Some quite effective. Other less

effective. In the bigger sense, how effective is anger. My feeling is that

it's less effective, but I'd like another opinion. No flames will follow

from me, so say it straight.



>>the guys in sepultura use their anger...to communicate how they feel about

the things they sing about.<<


IMHO, the message/lyrics are necessary. They speak of untold evils awaiting

us down the road.



>>sepultura is just one band that i think sends a positive message to young

people and people who can accept their message and their medium as being

enjoyable and worht listening to and supporting.<<


Enjoyable, huh! This is the 2nd time I'm tempted to check them out.



>>so does that help you to see through my eyes, without knowing much about

me personally, or are you asking something else entirely?<<


You did just fine, Jay. Thank you for sharing. The needed messages of life

come in many forms. This is one I'd have never heard, if not for you. My

thanks again.



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now if only Max would rejoin the band then they would really be

happening sorry I know that's a little off topic but I had to get

that off my chest stay cool Dave

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